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  We are all busy talking about and using the Internet(互联网), but how many of us know the h  1   of the Internet?

  Many people are surprised when they find that the I  2   was set up in the 1960s.At that time, computers were large and e  3  .Computer networks(网络)didn't work well.If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped.So a new network system had to be set up.It should be good e  4   to be used by many different computers.If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through a  5   part.In this way computer network system would keep on w  6   all the time.

  At f  7   the Internet was only used by the government, but, in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too.H  8  , computers were still very expensive and the Internet was d  9   to use.By the start of the 1990s, c  10   became cheaper and easier to use.Scientists had also developed software that made 'surfing'(浏览)the Internet more convenient.

  Today it is easy to get on-line(上网)and it is said that m  11   of people use the Internet everyday.Sending e-mail is more and more p  12   among students.

  The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people's life.















科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省无锡市2012届九年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:053



  “Sorry” is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life.

  One day while I was w  1   on the street, a young man ran b  2   hurriedly, brushing(轻擦)against my handbag.He continued his way, but turned b  3   and said “sorry” to me.Even in a rush, he didn’t f  4   to say “sorry”.One day, after I bought some bananas, the shopkeeper was passing me the change, but I wasn’t ready for i  5   and a coin dropped onto the ground.“Sorry, Madam,” he said w  6   bending(弯腰)to pick it up.I was s  7   why he said “sorry” to me.Another time, I stepped on a man’s f  8   at the entrance to a cinema.At the same time, we b  9   said “sorry”.

  Slowly, I got to know that when something unpleasant happens in daily life, the British don’t c  10   much about who is wrong.If someone is in trouble, a “sorry” is always n  11  .Perhaps that is w  12   I seldom see people quarrel on the buses or streets in Britain.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省江阴市华士片2011-2012学年七年级下学期期中检测英语试题 题型:053


  In China, more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before.Most students s  1   less than nine hours every night because they have much homework to do.Some h  2   is given by their teachers, and some by their parents.Also, some students don't know h  3   to save(节省)time.They are not careful enough while they do their homework, so it t  4   them a lot of time.Some students spend too much time w  5   TV programmes or playing computer games.They stay up(熬夜)very l  6  .Some students have to get up e  7   every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or bike.It can be a long way f  8   home to school.

  Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that the children can e  9   more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health.As we all know, c  10   are our country's future.They should be well cared for(照顾).


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省江阴市长泾片2011-2012学年七年级下学期期中检测英语试题 题型:053


On Sunday m  1   , I usually get up very late.I w  2   my face and then go out to do morning e  3   at about 6 a.m..After e  4   my breakfast, I often go to a shopping mall w  5   my mother.The shopping mall is near our home, so we can go there on f  6  .It takes us about ten m  7   to get there.The shopping mall has a good name.It is c  8   Bairunfa.It is new and q  9   big.The shopkeeper is p  10   and helpful.You can buy many things there, such as TVs,fridges, bikes, clothes and food.


科目:初中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 初三英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


  When the London Underground goes on strike, my journey to work can be terrible.I remember a strike, which happened a few years a  1  .The station near my house was closed and I had to use another station and take a d  2   train.This added about an hour to my journey, so I wasn’t very happy.E  3   went wrong at the station.People were late and they were panicking!By the time I go to the train, I was feeling upset and sorry for myself.Then I saw this man.There was something about him.He had such a familiar f  4  .A few minutes l  5  , I realized that he was Jack, a fiend from my school days in Scotland.

  At the same time he a  6   realized who I was.Then we started talking about school days and the people we both used to k  7  .I was even more surprised when the train came into my station and he started to get o  8   too!I asked him w  9   he was going and he said he was going to work.He told me he worked in Fitzroy Street.You see, I work in Fitzroy Street, too.It’s a small w  10  !It was such an amazing coincidence!

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


科目:初中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 初三英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


  Only Mother’s Love is true love.It gives everybody everything all h  1   life.When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as p  2  .In your w  3   hours, she always holds you in her arms.When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night a  4   forgets about herself.When you are growing up day b  5   day, she feels very happy.When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time.On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes.She always stands in the wind, w  6   for you back from school.When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels w  7   about you at home.She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things.When you do well at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face.

  Mother is always ready to give everything she h  8   to her children, n  9   to receive.What true love that is in the w  10  !We will remember Mother’s Love forever!

1.h________ 2.p________ 3.w________ 4.a________ 5.b________

6.w________ 7.w________ 8.h________ 9.n________ 10.w________

