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   My teachers suggested that I see a speech specialist (专家) in school.

    I never really gave much thought to my speech. If other people understood what I was saying,then that was good enough. I didn't mind repeating myself many times.

Before testing me,the speech specialist asked me what I thought of having good speech. I told her I thought it was not important.

   “Well,when you are in an interview for a job,and they don't know what you are saying,what are they going to say to you? Nice to meet you,bye”’ she said.

    Maybe good speech was important. I took part in 20-minute classes each week with the specialist. After she tested me,she told me that I spoke too fast,and didn't give enough eye contact (眼神交 流). I learned that when I made eye contact with someone,it meant that I was talking to that person ,and I could also see what he or she thought about what I was saying.

   When my first speech class started,I found that I had been speaking too fast to be understood. Every time I spoke too fast,the specialist stopped me and told me to start again. At first,I got stopped after almost every other sentence. After a while,I felt my speech slow down. I wasn^ sure if people could understand me better,but my friends stopped asking me to repeat myself.

    Speech is an important skill to have. If you do have good speech,that's a good thing,but if you

don't have it,it is never too late to improve.

() 1. The article is probably taken from .

   A. a newspaper   B. an advertisement  

     C. a detective story   D. a science book

() 2. What did the writer think of having good speech before the classes?

   A. It was very useful. B. It was nothing important.

   C. It was impossible. D. It was good for interviewing.

() 3. What were the writer's problems when he was speaking?

a. He spoke too quickly. b. He never stopped once he started talking. c. He seldom kept eye contact with people. d. He didn't give others time to ask questions.

   A. a,b   B. b,c   C. a,c   D. b,d

() 4. From the sentence “…but my friends stopped asking me to repeat myself ,” we know that.

   A. the writer's friends couldn’t understand him  

    B. the writer still couldn’t make eye contact  

    C. the writer improved a lot  

    D. the writer didn't slow down

() 5. Through the passage,the writer wants to tell us that .

   A. seeing a speech specialist is necessary  

    B. speech is an important skill to have

   C. good speech can help you make friends  

   D. good speech gets good affect

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B


1. A本文是关于如何演讲的,不会出现在广告,侦 探故事和科学书上,故选A.

2. B 从 I told her I thought it was not important.我 告诉她我认为这不重要,可知作者在上专家的课 之前认为好的演讲并不重要,得知答案选B.

3. C bk After she tested me,she told me that I spoke too fast,and didn't give enough eye contact. I learned that when I made eye contact with someone,it meant that I was talking to that person,and I could also see what he or she thought a-bout what I was saying.可知作者说的太快,没有 给听者时间想问题,故选C.

4. C 从 Every time I spoke too fast,the specialist stopped me and told me to start again. At first,I got stopped after almost every other sentence.可 知他的语速变慢了,故选C.

5. B 从 Speech is an important skill to have.可知答 案选B.

题目来源:201年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空九年级 > PASSAGE C阅读理解


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   A Play: Four Butterflies (蝴蝶) Characters: Red Butterfly (RB) , Green Butterfly (GB) , Green Tree (GT) , Rose (R) , Grandpa Sun (GS) Look!There are four butterflies in the garden. One is red,one is yellow,one is green,and the other one is white. They play games and dance together every day,and they are very happy. One day,it's fine. Four butterflies are playing a game in the garden. Suddenly it is full of dark clouds and it be-gins to rain hard.

   1. GB: Oh,it^ raining hard. Green Tree is over there. She can help us.

GB: Green Tree,our wings are wet. Please let us stay under your leaves.

GT: Green Butterfly,I like you. We have the same color. You can come in,but the other three butterflies must go away.

GB: No,thank you. We are good friends. We love each other and must stay together.

RB: Rose is over there. She can help us.

   2. RB: Rose,our wings are wet. Please let us stay under your leaves.

R: Red Butterfly,I like you. We have the same color. You can come in,but the other three butterflies must go away.

RB: No,thank you. We are good friends. We love each other and must stay together.

  3. GS: What good friends they are!This is a real friendship. I must help them. The sun drives the clouds away and asks the rain to stop. Soon the sun gives off bright light and dries up their wings.

   4. Four butterflies: Oh,the sun comes out. Our wings are dry. Let5s play and dance again.

() 1. How many butterflies are there in the garden?

   A. One butterfly. B. Two butterflies. C. Three butterflies. D. Four butterflies.

() 2. What are the butterflies doing when it starts to rain?

   A. They are flying. B. They are dancing.

   C. They are playing a game. D. They are staying under the leaves.

() 3. Whom do the butterflies ask for help?

   A. Green Tree. B. Rose.

   C. Green Tree and Rose. D. Green Tree,Rose and Grandpa Sun.

() 4. Who helps the butterflies at last?

   A. Rose. B. Grandpa Sun. C. Rain. D. Dark clouds.

() 5. What is the main idea of the play?

   A. Butterflies cannot fly if their wings are wet.

   B. The four butterflies are sisters and brothers.

   C. Grandpa often helps others.

   D. A real friendship means that friends stay together when they are in trouble.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Scientists are very interested in the universe,and they always want to know more about it. Years ago they knew many things about the moon. They knew how big it is and how far away it is away from the earth. But they wanted to know more about it. They thought the best way was to send men to the moon. The moon is about 384,000 kilometers away from the earth. A plane cannot fly to the moon because the air reaches only 240 kilometers away from the earth. But something can fly even when there is no air. That is a rocket (火箭).

    How does a rocket fly? There is gas (气体) in the rocket. When the gas is made very hot inside the rocket,it will rush out of the end of the rocket,so it can make the rocket fly up into the sky. Rockets can fly out into space. Rockets with men in them have been to the moon. Several rockets without men in them have flown to another planet (行星) much farther away than the moon. One day,rockets may be able to go to any place in space.

() 1. Scientists knew the moon is.

   A. how far   B. how big   C. how old   D. both A and B

() 2. The earth is about 384,000 kilometers away from the .

   A. space   B. universe   C. sun   D. moon

() 3. A plane cannot fly to the moon because .

   A. there is no air above 240 kilometers away from the earth

   B. there is no gas in the plane

   C. the plane is not strong enough

   D. the plane can not fly a long way

() 4. The hot gas in the rocket is used for .

   A. keeping the air in the rocket fresh (新鲜的)

   B. keeping the men in the rocket warm

   C. making the rocket fly up

   D. cooking food for the men

() 5. What is the writer's attitude (态度) to the universe's future?

   A. Realistic (现实的).   B. Imaginative (幻想的) .

   C. Confident (有信心的).   D. Sad.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     Do you often communicate with your parents? Some parents are always comparing their 1 with themselves when they were young or with other people when they were children.

    “When I was at your age ,” a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day ,“I was at the top of my class every year. And I 2 what I wanted to do when I left school. I had goals (目标). You are al-ways at the bottom (最后) of your class 3 you have no goals. ”

     The man's son said nothing. He had already heard this from his father many times. uAnd when your mother was at your age ,” the young man's father 4,‘‘she had a good job and she 5 lots of  money. You don't even have a part-time job. You earn nothing. ” The man's son still said nothing. He had heard this before,too.

    “And when your 6 brother was at your age”’ the young man's father said ,“he studied hard. But you just waste your time. ”

     And the man's son still said nothing.

     Finally,the young man's father said ,“And when Abraham Lincoln was at your age,he worked all day and studied at night. 99

     This time the son 7 stay silent.

   “And when Abraham Lincoln was at your age,father”’ he said ,“he was the President of 8 United States. 9 are you?”

    His father had no answer 10 this.

    Are your parents always comparing you with others? And what5s your reply? Do you have a better way to communicate with each other?

() 1. A. children   B. students   C. teachers   D. friends

() 2. A. know   B. knew   C. will know   D. have known

() 3. A. although   B. or   C. and   D. so

() 4. A. went away   B. went over   C. went up   D. went on

() 5. A. won   B. made   C. received   D. gave

() 6. A. old   B. young   C. older   D. elder

() 7. A. can   B. can't   C. could   D. couldn’t

() 8. A. a   B. an   C. the   D. /

() 9. A. What   B. How   C. Where   D. Who

() 10. A. to   B. with   C. of   D. on


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Arriving in New York There are three airports in New York. When you arrive at one of them,you can take a bus or a taxi to any place in New York.

Eating out There are many kinds of food in New York and you shouldn’t eat at McDonald's every day. There are good restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown,for example.

Hotels There are lots of good hotels in New York. The best is The Plaza on 5th Avenue but you don't have to pay a lot to stay in the city; there are lots of smaller hotels and the YMCA near Central Park is great for young people.

Public Transport In New York,there's a good bus and subway service. If you are planning to use the subway a lot,you should buy a subway ticket for the journey be- cause it's cheaper. But you don't have to use public trans- port—there are lots of places you can go to on foot. The Empire Stale Building,5th Avenue and Central Park. The New York taxis are a part of the city experience,so you should take at least one taxi during your visit!

Places to see Finally,there are a lot of places to see in New York一Times Square,the Statue of Liberty. And you shouldn’t go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city.

Shopping Shopping in New York is fun. There are big shops on 5th Avenue. They are open seven days a week.

But be careful when you look at the prices; you have to pay a special 8% tax (税) on everything you buy in New York.

() 1. There are airports in New York.

   A. one   B. two   C. three   D. four

() 2. How many kinds of public transport are mentioned in the passage?

   A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

() 3. How much do you have to pay if you buy a book of $ 10 in New York?

   A. 10. 8.  B. $ 10. 08.   C. $ 18.   D. $ 10.

() 4. Which of the following isn’t mentioned?

   A. The Statue of Liberty. B. Times Square.

   C. New York Station. D. The Empire Stale Building.

() 5. From the passage,we can learn that.

   A. people can visit many places of interest in New York on foot

   B. New York is not a good place for shopping

   C. people must travel by public transport in New York

   D. people have to eat only one kind of food in New York


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    The Vieira family moved to the United States in 1981. At that time,they decided to stop speaking Spanish at home and only communicate in English. This was because they were now living in an Eng-lish-speaking country.

    Now the Vieira children are adults,and they sometimes travel to Spain to visit their family and

friends. But they cannot communicate with them. Unfortunately this is common. When people move to new countries,they often leave their own customs and mother language behind. This is a mistake because there are many benefits to know more than one language.

    One advantage of speaking more than one language is that you can communicate directly with more people around the world. You do not have to depend on others to talk for you,so you re more independent. People who know only one language must use others to help them communicate.

    Furthermore,speaking a second language also allows people to experience other cultures and cus-toms more effectively. Local expressions,vocabulary,and even jokes can have a powerful effect on a person's understanding of another culture. So,knowing more than one language increases your knowledge of other cultures.

     Finally,having more multi-language speakers improves relationships between countries. If people from different countries can communicate well? the world can become closer. Countries will then have more respect for each other and better understand each other's problems.

    The benefits of knowing more than one language are clear. In fact,there are no disadvantages. It is very sad that many people don't try to learn another language. It is even worse when people let themselves forget their mother language and become silenced.

() 1. What is the passage mainly about?

   A. The benefits of learning other languages. B. The reasons why people come to America.

   C. The importance of learning English. D. How to learn another language.

() 2. The passage begins with the experience of the Vieira family in order to.

   A. discuss the need for teaching a new language

   B. introduce the passage's main characters to the readers

   C. describe the advantages of moving to another country

   D. show the problems of speaking only one language

() 3. The underlined phrase “multi-language speakers”(Paragraph 5) means “people who know

   A. their mother language   B. a new language

   C. more than one language   D. body language

() 4. According to the passage,if you can speak more than one language,you can.

   A. find a better job   B. make more friends

   C. better understand history   D. communicate more independently

() 5. Based on the last paragraph,which of the following is the worst?

   A. Not knowing another language. B. Forgetting one's mother language.

   C. Refusing to learn another language. D. Failing to communicate with others.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  I am 15. Now Tm studying English in London. I want to invent a language machine that can help me understand as many languages as possible.


  I am 13. I dream of going to a top university after I graduate,I want to be a reporter in the future.


   I am a 12 year-old girl. I like traveling very much. How I wish to visit Egypt some day!


   I am a 16 year-old girl in Tibet. The Qinghai Tibet Railway has been built. Til be able to reach Beijing by train in about 48 hours. My dream is to visit the Bird Nest in Beijing.


  I am 14 years old. I dream of inventing a machine that can send things or people from one place to another in a minute.

                                                           Andrew,the USA

() 1. Who is from the USA?

   A. Masha. B. Marie. C. Michiko. D. Andrew.

() 2. What is Michiko's dream?

   A. Visiting Egypt. B. Going from one place to another in a minute.

   C. Going to a top university. D. Inventing a language machine.

() 3. What is Joma's dream?

   A. She wants to visit Tibet. B. She wants to visit London.

   C. She wants to visit Bird Nest. D. She wants to visit Guangdong.

() 4. Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. People in Tibet will be able to get to Beijing by train in about two days.

   B. Marie is now studying English in the USA.

   C. The Qinghai Tibet Railway hasn’t been built yet.

   D. Masha wants to be a reporter when she grows up.

() 5.The best title (题目) for this passage would be “ ”.

   A. I have a dream!       B. Different students from different countries

   C. Five middle school students   D. Our inventions


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   The purpose (目的) of students 1 come to school is to study. But 2 needs the right way or

we would waste the time or the money. The followings are ways for studying.

   The 3 time for reading is morning. Because in the morning,the air is fresh and our mind are

clear. For that reason,we can get good results.

     When we study we must be patient (有耐心的). If we don't understand a text well,we must read it

again. We should not read the next 4 we have learned the first one well.

When we are studying we must put our hearts 5 the book. We can not read absent-mindedly (心不在焉的) ,or we could get 6 from the book while we are reading.

    We must always ask “why”. If it is not 7 understand,write it down and ask our teacher or parents,brothers or friends,in 8 possible way. We must know it completely and then our knowledge can be 9 well.

   Though there are many ways of studying,10 ,the above mentioned (提到的) be quite enough

if we can keep it in heart.

() 1. A. who   B. whose   C. which   D. they

() 2. A. studies   B. be studying   C. to study   D. studied

() 3. A. good   B. better   C. best   D. bad

() 4. A. as   B. until   C. after   D. if

() 5. A. in   B. into   C. to   D. on

() 6. A. something   B. anything   C. everything   D. nothing

() 7. A. well   B. good   C. nice   D. true

() 8. A. some   B. any   C. a   D. many

() 9. A. use   B. used   C. been used   D. be used

() 10. A. but   B. however   C. how   D. still


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

14. (2013 •兰州中考) Ten people, (包含) a baby,were hurt in the crash.

