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    People all over the world celebrate the new year. However,not all the countries celebrate in the same way,and in some countries,the new year doesn’t begin on the 1 date every year.

   In many countries,the new year begins on Jan 1 ,but people start celebrating on Dec 31 ,New Year's eve. In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square. 2 they’re waiting for the new year,they listen to music,sing traditional songs and have fun. Just before 12 o’clock,everyone 3 down from 10: 10. 9. 8. .. As soon as it's 12 o’clock,everyone shouts very 4 Happy New Year! ”

   New Year's Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine,many families go out for a 5 .

    On New Year's Day,many people make resolutions for the new year. They 6 a list of things,such as “I will help out more with housework.

    I will work 7 at school. ” Or “I won’t spend so much time on video games. ” When they have made 8 list,they read it to their family or friends and promise to 9 their resolutions.

     So it doesn’t matter how they celebrate,10 people in countries all over the world,it's a time to say goodbye to the old year,and to welcome the new.

1. A. familiar   B. same

   C. important   D. normal

2. A. If   B. Since

   C. While   D. Before

3. A. comes   B. turns

   C. looks   D. counts

4. A. loudly   B. quietly

   C. sadly   D. safely

5. A. walk   B. secret

   C. job   D. treatment

6. A. put on   B. write down

   C. take away   D. look after

7. A. quickly   B. hard   C. harder   D. hardly

8. A. its   B. his   C. her   D. their

9. A. follow   B. make   C. do   D. give

10. A. by   B. for

   C. with   D. from

2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B



1 . B由doesn’t begin on the... date可知,每年新年开始的日期并不都是相同的。

2. C本句用的是现在进行时,结合listen to music...可知,此处表示“在……的同时”,故答案为C.

3. D由这组数字的排列规律可以看出,他们正在倒计时,故此处应当是“数数”之意。

4. A当倒计时刚结束时,人们都会欢呼,故答案为A项B项表示“安静地”;C项表示“悲伤地”;D项表示 “安全地”,二者均不符合题意。

5. A由when the weather is fine可以判断出,天气好的时候,许多家庭会出去散步。

6. B make resolutions for the new year 表示“制订新年计划”,结合a list of things可知,此处表示“写下” A项表示 “穿上”;C项表示“带走”;D项表示“照顾”,二者均不 符合题意。

7. C由make resolutions可知,此处应当表示“更加努力地”

8. D由本句中的两个they可知,此处表示“他们的”。

9. A promise表示“许下诺言”,结合their resolutions可知,此处表示“遵循”最恰当,故答案为A.

10. B 由 it's a time to say goodbye 可知,say goodbye to the old year 的逻辑主语应当是 people in countries all over the world,故答案为B

 in tiie same way 以相同的方式 make resolutions 作出决定 promise v.许下诺言


So it doesn't matter how they celebrate,for people in countries all over the world,it's a time to say goodbye to the old year,and to welcome the new.所以他们如何庆祝新年并不重要,因为对于世界各地的人们来说,这是一个辞旧迎新的时刻

这是一个并列句在前一个并列句中,how they celebrate是主语从句,it是形式主语;在后一个并列句中,it 是形式主语,代替动同不定式to say. .. the new

题目来源:2016一本英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇八年级 > TEST4


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Every living thing needs energy. Energy gives all 1 and plants food. Humans are animals and they are 2 machines. If you want to keep the machines run 3 ,you must give them enough energy. The energy may come from other animals. 4 can also come from plants.

    Plants use sunlight to make their own 5 while animals can't. They need to 6 plants to get their energy. So when animals eat plants,like fruits and vegetables,they can get 7 sun's energy than when they eat animals. That's 8 it is good to eat fruits and vegetables.

    Energy is very strong in the sun. It 9 a lot of its strength by the time it goes into a plant. When an animal eats a plant,the energy is even less strong. The animal has also used energy to 10 the plant to eat. In this way it can get enough energy.

1. A. thing   B. animals

   C. people   D. men

2. A. for   B. in

   C. to   D. like

3. A. fast   B. slow

   C. well   D. quickly

4. A. It   B. They

   C. He   D. She

5. A. air   B. food

   C. house   D. decision

6. A. meet   B. see

   C. follow   D. eat

7. A. more   B. less

   C. worse   D. better

8. A. when   B. where

   C. why   D. how

9. A. loses   B. makes

   C. saves   D. gets

10. A. help   B. water

   C. find   D. plant


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

      My daughter was too lazy to read,so I gave her a choice. If she wanted to,she could go to bed 30 minutes later than her younger brother,but she had to spend that time in her room reading. It worked great,and now she spends one more hour than her brother reading. She knows that if she doesn’t read,her bed time is the same as her brother's,so she always chooses to read unless (如果不) she is really tired or sick. I hope this can help. I also allow each child to spend one hour and a half watching TV programs every night and half an hour playing video games. My daughter reads or plays in her room when her little brother watches cartoons,and when she watches game shows,my son plays with toys. I read to my 4-year-old son before bed every night while my daughter is reading. I usually go into her room and listen to her reading for about 10 to 20 minutes.

1. The writer's son is years old.

   A. four   B. ten   C. twenty   D. twelve

2. The daughter reads for almost every night.

   A. 30 minutes   B. 10 to 20 minutes

   C. more than one hour   D. less than one hour

3. The daughter will have to if she doesn’t read every night.

   A. watch TV   B. play video games

   C. go to bed earlier   D. do her homework

4. The son when his sister watches game shows.

   A. watches cartoons   B. plays with toys   C. reads or plays   D. goes to bed

5. We can learn from the passage that the writer .

   A. doesn’t like her daughter

   B. doesn’t go to work

   C. wants her children to read more

   D. wants her children to go to bed early


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     Mr Brown lives in America and has a big factory there. He is busy all the time. But when he takes his holidays,he always goes traveling and has been to about thirty countries. One summer he went to visit Moscow. T   here he heard the workers were paid much less than those in his countries. And most factories couldn’t work because they were short of money. He thought he would save much money if he invested in a factory there. The     Russians knew it and warmly met him and he was invited to visit a modem factory. He went to the workplaces,watched carefully how the machines worked. The workers worked hard when he went in.

    Soon it was time to have lunch. Mr Brown went in the dining-room. Meat,eggs,milk and bread could be bought there. It seemed that they weren’t short of anything. Mr Brown came up to an old worker and sat down next to him.

    “Are you satisfied with your life,sir?” asked Mr Brown.

    “Of course,” the worker answered and went on drinking.

    “What do you have now?”

    “I live in a beautiful villa,” answered the man. “I have a new fridge,a new color television and I drive a new car to my factory. ”

   “What's your next wish,then?”

    “To buy a pair of strong shoes!”

1. Mr Brown often spends his holidays .

   A. in America   B. in Moscow

   C. by the sea   D. outside his country

2. At first,Mr Brown was going to .

   A. travel in Moscow

   B. invest in a factory in Moscow

   C. visit a modem factory

   D. know the old worker

3. Mr Brown wanted to invest in Moscow because

   A. he liked to live there

   B. he could save much money there

   C. they were friendly to him

   D. the machines were new

4. The Russians warmly met Mr Brown because

   A. they wanted to help him

   B. he was very rich

   C. they wanted him to invest in the factory

   D. they wanted him to build a new factory there

5. At last,Mr Brown knew .

   A. the old worker had a happy life

   B. the factory was cheating him

   C. the factory wasn’t short of anything

   D. the workers didn't want anything


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Meimei,

    I'm writing to you from America. You don't know 1 happy I am. I have many new friends here. We often play with each other. When I am in 2 ,they always give me a lot of help.

    Cathy is one of my 3 friends at school. She has a round face 4 a pair of glasses above her nose. She is two months older than I,but a little 5 She's always helpful. She is a 6 student and she 7 all her lessons. She often helps me with my English. We like to chat with each other at lunchtime. After school,we always go back home together 8 we live on the same street. Sometimes,I go to the dance club with her. She dances well and she wants to be a 9 when she grows up.

     At weekends,Cathy usually goes swimming. I like going swimming with her,too. I think it's a good way to 10 .

We always have a good time. Write soon.

Love,Li Hua

1. A. how   B. what

   C. why   D. if

2. A. help   B. need

   C. happiness   D. trouble

3. A. well   B. good

   C. better   D. best

4. A. has   B. wears

   C. with   D. on

5. A. longer   B. shorter

   C. taller   D. older

6. A. lazy   B. hard-working

   C. funny   D. happy

7. A. is good at   B. was bad in

   C. do well in   D. was worst at

8. A. so   B. because

   C. and   D. but

9. A. singer   B. cook

   C. dancer   D. writer

10. A. work hard   B. think over

   C. stay healthy   D. learn well


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Some years ago,Chinese high school students would show their new schoolbags,new clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term started. Today,however,all have changed. If you still come back to school 1 only these things,you are falling out-of-date. Students in big cities like to bring the latest high-tech things to school,and feel happy and 2 to show off these things to 3 Mobile phones,MP3 players,CD players, electronic dictionaries,the list is endless.

   Young people think that,living in the 21st century,they must keep up with the times. They don't want to fall 4 Besides,they think that they need to keep in touch with their classmates,so they need mobile phones. They also like to 5 the pop music,so they need CD players. They explain that,6 like electronic dictionaries,these can be 7 in their study, 8 . They think that their parents should understand 9 they want these things.

   Foreign students will also bring some latest high-tech things when they 10 to school at the beginning of a new term. However,they often use the money which they made by themselves during the holiday to buy these high-tech things that they want.

1. A. to   B. from

   C. of   D. with

2. A. right   B. lucky

   C. nice   D. pleased

3. A. other   B. the others

   C. others   D. the other

4. A. down   B. off

   C. behind   D. back

5. A. hear   B. listen to

   C. read   D. play

6. A. look   B. just

   C. feel   D. something

7. A. new   B. modem

   C. latest   D. useful

8. A. also   B. too

   C. either   D. then

9. A. where   B. which

   C. what   D. why

10. A. return   B. return back

   C. reach   D. arrive


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Cindy,Jerry and Mary are giving their opinions about a good friend.

  Cindy: I think a good friend should be honest. That's more important than any other thing and is where a good friendship starts. If a friend isn’t honest,he may lose his friends’ trust.

   Jerry: I think a good friend has to be generous. Here “generous” doesn’t mean he has to give his friends his lunch money or his clothes. It means he should share his ideas and feelings with his friends. In fact,his friends can know him better in this way.

   Mary : In my opinion a good friend should understand his friends. When there's something wrong between him and his friends,he must put himself in his friends’ place and think more for his friends.

1. What does the underlined sentence (句子) mean?

   A. To be honest is the most important.

   B. To be honest is as important as other things.

   C. To be honest is not so important.

   D. Honest people get more things than others.

2. Jerry would like to make friends with people who

   A. give him lunch money

   B. know him very well

   C. tell him their ideas and feelings

   D. give him some clothes

3. Mary thinks friends should .

   A. visit each other often

   B. go to more places to play

   C. understand each other

   D. help each other do more things

4. Which of the following is TRUE?

   A. They are talking about what they think a good friend should be.

   B. They are talking about money.

   C. They are talking about clothes.

   D. They are talking about trust.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5.                          (这个用英语怎么说?)

6. —Who are they?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. —              (你和你的弟弟会下国际象棋吗?)

—Yes,we can./No,we can't.

