精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

  David Mc Connell sold books door-to door. Housewives were not interested in the books. Usually before he had enough time to say anything about his book, the woman closed their door. But he didn't give up. Mc Connell decided to bring each of them a present, a small bottle of perfume made by himself. He soon found that the women liked the perfume better than the books. He stopped selling books to sell perfume instead and started his own companyAvon, which is a great success.

  When you do nothing, you learn nothing. But when you try, even though you are not successful, you will learn what doesn't work and that puts you closer to what will work. It doesn't matter how many times you are not successful. It does matter that you will be successful one day.

  Edison was not on the way to success until people bought his first invention. Success one is enough for Edison. And the same for you-success once is enough.


(1) Mc Connell was successful as a book-seller.

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(2) Mc Connell hoped those women would buy his books if he brought them each a present.

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(3) If you do nothing at all, you will never be successful.

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(4) Edison was successful at the very beginning.

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(5) The writer encouraged us to try as much as we can.

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