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    13. Be sure not to miss them if they come to a city near you. (be sure to do...)




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

13. We spent a pleasant hour or two talking with our friends.(改为同义句) 

It        us a pleasant hour or two              with our friends.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 There was once a wise old woman who lived in the hills. All the children used to come back and ask her questions. She always gave the right answers.

There was a naughty (淘气) little boy among the children. One day he caught a tiny bird and held it in his cupped hands. Then he gathered his friends around. He said, "Let's trick the old woman. I'll ask her what I'm holding in my hands. Of course,she'll answer that I have a bird. Then I will ask her if the bird is living or dead. If she says the bird is dead,I'll open my hands and let the bird fly away. If she says the bird is alive,I'll quickly crush it and show her the dead bird. Either way,she'll be wrong."

The children agreed that this was a clever plan. Up the hill they went to the old woman's house. "Granny,we have a question for you," they all shouted.

"What's in my hands?" asked the little boy.

"Well,it must be a bird”, replied the old woman.

"But is it living or dead?" asked the excited boy.

The old woman thought for a moment and then replied, "It is as you will,my child."

(   ) 31. What do you think of the old woman?

   A. She was very clever. B. She was very foolish.

   C. She was very rude. D. She was very lonely.

(   ) 32. The underlined word trick in the second paragraph means        in Chinese.

   A. 帮助   B. 捉弄   C. 欺负   D. 考验

(   ) 33. What happened to the bird in the boy's hands finally?

   A. It was flying away. B. It was dead.

   C. It was alive. D. We don't know.

(   ) 34. How do you like the boy?

   A. He is clever. B. He is foolish.

   C. He is naughty. D. He is excited.

(   ) 35. The story tells us that         .

   A. we mustn't be naughty

   B. the children were not polite to the old woman

   C. we should learn from the old woman

   D. the children must be punished(惩罚)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    11. 他们上过很多次电视。

    They                      TV lots of times.

    12. 他们已经自己创作歌曲了。

    They              their original songs already.

    13. 我对自己作曲的人感兴趣。

    I'm              people who write their own music.

    14. 听起来他已经很成功了!

                  he is very successful!

    15. 你们获得过什么奖项吗?

           you        an award of any kind?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    1. 幸亏,由于         

    2. 期待去做……         

    3. 到目前为止         

    4. the twoweek camp         

    5. a tall tree with long roots         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Some caves are open for visitors.  Guides take people downstairs to go into the (51) c         . Then they (52) g        people on paths under the ground.  The paths are lighted. As the people walk through,the guides tell (53) h        the caves were formed.

Some people would rather see a wild cave. Wild caves (54) d        have stairs or lights. People who know how to go into wild caves are (55) c        cavers. They take classes to learn how to go (56) t        the caves safely.   Wild caves can be very

d (57)         . Some parts may be underwater. Other parts may have very low roofs.

At Carlsbad Caverns people can go into a cave that is almost (58) w         . It is called

a new cave. There are stairs at the start. (59) B        there are no bright lights or paved paths. People take their own flashlights,they (60) f        a guide along paths marked with red tape.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

13. —Have you turned off the radio?(作否定回答) 

―No. I              off the radio yet.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    16. He has already visited the Great Wall.(改为一般疑问句)

             he        the Great Wall         ?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    I know I'm not an ordinary (普通的) ten-year-old kid. I mean,sure,I do ordinary things. I eat ice cream. I ride my bike. I play ball. Things like that make me ordinary,I guess. And I feel ordinary,inside. But I know ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away crying. I know ordinary kids don't get stared at wherever they go.

    If I could have one wish,I would wish that I had a normal face that no one ever noticed at all. I would wish that I could walk down the street without people seeing me and then looking away in a strange way.

    I'm used to people's response (反应) now. I know how to pretend I don't see the faces people make. Mom and Dad are also used to that kind of thing. However,Kate,my sister,can't stand it. She can get really angry when people do something rude. For example,one time in the playground some older kids made some noises when they saw me. Kate heard the noises and just started shouting at the kids. Kate doesn't think I am ordinary. She says she does,but if I were ordinary,she wouldn't feel like she needs to protect me as much. And Mom and Dad don't think I am ordinary,either. I think the only person in the world that realizes how ordinary I am is me.

    My name is August,by the way. I was born with a facial deformity (面部崎形) .I only want to be treated as an ordinary kid. I won't describe what I look like. It's probably worse than what you can imagine.

    (   ) 46. Which of the following things does NOT make August ordinary?

       A. Eating ice cream. B. Riding a bike.

       C. Her look. D. Playing ball.

    (   ) 47. What is August's wish?

       A. To become younger.

       B. To have more friends.

       C. To have a normal face.

       D. To have a sister who understands her.

    (   ) 48. What will August do if other kids make faces when they see her?

       A. She will shout at the kids.

       B. She will ask her parents for help.

       C. She will make some noises.

       D. She will pretend she doesn't see the faces they make.

    (   ) 49. Kate shouted at the children because she wanted to         .

       A. show she was strong   B. protect August

       C. be special   D. know their response

    (   ) 50. From the last paragraph,we can learn that August         .

       A. often describes what she looks like

       B. wants to be treated as an ordinary kid

       C. has had her facial deformity for five years

       D. hates other people

