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---Your watch is very nice.

---__________________________ .

A. All right B. You are right

C. Thank you D. I’m fine.


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏苏州工业园区初三4月调研考试(一模)英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Daniel tells us what color the rulers in (古代的)Rome liked to wear.

2.Neither the driver nor the (乘客)were hurt in the car accident.

3.He speaks French well but not as (清晰)as a person born in France.

4.This task lets students get used to (翻泽)sentences in an easy way.

5.Tony's grandma still looks very healthy in her (九十多岁).

6.After the rainstorm, the Stone Lake has (上升)several meters.

7.At school, classes begin and end at (固定的)times.

8.一What about your school trip to Changzhou Dinosaur Land?

一It was great and we enjoyed .

9.一Why not buy the latest iPhone 6 Plus?

一The price is than I expected, so I can't afford it.

10.一Are you going to the USA for your summer vocation?

一I haven't made a yet. It's really hard for my family to reach an agreement.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年七年级上册4单元第3课课时测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There ______ a book and some pens on the desk.

A. am B. is

C. are D. be


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年七年级上册4单元第2课课时练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-- ?

-- No, It’s on the sofa.

A. Is the ruler in your backpack

B. Where is your ruler

C. What color is your backpack.

D. Is this your ruler


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年七年级上册4单元第2课课时测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Hello, my dear friends, today here’s a funny cartoon for you! It is a Chinese cartoon. Its name is Happy Sheep(喜羊羊) and Big Big Wolf(灰太狼).

In this cartoon, there are some sheep and three wolves. Happy Sheep is the leading role(主角). He likes playing football and running. He runs faster than the other sheep. Pretty Sheep(美羊羊) likes making clothes and growing flowers. She is very beautiful. Lazy Sheep(懒羊羊) is clever. But he doesn’t like doing sports. He likes sleeping best. Force Sheep(沸羊羊) is stronger than the other sheep. Warm Sheep is the class monitor(班长) at school. Slow Sheep is 68 years old. He is old. He is the village head. Every sheep has a lovely pet. Big Big Wolf wants to eat sheep. Red Wolf is Big Big Wolf’s wife(妻子). She is very bad. Banana Wolf is nice. He is the friend of the sheep. He likes eating bananas very much.

1. ________ doesn’t like sports.

A. Lazy Sheep B. Force Sheep

C. Warm Sheep D. Happy Sheep

2.Pretty Sheep likes ________.

A. playing football B. sleeping

C. making clothes D. eating bananas

3.________ is the sheep’s friend.

A. Big Big Wolf B. Banana Wolf

C. Red Wolf D. Little Wolf

4. There are ________ sheep in the passage(短文).

A. four B. five

C. six D. seven

5. Which is NOT right?

A. Happy Sheep runs slower than the other sheep.

B. Slow Sheep is old.

C. Warm Sheep has a lovely pet.

D. Red Wolf is Big Big Wolf’s wife.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年七年级上册4单元第1课课时练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I can’t play ping—pong.It is____.

A.fun B.difficult

C.interesting D.relaxing


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年初中毕业升学考试(湖北咸宁卷)英语(解析版) 题型:任务型阅读

Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship back. That is why some friendships don’t last very long. To have a friend, you must learn to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be honest, be generous(慷慨的), be understanding.

Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to hones’ one another.

①如果你不说实话,人们通常都会识破。If a friend finds out that you haven’t been hones’, you may lose your friend’.

Generosoity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You don’t have to give your lunch money or your clothes, of course. Instead you have to learn how to share things you enjoy, like your hobbies and your interests. Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings. These can be very valuable to a friend. They tell your friend what is important to you ③________.

Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem. Something may go wrong at school. ④Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend, you must listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your friend’s place so you can understand the problem better.

No two friendship are ever exactly alike. But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friends, you must practise honesty, generosity and understanding.

1.According to the passage, what should we learn to be a good friend?_____________________




_________easier to solve_________talk about the problem.


A.By sharing them you may know your friend better.

B. By sharing them you help your friend know you better.

C. By sharing them you can understand each other better.

D. By sharing them you may solve your problem easier.


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年初中毕业升学考试(广东深圳卷)英语(解析版) 题型:书面表达




1) 下周六上午8:00在北门集合,乘大巴友“幸福农场”采摘荔枝,下午4:30返回;

2) 享受乡村自然美镜,感受干农活的乐趣;

3) 请在下周四下午6:00前去办公室报名;

4) 你可以带上……;另外.......






参考词汇: 荔枝lychee 报名sign one's name 幸福农场Happy Farm


June 25

In order to enrich the life of the residents (居民), the Community Union is going to organize a special activity for next Saturday.







Wish you a wonderful time!

The Community Union


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年初中毕业升学考试(北京卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My brother will come to see me tomorrow. I’ll meet at the airport.

A. her B. you C. him D. them

