精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
  Peter was eight and a half years old,and he went to school near his house. He always went there and came home on foot,and he usually got back on time,but last Friday he came home from school late. His mother was in the kitchen,and she saw him and said to him, "Why are you late today,Peter?"

  "My teacher was angry and sent me to the headmaster after our lessons," Peter answered.

  "To the headmaster?" his mother said, "Why did she send you to him?"

  "Because she asked a question in the class”,Peter said , " and none of the children gave her the answer except me."  

  His mother was angry. "But why did the teacher send you to the headmaster's office then? Why didn't she send all the other stupid children?"

  "Because her question was ' Who put glue (胶7]c) on my chair?' " Peter said.

(   ) 1. Peter         .

   A. was too young to go to school

   B. never came home on time

   C. was a middle school student

   D. often went to school on foot

(   ) 2. Peter came back home late because .

   A. he answered the teacher's question

   B. he had to go to the headmaster's office

   C. he put glue on the headmaster's chair

   D. he played basketball

(   ) 3. The question         .

   A. was quite difficult so nobody could answer it except Peter

   B. was easy but all the other children were too stupid to answer it

   C. was asked because Peter put glue on the teacher's chair

   D. was not really a question

(   ) 4. All the other children didn't answer the question because         .

   A. they were too stupid

   B. They didn't put glue on the chair

   C. they wouldn't answer it

   D. Peter had answered the question

(   ) 5. Peter's mother         .

   A. was very happy because her son was very clever

   B. was quite angry because her son put glue on the teacher's chair

   C. was angry because the teacher sent her son to the headmaster

   D. was not angry at all


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Jim likes apples very much and yesterday he ate too many green o 1       So this morning he had a stomachache. When he came to the b 2       table, he cried. His mother asked y "Why are you crying (哭) ?" "My stomach h 3       ," answered Jim. "You ate too many apples y 4       ”,She said, "and they were g 5       . Go to Dr. Jones' office and he will give you some m 6       . You know his house." " Yes,mum. " Then he went to Dr. Jones house without having any food. Jim got to Dr. Jones's house at 9: 30,but there were two other people in the doctor's waiting room,so Jim didn't see the doctor until about 10 o'clock. "What's the matter with you,young man?" asked Dr. Jones. "I have a stomachache," said Jim,and he s 7       to the doctor,too. He wrote something on a p 8       of paper (紙) and said, "Take this to a chemist (药剂师) ,and he will give you some medicine. "Jim t 9       the doctor,then went to the chemist and bought the medicine. His stomachache was s 10       better.

1. o       2. b       3. h         4. v         5. g        

6. m      7. s       8. p      9. t       10. s       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Monday morning is an important time at our school. All students go to the playground to listen to music and one student gives a talk after that.

Last week,my teacher said to me, "It's your turn to give a talk next Monday. Get ready for it. " I was excited,so I wrote the article and read it again and again.

  Monday morning came. I began to feel shy. I never give a talk to so many people!Can I really do it? When I got to school and stood in front of the whole school,I looked down. I saw about 1,000 eyes. They were all looking at me!I couldn't stand up. I opened my mouth,but I couldn't say anything. I said to myself, "Don't be shy. You can do it."Then I began to talk. It was easy. I felt so good that day. I showed myself to everyone what I can do.

(   ) 1. On Monday morning,many students go to the playground to         .

   A. listen to a talk   B. read English

   C. play games   D. give a talk

(   ) 2. When I heard I would give a talk,I felt         .

   A. shy   B. quiet   C. excited   D. worried

(   ) 3. What does the expression "get ready for" mean?

   A. 准备   B. 操练   C. 结果   D. 复习

(   ) 4. I couldn't say any words when I stood there because         .

   A. I didn't read my talk well   B. I couldn't stand up

   C. I was very shy   D. I didn't remember my talk

(   ) 5. From the passage,we know it is important         .

   A. to give a talk in front of other students

   B. to help others in trouble

   C. to believe ourselves

   D. not to look down others' eyes when you give a talk


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Once an old man was walking in a street with his horse. It was raining hard. The old man was c 1       because he was walking in the rain. He wanted to stay in a restaurant. It was a q 2       past three in the afternoon. The old man got to a small restaurant. There were a lot of p 3       in it. The old man couldn't come near the fire. He thought and thought. At last he said to the w 4       ,"Take some f 5       to my horse. " The waiter and the people were very s 6       . The waiter said, "A horse doesn't eat fish. " The old man told the waiter, "This horse is very interesting. It can sing,dance and does all k 7       of things. It can eat fish,too,”So the waiter b 8       the horse some fish. All the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish e 9       the old man. Now the old man sat beside the fire. After a w       1 the waiter came back and said. "Your horse didn't eat any fish. " The old man said, "All right,take the fish back and put it on the table. I'll eat it."

1. c       2. q      3. p        4. w      5. f         

6. s       7. k      8. b          9. e         10. w      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 One day a boy was walking along the street. Suddenly he stopped and looked up into the sky. A young man passed by him. When he saw the boy,he felt curious and looked up,too. Just then a girl came up and saw them. "Is there anything interesting in the sky?" She thought and looked up,too.

  After a while there were quite some people. They were interested in the clear blue sky. Suddenly the boy asked, "Hey,what are all of you looking up at?" "That's what we are going to ask you," said the young man.

  "You want to ask me? But I wasn't looking at anything," said the boy. "I raised my head upward (向上) because my nose bled (流血) "

(   ) 1. What was the boy doing one day?

   A. He was looking for something in the street.

   B. He was going down the street on foot.

   C. He was going to see his friend.

   D. He was looking up at the plane in the sky.

(   ) 2. What does the word "curious" in the passage mean in Chinese?

   A. 好奇的   B. 着急的   C. 烦恼的   D. 高兴的

(   ) 3. The girl thought         ,so she looked up.

   A. there was something wrong with the boy

   B. none of the people were interested in the blue sky

   C. the young man could see nothing in the sky

   D. there was something interesting in the sky

(   ) 4. The boy looked up into sky only because .

   A. he liked doing so very much

   B. the other people also did so

   C. something was wrong with his nose

   D. his mother told him to do so

(   ) 5. From the passage we can see         .

   A. many people were looking up

   B. there must be something in the sky

   C. there was an accident in the street

   D. the boy did not know why the other people were looking up into the sky as he did


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  One afternoon,Dick is walking his dog,Air,in the park near his house. Air sees a black dog under a big tree and runs after it.

  Dick is a little angry that Air runs away. But he has to look for him. There are so many roads in the park that Dick doesn't know which way Air takes.

  Dick walks and walks. Three hours passes. It is getting dark,and he feels very tired and hungry. "Mum may be worried (担心的) about me," he thinks. "But where is Air now?"

  Suddenly,he hears a voice, "Hi,Dick,are you looking for Air? He is at my house,playing with my dog,White. " It is one of Dick's neighbors,Mrs. King.

"Thank goodness!" says Dick. "I will not walk Air again."

(   ) 1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the reading?

   A. There are many people in the park.

   B. Many dogs are playing in the park.

   C. The park is near Dick's home.

   D. Air goes back home himself at the end of the story.

(   ) 2. What does Air do when he sees a dog?

   A. He does nothing about it.

   B. He runs after it.

   C. He has a fight with it.

   D. He walks past without seeing it.

(   ) 3. We can infer when Dick begins to walk his dog,it's.

   A. in the morning   B. in the afternoon

   C. in the evening   D. at night

(   ) 4. Where does Dick find his dog?

   A. At his neighbor's house. B. On the road near his house.

   C. Under the tree in the park. D. On a road in the park.

(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. White is a dog.

   B. Dick is happy to walk Air next time after finding him.

   C. When it is getting dark,Dick feels tired and hungry.

   D. Mrs. King helps Dick find his dog.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  New York,Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums,plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world.

  But there are serious problems in big cities too. It is expensive to live there,and there are too many people in some places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs,to study at good schools and receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean.

  Some people enjoy living in big cities,others do not. Before people move to a big city,they should think about the problem of living there.

(   ) 11. In big cities people can         .

   A. go to different kinds of museums

   B. see all kinds of plays and films

   C. buy things from all over the world

   D. A.B and C

(   ) 12. Which of the following is TRUE?

   A. Big cities are not clean and safe enough.

   B. People can easily find good place to live in big cities.

   C. People can always have many chances to find work to do.

   D. All people like to live in big cities.

(   ) 13. In this passage the writer thinks it is RIGHT for people         .

   A. to move to big cities

   B. not to move to big cites

   C. to move to big cities without thinking of any problems

   D. not to move big cities before they think over the problems of living there

(   ) 14. This passage doesn't tell us that         .

   A. Paris is an exciting place for people to live in

   B. big cities have a lot of serious problems

   C. big cities are all very dirty

   D. usually people can get better medical care there

(   ) 15. Which is the best title for this passage?

   A. Big cities.

   B. Interesting Things in Big Cities.

   C. Good School in Big Cities.

   D. New York,London and Paris.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  One day Mrs. Jones went shopping. When her husband came home in the evening,she began to tell him about a beautiful T-shirt. "I saw it was in a shop this morning," she said. "And...”

  "And you want to buy it," said her husband. "How much is it?" "Fifteen dollars."

  "Fifteen dollars for a T-shirt? That's too expensive!"

  But every evening,when Mr. Jones came back from work,his wife talked only about the T-shirt,and at last,after a week,he said, "Oh,buy the T-shirt!Here is the money!" She was happy. The next evening,when Mr. Jones came home and asked, "Did you buy the nice T-shirt?"

  "No. " she said.

  "Why not?" the husband was surprised.

  "Well,it was still in the window of the shop after a week,so I thought,nobody else wants this T-shirt,I don't want it,either."

(   ) 6. Mrs. Jones wanted to buy         .

   A. shoes   B. a T-shirt   C. pants   D. socks

(   ) 7. Mr. Jones thought it was        for a T-shirt.

   A. beautiful   B. short   C. expensive   D. big

(   ) 8. Mr. Jones agreed to buy it,because         .

   A. he had much money

   B. his wife always talked about it

   C. his wife really liked it

   D. it was really beautiful

(   ) 9. Who bought the nice T-shirt in the shop?

   A. Mrs. Jones. B. Mr. Jones.

   C. Nobody. D. Another woman.

(   ) 10. At last,Mrs. Jones didn't want to buy the T-shirt because         .

   A. somebody else bought it

   B. her husband didn't agree

   C. it was too expensive

   D. she didn't like it then


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Watching some children trying to catch butterflies one August afternoon,I was reminded of an incident in my own childhood. When I was a boy of twelve in South Carolina,something happened to me that made me never put any wild creature        (living thing) in a cage (笼子) .

We lived on the edge of a forest,and every evening at dusk the mockingbirds (嘲鸫) would come and rest in the trees and sing. There isn't a musical instrument made by man that can produce a more beautiful sound than the song of the mockingbird.

I decided that I would catch a young bird and keep it in a cage and in that way,I would have my own private musician.

I finally succeeded in catching one and put it in a cage. At first,being scared,the bird fluttered (朴腾) around the cage,but finally it settled down (定居下来) in its new home. I felt very pleased with myself and looked forward to some beautiful singing from my little musician.

On the second day of the bird's captivity,my new pet's mother flew to the cage with food in her mouth. The baby bird ate everything she brought to it. I was pleased to see this. Certainly the mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.

The following morning when I went to see how my captive (被监禁的,被关押的) bird was doing,I discovered it on the floor of the cage,dead. I was terribly surprised!What had happened!I had taken extremely care of my little bird,or so I thought.

Arthur Wayne,the famous ornithologist (鸟类学家) ,who happened to be visiting my father at the time,hearing me crying about the death of my bird,explained what had happened ," A mother mockingbird,finding her young in a cage,will sometimes bring it poison berries (毒莓) .She thinks it better for her young to die than to live in captivity."

Never since then have I caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living creatures have a right to live free.

(   ) 11. Why did the writer want to keep the bird in a cage? Because         .

   A. the bird was beautiful

   B. the bird could have a place to rest

   C. the writer liked the singing of the bird

   D. the writer didn't have an instrument

(   ) 12. When I came to see the bird the following day,I saw        and I was scared.

   A. the pet's mother came to feed the bird

   B. the bird was dead in the cage

   C. the bird was calm

   D. the bird was fluttering

(   ) 13. Why did the mother bird came to feed the baby?

   A. The mother was afraid that the baby would be hungry.

   B. The baby hoped that.

   C. The writer didn't take good care of the bird.

   D. The mother bird didn't want the baby to be caged.

(   ) 14. Which of the following best explains the underlined word "captivity" in the reading?

   A. Being caged. B. Scares. C. Staying in a place. D. Living happily.

(   ) 15. The best title of the passage should be         

   A. All Living Creatures Have a Right to Live Free

   B. It's Better to Die Than to Live in Captivity

   C. Never Put a Bird in Cages

   D. Mother Knows Better about Baby

