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I had to listen to it carefully because someone made a lot of noise.

I had to listen to it carefully ________ ________ ________ ________ noise.


科目:初中英语 来源:69领航·单元同步训练  八年级英语(EEC) 题型:053



  at helps   1   stay healthy?Well, I like fruit and vegetables.I eat a lot of them.I don't eat  2   snacks like chips.   3   make me   4   weight.I hate that!I am also on the badminton team.My coach has me practice a lot.All that exercise   5   me stay in shape.


  go swimming in the summer and skating in the winter.I don't watch television very much.In-stead, I read books.I learn a lot this way!I also drink a lot of milk.Milk helps my bones become strong.All these things keep me healthy and happy.




6.h________ feeling very pleased

7.b________ to change or grow to be


I don't watch television.Instead, I read books.

I read books   8     9   watching television.


When do you go swimming and skating?10.________


科目:初中英语 来源:69领航·单元同步训练  八年级英语(EEC) 题型:053



  My mom helps me stay   1  .She always   2   me go to bed early on weekdays.So I feel ready for school in the mornings.My morm also   3   me a lot of work around the house.Sometimes I don't like that, but I do it all.This work   4   me busy-it's like exercise!I like any kind of exer-cise.I also go   5  


  Mr Green worked in an office.Every morning he had breakfast with his wife at half past seven, read his newspaper, drank a cup of tea and then left his house at eight to go to catch his train to town.

  One morning he was still sitting at the breakfast table and reading his newspaper at five past eight.He didn't hurry and asked his wife for another cup of tea.

  “Another cup?”she said in surprise.“Aren't you going to the office today?Have you got a holi-day?”

  “The office?”Mr Green said and stopped reading his newspaper,“I thought that I was in the of-fice!”




6.l________ be away

7.h________ a period of time when you are not at work or school


He asked his wife for another cup of tea.

He asked his wife for   8     9   cup of tea.


When did Mr Green have breakfast with his wife every morning?10.________


科目:初中英语 来源:初中二年级上(册) 69领航·单元同步训练 英语 题型:053



  It starts like a usual day.The sky is clear and blue.I am   1   with my brother.  2   , the sky becomes dark.I look up and see dark storm clouds.They are moving   3   across the sky.All the birds fly away.It is very quiet.My brother   4   ,“Mike, we should go quickly!There is a storm coming!”I feel so scared.The storm is getting   5  .I can see the rain.


  Just then, my grandma opens the door.“You shouldn’t be outside, ”says my grandma.“You should wait inside.The storm will pass quickly.”My brother and I go inside.I say, “We should listen to the radio.It will tell us about the storm.”We turn on the radio.There is a lot of noise outside.The storm sounds like rocks hitting the house.But soon the storm ends.The sun shines again.


1.________  2.________  3.________  4.________  5.________

任务2:根据英文释义及首字母提示,拼写单词6.h________ give a blow

7.p________ go by or move past something


You should wait inside.

You   8     9   wait inside.


What shines again?10.________


科目:初中英语 来源:初中二年级上(册) 69领航·单元同步训练 英语 题型:053



  at helps   1   stay healthy?Well, I like fruit and vegetables.I eat a lot of them.I don’t eat  2   snacks like chips.   3   make me   4   weight.I hate that!I am also on the badminton team.My coach has me practice a lot.All that exercise   5   me stay in shape.


  go swimming in the summer and skating in the winter.I don’t watch television very much.Instead, I read books.I learn a lot this way!I also drink a lot of milk.Milk helps my bones become strong.All these things keep me healthy and happy.




6.h________ feeling very pleased

7.b________ to change or grow to be


I don’t watch television.Instead, I read books.

I read books   8     9   watching television.


When do you go swimming and skating?10.________


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Alice,

This is my first time to receive your e-mail, and I'm glad to know that you’re so interested in China.China is so great a country that it's difficult for me to tell you everything, but I'll try to tell you more.Customs(风俗)in China and Western countries are not the same.Children can’t be named after their grandparents.They call the old grandma or grandpa and don’t call them by their given names.The Chinese are also expected to finish all the food if they’re invited to dinner.What’s more, young children in China hardly live away from their parents.

I hope you’ll come to China soon.

    Your e-pal(网友),

Li Chang


1.i         ask somebody ill a friendly way to go somewhere or do something.

2.h          almost not


Children in China call the old grandma or grandpa and don’t call them by their given names.

Children in China call the old grandma or grandpa 3.         4.        calling them by their given names.


5.What did Liu Chang receive from Alice for the first time?

