精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


           Is the servant clever or foolish?

This is an old story. It was first told long ago. A rich man wanted to make a journey to another town. He was a businessman. He wanted to take things to sell. He also wanted to take some gold to buy some things with. He decided to take ten servants with him. They would carry the things to sell and the food to eat on the journey. He was a kind man. He said to one of his servants, “You are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest of all my servants. You can not carry a heavy load. You may choose the lightest load to carry.”The servant thanked his master. He pointed to the biggest load. This was bread for them to eat on the journey.“You are foolish,” said his master. “ That is the biggest and heaviest load.” But the servant lifted up the load cheerfully and the journey began. They walked for four hours. Then they stopped for a rest. They all ate some of the bread. Then there was less bread for the servant to carry. The servant’s load grew smaller and lighter every day. At the end of the journey, the smallest servant had nothing to carry.


The rich man wanted to sell things and _______ .

A. buy some gold            

B. buy some gold with the money

C. buy some things with the gold      

D. sell some gold

[  ]


Before the journey began, the rich man said something to _________ .

A. a businessman  

B. one of his servants

C. the servants

D. some servants

[  ]


The weakest servant _______ .

A. asked for his master’s advice      

B. followed the master’s advice

C. refused to accept the master’s advice  

D. took the advice another servant gave him

[  ]


It took them_______ .

A. less than four hours to finish the journey  

B. some days to finish the journey

C. no more than four hours to finish the journey

D. only four hours to finish the journey

[  ]


The smallest servant was very ________ .

A. clever   B. foolish   C. honest   D. kind

[  ]
答案:1.C ;2.B ;3.C ;4.B ;5.A ;

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


     We know that there is air around the earth. We will find there is less air or no air if we go far enough away from the earth. But when    planes fly they need air to lift their wings (机翼). But planes can't fly very high because the air gets thinner and thinner when    they go higher and higher. Perhaps we can answer some of the questions now. What is the sky? Nothing, where is it? It is all    around the earth. The sky is space (空间). In this space there is nothing but the sun, the moon, the earth and all the stars.


  1. The sky is ______.            

[  ]

   A. air             B. the earth  

   C. the whole world       D. space

  2. There is ______ if we go far enough away from the earth.

[  ]

   A. much air          B. more and more air

   C. less air or no air     D. going to be air

  3. Planes can't fly very high because ______.

[  ]

   A. the air gets thinner and thinner

   B. there is much air in the sky

   C. they need air to lift their wings

   D. planes are heavy

  4. Where is the sky? ______.        

[  ]

   A. On the moon         B. It is all around the earth

   C. In planes         D. In the sun

  5. In the sky there is ______.        

[  ]

   A. air everywhere

   B. the earth

   C. nothing

   D. the sun, the moon, the earth and all the stars


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


    Tom is Mr White next door neighbour. When his neighbours talk about him, they call him "Mr Going-to-do". Do you know why? Mr Tom   always says he is going to do something, but he never does it.

    Every weekend Tom goes to the Mr White back door and talks to them. "I'm going to clean my house today," he says, or "I'm going   to wash my car tomorrow" or "I'm going to cut the trees down next week."

    Mr White usually says "Are you Tom?" He knows his neighbour isnot going to do anything. Then he says "Well, excuse me, Tom. I'mgoing to do some work in the house". And so he does.

    Mr and Mrs White often say to their only son, John, "Are you going to do something? Then do it. Don't be another "Mr Going-to-do!"


  1. Mr Tom lives ______ Mr White.      

[  ]

  A. far from  B. next to  C. with  D. to

  2. Tom talks a lot but does ______.    

[  ]

  A. nothing  B. everything  C. anything  D. something

  3. Mr White ______.            

[  ]

  A. enjoys listening to John's talk

  B. wants his son to be a man like Tom

  C. doesn't like his empty(空的)talks

  D. is glad to talk with him

  4. If you want to do something, you ______ do it.

[  ]

  A. may  B. must  C. needn't  D. can

  5. Mr "Going-to-do" ______.

  A. often talks much before he begins his work

  B. talks a lot and does a lot

  C. always does a lot

  D. always wants to do something, but never does it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  Betty and Peter and their parents are going shopping. They are going to a big department store. The children must have some new clothes. Peter must have a new pullover. His old pullover is too small. Betty must have a new pair of white shoes and a new pair of tights. Mr Clark must buy some socks.

  Mr and Mrs Clark are standing in front of the store now. They are waiting for their children. Peter and Betty are looking at the shop windows. Peter is looking at a window full of trumpets(喇叭) and guitars(吉他).There is a photo of a pop star in the window,too.

  Betty is standing in front of another window. It is full of nice dresses, blouses and skirts. She is looking at a very pretty short skirt. The skirt is very expensive. It is four pounds fifty.

  A lot of other people are looking at the windows, too. Mr and Mrs Clark cannot see their children. It is windy and Mrs Clark's feet are cold. Mrs Clark cannot wait. She is going into the department store.

  Now Mr Clark can see Betty and Peter. They can see their father,too. They are running to the entrance(入口处).


  1. Betty and Peter are going shopping with their parents.

                       (  )

  2. The children want to buy some clothes.

                       (    )

  3. Betty wants to buy a pair of shoes.

                       (    )

  4. Mr and Mrs Clark are standing at the bus stop.

                       (    )

  5. There is a picture of a pop star in the window.

                       (    )

  6. There are many nice clothes in the shop.

                       (    )

  7. The short skirt is expensive.

                       (    )

  8. Lots of people are looking at the windows.

                       (    )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  Once a learned(有学问的)man was crossing a river in a boat.

  "Do you know maths?" he asked the boatman. "No, sir,"the boatman answered.

  "Then you have lost one quarter of your life," said the learned man.

  "Do you know history?" he asked again."No, sir," said the boatman.

  "Then you have lost half of your life," said the learned man.

  "Do you know drawing?" he continued(继续说)."I don't know

that, either," said the boatman."Then you have lost three-quarters of your life."

  "Just then a strong wind came and turned the boat upside down(掀翻)."

  "Do you know how to swim?" asked the boatman."No,"asnwered the learned man.

  "Well then," said the boatman,"you have lost your whole life."


  1. The learned man was ______. 

       [  ]

   A. crossing a street   B. crossing the sea

   C. crossing a river   D. crossing a road

  2. He told ______ to the boatman on the way.

       [  ]

   A. a story    B. good news  C. bad news   D. something

  3. The learned man did not know ______.

       [  ]

   A. maths  B. history  C. drawing  D. how to swim

  4. The boatman ______ his life.

       [  ]

   A. lost a quarter of  B. lost half of

   C. didn't lose     D. lost three quarters of

  5. At last, the learned man ______.

       [  ]

   A. crossed the river  B. learned how to swim

   C. lost his life        D. saved the boatman


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Binhai No.3 Middle School Rules                                

  Yon must

*look clean and tidy  

*be quiet in the library                            

*stay in the playground at break time

*bring a letter from your parents if you’re ill

*stand up when a teacher comes into the  classroom                          

*hand in your homework on time

*arrive at school by half past seven

You mustn’t


*bring radios or CD players to school    

*run or shout in the school buildings    

*talk loudly in the hallways        

*leave school at break time or at lunch time

                                            *Wear jeans                  

*cat or drink in the classroom



What are the things you must not do when you’re in the school buildings?


Can you leave school at lunch-time?


What must you do when your teacher comes into your classroom?


What do the school rules say about fight?


When must you get to school every morning?

