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      When I drove to work yesterday,I met a traffic jam. As I looked out of my window,a handsome young man was walking on the street. He was walking towards the bridge. There were some homeless men with their cups around there. The young man went to one of them. He brought out some money from his pocket,said a few words to him and put the money into his cup. He continued to walk and then saw another homeless man. He stopped for a minute,said a few words and then gave the man a candy.

      And then he saw the next homeless man. He was shivering because of coldness. The young man now stopped for a second and gave his scarf to him. He then said goodbye to him with a big smile and went away in the snow.

     At that moment,I was in tears. I gave this young man my best wishes with love and blessings.

() 1. The story probably happened in .

   A. spring   B. summer   C. autumn   D. winter

() 2. How many homeless men did the young man help in this passage?

   A. 2.   B. 3.   C. 4.   D. 5.

() 3. What did the young man give the homeless men?

   A. Some money,his scarf and a candy. B. His scarf,his coat and some money.

   C. A candy,his hat and his coat. D. His coat,some money and a candy.

() 4. The man was shaking slightly because of .

   A. hunger   B. coldness   C. illness   D. worries

() 5. The writer felt after seeing the young man's behavior.

   A. sad   B. surprised   C. impressed   D. interested

C 阅读提示:本文讲述了一位年轻男子倾囊帮助一些无家可归的人,作者见了深受感动的故事。

1. D推理判断题。文章第二段说他因为寒冷,浑身发抖。说明当时是冬天,所以选择   D.

2. B细节理解题。年轻人分别将一些钱、糖和围巾送给了他人。

3. A细节理解题。解析见第3题。

4. B细节理解题。文章第二段说他因为寒冷浑身发抖。所以选 择   B.

5. C细节理解题。如此一位自己似乎并不富裕的年轻人,却慷慨倾 其所有帮助无家可归的人,笔者看到年轻人的行为,深受感动。 所以选择   C.

题目来源:2016年启东中学作业本英语专项训练英语3阅读理解和完形填空 > 综合测试八


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     In China,a lot of food is wasted every year and the 1 food is enough for 200 million people. The food is wasted in restaurants,at home and in school,etc.

     In restaurants or at home,people often order or 2 too much food. But they can't eat it up. When they go out of a restaurant,full and happy,they never look back 3 the uneaten food on the table again. Should Chinese consumers feel 4 for the terrible waste?

     In schools,we can often see a lot of students 5 food away after meals and they only eat the food they like.

     Everyone is supposed to have enough food to eat. However,in some places,the food is so 6 that a lot of people die from hunger. China has tried hard to solve the 7 of hunger over the past thirty years,the job is not finished yet. 8 is important to us all. We can't live without food. So 9 is necessary for us to love food and try to eat up everything on our plates. When we eat in restaurants,we should 10 up the leftovers. We also need to tell other people to stop wasting food as soon as possible.

() 1. A. nice   B. delicious   C. waste   D. bad

() 2. A. cook   B. eat   C. buy   D. store

() 3. A. in   B. at   C. on   D. up

() 4. A. interested   B. excited   C. happy   D. sorry

() 5. A. throw   B. put   C. wash   D. take

() 6. A. few   B. many   C. little   D. much

() 7. A. problem   B. question   C. anger   D. mistake

() 8. A. Water   B. Food   C. Fruit   D. Meat

() 9. A. it   B. he   C. she   D. they

() 10. A. leave   B. sell   C. pay   D. pack


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     The tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. The big cat weighs about 363 kilograms and is about two meters long.

     Tigers wait until it's dark,then go out to find their food. When a tiger sees an animal,it moves very quietly,then jumps on the animal to kill it. It can take several days for a tiger to finish eating its kill. The tiger eat until it has enough,and then it covers the dead animal with leaves. Later,when the tiger is hungry again,it comes back to eat more.

     Tigers are different from others in the cat family: they like water,and they often jump into rivers to swim.

     Some tigers live in very cold places —in parts of North Korea,Eastern Russia,and Northeast China. Other tigers live in warm places — India and parts of southeast of Asia.

     All tigers are in danger. People killed them to use their skins for clothes,and their bodies for medicine. In addition,there is also less and less land for tigers to live on. But now people know that tigers are in danger and make plans to protect them.


1. Which animals in the cat family like to swim according to the passage?

2. When do tigers go out to catch their food?

3. How long can it take a tiger to finish eating its kill?

4. Where do tigers like to live?

5. Why did people want tiger skins?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     Aunt Polly told Tom to paint the whole fence (栅栏) in front of the house. He thought of the other boys out for the day enjoying themselves and he felt very unhappy. Then he had an idea!He picked up the brush and started painting slowly and carefully. Soon,his friend Ben Rogers appeared,eating an apple. Tom pretended (假装) not to see him.

    “Tom!” Ben said. “Why are you working?”

    “Oh,it's you,Ben ,” Tom said ,“I didn't notice you."

    “I'm going for a swim”’ Ben said ,“but you don't want to come. You want to work,don't you? It's much nicer!” Ben laughed loudly. Tom looked seriously at Ben and said ,“What is work? What do you call work?”

    “Isn’t that work?” Ben asked.

    “Well,no. Does a boy get the opportunity to paint a fence every day? You’Ve never painted a fence,have you? Auntie says I have to do it with great care! ”

    “Please,Tom. Let me do a little”’ said Ben.

    “No,Ben. If you do,you’ll do it wrong. You can't paint very well. If it was the back fence,it wouldn’t mind,but it isn’t. ”

    “I won’t do it wrong. I'll be really careful. I'll give you my apple. ” Tom gave him the brush and paint with a sad face,but in his heart he was glad. His trick had worked.

     After Ben got tired and left,other boys came along and Tom said the same things to them. Soon,the whole fence was painted white,but not by Tom. He felt very clever because he had discovered something important about the way people are. People only want what they can't have or want to do what they shouldn’t do.

() 1. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “opportunity” in this passage?

   A. Money. B. Interest. C. Ability. D. Chance.

() 2. Why did Tom pretend not to see Ben?

   A. Because he wanted Ben to believe that the was enjoying the work.

   B. Because he would like to try his best to attract Ben's attention.

   C. Because he did not want Ben to see the fact that he had to work.

   D. Because he was afraid that Ben might laugh at him if the saw him.

() 3. What can we infer (推断) from the story?

   A. Aunt Polly gave Tom a lot of pocket money for what he had done.

   B. Ben and the other boys might feel unhappy when they found out the truth.

   C. Tom believed that he had discovered how to deal with different people.

   D. Everyone thought Tom clever when they realized what had happened.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Reading books is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons. First,reading books is fun. You can always keep yourself amused if you like reading. This is especially useful when the weather is bad. It is a relaxing hobby,too. You can really become lost in a book.

     Next,you can read a book almost anywhere: in a car,in a waiting-room,on a plane,in bed —- even in the bath. All you need is a book!Reading is a convenient hobby as it is easy to stop and then start again.

     Another good reason for reading books is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby you will get better and better at it. This means that you will read faster and will become better at understanding what you read. As your reading improves,you will probably find that your schoolwork becomes much easier. Many school subjects depend on good reading and,as you read,you learn more and more.

     Some people say that reading is out of date. This is not true. You have to be able to read on the Internet. And the better you read,the better your computer skills will be. Reading is hardly out of date!

     Good readers are most likely to be good writers,too. They are usually good at spelling as well,and have more things to write about.

     Reading books is a wonderful hobby,one of the best. What other hobbies could be more useful,or more enjoyable?


Reading is a good 1


Reading is fun and it can also make you feel 3 .

Reading is 4 because you can read at any 5 and any place as you like.

Reading is 6 .

It can 7 your understanding and your schoolwork better.

Reading on the Internet can improve our 8 skills.

Reading is good for 9 . It can help you 10 words correctly and have more things to write about.

1.  2. ; 3.  4.  5.

6.  7.  8.  9.  10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     Sometimes the easiest way to get somewhere is on the back of a bike.

     More and more people are using cars in many places in Africa today. However,things are different in Malawi (马拉维) . Bikes are the most popular in this African country.

     Bike riding is a way of life in Malawi. People use them to carry heavy things. They also use bikes to carry people,especially tourists. These years,taking a 'bicycle taxi? to travel around Malawi has become quite popular among tourists from all over the world.

     If you go to Malawi,you will find a lot of bike taxis waiting by the sides of the roads. The riders make the bikes comfortable for passengers to sit on. You can jump on a bike taxi and get around at a very low cost.

     Alice is a 21-year-old student from Canada. She enjoys the special bike riding a lot. “l really like the bike taxi” she says ,“it's easy and cheap. ” Alice usually pays just $ 1 for going shopping in town.

     28-year-old Panjira Khombe began to ride a bike taxi two years ago. The young man enjoys this job. “I made boats for a living in the past,but that's a hard job. Being a bike taxi rider is easy for me and I don't mind carrying heavy people ,” he says.

() 1. In Malawi are the most popular way for people to get somewhere.

   A. cars   B. bikes   C. trains   D. buses

() 2. The passage tells us that Alice enjoys the bike taxi because it's .

   A. on the side of the road   B. popular and heavy

   C. all over the country   D. cheap and easy

() 3. From the passage we learn Panjira Khombe thinks that .

   A. going shopping is easy   B. making boats is difficult

   C. riding a bike taxi is cheap   D. carrying heavy people is interesting

() 4. The best title of the passage may be “ ”.

   A. Bike Riders   B. A Special Country

   C. Bike Taxis   D. A Cheap Journey


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Most people want to be happy,but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle,a Greek thinker,said, “Happiness depends upon ourselves." In other words,we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.

      The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often,we spend so much time thinking about the future —for example,getting into college or getting a good job—that we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life's simple pleasures,such as reading a good book,listening to your favorite music,or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.

      Another secret to living a happy life is to be active. Many people go dancing or play sports. People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities.

      Finally,many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier,do good things for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies,go shopping to buy food for an elderly person,or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.

() 1. The best title of this passage is .

   A. The Secrets of Happiness

   B. Money Makes You Happy

   C. Ideas for Helping Other People to Be Happy

   D. Good Friends Make You Happy

() 2. The second paragraph tells us that .

   A. the more friends you have,the happier you511 be

   B. we shouldn’t think about our future

   C. happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life

   D. some people fail to live a happy life

() 3. The passage gives us pieces of advice on happiness.

   A. one   B. two   C. three   D. four

() 4. The writer thinks that .

   A. everyone knows how to live a happier life

   B. it5s wrong to spend time on work

   C. hobbies take up too much time

   D. doing good things for someone can make you happier

() 5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

   A. Reading a good book.

   B. Traveling to a foreign country.

   C. Playing a sport.

   D. Spending time with close friends.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

7. He got up late this morning. ,he didn't catch the early bus.

   A. For example   B. After all

   C. First of all   D. As a result


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. (2014 •甘肃兰州模拟) 我一到上海就爱上了它。

I   it as soon as I got to Shanghai.

