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     Each country has its own flag. National flags are often designed with many kinds of shapes on them,such as the sun,stars,the moon,animals and bars.

     Which of these do you think appear most often on flags,the moon,stars,or the sun? More flags have stars than either the sun or the moon. There are more than 50 countries in the world which have stars on their flags.

     Stars are a special image. They mean “ hope ”,“everlasting”,and “forever”. Stars are very bright,so many newly independent countries use stars to show hope for a bright future. The USA was the first country to use stars to show its new independence.

     In Islam,stars have a holy meaning. Most Arabic countries have flags with five point stars to show the five practices of the Islam religious faith. Also,stars are used in Arabic countries because of the wide use of the mathematic shapes in Islamic art.

     Australia and New Zealand both have the constellation of “Southern Cross ” (a real group of stars) pictured on the flags.

     What shapes appear on your country's flag?

() 1. Which appear (s) most often on national flags?

   A. The moon. B. Stars. C. The sun. D. Animals.

() 2. According to the passage,stars can mean .

①hope ②treasure ③forever ④religious faith ⑤ everlasting

   A. ①②③④   B. ②③④⑤

   C. ①③④⑤   D. ①②④⑤

() 3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A. The USA first used stars to show its independence.

   B. Australia and New Zealand have the same flag.

   C. There are less 50 countries with stars on the flags.

   D. Stars on the flags have the same meaning in different countries.

() 4. The passage is mainly about .

   A. the importance of flags

   B. the kinds of flags

   C. the designers of flags

   D. the meaning of stars on flags

A    阅读提示:每个国家的国旗都是不一样的,都有不一样的图案,


1. B细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“More flags have stars than either the sun or the moon”可知,出现在国旗上最多的是星星,所 以选择答案   B.

2. C细节理解题。由文中第三段中的“They mean‘hope’‘everlasting’ , and ‘ forever ’ ” 和第四 段中的 “ Most Arabic countries have flags with five point stars to show the five practices of the Islam religious faith”可知选择答案 C.

3. A 细节理解题。根据文中的“The USA was the first country to use stars to show its new independence”可知,选项 A 是正确的。

4. D主旨大意题。根据文中的描述可知,主要讲述了国旗上星星图案的象征含义,所以选择答案   D.

题目来源:2016年启东中学作业本英语阅读理解与完形填空5 > Week 12 Stars and signs 星星与星座


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     The following is about two new inventions in 2010. Do you know about them?

     On a rainy day,it is easy for us to get wet when we use a common umbrella.

     Simon Warne,27. a student of Brunei University solved this problem. He invented an unbreakable umbrella. He said the umbrella could be upright in bad weather. Even on a windy day,the umbrella will not be out of shape.

     Simon Warne said he came up with the idea when he saw people trying their best to open their umbrellas on a rainy day. He thought there must be a better solution.

     Another invention comes from a 22-year-old girl,Natalie King. She invented a special flowerpot. It can tell people if there is something wrong with the plant.

There is a light under the flowerpot. The light of the pot will be green if all is well. And if the plant is too dry,hot or cold,the light will be red.

     Natalie said she invented this kind of flowerpot because of her old grandfather. His eyes were not very well. “This kind of flowerpot is very useful to people like him ,” she said. “When the light turns red,one will know the plant is too dry or too cold,so he has to do something until the light turns green.

() 1. How many inventions are mentioned in this passage?

   A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

() 2. The student invented the unbreakable umbrella to make people

   A. not get wet on a rainy day

   B. not go out on a windy day

   C. open their umbrellas on a rainy day

   D. not use any umbrellas

() 3. Natalie put a light according to the passage.

   A. over the flowerpot

   B. near the flower

   C. under the flowerpot

   D. in the flower

() 4. If all about the flowerpot is well,the light must be .

   A. red   B. green

   C. blue   D. yellow

() 5. We can learn from the passage that .

   A. the unbreakable umbrella is easy to break

   B. the flowerpot is only useful for old people

   C. both of the students are very rich

   D. both of the students are good at inventions


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     On the first day of my sixth grade,I saw one little girl called Lori on the school bus. “Don’t talk to her ,” said Lauren,who sat beside me ,“or they will make fun of you. ”

     Lori had many physical differences —lots of reasons for other kids to make fun of her. Her eyes weren’t straight. Her glasses were too big. And she had really ugly teeth. Every day kids would laugh at Lori, ^God,what a strange face!Stop looking at me!”

     I had to be in silence. After all,I didnJt want them to treat me in the same way. But while I was making fun of her,my heart ached for the girl. I could see that she was so ashamed and alone. Then I wanted to protect her. I just didn't know how to stop my schoolmates until the night of our class skating party. Our whole class was there. Lori was there,too. Lori didn't know how to skate,but I could see how much she wanted to have fun like the rest of us. So I skated over to her and took her by the hand. She just smiled and was very excited. The next morning there was much news that Lori and I skated together. But nobody laughed at her or me.

     I never heard from Lori again after the school year. But I always hoped that I changed her life for the better.

() 1. Where did the author meet Lori for the first time?

   A. On the street. B. On the school bus.

   C. At a skating party. D. Near the author5 s house.

() 2. Why did the kids laugh at Lori?

   A. She had many physical differences.

   B. She studied better than them.

   C. She was a shy girl.

   D. She disliked them.

() 3. Why did the author keep silent at the beginning when others made fun of Lori?

   A. Because she disliked Lori.

   B. Because she felt ashamed.

   C. Because she was afraid of Lori.

   D. Because she didn't want to be laughed at by others.

() 4. The author helped Lori .

   A. after the school year

   B. on the first day of her sixth grade

   C. on the night of the class skating party

   D. on the next morning of the class skating party

() 5. From the passage,we can learn the author is .

   A. stubborn   B. honest   C. generous   D. kind


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Students in Blue Sky Middle School please note the following:

     No smoking in and out of school.

     You must carry your student ID card with you all the time at school. You are not allowed to go into the school without it.

     ◆Remember to wear your school uniform inside the school.

     ◆Don’t climb onto the roofs of the school buildings or the trees.

     ◆Don’t write or draw on walls,desks or other things at school.

     ◆Show good manners at all times.

     ◆No fighting or quarrelling.

     ◆Don’t miss any lessons.

     ◆Don’t run in the hallway or the classroom.


() 1. What is the notice about?

   A. Learning skills.

   B. How to write an advertisement.

   C. The school rules.

   D. A lost and found notice.

() 2. Which of the following is NOT allowed to do?

   A. Go to school with your student ID card.

   B. Show good manners.

   C. Wear school uniforms.

   D. Fight with other students.

() 3. What does the underlined word “quarrelling” mean?

   A. 辩解   B. 吵架

   C. 讲演   D. 翻译

() 4. Which of the following could also be in the notice?

   A. Don’t play with lighters or fire.

   B. Wash your hands before meals.

   C. Get up early and eat more vegetables.

   D. Don’t watch TV before you finish your homework.

() 5. Students of the school are asked to at all times.

   A. walk to school

   B. wear school uniforms

   C. have good manners

   D. show their school cards


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     A little star wanted to travel around,but her parents told her that she would have to 1  They said that the little star was too 2  to go out on her own.

     One day,the star saw a lovely blue planet. The little star 3 her parents’ words.She flew off in order to have a better look at it. When she arrived in the blue planet,the people and animals thought she was a firefly and everyone wanted to catch 4 .

     She was scared and 5 herself under a piece of white 6 . Seeing the cloth moving,everyone thought she was a ghost and ran away. She walked on. Then she arrived at a mountain 7 a great monster lived. She tried to use the white cloth to scare the monster,too. But when she got 8 to the monster,she was surrounded by9 Luckily,she managed to escape from the fire and the monster.

      She wanted to go home,but she forgot the way. At the same time,her parents were 10 her everywhere. Then,when it was dark,her parents saw her light and took her home.

The little star decided that she wouldn’t go out on her own until she was much older.

() 1. A. risk   B. wait   C. taste   D. continue

() 2. A. old   B. hard   C. young   D. easy

() 3. A. remembered   B. forgot   C. increased   D. reduced

() 4. A. him   B. it   C. them   D. her

() 5. A. hid   B. appeared   C. stole   D. threw

() 6. A. quilt   B. stick   C. cloth   D. scarf

() 7. A. which   B. what   C. that   D. where

() 8. A. farther   B. closer   C. quieter   D. quicker

() 9. A. water   B. fire   C. ghosts   D. stars

() l0. A. looking for   B. looking at   C. looking after   D. looking out


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Living in Hawaii for most natives is kind of like living in a different country. Owning a home in Hawaii is like a dream for many. We call it heaven,but that's really more about the land,ocean,and the beauty of nature in the tropical climate.

     The ocean is everywhere. And the water is about 75 Fahrenheit degrees (华氏度) all year long. The best beaches are on the north shore at Sunset Beach and Waimea,but those beaches have big waves in winter,so when the surf is big and you just want to go to a beach without waves,go to Kailua or Lanikai. The white sand is beautiful.

     Most of Hawaii's surf is on the north shore. Oahu has the best surf in the world. And the mountains in Windward Oahu are beautiful and fun to hike. There are other areas to hike,but Kailua is the best.

     It's hard to describe the Aloha,but it's the lifestyle,the friendliness,the kindness that Hawaii people show to each other.

     Life in Hawaii is slower than the mainland,though Oahu has a faster pace than neighboring islands,and downtown Honolulu has about the same energy as any other big city.

     Hawaii is warm. All winter is about 70〜80 Fahrenheit degrees,and mostly sunny. You never need a jacket,and you can be outside almost every day.

() 1. The underlined word “tropical” means “ ” in Chinese.

   A. 炎热的   B. 寒冷的

   C. 多雨的   D. 热带的

() 2. The best beaches in Hawaii are on the shore.

   A. north   B. south

   C. west   D. east

() 3. If you want to hike in Hawaii, is the best place.

   A. Lanikai   B. Kailua

   C. Waimea   D. Sunset Beach

() 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Hawaii is a good place for many people to live.

   B. In Hawaii people are very friendly to each other.

   C. It's said that Waimea has the.best surf in the world.

   D. The white sand at Kailua or Lanikai is very beautiful.

() 5. What's the best title for the passage?

   A. The Weather in Hawaii.

   B. The Best Surf in Hawaii.

   C. The Ocean Around Hawaii.

   D. The Best of Living in Hawaii.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Can vegetables and fruits be grown in space? The first spaceship to Mars could be called “kitchen gardens”,scientists claim.

      Experts say the crops would not only give astronauts healthy food to eat during the long journey,but would also improve the cabin environment.

      We all know Yang Liwei is China's first astronaut. He took the spaceship to space on October 15 ,2003. Yang stayed in the spaceship for 21 hours. He took photos and recorded everything he saw in space. At that time he had to eat some chicken and fried rice.

     ① But now the astronauts can grow vegetables and fruits in space. The astronauts in the first spaceship to Mars can grow vegetables and fruits. They grow carrots,tomatoes,spring onions,strawberries,cabbages …The scientists say the vegetables and fruits must save room and can be grown easily.②它们将会给宇航员 提供健康的食物和新鲜的空气。Growing the vegetables and fruits in the spaceship can help astronauts live on Mars for a long time.


1. Why is the first spaceship to Mars called “kitchen gardens”?

2. How long did Yang Liwei stay in the spaceship?


3. 把①处画线部分改为被动句。

4. 把②处画线部分译成英语。


() 5. The vegetables and fruits grown in the spaceship must take

a little .

   A. room   B. money   C. time   D. work


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

三、 任务型阅读

      For Rachel Beckwith's 9 th birthday,she didn't ask for toys,dolls or a new pair of shoes. Instead,the girl made an interesting wish. She wanted her friends and relatives to donate money to the charity. She hoped the charity could get more water so that people in some developing countries could drink clean drinking water.

     “On June 12th,2011,I'm turning 9,” she wrote on her diary. “I find out that millions of people didn't live to see their 5th birthday. Why? Because they didn't have enough clean,safe water to drink. So I'm celebrating my birthday like never before.”

     Rachel's goal amount was $300,but she only raised $220 from her friends and relatives. That didn't bother her much,and she said she could raise more the following year. Unfortunately,Rachel met a car accident. After spending several days in a hospital,she lost her life.

     But as the news of her death spread,her story of raising money for the charity did too. Finally,the donation got over $ 1,271,713. All the money went towards building wells in developing countries.


1. What did Rachel Beckwith want for her ninth birthday?

2. When was Rachel's ninth birthday?

3. Why didn't millions of people live to see their fifth birthday?

4. How much did Rachel want to get from her friends and relatives?

5. What happened to Rachel at last?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 这对夫妇结婚已有五十年了,至今仍相亲相爱。

The couple fifty years and they still love each other very much.

