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(   ) 16. We have done most of the work         .

   A. so far   B. now   C. just now   D. ago

(   ) 17. ―Why do you come to the island?

―We arrived at the island        the unknown plant.

   A. in search of   B. in search for

   C. the purpose of   D. look for

(   ) 18. We can't        that man. He never tells us the truth.

   A. talk to   B. find   C. believe in   D. mail

(   ) 19. ―You should take a       with you when you travel around the world.

—Yeah,it can give me some good advice.

   A. towel   B. camera   C. car   D. guidebook

(   ) 20. ―China is becoming stronger and stronger.

—Many overseas Chinese are planning to return to their.

   A. family   B. school   C. homeland   D. city


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

13. 收到一个紫色的钱包使小金很尴尬。

       a purple purse makes Xiao Jing         . .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    11. 他们上过很多次电视。

    They                      TV lots of times.

    12. 他们已经自己创作歌曲了。

    They              their original songs already.

    13. 我对自己作曲的人感兴趣。

    I'm              people who write their own music.

    14. 听起来他已经很成功了!

                  he is very successful!

    15. 你们获得过什么奖项吗?

           you        an award of any kind?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    23. So far this program has brought thousands of overseas toChina(so far)




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Some caves are open for visitors.  Guides take people downstairs to go into the (51) c         . Then they (52) g        people on paths under the ground.  The paths are lighted. As the people walk through,the guides tell (53) h        the caves were formed.

Some people would rather see a wild cave. Wild caves (54) d        have stairs or lights. People who know how to go into wild caves are (55) c        cavers. They take classes to learn how to go (56) t        the caves safely.   Wild caves can be very

d (57)         . Some parts may be underwater. Other parts may have very low roofs.

At Carlsbad Caverns people can go into a cave that is almost (58) w         . It is called

a new cave. There are stairs at the start. (59) B        there are no bright lights or paved paths. People take their own flashlights,they (60) f        a guide along paths marked with red tape.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

11. talking,the,they,environment,are,about,save,to, how 



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    16. He has already visited the Great Wall.(改为一般疑问句)

             he        the Great Wall         ?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    12. 饭前别忘了洗手。

                         wash your hands before meals.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. ―        you had seven days off this week? 

―I would go to another city.

   A. What whether   B. What about   C. What to do   D. What if

