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   Once upon a time,there was a forest where all the animals lived happily together. One day a family went to spend the day in the countryside,and one little boy left his 1 there. Soon after the family left,a raccoon (淀熊) came by,and 2 the socks. The raccoon decided to try them on. They fit so well,and he 3 them so much that he wouldn’t take them off. He spent his days walking 4 the forest in the socks.

   All the animals talked about the raccoon's 5 look,and some of them were a bit envious that he was getting so much attention. Before long,in that forest,there began appearing squirrels in shirts,pigs in boots,and 6 a mole (鼹鼠) with a hat on!

   Doctor Bear would shake his 7 , telling people, “This can't be good. Animals don't wear clothes,and we don't need them. ” But the mole didn't 8 him. He said Doctor Bear was just old-fashioned. One day,the mole tried to fit into his hole without first taking his hat off. He was stuck in that hole all day.Those who listened to the Doctor's advice stopped having 9 .

   The animals 10 that they didn't need clothes at all. Starting to wear them had been very silly,and they had only done it to make others envious of them,and to get attention.

1. A. shoes   B. gloves   C. socks   D. pants

2. A. lost   B. found   C. covered   D. passed

3. A. liked   B. hated   C. threw   D. picked

4. A. between   B. beside   C. against   D. through

5. A. cute   B. serious   C. new   D. young

6. A. even   B. ever   C. still   D. also

7. A. hand   B. arm   C. head   D. feet

8. A. listen to   B. go with   C. think of   D. look at

9. A. results   B. reasons   C. clothes   D. accidents

10. A. hoped   B. realized   C. forgot   D. ordered

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B


1. C根据下一句中的the socks可知,小男孩把袜子忘在了森林里,故选C.

2. B根据短文语境,小浣熊经过这里,发现了袜子。因此选B.

3. A由he wouldn’t take them off可知,小院熊非常喜欢这双袜子,所以不想把它们脱掉。


4. D根据题意,小浣熊每天穿着袜子从森林穿过。表示“从……通过,穿过”,侧重从物体内部穿过,用介词 through,因此选D.

5. C对于动物们来说,小浣熊穿袜子,这是一种新的打扮,

new look意为“新面貌,新貌”,本句为“所有的动物都 讨论小浣熊的新面貌”。故选C.

6. A根据题意可知,本句话含有递进关系,意为“甚至连鼹鼠也戴上帽子”,even用作加强语气,意为“甚至,连”, 选A.

7. C 根据熊博士的话“This can't be good. Animals don't wear clothes…”可知,他不赞同动物们的做法,所以用 shake his head ,意为“摇头”,选C.

8. A由but可知,藤鼠不听熊博士的话,listen to意为“听取,


9. D鼹鼠不听取熊博士的话,戴着帽子进洞,结果自己被洞卡住了,而那些听从熊博士的动物们避免了这样的意 外遭遇。accident意为“意外遭遇,事故”。

10. B通过鼹鼠的意外遭遇,动物们意识到他们根本不需要穿衣服,realize意为“了解,意识到”,符合语境,故 选B. 

题目来源:一本英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇中考 > TEST1


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B.Sandy is telling her friends about what she did lost Sunday. Complete their conversation.

Amy: (1)  you at home last Sunday,Sandy?

Sandy: No,1 (2) . I(3)  in my cousin's home.

Millie: (4) you in your cousin's home for the whole day?

Sandy: No,I (5) . In the afternoon,we (6) at a fashion show.

Millie: Oh,(7) it the one in Wangfujing?

Sandy: Yes,it (8) .

Amy: (9) the tickets expensive?

Sandy: No,they  (10)   .

Amy: (11) your parents at the fashion show too?

Sandy: Yes,they (12) .

Amy: (13) the fashion show good?

Sandy: Yes,it(14) . It showed clothes designed by many young designers. My cousin (15) one of them.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A3.Suzy is talking to her friends about her visit to the pet shop. Complete what she says with the words in brackets.

I went to the pet shop yesterday.⑴ (was/the shopkeeper/friendly/very) . She showed me around the shop. I saw a white rabbit. (2) (long/his ears/were) and

(very/they/soft/felt) . I liked the red goldfish very much. (4) (seemed/she/hungry) and was looking for food on the water. I saw many cfifferent pets in the shop.

(5) (cute/all/looked/they) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B. Listen to the conversations between Benny and his mother. Write down the birthday of each of his family members.

Benny's grandma 

Benny's Uncle Jack


Benny's mum


Benny's dog



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   My name is Mary Hawley. I am the mother of four and grandmother of six children. I was employed at G. E. for fifteen years until the factory closed in December of 2005. I thought about what I was going to do after the factory closed,so I decided to get my GED. I started classes in January of 2006.

   I attended (参加) the Kilgore College Adult Education Program,taught by Ms Monika. I am nervous,I never dreamed of going to college at my age,since I had been out of school for so many years. Ms Monika Kajstura kept encouraging me and telling me that I could do it. I decided to better myself. With the encouraging support,wonderful teaching,and tireless help of Ms Monika,I achieved my goal and received my GED in November of 2006. I made it. Because of the adult education program and Kilgore College,my life has significantly (明显) and even improved. Being able to go to school makes me feel important.

   My family was overwhelmed when I was in school. They had never said it. I have one daughter that attended Kilgore College and another daughter in the twelfth grade that would soon be in college. My husband worked hard and made it possible for us to go to school.

1. What was Mary's goal after she left G. E. ?

   A. Acted as a good housewife.

   B. Taught at a college.

   C. Got her GED.

   D. Had a good rest.

2. Why did Mary feel nervous when she was in the college at first?

   A. Because she was older than any other student.

   B. Because she didn't know whether she can get her GED or not.

   C. Because the adult education was too difficult for her.

   D. Because she worried about her big family all day.

3. How long did Mary spend getting her GED?

   A. Fifteen years. B. One month.

   C. Ten months. D. Twenty years.

4. Mary thought she could get her GED owing to.

   A. her husband's hard work

   B. Ms Monika's help and encouragement

   C. her wonderful and great plan

   D. her two daughters’ encouragement

5. The underlined word “overwhelmed ” means“ ”in Chinese.

   A. 不堪重负   B. 欢欣鼓舞

   C. 蒸蒸日上   D. 应接不暇


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Do you remember your first day of school? Maybe your mom or dad stayed at home from work so they could drive you to school,or maybe they waved goodbye to you as you were getting on the school bus. You probably wore new clothes for the first day of school,and maybe,you were just a bit scared.

   In Germany,parents go to the school with their children on the first day. That way the children are not alone. Parents stay at the school the whole day.

   When they get to school,each child receives a zuckertute (包裹) .A zuckertute is a cone-shaped (圆锥形的) package. It is filled with toys and sweets. The top of the package is covered with flowers. It is usually very large and sometimes stands as tall as the child!The zuckertute is brought to school by the parents before the school day begins. Children often put their picture on their zuckertute. The first day is spent exploring (探索) the classroom and getting to know one another. When the day is over,children and parents go home for a family party. The party is usually held at home,but sometimes it is held at a restaurant.Brothers,sisters,grandparents,cousins,aunts and uncles are invited to the party. In small towns,neighbors even come to congratulate (祝贺) the child. Everyone brings gifts to the child.

1. What do the parents do on the first day of school in Germany?

   A. Stay at home all day.

   B. Send the kids to the school bus.

   C. Drive their kids to school.

   D. Stay at the school the whole day.

2. What will the child find in his/her zuckertute?

   A. Pencils and erasers.

   B. Toys and sweets.

   C. Books and pictures.

   D. Money and telephone number.

3. When do the parents bring a zuckertute to school in Germany according to the passage?

   A. On the first day of school.

   B. On the evening of the first day.

   C. After their children go to school.

   D. Before the first day of school.

4. Where is the family party for the children's first day of school usually held in Germany?

   A. At school. B. At home.

   C. At a restaurant. D. In a hotel.

5. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Sweet First Day for German Children

   B. How do German Children Go to School

   C. The Zuckertute for German Children

   D. Parents and Children in Germany


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   There was a girl called Anna,who was studying in a primary school in the United States. She was the most 1 in school,so her marks were higher than the others’. She was the best,but nobody wanted to be her friend and 2 her.

   One day,the teacher put an exam,but a boy called Robert signed 3 exam using Anna's name. So,when the teacher returned them the exams,everybody was 4,even Anna,when found out she had failed the exam,and the other kids were happy of it.

   The next day,when Anna arrived at school,all the kids wanted to be with her,and invited her to play.5 ,when Anna was playing with the other children,the teacher appeared to inform her that it had been a 6 ,and she didn't fail. After that,they all stopped playing with her.

   One day,the United States First Lady went to visit the school,and the First Lady saw Anna crying. And the First Lady asked her 7 she was crying. Anna explained to her what happened. She told her how the other kids didn't like her just 8 she was the most hard-working in school and she always got good results.

   Then,the First Lady told stories about her childhood,which were similar to Anna's. After that speech,all children realized that they had been 9 to Anna,and felt sorry. They should have been happy for having a 10 getting such good marks.

1. A. outgoing   B. hard-working   C. dangerous   D. beautiful

2. A. look for   B. laugh at   C. play with   D. give up

3. A. his   B. her   C. my   D. your

4. A. angry   B. worried   C. proud   D. shocked

5. A. Quickly   B. Suddenly   C. Usually   D. Clearly

6. A. mistake   B. surprise   C. success   D. difference

7. A. when   B. how   C. why   D. where

8. A. unless   B. because   C. although   D. whether

9. A. kind   B. polite   C. strict   D. rude

10. A. monitor   B. winner   C. friend   D. stranger


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   When I finally caught his eye,he shook his head. “You can't come,Leslie. You’d just slow us down. ” I pulled on my grandfather's old leather ski boots,knowing that when my brother's friend Mark showed up,he would invite me.

   Mark arrived at the house. “You should come with us ,” he called to me as he knocked on the door for my brother. Sam glared at me as he came outside,but he couldn’t get me to stay home now.

   We made our way to the seasonal road. My grandfather's old wooden skis felt about a foot too long,but I didn't dare to show any hesitation (犹豫) . If I did,Sam would tell me to turn back.

   “Hey!” Mark surprised me. He’d been waiting for me to catch up. “ Do this. ” He walked like a duck. Then I tried to copy him. After a few minutes,I reached the top of the hill. I pushed off. Snow billowed (翻滚) out behind me as I raced down the slope. What a wonderful experience!

   Time passed quickly as I went for run after run. Too soon,I heard my brother yelling from farther down the hill, “Leslie,where are you? It's time to go. ”

   “I'm coming!” I stood up,but I fell down,with one ski on,one ski off. I wondered how I was going to get there. I sat on the skis to rest. That's it!Just then,I came up with an idea. I used my skis like a sled (雪橇) and started down the hill,then finally stopped at the boys’ feet.

1. Who said “You’d just slow us down”?

   A. Leslie.

   B. Mark.

   C. Sam.

   D. Leslie's grandfather.

2. Sam glared at Leslie because .

   A. he didn't want Leslie to go skiing with him

   B. Leslie was too young to go skiing

   C. Mark didn't invite Leslie to go skiing

   D. Leslie didn't have leather ski boots

3. What did Leslie do in order to catch up with Mark?

   A. She had to ask him to stop on the slope.

   B. She walked in the snow like a duck.

   C. She sat down and had a rest.

   D. She carried her wooden skis.

4. Which of the following is TRUE about Leslie?

   A. Leslie always fought with her brother.

   B. Leslie came back home by herself.

   C. Leslie didn't mind her old,long skis.

   D. Leslie didn't enjoy herself during the skiing.

5. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. The friendship between the children

   B. A popular winter sport

   C. The naughty girl's boyhood

   D. Leslie's skiing experience


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A3.Suzy is talking to her mother about the pets on the website. Her mother is asking her questions about them. Help Suzy answer the questions. Circle the correct letters.

1 How many times does Lucky go out every day?

a Three times. b Two times. c One time.

