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科目: 来源: 题型:


     Several weeks after I entered my new school,I made friends with Amity. We got on well and did almost everything together.

     One day,we talked about a girl named Susan. Susan was big for her age,and her clothes were out of style. She just looked like she really needed a friend. So we thought of a plan that would help Susan to feel better. Amity and I decided to be her secret friends.

     We began with a greeting card on her desk. Another day,we left her some cookies. For about two weeks we secretly left things for her,like a note or a candy.

     One day,Susan told us about what she found in her desk. She asked us if we knew anything about the gifts. We shook our heads,saying that we thought it was really cool,though.

     At the end of the term,we planned the final surprise for our secret friend. We went to the headmaster s office,and asked him to call Susan to his office over the loudspeaker (喇叭) . We waited for her. On the headmaster's desk we put some flowers and a card.

     Susan was nervous as she came into the headmaster s office,but she smiled when she saw us standing there next to the card and the flowers.

     “You were the ones all along!” she said,with tears in her eyes.

      We not only had a new friend,Susan,but also made her life a little brighter. How wonderful!

() 1. When did Amity and the writer become friends?

   A. When they were very young.

   B. When they made a plan.

   C. When they began to go to school.

   D. Several weeks after the writer got into a new school.

() 2. Amity and the writer made a plan to .

   A. play a joke on Susan

   B. make Susan angry

   C. laugh at Susan

   D. help Susan

() 3. At first,Amity and the writer put on Susan's desk.

   A. a greeting card   B. a note

   C. some cookies   D. a candy

() 4. Susan was when she came into the headmaster's office.

   A. happy   B. nervous

   C. excited   D. angry

() 5. What do you think of Amity?

   A. She is clever.

   B. She is serious.

   C. She is friendly.

   D. She is silly.


科目: 来源: 题型:


    Do you remember your first day of school? Maybe your mom or dad stayed at home from work,so they could drive you to school,or maybe they waved goodbye to you as you were getting on the school bus. You probably wore new clothes for the first day of school,and maybe you were just a bit scared.

     In Germany parents go to the school with their children on the first day. That way the children are not alone. Parents stay at the school the whole day.

     When they get to school,each child receives a zuckertute. A zuckertute is a cone-shaped (圆维形的) package. It is filled with toys and sweets. The top of the package is covered with flowers. It is usually very large and sometimes stands as tall as the child!The zuckertute is brought to school by the parents before the school day begins. Children often put their pictures on their zuckertutes. The first day is spent exploring the classroom and getting to know one another. When the day is over,children and parents go home for a family party. The party is usually held at home,but sometimes it is held at a restaurant.

Brothers,sisters,grandparents,cousins,aunts and uncles are invited to the party. In small towns,neighbors even come to congratulate the child. Everyone brings gifts to the child.

() 1. Parents on the first day of school in Germany.

   A. get presents from their children

   B. wave goodbye to their children

   C. feel lonely without their children

   D. stay at school the whole day

() 2. There are in a zuckertute.

   A. school things and books

   B. school things and pictures

   C. toys and books

   D. toys and sweets

() 3. In Germany,parents bring a zuckertute to school .

   A. on the first day of school

   B. after their children go to school

   C. before the first day of school

   D. when their children get home from school

() 4. The family party for the child's first day of school is usually held in Germany.

   A. at home   B. at school

   C. in a restaurant   D. in a hotel

() 5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. Parents and Children in Germany

   B. How German Children Go to School

   C. The Zuckertute for German Children

   D. A Sweet Celebration for German Children


科目: 来源: 题型:


     On the first day of my sixth grade,I saw one little girl called Lori on the school bus. “Don’t talk to her ,” said Lauren,who sat beside me ,“or they will make fun of you. ”

     Lori had many physical differences —lots of reasons for other kids to make fun of her. Her eyes weren’t straight. Her glasses were too big. And she had really ugly teeth. Every day kids would laugh at Lori, ^God,what a strange face!Stop looking at me!”

     I had to be in silence. After all,I didnJt want them to treat me in the same way. But while I was making fun of her,my heart ached for the girl. I could see that she was so ashamed and alone. Then I wanted to protect her. I just didn't know how to stop my schoolmates until the night of our class skating party. Our whole class was there. Lori was there,too. Lori didn't know how to skate,but I could see how much she wanted to have fun like the rest of us. So I skated over to her and took her by the hand. She just smiled and was very excited. The next morning there was much news that Lori and I skated together. But nobody laughed at her or me.

     I never heard from Lori again after the school year. But I always hoped that I changed her life for the better.

() 1. Where did the author meet Lori for the first time?

   A. On the street. B. On the school bus.

   C. At a skating party. D. Near the author5 s house.

() 2. Why did the kids laugh at Lori?

   A. She had many physical differences.

   B. She studied better than them.

   C. She was a shy girl.

   D. She disliked them.

() 3. Why did the author keep silent at the beginning when others made fun of Lori?

   A. Because she disliked Lori.

   B. Because she felt ashamed.

   C. Because she was afraid of Lori.

   D. Because she didn't want to be laughed at by others.

() 4. The author helped Lori .

   A. after the school year

   B. on the first day of her sixth grade

   C. on the night of the class skating party

   D. on the next morning of the class skating party

() 5. From the passage,we can learn the author is .

   A. stubborn   B. honest   C. generous   D. kind


科目: 来源: 题型:


     A spring keeper lived high above an Austrian village along the eastern part of the Alps in Central Europe.

     The keeper of the spring has been 1 the job many years earlier by a young town councilman. His job was to 2 the leaves from the pools in the mountain. He looked around the hills 3 ,cleared away the leaves and branches,and wiped away the silt that would otherwise have choked and polluted the 4 flow of water. The village soon became a (an)5  attraction for vacationers. Swans floated along the clear spring,and the view from the top of the Alps was 6 words.

     Years passed. One evening the town council met for its meeting. 7 they reviewed the budget,one man's eye caught the salary figure being paid to the keeper of the spring. He said ,“Who is the old man? do we keep him year after year? No one ever sees him. For all we know,he is doing us no good. He isn’t 9 any longer. Then,they fired the old man.

     For several weeks,10 changed.

     By early autumn,however,the tree leaves began to fall and fell into the pools,11 the rushing flow of sparking water. One afternoon someone 12 the spring water turn yellowish. A few days later,swans left,as did the tourists. Diseases reached deep into the village.

     Quickly,the councilmen held a special meeting. Realizing their 13 ,they rehired the old keeper of the spring. And within a few weeks,the river of life began to clear up. Then,new life 14 to the village in the Alps.

     Never look down on the seeming 15 of one's task,job,or life!Even though it is rather small,it does make a difference.

() 1. A. brought   B. offered   C. found   D. worked

() 2. A. remove   B. use   C. burn   D. cut

() 3. A. nearly   B. finally   C. regularly   D. hardly

() 4. A. dirty   B. grey   C. fresh   D. dried

() 5. A. expensive   B. popular   C. unwelcome   D. tough

() 6. A. under   B. above   C. beyond   D. past

(    ) 7. A. Since   B. As   C. Because   D. If

() 8. A. How   B. When   C. Why   D. If

() 9. A. young   B. energetic   C. strong   D. necessary

() 10. A. nothing   B. something  C. anything   D. everything

() 11. A. protecting   B. preventing  C. providing   D. producing

() 12. A. noticed   B. marked   C. signed   D. recorded

() 13. A. feelings   B. pollution   C. harm   D. mistakes

() 14. A. repaired   B. replied   C. reached   D. returned

() 15. A. weakness   B. unhappiness   C. smallness   D. illness


科目: 来源: 题型:


    What is the most special event in Kentucky? Is it the world-class horse race? Is it a party for Hollywood movie stars? N 1 It's a hat parade!When you go to the hat parade,you can see different kinds of h 2 .

    You can find lots of hats. Some are large and others are s 3 . Some are fashionable and others are out of date. Not all people like fashionable hats. There are some people w 4 like old-fashioned hats. Some hats are made of beautiful feathers. There are also some hats which are made of flowers. Hats have been worn by w 5 ,but over the last few years men have been t 6 part in the hat parade. People choose their most beautiful hats to a 7 attention.

    The hat parade is a traditional celebration in the southern part of America. And it is also one of the greatest e 8   in the world. On this day,people all o 9   the world go to the parade and have fun. No matter why you come and visit Kentucky,do not forget to b 10   a hat!You can find some great ideas from the hat parade when you buy a hat.

1.  2.

3.  4.

5.  6.

7.  8.

9.  10.


科目: 来源: 题型:


     The school bus is coming. A 16-year-old high school student,Rain Price,gets on the bus and says goodbye to his father,Dale Price. Dale Price is standing at the door of his house and is dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Caribbean.

     Are you surprised at this? If you are a classmate of Rain,you won’t be surprised You must have seen Dale Price in different strange clothes every day in the past school year.

     Dale Price is disabled and only has one leg. He lives in America with his family. To show his love to his son,he has spent a whole school year waving at his son's school bus every day while dressed in different strange clothes. He has ever been dressed like Santa,a king and a football player.

     “I just want to show my love to my soa And I want him to have a wonderful experience ,” Dale Price said 

      However,Rain couldn’t understand him and was very nonplussed in the first few days.

     “Terrible ,” Rain said when he was remembering his Hrst feelings about this thing. After a few days,he even said to his mother ,“Mom,please do not let Dad wave at the bus tomorrow. ”


1. Rain Price is years old now.

2. Rain's classmates must have seen Dale Price every day in the past school year.

3. Dale Price is a man and only has one leg.

4. Dale Price wanted to show his love to his soa And he wanted Rain to have .

5. Rain couldn’t understand his father and his first feelings were .


科目: 来源: 题型:


     When I was young,I liked to play jokes on people I knew,especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was cooking and I was playing with my younger brother Tony. Suddenly I ran to my mother and said ,“Tony fell from the open window!” She was very worried and ran out of the kitchen. Then I said, “Don’t worry,I'm just joking. ” My mother shouted at me ,“If you do it again,I'll hit you."

     Another day I went swimming with my friends in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on them. In the beginning I swam fast and I called out “Help”. All my friends came to help me. However,they found that I was joking. But half an hour later I wasn’t joking. I was so fast,soon I got tired and couldn’t swim on in water. I tried my best to call my friends for help,but this time nobody came to help me.

     In the end they found I was telling the truth. They came and saved my life. They took me to the hospital. This is the best lesson in my life. From then on I haven’t joked on anyone.

() 1. When he was young,the writer liked to .

   A. play with his brother

   B. help his mother cook

   C. play jokes on people

   D. go swimming with his friends

() 2. What happened when the writer was playing with his brother?

   A. He got tired.

   B. He played a joke on his mother.

   C. Tony fell from the open window.

   D. His mother hit him.

() 3. In the beginning,all his friends came to help him because he

   A. swam fast

   B. called for help

   C. would sink in water

   D. couldn’t swim on in the water

() 4. When the writer called his friends for help for the second time,they .

   A. took him to the hospital at once

   B. came and saved him immediately

   C. thought at first he was joking again

   D. did nothing because the writer had lied to them

() 5. The story tells us that .

   A. swimming is dangerous

   B. the writer is a naughty boy

   C. one can play jokes only on people he knows

   D. if someone always tells lies,others won’t trust him


科目: 来源: 题型:


     Camilla Chomp was a strange little girl. She liked to spend her time alone eating chocolate. Her parents were worried,so they took away all the chocolate in the house and hid it.

     Camilla left home to look for some chocolate. She found a small house full of glass bottles. Among all the glass bottles,a blue glass bottle caught Camilla's attention. It was full of chocolate. There was also a card in it'saying “Change tears into chocolate”.

     Camilla was very excited. She ran out of the house to look for someone crying. First,she met a little boy crying hard,and collected his tears. The tears were quickly changed into chocolate. While Camilla was collecting the tears,she comforted the boy. Finally,the boy stopped crying and they had a fun time together.

     Later,Camilla met a woman who had broken some plates and an old man who couldn’t find his dog. Camilla collected their tears and made them happy again.

     Soon,Camilla realized that making people happy was even more important than finding chocolate. So she stopped collecting tears and began to help sad people. As a result,she made friends with them and had a much happier life than before.

() 1. What did Camilla's parents do when Camilla spent her time alone eating chocolate?

   A. They took away all the chocolate.

   B. They bought more chocolate.

   C. They threw away all the chocolate.

   D. They asked Camilla to leave home.

() 2. Why did Camilla pay attention to the blue glass bottle?

   A. Because it was beautiful.

   B. Because it was in the small house.

   C. Because it was full of chocolate.

   D. Because she didn't know whose it was.

() 3. Who broken plates according to the passage?

   A. A little boy. B. A woman.

   C. An old man. D. Camilla.

() 4. What did Camilla do while she was collecting tears?

   A. She helped people.

   B. She enjoyed herself alone.

   C. She ate some chocolate.

   D. She looked for chocolate.

() 5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Strange Girl.

   B. Chocolate Tears.

   C. A Terrible Experience.

   D. How to Be Happy.


科目: 来源: 题型:


     “Can I see my baby?” asked the happy new mother. When the baby was in her arms,she couldn’t believe her eyes. The baby was born without ears.

      Time proved that the baby's hearing was perfect though he had no ears. He got on well with his classmates. But one day,he said to his mother with tears in his eyes ,“A big boy called me a freak. ”

      The boy's father asked the family doctor ,“Could nothing be done?”

     “I believe I could graft on a pair of outer ears if they could be gotten ,” the doctor said. They tried to find a person who would be helpful to the boy.

      One day,his father said to the son ,“You’re going to the hospital,son. Mother and I have found someone who will donate the ears you need. But we must keep it a secret who the person is. 

      The operation was a great success,and a new person appeared. His cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person. He married and lived a happy life.

      He would ask his father, “Who gave me the ears? I could do enough for him or her. ”

     “I can't tell you”,said the father. “The agreement says that you are'not allowed to know. .. not yet. ”

      It was kept a secret for years,but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother's body.Slowly,the father raised the thick,brown hair. To his surprise,the son found his mother had no outer ears.

    “Mother said she was glad she never had her hair cut ,” his father said in a low voice. “And nobody ever thought Mother less beautiful,did they?”

() 1. The mother was surprised at the first sight of her baby because the baby .

   A. had no outer ears   B. was born without hair

   C. was in her arms   D. could not hear her

() 2. The underlined part means .

   A. a new baby was born in the hospital

   B. a stranger came into the hospital

   C. a new doctor took care of the baby

   D. the boy came to live a new life

() 3. Why did the boy's mother never have her hair cut?

   A. Because she liked her thick,brown hair.

   B. Because her work didn't allow her to do that.

   C. Because her hair was good for her health.

   D. Because she wanted to keep the fact a secret.

() 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. The boy couldn’t hear without ears at first.

   B. The boy didn't know the truth until his mother died.

   C. The boy's parents often encouraged him to work hard

   D. The boy's classmates were always making fun of him.

() 5. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Clever Boy. B. Kind Parents.

   C. Great Love. D. An Ear Operation.


科目: 来源: 题型:


     Zhao Wenxuan,a film star from Taiwan,has been 1 of seeing films since his childhood. He would sometimes go to the 2  for the same film four or five times. He also enjoys literature and art. 3  he took the film acting as his career,he had been a worker of an airline in Taibei. His change of job to acting was quite 4  chance.

     One day,he looked through the paper,and found an advertisement for a leading 5 to appear in the film named Wedding Feast. Full of 6,he telephoned the director of the film,Mr. Li An. It was this telephone call that 7 all his life. 8 the director decided him to be the very person for the role.

     The film Wedding Feast was a great.9 . It was the first Taiwan film that was 10 to be shown in the US. Thanks to the film,Zhao Wenxuan became 11 in Taiwan,Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.

     In 1994,Zhao 12 as the leading role in the Hong Kong film Red Rose and White Rose. This film 13 five prizes of the Taiwan Golden Horse Prize. Zhao has 14 the film as one of his favorite films since he 15 the acting circle. In recent years,he often comes to the mainland for film shooting.

() 1. A. interested   B. fond   C. careful   D. willing

() 2. A. museum   B. library   C. cinema   D. bank

() 3. A. Before   B. Because   C. When   D. If

() 4. A. at   B. on   C. by   D. for.

() 5. A. singer   B. dancer   C. player   D. actor

() 6. A. excitement   B. sadness  C. disappointment   D. fear

() 7. A. worked   B. given   C. offered   D. changed

() 8. A. At first   B. At last   C. In fact   D. In all

() 9. A. accident   B. mistake   C. success   D. change

() 10. A. allowed   B. used   C. kept   D. worried

() 11. A. interested   B. popular   C. happy   D. worried

() 12. A. regarded   B. thought   C. found   D. acted

() 13. A. won   B. failed   C. threw   D. waited

() 14. A. changed   B. lost   C. regarded   D. received

() 15. A. cared for   B. stepped into C. believed in   D. escaped from

