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     James sat outside the office waiting for the interview. He felt so nervous that he didn't know what to do with himself. The person who had gone in 1 him had been there for nearly an hour. And she looked so 2 when she went in,not like James. He felt sure that she had already got the 3 The problem was that he wanted this job so much. It meant 4 to him. He had thought about it again and again such a lot before the day of the interview. He had imagined himself 5 brilliantly at the interview and being offered the job 6

     But now here he was feeling 7 . He couldn’t remember all those things he had planned to say. At that  moment,he almost decided to give up and 8 . But no—he had to do this. He had spent so much time con- sidering it that he couldn’t 9 like that. His hands were hot and sticky and his mouth felt dry.

     At last the door of the office opened. The woman who had gone in an hour earlier came out looking very 10 with herself. She smiled sympathetically at James. The managing director then appeared at the office door. “Would you like to come in now,Mr. Davis? I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. ”

() 1. A. beside   B. with   C. before   D. after

() 2. A. cheerful   B. challenging   C. anxious   D. sure

() 3. A. reward   B. job   C. place   D. degree

() 4. A. everything   B. anything   C. something   D. nothing

() 5. A. explaining   B. observing   C. performing   D. writing

() 6. A. surprisingly   B. lately   C. frequently   D. immediately

() 7. A. terrible   B. foolish   C. ashamed   D. excited

() 8. A. say   B. leave   C. think   D. walk

() 9. A. give in   B. give out   C. give up   D. give away

() 10. A. ugly   B. pretty   C. pleased   D. sad

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D



1. C 根据文章最后一段 The woman who had gone in an hour earlier came out…可知,那位女士是在 James之前进去面试的,故填before。根据文意可 知选C.

2. D 由上文可知,He felt so nervous that,James 感 到很紧张,那么那位女士不像James ,也就是不紧 张,即充满自信。根据文意可知选D.

3. B 由下句话 The problem was that he wanted this job so much.可知,James非常想得到这个工 作,我们可知James在参加的是一个工作的面试, 故应该填job。

reward报酬;place地方;degree学 位。根据文意可知选B.

4. A 从上句话 The problem was that he wanted this job so much.可知,James非常想得到这个工 作,故这个工作应该是对他来说很重要,也就是意 味着一切。根据文意故选八„

5. C根据文意可知James在参加一个工作的面试, 他非常想得到这个工作,故他想自己在面试时 perform表现得好。根据文意可知选C.

6. D前面说James想象自己在面试中表现出色,故 应是马上就得到了这个工作。选D.

7. A根据这句话的意思可知,James原本准备的很 好,但是现在却很紧张,以至于把原本准备好的东 西都忘了,故他应是感觉不好,很糟糕。故选A.

8. B从下文可知,James这里是想要放弃,— he had to do this ,但是不行,不能放弃,他必须要 参加这个面试。根据文意可知选B.

9. C句意:他花了这么长时间考虑这件事,他不能 就这样放弃。选C.

10. D 从下句话中 smiled sympathetically at James , 我们可以猜测出,她对自己应是感到伤心。故D.

题目来源:201年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空九年级 > PASSAGE A完形填空


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   A man lived in a village. He had an old cat at home. The cat couldn’t run fast,and she couldn’t bite,because she was so old. One day,when she saw a mouse,she jumped and caught it. But she could not bite it.  The mouse got out of her mouth and ran away. Then the man became very angry and began to beat the cat. The cat said, “Don’t beat your old servant. I know     

     I'm old and can^ kill a mouse. But I have worked for you for many years,and I still want to work for you. Be kind to the old,and remember what good work they did when they were young. ”

    When the man heard that,he realized that he was wrong.

() 1. Where did the man live?

   A. In a village. B. In a city. C. In a factory. D. In a hotel.

() 2. What could the old cat do?

   A. Run fast. B. Bite. C. Catch a mouse. D. Kill a mouse.

() 3. How did the man feel when the mouse ran away?

   A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Afraid. D. Sad.

() 4. How long did the cat work for the man?

   A. Several days. B. A few months. C. About a year. D. Many years.

() 5. What happened at the end of the story?

   A. The cat left home. B. The man realized his mistake.

   C. The man killed the cat. D. The man didn't believe the cat.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    Canada is the second largest country is the world. It is over 7 ,000 kilometers from the 1 coast (海岸) to the east. It 2 six time zones. 3 it is 9 a. m. in Vancouver on the west coast,it is 1 :30 p. m. in St John's on the east coast.

    English and French 4 the two main languages in Canada. About 60 percent of 5 people speak English,and about 25 percent speak French. More 6 70 percent of its population live in cities near the US border (边境).

Ottawa is the capital. Every year millions of tourists go there to 7 museums and take part in the culturaK文化的) activities. Toronto is the largest city of the country 8 about 2. 5 million peo-ple. Montreal is 9 second biggest French-speaking city in the world.

   The maple leaf is the national symbol of Canada. The Canadian flag has a red maple leaf on a red 10 white background.

() 1. A. west   B. east   C. south   D. north

() 2. A. is   B. had   C. has   D. have

() 3. A. Which   B. What   C. Where   D. When

() 4. A. are   B. is   C. will be   D. has been

() 5. A. their   B. his   C. its   D. our

() 6. A. up   B. over   C. about   D. than

() 7. A. see   B. visit   C. look   D. find

() 8. A. with   B. for   C. from   D. at

() 9. A. a   B. an   C. the   D. /

() 10. A. or   B. and   C. but   D. however


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Here's how you can take a taxi in Japan.

. From train station or airports (机场) ,go to the taxi stand and wait there.

. In the street,looking for a taxi that has a red light in the front window. It means that the taxi has no passengers (乘客) .(If the light is green,the taxi has passengers.)

. When you see an empty taxi,wave (挥动) your hand and call it.

. The back door opens automatically (自动地) ,so stand back and wait until the door opens.

. Get in the taxi and tell the driver where you want to go.

. Before you get out of the taxi,pay it.

. Wait until the door opens and get out of the taxi.

() 1. According to the text ,“taxi stand” means in Chinese.

   A. 出租车站立   B. 出租车停止  

    C. 出租车加油站   D. 出租车车站

() 2. If you want to take a taxi,you should after you come out of the airport.

   A. wait at the airport        

    B. wait in the street

   C. go to the taxi stand and wait there  

    D. go to the bus stop

() 3. If you see , you can wave your hand and call it.

   A. a taxi with a passenger  

     B. an empty taxi

   C. a car with the “taxi” sign 

    D. a taxi with a green light on

() 4. Before you get in the taxi,you should.

   A. open the front door   

    B. open the back door

   C. wait until the back door opens  

    D. wait until the front door opens

() 5. After you get in the taxi, .

   A. tell the driver where you want to go   

   B. tell the driver your family address

   C. tell the driver what you are   

   D. tell the driver your name


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    What are the limits (极限) of human body? The BBC’s Focus magazine has some answers.

How cold can you stand?

    Normal body temperature is around 37℃. At 35 you’re unable to write your name. Even walk-ing is very difficult. At 33°C. you may find it difficult to think,understand and form (形成) opinions properly. By the time you have cooled to 20°C. your heart would have stopped beating.

Limit: 0°C. Ice would form in your tissues (纤维组织) ,killing all the cells (细胞).

How spicy can you eat?

    There is capsaicin (辣椒素) in many foods. The more capsaicin,the hotter the dishes are. If you’re

healthy enough,you can survive eating a teaspoon of pure capsaicin. But you would find it im-possible to eat anything else for a few hours.

Limit: 5g capsaicin.

How fast can you run?

   The fastest man in the world is Asafa Powell. The runner finished the 100m in 9. 74  seconds in 2007. This gives an average (平均的) speed of 36. 96km/h. Top runners are at their fastest around 80 meters,so a runner's greatest speed may reach 43. 06km/h.

Limit: 43. 06km/h.

How loud is too loud?

The loudest sound you can hear is 168db (分贝). Sound louder than that may do harm to your ears. The loudest sound ever recorded was the eruption of Krakatoa (卡拉卡托火山爆发) in 1883. Itwas 180 db,160km away.

Limit: 168 db.


1. At 37C. you'e unable to write your name. Even walking is very difficult.()

2. If you eat a teaspoon of pure capsaicin,you would find it impossible to for a few hours.

3. What sound can be heard by your ears?

4. 请将画线句子翻译成汉语:

5. 请从文中找出本文的主题句:


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   China is the home of tea,1 has more than 4 ,000 years of history. People in China drink tea daily. 2 the three major drinks-tea,coffee and cocoa,tea is drunk by 3— people in the world.

    Tea from Tchma,along 4 silk and porcelain (瓷器) ,began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export 5 .

    Tea leaves 6 mainly in the area,south of the Yangtze River,in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Fujian,because of the mild 7 and rich soil there. Longjing,Wulong,Pu er and Tiegua-nyin are all 8 kinds of tea.

   Over the past centuries,Chinese people 9 their unique tea culture,which includes tea planting,tea-leaf picking,tea making,tea drinking and so on. Tea is l0— a popular topic which is often mentioned in dances,songs,poems and novels.

() 1. A. who   B. which   C. where   D. when

() 2. A. In   B. For   C. Of   D. By

() 3. A. the number of   B. a number of

   C. a large number of   D. the largest number of

() 4. A. between   B. with   C. except   D. besides

() 5. A. at that time   B. from now on   C. since then   D. since now

() 6. A. produce   B. are produced   C. make   D. are made

() 7. A. climate   B. weather   C. condition   D. environment

() 8. A. interesting   B. important   C. famous   D. normal

() 9. A. had developed   B. have developed   C. developed   D. are developing

() 10. A. too   B. as well   C. either   D. also


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    Are the lives of city kids the same as those in villages? In lots of ways,they are very different. But what are the differences?

    Hu Peng and his four friends decided to find them out. Earlier this month,they went to live for a week at Huagui Village near Xishui. They went door to door there and asked kids there lots of questions. They wanted to learn more about village kids 5 everyday lives,so they asked questions like these: Do your parents teach you how to do housework? How much money do you usually spend on dinner? What would you do if a thief comes into your houses? They also asked 150 city kids the same question.

    On April 12 ,the team gave a report to their class. They told about lots of differences between children's lives in cities and those in villages. The biggest difference is independence. Hu's team say that more than 60 percent of city kids can't do much housework,but more than 80 percent of village kids can take care of themselves.

    City kids told Hu they cared about school a lot,and they had no time to wash clothes or make their beds. Village kids said they helped their parents with a lot: they cook,clean houses and feed farm animals,HuJs team also saw that village kids had less pocket money. Many never use computers. They play in rivers or on mountains. Some don't really like to make new friends.

    Hu's team said their trip gave them more self-confidence (自信心) because they were doing some-thing by them selves. But it also worried them a bit because they saw they still had a lot to learn. uWhen we grow up,our parents can't take care of us”’ Hu said. “We have to learn to take care of ourselves. ”


Kids in the city

Kids in the country

Can’t do much housework


No time to wash clothes or make bed


Have pocket money

3. Have

pocket money

Use computers



Don’t like to make new friends


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Victor used to be such a good runner that he 1 (win) nine awards at the age of 18. Then one day while he 2 (run) along the roadside,an accident suddenly happened to him. Unfortunately both of his legs 3 (injure) seriously by a car out of control. Since then,he 4 (not be) able to walk any more.

    After a long time,however,he knew life 5 (not stop) for him. He focused on what he could do instead of what he lost. He realized that there were many possibilities for the disabled. One of the things he became interested in was foreign languages.

    Every day he listened to tapes and read books. After several years he became fluent in three languages. Then he 6 (try) his best to work as a translator in a company. To everybody surprise,he became the best one in the city.

   Though Victor wishes he could walk,he is always looking forward to 7 (live) a wonderful life in the future. Sometimes he 8 (miss) being able to walk or run. But now at least he can live on his own and make himself 9 (enjoy) what he likes. He thinks there's much 10 (be) thankful for. 请将答案填在下面相应横线上:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

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