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   “ English-in-Canada” is an English Language Summer Camp with a difference for 10-to-l7-year-olds. Each summer over the past 30 years,400 international students have enjoyed a wonderful learning experience.

We take care of our students 

For many young students this will be the first time away from home. Students will be picked up from and returned to the Ottawa Airport. And they will get 24-hour health care.


Students live in clean and comfortable rooms. Girls and boys are on different floors. Fresh bed sheets weekly. Washing machines are on each floor. Three meals daily (all you can eat) , seven days a week. All kinds of warm and cold food,salads,fruits and drinks.

Instruction & activities 

Twenty-five hours of English instruction weekly are in the mornings. Afternoons are more relaxed with language activities and games. The time is filled with fun and friendship.

Weekend tours included 

All weekend tours are included : City Tour,Museum,Parliament Buildings,Upper Canada Village. The 4-week course also includes a trip to Omega Park.

   For more information,visit www. english-in-canada. com. Come to Carleton University in Ottawa to have fun and make new friends!

1. The above passage is most probably .

   A. an advertisement

   B. a medical report

   C. a headmaster's diary

   D. a shopping list

2. Students to the camp will be in a environment.

   A. tiring   B. quiet

   C. safe   D. wild

3. Which can be put in properly?

   A. How to keep healthy

   B. Foreign language teachers

   C. Prices and Dates

   D. Accommodation & meals

4. The students can take part in all of the following EXCEPT .

   A. language activities and games

   B. washing clothes and cooking meals

   C. making international friends

   D. the city tour at the weekend

5. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. Carleton University in Ottawa

   B. Come to enjoy the trip to Omega Park

   C. International Summer Camp

   D. Learning English for 25 hours Weekly

1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C

本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了一个英语夏令营 的环境、食宿和活动等。

1. A推理判断题。根据全文大意和短文最后两句可判断本文是一篇英语夏令营广告。

2. C细节理解题。根据表格第一行中的“And they will get 24-hour health care. ”可知,孩子们在夏令营的环境很安全。

3. D细节理解题。本段谈论的是rooms、bed sheets和three meals ,因此答案为D.

4. B细节理解题。文章没有提到洗衣服和做饭,答案为B.

5. C主旨大意题。全文围绕国际夏令营来写,因此选项C是本文的最佳题目。

题目来源:一本英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇中考 > TEST2


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B. Listen to the conversations between Benny and his mother. Write down the birthday of each of his family members.

Benny's grandma 

Benny's Uncle Jack


Benny's mum


Benny's dog



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   On the second Sunday in May is Mother's Day,American children of all ages give their mothers something special. It is the day all children,young or old,try to show their love to mothers. It is the day to celebrate motherhood (母亲身份) and to thank her for all small and big things she has done for her children. However,did you know that Mother's Day celebration is no recent thing?

   England was the first country to set a day for mothers. In the United States,Mother's Day became an official holiday in 1910. An American girl,Anna,asked her governor (州长) to set a festival for mothers for their love. And they set the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day and a year later all the other states celebrated it.

   On Mother's Day morning some American children serve their mothers breakfast in bed. Other children give their mothers presents which they have made by themselves or bought in stores. Adults give their mothers red carnations (康乃馨) ,the official Mother's Day flower. If their mothers left the world they would bring white carnations to their grave sites (墓地) . This is the busiest day of the year for American restaurants. On her special day,family members do not want Mom to cook dinner!

1. Which country set Mother's Day first?

   A. China.

   B. England.

   C. America.

   D. France.

2. All over the America began to celebrate Mother's Day in.

   A. 1901

   B. 1910

   C. 1911

   D. 1921

3. What color of carnations an American mother may see at home on the Mother's Day?

   A. Red.

   B. Orange.

   C. Yellow.

   D. White.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Only young children buy presents for their mothers.

   B. Anna wanted to set the festival for only her mother.

   C. Not all the states want to celebrate Mother's Day.

   D. Some mothers can eat breakfast in bed on Mother's Day.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Do you remember your first day of school? Maybe your mom or dad stayed at home from work so they could drive you to school,or maybe they waved goodbye to you as you were getting on the school bus. You probably wore new clothes for the first day of school,and maybe,you were just a bit scared.

   In Germany,parents go to the school with their children on the first day. That way the children are not alone. Parents stay at the school the whole day.

   When they get to school,each child receives a zuckertute (包裹) .A zuckertute is a cone-shaped (圆锥形的) package. It is filled with toys and sweets. The top of the package is covered with flowers. It is usually very large and sometimes stands as tall as the child!The zuckertute is brought to school by the parents before the school day begins. Children often put their picture on their zuckertute. The first day is spent exploring (探索) the classroom and getting to know one another. When the day is over,children and parents go home for a family party. The party is usually held at home,but sometimes it is held at a restaurant.Brothers,sisters,grandparents,cousins,aunts and uncles are invited to the party. In small towns,neighbors even come to congratulate (祝贺) the child. Everyone brings gifts to the child.

1. What do the parents do on the first day of school in Germany?

   A. Stay at home all day.

   B. Send the kids to the school bus.

   C. Drive their kids to school.

   D. Stay at the school the whole day.

2. What will the child find in his/her zuckertute?

   A. Pencils and erasers.

   B. Toys and sweets.

   C. Books and pictures.

   D. Money and telephone number.

3. When do the parents bring a zuckertute to school in Germany according to the passage?

   A. On the first day of school.

   B. On the evening of the first day.

   C. After their children go to school.

   D. Before the first day of school.

4. Where is the family party for the children's first day of school usually held in Germany?

   A. At school. B. At home.

   C. At a restaurant. D. In a hotel.

5. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Sweet First Day for German Children

   B. How do German Children Go to School

   C. The Zuckertute for German Children

   D. Parents and Children in Germany


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Keane Everton is a 6-year-old British boy. He looks just like any other boy of his age,1 he has done an unusual thing. He has gone on a bike ride to 2 money for research on PNH (血红蛋白尿) ,a disease that his grandfather died of last year.

   His mother,the 43-year-old Gail Everton,said,“3 Keane's grandfather's birthday came this year,I talked with my husband about last year's birthday. Keane heard it and asked what we were going to do for his grandfather's birthday this year,4 he had gone. I explicated (阐明) that we couldn’t really do anything for people's birthdays after they had gone. He was so 5 about this. Finally,we decided to do the ride to celebrate a( n) 6 birthday for his grandfather. ”

   “I think it will be good to 7 him to raise money for the research on PNH,” said Gail.

   A person from the PNH research team at St. James’ University Hospital said ,“We’re 8 to hear about Keane's fantastic story. This is clearly a wonderful thing and we should be 9 proud of him. ”

   “ We are also pleased to see he and his family make this endowment to our 10 . Every little effort really makes a difference ,” he added.

1. A. and   B. or   C. but   D. so

2. A. raise   B. make   C. get   D. find

3. A. Before   B. After   C. When   D. While

4. A. but   B. although   C. if   D. when

5. A. pleased   B. lonely   C. upset   D. surprised

6. A. unforgettable   B. interesting   C. lovely   D. special

7. A. ask   B. suggest   C. order   D. encourage

8. A. lucky   B. surprised   C. sad   D. pleased

9. A. only   B. certainly   C. mostly   D. hardly

10. A. idea   B. research   C. plan   D. topic


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   One Christmas Eve,Santa landed his sleigh (雪橇) on a house,grabbed his bag of toys and slid down the chimney. Once he was inside the house,he quickly went to work setting out two toys he had brought for the Reilly twins,Erin and Pat.

   When he was done,Santa noticed a plate of cookies and a glass of milk setting with a note that read: For Santa. Santa sat down in a big chair and soon he had eaten the whole plate of cookies and had drunk the whole glass of milk. As he got up to leave,he noticed another plate of fudge (软糖) . Before long,Santa had eaten everything on this plate,too.

   When he finished,he grabbed his toy bag and started to climb up out of the chimney. The only problem was,he had eaten too much and now he and his bag did not fit in the chimney. Santa went back to the Christmas tree and placed a few more toys under the tree from his bag and again he tried going up the chimney. Again,he did not fit. So back he went to the tree and this time,he placed every gift in his ba^ under the tree. At last,Santa was able to climb up the chimney to the roof.

   In the morning when the children came downstairs,there were toys everywhere.

1. This story happened .

   A. on Thanksgiving Day

   B. on April Fool's Day

   C. on Christmas Eve

   D. on Spring Festival

2. Santa brought for the Reilly twins,Erin and Pat.

   A. two toys

   B. a plate of cookies

   C. a glass of milk

   D. a bag of toys

3. Santa ate in Erin and Pat's house.

   A. only cookies

   B. only milk

   C. only fudge

   D. some cookies,milk and fudge

4. Santa couldn’t climb out of the chimney because.

   A. he was very tired

   B. he was very full

   C. he was very hungry

   D. he was very afraid

5. According to the passage,Santa's bag was when he left.

   A. heavy   B. full

   C. empty   D. old


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Look after your Pet!Cat Grass. Your cat will love this green grass.


   Small planter (花盆) 

   Potting soil 


   Cat grass seeds you can buy at plant stores 


   Fill the planter with soil. Add water until the soil is slightly wet. Throw seeds across the top layer (层) of soil,then press them into the soil. Wet the soil again. Keep the soil wet until the grass begins to sprout—about one to two weeks. Then water as needed. When your grass grows,invite your cat to this all-you-can-eat salad bar.

   Sounds Great—Bottled Music 


   The same plastic bottles



   Fill the plastic bottles with different amounts of water. Arrange the bottles in order from most to least full. Blow across the top of each bottle and compare the different sounds you make.


   Changing the amounts of air and water in the bottles lets you change the pitch (音高) 一how high or low the sound is. When you blow across the tops of the bottles,you are making the air inside vibrate (振动) . In bottles with more air,vibrations are slower,so the pitch is lower.

1. Where can you get cat grass seeds?

   A. In the pet hospital.

   B. At the plant store.

   C. From the post office.

   D. In the music hall.

2. Which of the following is the RIGHT order to grow cat grass?

a. Press the cat grass seeds into the soil.

b. Put soil into the planter.

c. Finally water the soil in the planter.

d. Throw cat grass seeds on the soil.

e. Add water and make the soil slightly wet.

   A. b-e-d-a-c   B. d-b-e-c-a

   C. e-b-a-c-d   D. a-c-b-e-d

3. The underlined word “sprout” means “ ” in Chinese.

   A. 发芽   B. 枯萎

   C. 结果   D. 戊盛

4. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. There are different amounts of water in the bottles.

   B. Blow across the top of each bottle to make music.

   C. Arrange the bottles in any order you like.

   D. In bottles with more air,the pitch is lower.

5. Which can be properly put in?

   A. WHEN   B. WHY



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Simon's favourite activity is


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2 I like to throw a for my dog. He runs after it and brings it back to me.

a trick b stick 

