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科目: 来源: 题型:


1. (2015 •四川南充)

—What’s name?

is Eric.

   A. his;He   B. his;His   C. he;His   D. he;He


科目: 来源: 题型:

V .书面表达(共25分K2014 .湖北孝感)

根据下列提示写一篇80—100词的日记,记录5月1日(星期四) 你和Tony—起去参观湖北博物馆的情况。 内容提示:

1. 天气:晴朗;

2. 距离:距家约60千米;

3. 交通工具:公共汽车;

4. 时间:上午7点出发,下午4点回家;

5. 内容:看到了许多图片、文物(ancient objects) 等,了解了楚文化;

6. 感想:……


1. 要点齐全,条理清楚,语句通顺,适当发挥,语法正确,书写规范。

2. 文中不得出现的真实校名及人名,否则不予评分。

Thursday,May 1st                                                                                                     Sunny



科目: 来源: 题型:

IV.任务型阅读(5小题,共15分)(2015 •湖南株洲)


Adventure (冒险) travel is a great way to see the world. It is a kind of tourism,often to far places. Adventure travel often includes adventure activities such as mountain climbing,rock climbing and so on.

These activities may bring risks to your health and safety. But they can be fun,exciting,and safe if you prepare for your trip and follow safety rules.

Make an appointment (预约) with a doctor about a month before your adventure travel. Be sure to talk to the doctor about your planned adventure activities. He or she may give you some special advice.

Take a first-aid course two weeks before your adventure travel. Consider taking a first-aid box with you. If you get hurt during your trip,you can give yourself some simple medical care.

You’d better buy travel insurance (保险) before you set off.

During your adventure travel,you should also follow some rules. The following are some of them.

Wear protective clothes when doing adventure activities.

Always follow safety advice from your guides.

If you go somewhere hot,be sure to take sunglasses with you. They can protect you against the sun.


. a great way to see the world

. a kind of tourism,often to 1


. mountain climbing

. 2





risks to your health and safety


Before travel

. talking to the doctor

. taking a first-aid course

. buying travel insurance

During travel

. wearing protective clothes

. 5

. taking sunglasses


科目: 来源: 题型:

B (2014 .山东滨州) 

Trip 1 One Week in the Mountains 

Bring your strong shoes and warm clothes for this walk in a beautiful area of the Green Mountains. You may go hiking or have a try of rock climbing. This is also a protection area for wild animals. You can find many kinds of animals in this area.

Time:July 8—July 14    Tel:84639818 

Adult : $ 110  Child: $ 55 

Trip 2 Three Days in the Country 

There are many beautiful gardens. Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sights in Hunter Valley. It is a good place for fishing and horse riding. You can also find different kinds of flowers here. This is also a great walk for bird-lovers.

Time:July 20—July 22 Tel:83986432 

Adult: $50  Child: $25 

Trip 3 Flashlight(手电筒) Adventure (冒险) 

Put on your warm clothes,bring a flashlight and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. It is a trip full of adventure. A guide will lead the tour. Many of the plants on this trip can only be seen at night.

Time: July 16—July 18 Tel:83875629 

Adult: $ 30  Not for children 

Trip 4 Five Days by the Sea 

Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the time from morning to evening. Our hotel is next to the sea. We have our own boats,too. You can swim in the sea or in the swimming pool. Every day our boat will take you to different places for swimming.

Time:July 13—July 17 Tel:87549679

[Adult: $80  Child: $40 

6. What number can you dial if you want to enjoy the sunshine at the seaside?

   A. 87549679.   B. 83875629.   C. 84639818.   D. 83986432.

7. Sam stayed in Hunter Valley with his wife,his five-year-old daughter. How much did it cost?

   A. $ 25.   B. $ 50.   C. $ 100.   D. $ 125.

8. David loves sports. He will take his holiday from July 7 to July 15. What activity will he probably take part in?

   A. Hiking in the mountains. B. Watching plants at night.

   C. Fishing in the country. D. Swimming in the sea.

9. Lucy wants to know something about the life of plants at night. Which trip will she choose?

   A. Trip 1.   B. Trip 2.   C. Trip 3.   D. Trip 4.

10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned according to the four advertisements?


科目: 来源: 题型:


Jim went into the station soon after five o'clock in the afternoon. This is a bad time to travel in Paris,both by bus and by train,because lots of people go home from work at this hour. He had to join a long queue of people who were waiting for tickets. When at last his turn came,he got the right ticket. By asking several people the way,he also found the right platform (站台) . It was crowded and he was not able to get on the first train,but he was able to move nearer to the edge (边) of the platform to be ready to get on the next one. When the train came in,Jim was thrown onto the train by the rush of the people behind. The doors closed and the train moved off. Since he was unable to see the names of the stations where the train stopped,he had to count the number of stops so that he knew where to get off. His station was the seventh along the line.

When the train reached the seventh station,Jim got off. But he was surprised to see that he had got off at a station that he had never heard of. A man on the platform told him that he had travelled on a train in the wrong direction.

1. Why did Jim go to the station?

   A. To take a train. B. To meet his friends.

   C. To say goodbye to his friends. D. To go home from work.

2. What did Jim find when he arrived at the station?

   A. Only a few people there. B. A few people waiting to buy tickets.

   C. Many trains there. D. Many people waiting to buy tickets.

3. What did Jim have to do before he bought the ticket?

   A. To meet many people. B. To wait in a long queue.

   C. To talk to some people. D. To ask the way to the train.

4. Why didn t Jim see the names of the stations?

   A. He was too lazy to see them. B. They were too small for him to see them.

   C. He was too busy to see them. D. It was too crowded for him to see them.

5. Who made Jim take the wrong train?

   A. The train driver. B. The ticket seller in the station.

   C. All the people at the station. D. The people behind him on the platform.


科目: 来源: 题型:

II.完形填空(10小题,共15分) (2015 •重庆A卷) 

The Sweetest Sight

I was in the most beautiful city in the world,yet I only wanted home.

It was an amazing week for my husband and me—the trip of a lifetime. Months ago,when my husband told me that he would have a meeting in London,I expressed my 1 to go to Europe together with him. Then we asked his mother to 2 our two children and started off.

During the week's time,3 visited London and Paris —as much as we could,Big Ben,the Louvre and so on. All these were beautiful places we expected to see before. We really enjoyed ourselves.

On our last night in Paris,4 we enjoyed the night view (夜景) of the Eiffel Tower,my husband called home. His mother 5 . the phone. In a second,my husband's face fell and he looked so worried. I could fed something 6 happened.


He didn't answer and continued to listen. A few minutes later,he said 7 to me that Tony,our seven-year-old son,had fallen off his bike and 8 his leg. He must be sent to hospital at once.

At that moment,Paris suddenly lost its charm (魅力) .

“I don't want to be here!I shouldn’t be here!I should be home 9 my kids!”

We hurried back to our hotel and then to the airport...

Finally,we got home. We rushed into our children's bedroom. Seeing our two children,I suddenly realized the truth:there is no 10 sight (风景) in the world than your children's faces that greet you at home.

1. A. question   B. wish   C. step   D. place

2. A. look after   B. talk with   C. find out   D. wake up 3-A. he   B. she   C. we   D. they

4. A. after   B. since   C. though   D. because

5. A. shouted   B. finished   C. wrote   D. answered

6. A. ugly   B. useful   C. right   D. bad

7. A. hardly   B. clearly   C. sadly   D. truly

8. A. danced   B. broken   C. thrown   D. opened

9. A. toward   B. with   C. under   D. from

10. A. quieter   B. richer   C. sweeter   D. wider


科目: 来源: 题型:

15. Tm sure they can win the match they practise hard.

   A. so that   B. while   C. as long as   D. although


科目: 来源: 题型:

14. (2015 •山东临诉) What happens when you hear a strange noise at night,or Hnd a big spider in the corner of your bedroom? It often makes us .

   A. jump   B. to jump   C. jumping   D. jumped


科目: 来源: 题型:

13. (2015 .四川广安)

—My parents and I will go to Xiaoping5s Hometown for a trip!

—Really? .

   A. I don't think so   B. That's very strange   C. Have a good time   D. You should try it


科目: 来源: 题型:

12. (2015 •江西)

—The scarves are all beautiful. I can't decide which one to choose.

—Oh,look at this red one. I think it's .

   A. beautiful   B. more beautiful   C. the most beautiful   D. less beautiful

