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One day Little Val is playing with a lovely black and white cat 1   home. Little Val is running after 2   cat. The cat jumps over a table 3   ,and when Little Val tries to catch it,a nice vase(花瓶) on the table is broken.

Little Val is afraid(害怕) that his mother will beat(打) 4    . His friend Vicky says to him, "5   can tell your mother the cat does that."

Little Val doesn't tell a lie(撒说) .He tells his mother the truth(真相) .His mother 6    beat him and says,"You're a 7   boy. You tell 8   the truth."

We can learn a truth from 9    passage(文章) .That's "It's better10    the truth than to tell a lie.”

(   ) 1. A. in    B. at    C. outside    D. on

(   ) 2. A. the    B. a    C. an    D. /

(   ) 3. A. or    B. so    C. and    D. but

(   ) 4. A. us    B. you    C. them    D. him

(   ) 5. A. You    B. We    C. It    D. They

(   ) 6. A. not    B. doesn't    C. can't    D. isn't

(   ) 7. A. foolish    B. good    C. bad    D. clever

(   ) 8. A. me    B. I    C. my    D. us

(   ) 9. A. that    B. this    C. those    D. its

(   ) 10. A. to tell    B. know    C. say    D. talk

 l. B从下文可知"在家里"。2. A第一次提到用不定冠词"a/an",第二次提到用定冠词"the"。3. C 4. D 5. A

 6. B 7.  B 8. A   "tell sb. the truth"为固定词组,意为"对某人讲实话"。9. B 10. A

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练七年级下册 > 能力训练7


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  "Cool" is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meanings. .

  "Cool" can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything. When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say, "It's cool.”You may think "He's so cool" when you see your favorite footballer.

We all maximize(扩大) the meaning of "cool. You can use it instead of many words such as "new" or "surprising". Here's an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used.

  A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited. On one student's paper was only the one sentence, "It's so cool.”Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt. But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏) of words.

  Without "cool", some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility(准确含义) .Can you think of many other words that make your life as colorful as the word "cool"? I can. And I think they are also very cool.

(   ) I. We know that the word "cool" has had          .

     A. only one meaning    B. no meanings

    C. many different meanings    D. the same meaning

(   ) 2. In the passage, the word uexpress" means "        

A. see    B. show    C. know    D. feel

(   ) 3. If you are           something, you may say, "It's cool."

A. interested in    B. angry about    C. afraid of    D. unhappy with 

(   ) 4. The writer takes an example to show he is           the way the word is used. 

A. pleased with    B. strange to    C. worried about    D. careful with 

(   ) 5. In the passage, the writer suggests that the word "cool"          .

     A. can be used instead of many words

    B. usually means something interesting

    C. can make your life colorful

    D. may not be as cool as it seems


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One Friday morning Li Bo 1    up late. 2   he gets to the door of the classroom, Mr Gao,his math teacher says, "You are late again. Now how 3    times are you late this week?" "Three times," says Li Bo. "Why are you late 4    class?" "Because I get up late.”

"Why don't you go to bed 5   ?" asks the teacher.

"It isn't my fault(过错) ,Mr Gao. The TV play is over 6   about eleven," answers Li Bo. "Now,please 7   me your homework, ”says the teacher. "I,m sorry. I can't do it," says Li Bo. "Why can't you do it?" asks the teacher.

"Because the first part of the homework is 8   easy. I don't think I need to do it. The second part is too difficult 9    me to do. I can't10    it out. So I don't do it," answers Li Bo again.

(   ) .1. A. get    B. to get    C. getting    D. gets

(   ) 2. A. When    B. What    C. Because    D. If

(   ) 3. A. many    B. much    C. long    D. old

(   ) 4. A. on    B. at    C. to    D. for

(   ) 5. A. early    B. late    C. quickly    D. well

(   ) 6. A. for    B. at    C. in    D. on

(   ) 7. A. take    B. carry    C. give    D. make

(   ) 8. A. very    B. much    C. too    D. quite

(   ) 9. A. to    B. at    C. for    D. with

(   ) 10. A. make    B. work    C. get    D. go


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Every year the Greens go to the beach for a week's vacation. There are many interesting things to do at the beach.

The children play games on the sands. Sometimes they build sandcastles(沙滩小城堡) .There are saltwater(咸水) swimming pools. The children can swim safely in these pools and the water is always clean.

There is an esplanade(海滨大道) .This is a long road by the beach. There are many cafes(咖啡厅) and restaurants on the esplanade. There is also a park beside(在旁边) the beach. It is a place that many people like to go to.

The Greens always stay at the same hotel. They usually have the same rooms. These rooms are at the front of the hotel. There is a good view of the sea from their windows. The children are a little sad when the vacation is over because they don't want to leave.

(   ) 1. How often do the Greens go to the beach?

A. Once a year.    B. Once a week.

C. Twice a year.    D. Every a half year.

(   ) 2. Which place do many people like to go to?

     A.The hotel.

    B.The saltwater swimming pool.

    C.The esplanade.

    D. The park beside the beach.

(   ) 3. What's the meaning of the underlined word?

A.景色    B.观点    C.意见    D.观察

(   ) 4. Why are the children a little sad when the vacation is over?

     A.Because their parents will go home.

    B.Because they should go to school after the vacation.

    C.Because they enjoy themselves so much that they don't want to leave.

    D. Because they can't come to the beach any more.

(   ) 5. According to the story,which of the following is true?

     A. The Greens stay in the rooms at the front of the hotel.

    B. If they want to see the sea,they must go to the beach.

    C. They won't go to the beach next year.

    D. There are no restaurants by the beach.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Most people feel that they are poor without cars. Though he is poor,he doesn't feel really poor when he has a car.

Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars. Maybe, he didn't know how much the car was going to affect(影响) the United States. The cars made the United States a country on wheels(轮子) ,And they have helped to make the United States a rich and modern country.

The car has become popular in the United States today. The country is a very large one. The Americans like to move around in it. It is the easiest and cheapest way to travel in cars. With a car people can go to any place without spending a lot of money.

(   ) 1. In the United States         .

     A. most people are too poor to buy cars

    B. poor people wouldn't like to buy cars

    C. all the poor people have cars

    D. people don't think they are rich if they don't have cars 

(   ) 2. What was Henry Ford?

     A. He was a car maker.   B. He was a car driver.

    C. He was a car seller.   D. He was a traveler in a car. 

(   ) 3. According to(根据) the writer, cars in the United States  .

      A. are the nicest    B. run fastest

    C. make the country richer  D. make the country beautiful

(   ) 4. The Americans like to move in cars because         

     A. there are no trains in the United States

    B. cars can take them to any place they want to go

    C. it doesn't take them much money to travel in cars

    D. both B and C

(   ) 5. Which is the best title(标题) ?

     A. A Country on Wheels    B. A Rich and Modern Country

    C. Making Cars    D. Traveling in Cars


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

假设你陪你校的外籍教师Smith先生去某音乐厅听音乐,在门口的布告栏里看见一张观众须知,内容如下: 观众须知

1. 一人一票,凭票入场;

2. 场内严禁吸烟;

3. 食品和饮料请勿带进场内;

4. 演出时请勿拍照;

5. 演出时请勿使用传呼机和移动电话;

6. 提前30分钟入场。



2. 内容要点的顺序可根据行文需要排列;

3. 词数80个左右。

Mr Smith, it is a notice to the audience. It says that we should...


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 学校有很多的制度和规定;

2. 必须要做的包括:穿校服,完成作业,放学后打扫教室等;

3. 不能做的包括:不能迟到,不能在教室吃东西,上课不能讲话等;

4. 你认为这些规定都是必要的(necessary) ,我们应该遵守(obey) 这些规定。Dear Lucy,

I am writing to you to talk about the rules in our new school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

James wrote a play for television about a family who came to England from India, and the play was very interesting. It was bought by an American TV company(公司) .

James was then invited to go to New York to help them. He lived in Washington, which is an hour away from New York by air. The plane was going to take off at 8:30 in the morning. So he had to be at the airport at bout 7: 30. He ordered a taxi for 6: 30 and went to sleep. He forgot to wind the clock, and it stopped after midnight. Also the driver of the taxi had to work very late that night and he got up very late the next morning.

James woke with the feeling that something was wrong . He looked at his clock,ft stood there silently with the hands pointing to ten past twelve. He turned on the radio and knew it was ten. He was late for the plane.

He was just preparing his coffee when the radio sent out another news, "Reports are coming in of a plane crash(飞机坠落) near Washington airport. A Boeing 707 flying to New York crashed shortly after taking off this morning. Plane number 2234. . . " James suddenly turned pale(苍白) -

"My plane," he said aloud. "If I hadn't been late,I'd have been on the plane!"

1. 判断正(T) 误(F) 。

(   ) 1)  James was a writer from England. 

(   ) 2)  He had to reach the airport at half past eight.

(   ) 3)  James would like to take a taxi at six thirty. 

(   ) 4)  The driver came to pick him up on time.

(   ) 5)  When he turned on the radio,he heard the speaker saying that he missed the plane.

2. 回答问题。

1)Where did James live?

2)What did James forget to do?

3)Did the driver get up very late?

4)Did the plane crash while flying towards London?

5) Why was James lucky?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Many,many years ago,only boys could go to school in my hometown. Then schools decide to let girls 1    . But Mr Brown, one of the teachers, was not pleased 2    all. He didn't want to have 3    girls in his class. When he began his class, Mr Brown always said, "Good morning, boys" at first. When girls were in his class, he 4    said," Good morning, boys.”

One day, 5    only one boy in his class. Others were girls. Mr Brown didn't know 6    -He just said,"Good morning,boys". 7    day,he came into his classroom and looked at all the students. There were 8    boys in his class. He was very 9    and said,"Oh,nobody 10    today!" He went out of the classroom.

(   ) 1.A. to in   B. in   C. to come   D. out

(   ) 2.A. at   B. with   C. of   D. for

(   ) 3.A. some   B. any   C. a lot   D. a few of

(   ) 4.A. already   B. still   C. yet   D. not

(   ) 5.A. has   B. have   C. there were   D. there was

(   ) 6.A. to do what   B. to do what   C. what to do   D. what do

(   ) 7.A. Next to   B. Next   C. The next   D. The last

(   ) 8.A. no   B. not   C. any   D. no any

(   ) 9.A. angry   B. pleased   C. sad   D. happy

(   ) 10.A. are here   B. is here   C. here   D. were here

