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科目: 来源: 题型:

八、 阅读理解

    Mike didn't like to go to school. His mother was worried about him.

     One morning she went into Mike's room,turned on the light and said to him, “It's time to get up. You can't stay in bed all day. ” But Mike didn't want to get up. He turned off the light.

    “Don’t sleep again. You will be late for school again ,” his mother said.

     Fifteen minutes later,Mike came into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

    “Hurry up,it's eight o’clock ,” his mother said to him.

    “There's no hurry ,” Mike told his mother. “I'm not going to school. ”

    “Why not? Is it a holiday?”

    “No,it's not a holiday. ”

     His mother sat next to him and took his hand. 

    “Mike,tell me what's wrong. Why don't you like the school so much?”

     The son didn't say anything. A few minutes later he said ,“The teachers don't like me,and neither do the students. ”

    “Mike ,” his mother said ,“I'm sorry to hear that,but you can't stay at home. ”

    “Why not?”

    “Because there are two very good reasons. First you are thirty-five years old. Second,you are the school headmaster ,” said his mother.

1. Why was Mike's mother worried about him?

   A. Because he cried a lot.

   B. Because he couldn’t do his homework.

   C. Because he slept all day.

   D. Because he didn't like to go to school.

2. Why didn't Mike want to go to school?

   A. Because he was ill.

   B. Because he liked to stay in bed.

   C. Because he was not happy there.

   D. Because it was a holiday that day.

3 . When did Mike's mother leave his room?

   A. 8:00.   B. 7:45.

   C. 8: 15.   D. Fifteen minutes later.

4. What did Mike do at the school?

   A. He was a student.

   B. He was an English teacher.

   C. He was the school headmaster.

   D. He didn't do anything.

5. Which of the following is NOT right?

   A. Mike was 35 years old.

   B. That day was a holiday.

   C. Mike didn't want to go to work.

   D. Mike's mother was worried about him.


科目: 来源: 题型:

七、 短文填空


    Last month,Tony (have) a great weekend. On Saturday morning,he (clean) his room. In the afternoon,he (do) his homework. It (be) very easy,so it(take) him only half an hour. In the evening,he (visit) his friends and he (eat) a good meal. On Sunday morning,he (get) up very late. Then he (read) a book about Chinese history. In the afternoon,he (go) to see an interesting movie.


科目: 来源: 题型:

5. —What did Mr.Brown do last weekend?

一 He  .


科目: 来源: 题型:

4. 一What did Jack do last weekend?

—He .


科目: 来源: 题型:

3. —Did your brother stay at home last Friday evening?

一Yes. He  at home.


科目: 来源: 题型:

2. —What did your sister do last Saturday?

一 She   .


科目: 来源: 题型:


1. 一What did you do last Sunday?

—I  .


科目: 来源: 题型:

5. 一What did you do last weekend?

—On Saturday afternoon,I soccer.

   A. play   B. am playing

   C. played   D. playing


科目: 来源: 题型:

4. — Li Lei's weekend?

一It was pretty good.

   A. How was   B. What was

   C. How were   D. What were


科目: 来源: 题型:

3. (2015 •呼和浩特) There was something wrong with the line. We couldn’t each other clearly.

   A. listen   B. sound

   C. hear   D. speak

