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     In our life,we meet quite a lot of people: some just pass by while others can 1 our lives. Miss Bella is such a person. She taught me two years only. 2,she has taught me a lot in many ways.

      Every day she began her classes with a smile and a fresh face. She made me realize that warm 3 could change a person. I was shy but I wasn’t 4 in her classes at all. She gave lessons in a 5 way from other teachers. We had many 6 to talk about problems in English classes. Miss Bella would thumb up (竖起大栂指) to encourage us 7 someone had great ideas. Now,I 8 that I have learned much from her classes. Learning to speak out your ideas is so 9 in society. She also made me realize that I could be myself by showing opinions 10 . Her encouragement not only turned me into a confident student,but will also lead me to a successful life.

() 1. A. save   B. give   C. change   D. hurt

() 2. A. Now   B. Then   C. First   D. However

() 3. A. faces   B. smiles   C. seasons   D. weather

() 4. A. alone   B. active   C. nervous   D. excited

() 5. A. useful   B. helpful   C. necessary   D. different

() 6. A. lessons   B. choices   C. chances   D. topics

() 7. A. when   B. before   C. unless   D. though

() 8. A. say   B. find   C. forget   D. remember

() 9. A. easy   B. hard   C. interesting   D. important

() 10. A. calmly   B. bravely   C. politely   D. happily


阅读提示:本文就是作者回忆对自己终生产生影响的一位恩师。这 位老师用自己亲和的笑容和毫不吝啬的鼓励改变了她的学生们。老 师的鼓励至今让作者充满自信,并引导作者踏上成功之路。

1. C根据前文提示这里应表达转折意义,故用动词change和lives 构成动宾关系,意为“改变了生活”。

2. D前文的only“仅仅”和下文的说明中间用表达转折意义的副词 however 表“然而”。

3. B用形容词warm修饰smile表示“温暖的笑容”。

4. C通过连词表达的转折句意可知下文用与shy意义相关的单词 nervous “紧张的;不安的”来构成否定句。

5. D下文的from说明用形容词different ,构成短语different from。

6. C句意为“在英语课上我们有很多机会谈论问题”。用名词 chance表示“机会”。

7. A下文的“有好的想法”和上文的“竖起大拇指”可知空格处用 when引导。

8. B用find跟宾语从句说明发现老师对自己的影响。

9. D短文围绕老师的鼓励对学生生活的改变,所以可以判定“说出 自己的观点”是“重要的”。

10. B通过文中“鼓励”,“腼腆”等词汇意义的提示可知。

题目来源:2016年启东中学作业本英语专项训练英语3阅读理解和完形填空 > 综合测试八


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

                    You are what you eat

      Keeping better eating habits can help you reduce disease. A healthy eating plan means choosing the right foods to eat and preparing foods in a health way.


      Do you often change your toothbrush? Maybe you think it is not necessary. A study shows old toothbrushes bring disease. You should often change your toothbrush.


      Swimming,running,skating,skiing,dancing,walking and some other activities can help you stay healthy. You should exercise at least three times a week and for twenty minutes or more each time. Do it.

                        Plan out your life 

      You should have breakfast before you go to school. Have a proper meal for lunch. Follow a healthy diet.

() 1. What's the passage mainly about?

   A. Healthy food. B. Healthy lifestyle.

   C. Junk food. D. Healthy sports.

() 2. What is the best title for the second paragraph?

   A. Man's disease.

   B. Disease.

   C. Watch the toothbrush.

   D. Your bathroom.

() 3. At least how long should you exercise each time?

   A. Twenty minutes. B. Fifteen minutes.

   C. Five minutes. D. Ten minutes.

() 4. From the passage,we know can help us stay healthy.

   A. proper diet

   B. exercise

   C. sleep and exercise

   D. proper diet and exercise


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

二、 阅读理解(20分)

      When I was a boy,I was crazy about football. I always played football with some other boys in the backyard all the time. My mom was worried that I would get ill in the hot summer.

      One day my brother gave me a new football. I came into the yard and played it excitedly. But suddenly,the ball flew through the window and nearly hit my dad. Dad said nothing. He took my football and cut it in half.

      I didn't cry because I knew how terrible my mistake was. I didn't hope to get another football. But to my surprise,Dad bought me another one the next month and told me to be more careful. I was really thankful for my father's forgiveness (宽恕) . He showed me that even when I made a mistake,he still loved me and gave me another chance.

      Parents always give us their unconditional (无条件的) love and forgiveness. We should always give our love and forgiveness to them,too.

() 1. The writer played football in the backyard all the time because .

   A. he was easy to get ill   B. he was a football fan

   C. his father was a football player   D. his mother was worried about him

() 2. How did the writer feel when he got the football from his brother?

   A. Sad. B. Worried. C. Terrible. D. Excited.

() 3. The writer didn't cry because .

   A. he knew his mistake   B. his father cut the football in half

   C. his father was very happy   D. he nearly hit his father

() 4. After his dad bought him another football,the writer .

   A. forgot his mistake   B. was angry

   C. was thankful to his father   D. didn't like it

() 5. What can we learn from the story?

   A. We should learn to play football. B. We should love our parents.

   C. We should play football with our parents. D. We shouldn’t make mistakes.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


       One night,a little swallow flew over the city. He was very 1 and wanted to have a good sleep in the city. When he saw the Statue of the Happy Prince (王子) ,he flew down and got ready to sleep 2 the feet of the Happy Prince.

       Just as he was putting his head under his wing,some 3 fell on him. He thought it was raining. But when he looked 4 ,he found the sky was 5 clear and bright that he could see lots of stars. Suddenly,he saw some tears were running down the Prince's golden 6

       “7 are you crying?” asked the swallow.

       “In a little street,there’s a poor house. From one of the windows,I see a woman 8 at a table。 She's sewing clothes for 9 women to wear. In a bed in the comer of the room,her little boy is sick. He asking for oranges,but his mother has only water to give him,so he is crying. The boy is so thirsty 10 the mother is so sad Little swallow,will you please take her the 11 from the top of my sword (宝剑)?”

       “It is very cold here and I am leaving for a warm place,but I will stay with you and do as you ask. ”

       The swallow took the bright red jewel from the Prince's sword and flew away with it in his mouth. He flew into the woman's room and 12 it beside the woman's needle.

       13 he flew back,he told the Prince what he had done. “It's strange ,” he added ,“it's so cold but I feel quite 14 now. ”

      “That's 15 you have done a good thing ,” said the Prince. The little swallow began to think about this,and then he fell asleep.

() 1. A. hungry   B. tired   C. angry   D. sad

() 2. A. among   B. above   C. below   D. between

() 3. A. water   B. snow   C. grass   D. milk

() 4. A. at   B. down   C. up   D. for

() 5. A. quite   B. so   C. such   D. very

() 6. A. ear   B. feet   C. hair   D. face

() 7. A. Where   B. How   C. When   D. Why

() 8. A. sitting   B. eating   C. drinking   D. cooking

() 9. A. poor   B. rich   C. young   D. old

() 10. A. but   B. or   C. and   D. so

() 11. A. jewel   B. orange   C. gold   D. diamond

() 12. A. forgot   B. took   C. got   D. put

() 13. A. Before   B. After   C. Till   D. While

() 14. A. cold   B. hot   C. warm   D. cool

() 15. A. because   B. though   C. if   D. whether


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

二、 阅读理解(30分)

     QQ is one of the most popular chat tools among teenagers. It is an important chat tool in our daily life because it has some advantages.

     First,we can make lots of e-friends on QQ. It is easy to find the person who has the same interest as us,and we can talk with him or her happily. Second,we can also join a QQ group to find the information we need. For example,if we want to learn English well,we can choose a group with many English lovers in it. Third,we can also play games with our friends on QQ and always have fun.

     QQ brings us a lot of benefits (益处) ,but it can also cause some problems. It's dangerous to tell strangers on QQ our real personal information like telephone number,address and ID number. If we spend too much time chatting online,it won’t be good for our study and health.

() 1. QQ is a kind of .

   A. game   B. chat tool   C. book   D. TV programme

() 2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

   A. We can get lots of information on QQ. B. We can make friends on QQ.

   C. We can get everything on QQ. D. We can play games with friends on QQ.

() 3. Sometimes QQ may bring us some if we don't use it well.

   A. problems   B. benefits   C. interests   D. fun

() 4. QQ will be good for us if .

   A. we spend too much time chatting online

   B. we get some useful information we need

   C. we tell some strangers about our real telephone number

   D. we tell some strangers about out real address and ID number

() 5. If we want to learn English well,we can .

   A. do shopping on QQ

   B. always chat in Chinese on QQ

   C. play games with our friends on QQ

   D. join a QQ group with many English lovers in it


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      It was a hot,dry day in the forest. A little ant was t 1 . So he went to a river to get a drink. But the ant got too c 2 to the river. He dropped into the river.

      “Help!Help!” cried the little ant.

      A dove (鹤子) was sitting on a tree nearby. She saw w 3 happened to the ant. She pulled a leaf f 4 the tree and held it in her mouth. Then she f 5 over to the little ant. She dropped the leaf into the water. The ant climbed onto the leaf and got to safety.

     “Thank you for saving me ,” said the ant to the dove. “One day,I will do s 6 to help you."

     “That is very kind”’ said the dove. “But I don't think a 1 7 ant like you could ever help me."

      A few days 1 8,the ant saw a bird catcher standing under a tree. He was waiting to catch the dove with a net.

     “Oh,no!My friend Dove is sleeping. She is in danger!I m 9 help her. ”

So,he ran over to the bird catcher and stung (刺痛) him in the foot. The bird catcher cried and threw down his net in pain. The dove was able to fly away.

“Thank you,my dear friend. You saved my 1 10 . Now I come to see I was wrong. I am sorry for what I said ,” the dove said to the ant

1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

6.  7.  8.  9.  10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     I asked many classmates and friends/'What do you think you will be when you grow up?” 1 of them told me what they would like to be in the future,2 others said ,“I don't know. ” I'm 3 to hear that because I think its bad I think having dreams or hopes about the future will help us do better at school.

     As middle school students,it's time for us to 4 what we want to be in the future. If we know it better,we will know 5 to do it better at school. For example,if you are outgoing and like to meet people? you can be a 6 in the future. Then you should practice 1 7more articles. If you re happy with children and like 8 ,you can teach English as a job in the future. And then you are supposed to work harder at English. If you want to 9 many interesting places,you can be a tour guide.

     Of course,all the 10 that we are learning at school will be useful in the future,so we should work hard at all of them.

() 1. A. All   B. Some   C. Few   D. Any

() 2. A. so   B. because   C. but   D. although

() 3. A. happy   B. tired   C. excited   D. sorry

() 4. A. look for   B. think about   C. worry about   D. pay for

() 5. A. how   B. what   C. when   D. where

() 6. A. worker   B. farmer   C. scientist   D. reporter

() 7. A. writing   B. reading   C. buying   D. copying

() 8. A. math   B. history   C. English   D. geography

() 9. A. make   B. visit   C. go   D. draw

() 10. A. programs   B. teachers   C. classmates   D. subjects


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Thanks for your invitation,but I'm so sorry I can't go. I need to my baby at home.

   A. take away   B. take off

   C. take care of   D. take out of


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. The famous singer got (marry) to an old man.

5. I was allowed to continue (use) the library.

