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I stopped to watch my lovely girl busy playing in her room. In one hand was a plastic phone. in the other a toy broom. I listened as she was speaking to her imaginary friend and I'll not forget the words she said. t1.it was pretend.

She said. "Suzie's in the comer because she's not been very good. She didn't listen to a word I said or do the things she should." In the comer I saw her baby doll(洋娃娃) all dressed in lace and pink. It was clear she'd been put there to sit a2.and think.

My daughter c 3. her "conversation". as I sat down on the floor. She said. "I'm all fed up, I just don't know what to do with her anymore. She cries whenever I have to work and wants to play games, too. She n4. lets me do the things that I just have to do. She tries to help me with the dishes, but her arms just cannot reach and she doesn't know how to fold towels (叠毛巾). I don't have the energy to teach. I have a lot of work to do and a big house to keep clean. I don't have the time to sit and play. Don't you know what I mean?"

And that day I thought a lot about making some c5.in my life. as I listened to her innocent(天真的) words that cut me like a knife. I hadn't been paying, enough attention to what I hold most dear.

But now my a 6. has changed. because, in my heart. I realize I've seen the world in a different light t7.my darling's eyes. So, let the cobwebs((蜘蛛网) have the corners and the dirty doll rule the floor, I'm not going to worry about keeping up with them anymore.

I'm going to fill the house with memories of a child and her mother. for we have only one childhood. and we will not get another.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东济宁微山县韩庄镇二中初一上期末模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



要求:1、请从A、B 两个题目中任选一篇为题作答,分值相同。如选A题,请先把题目补充完整再作答。(提示:room / family /good friend / favorite subject/day---)

2、语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个;文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名如需使用姓名,请用Mike, Gina等名,校名统一使用Xinhua Middle School, 否则以0分计。


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届]山东济宁微山县韩庄镇二中九年级上期中模拟英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---I called you when I got the news yesterday. But you weren’t in.

---Oh, I __________ dinner for the family and didn’t hear it.

A.cooked B.was cooking

C.cook D.is cooking


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏泰州九年级下第二次模拟(中考最后一模)考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---______did you buy the car? ---I _______it since 2010.

A. How long, have bought B. How long , have had

C. When, have bought D. When, have had


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏泰州九年级下第二次模拟(中考最后一模)考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---I’m afraid I have to give up my dream of being a dancer.

---_______. No dream is too big and no dreamer is too small.

A. Don’t lose heart B. Don’t mention it

C. You must be joking D. That’s OK


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届上海黄浦区九年级4月模拟(二模)考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

A. according toB. studyC. because ofD. messages E stop

Many people use their mobile phones as the alarm clock and are more used to checking emails before sleeping. However, these habits are becoming sleeping problems.

Several years ago, my boss used to stay up working on her mobile phone and got badly ill 1.that. Now she always leaves her phone in another room at night. And she encourages friends to do so. "I sent each of my friends the same Christmas gift - an alarm clock so that they could 2. using their phones as the alarm clock" she said.

If your mobile phone wakes you up in the morning. it may also be keeping you up at night. A survey in 2008 showed that people in mobile phone radiation(辐射) mostly had sleeping problems. And 3. a Swedish study, a quarter of young people in this country feel like there must be phones around them. Most of them feel sorry for not returning messages. So they even have to reply to their friends before sleeping.

So what kind of people prefer to use mobile phones in their bedrooms? A recent 4. has shown that three-quarter people aged between 18 and 34 prefer to sleep with their phones near them. That number falls off a bit in middle age. Only people aged 65 and older are used to leaving the phone in another room while sleeping.


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届上海黄浦区九年级4月模拟(二模)考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I like reading, I always spend my pocket money on books.

A. for B. butC. soD. or


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届上海浦东新区九年级中考二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文填空

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Throughout the 1900s, almost everyone knew how to jump, or “skip” rope. And it wasn’t just kids on playgrounds chanting silly rhymes or singing favourite songs. Champion boxes like Sugar Ray Leonard and Muhammad Ali jumped rope to build stamina (耐力) and develop quick footwork.

The activity of rope-jumping for f 1. and exercise has most likely been around for thousands of years. Historians believe children skipping rope, and medieval (中世纪的) European paintings s 2. children skipping rope on the cobblestone (鹅卵石) streets.

The earliest jump ropers in North America may have been Dutch immigrants, who brought the game Double Dutch with them in the 1600s. In Double Dutch, two turners h 3. the ends of two ropes and turn them in opposite directions as one person jumps between them. When the game was first introduced, girls couldn’t participate, partly because they were c 4. weaker, and exercise was thought of as unfeminine (不适合女性的).

Also, girls wore l 5. dresses that got in the way.

Once girls did start jumping, however, they really took over. And later, it was m 6. girls who were better at this activity. Now, both girls and boys jump rope. Jumping rope has become a worldwide competitive sport in which children and adults compete in both single and t 7. events.

So, pick up a rope, find a silly rhyme or your favorite song, and start jumping.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都新都一中实验学校九年级3月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补全对话


A: Did you hear about the disaster in Japan?

B: No. 1.

A: The earthquake and tsunami(海啸)hit Japan on March 11th. My friend Lin Tao called and told me about it.

B: 2.

A: For several minutes.

B: Oh, really?

A: Yes, it was very terrible. There was water all around the town of Kamaichi in northern Japan. Cars and trucks were floating in water Hundreds of people died and thousands of people were missing.

B: 3. Did your friend still live there?

A: No. 4. There was no earthquake and tsunami there.

A. That sounded bad.

B. He and his family moved to his uncle’s house in Tokyo.

C. What happened?

D. How long did it last?

