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科目: 来源:广东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Australia has lots of lovely animals. You can't find them anywhere else in the world. The most famous
ones are kangaroos and koalas. The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia. They have large eyes and ears.
They don't walk, they jump. They use their strong back legs. They can jump at 74 kilometers per hour.
They can go over nine meters in one jump.
     Kangaroo mothers have pouches to carry their babies. The babies stay inside to get milk and keep warm.
Kangaroos are everywhere in Australia. They are on TV, in books and in the shops. But do you know that
millions of kangaroos are killed every year? There are too many of them. There are about 20 to 25 million
kangaroos in Australia. That's more than the number of people in the country. Some kangaroos go hungry
because there is not enough food to eat. They break into farms for food. Farmers are angry with them.
     The koalas is another famous Australian animal. They look like bears, have small eyes and big noses.
They eat leaves from gum trees. Koalas have a special smell. They use it to mark their home-"This is my
place, you can't come in." Like kangaroos a koalas baby lives in its mother's pouch,too.
1. If we want to see kangaroos and koalas in natural forests, we can go to           .
[     ]
A. China
B. France
C. Australia
2. What does a kangaroo look like?
[     ] 
A. It looks like a bear
B. It has big eyes and ears
C. It has small eyes and big noses
3. The word "pouch" means           .
[     ]
A. 育儿袋
B. 肌肉
C. 尾巴
4. Which is not true?
[     ]
A.The kangaroos can go over nine meters in one jump
B. Koalas like eating leaves from gum trees
C. Koalas use their voices to mark their homes
5. What's the best title of this passage?
[     ]
A. kangaroos and koalas
B. Beautiful Australia
C. How to protect kangaroos and koalas


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

    People all over the world do shopping in supermarkets. Who decides what you buy in the supermarkets?
    When you go into the supermarket, you see shelves full of things.2.______________You pull a shopping
cart and put the things you choose in it.
    If you hear soft and slow music, you may walk slowly. If you hear fast and loud music, you may walk
quickly. 3._____________You walk slowly and have more time to choose things.
    Suppose you go to the meat department first. 4._____________The cheaper meat is at the other end of
the meat department, away from where the customers enter. You have to walk by all the expensive meant
before you find the cheaper one. 5.______________.
    That's some knowledge of supermarket science. Many supermarkets use such knowledge to make
customers stay longer and buy more.
A. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of the cheaper meat.
B. You walk between the shelves.
C. That's why the supermarket plays slow and soft music.
D. The manager of the supermarket knows where the customers enter the meat department.
E. Do you decide or the supermarkets decide?
F. You may feel a little tired to find the cheapest meat.
G. You should learn some knowledge of supermarket science.


科目: 来源:广东省期中题 题型:阅读理解

(     )1. Next Saturday, we are going to hold a concert. The
           concert will start at 4 p.m. Each ticket will cost 20 yuan,
           and the money will go to the people in Gansu. They will
           use the money to help repair their hospital.
(     )2. Students in Junior One had a great time on the school trip
           on Children's Day. They went to Water World. The
           teacher were very happy because the students cleaned the
           school buses after the trip.
(     )3. I study in a school in Beijing. Sixteen visitors from 
           America arrived at our school on June 3rd, Saturday. And
           they have visited a few places of interest in Beijing.
(     ) 4. Here's good news for football fans! The 2010 FIFA
            World Cup will be held in South Africa. Many football
            matches on TV are waiting for you.
(     )5. There'll be a concert to our school on June 30th. Some
            students will show their talent by singing and playing the
            piano at the music hall.
A. Singing and Playing
     the Piano
B. Spending a Happy
C. Making a Trip to
D. News about Football
E. Enjoying the School
F. Giving away the
G. Going to See the
     Newest Film
H. Making the
     Conversation Easy


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

    Skin-diving (潜泳) is a new sport today. This sport takes you into a wonderful new world. It is like a
visit to the moon! When you are under water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks, because you are no
longer heavy.
    Here, under water, everything is blue and green. During the day, there is plenty of light. When fish swim
nearby, you can catch them with your hands.
    When you have tanks (罐) of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must
be careful when you dive in deep water.
    To catch fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport. Besides, there are more uses for skin-diving.
You can clean ships without taking them out of the water. You can get many things from the deep sea.
    Now you see that skin-diving is both useful and interesting.
1. Skin-diving can take you to ______.
[     ]
A. the moon
B. the mountains
C. a dirty world
D. an interesting and new world
2. This sport ______.
[     ]
A. is like to travel on the moon
B. is like to play on water
C. is like to visit a new country
D. is like to climb a big rock
3. You can stay in deep water for a long time if ______.
[     ]
A. you climb big rocks
B. you catch fish very easily
C. you bring something to eat
D. you take tanks of air with you
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
[     ]
A. Skin-diving is a new sport.
B. Skin-diving is like visiting the moon.
C. The only use of skin-diving is to have more fun.
D. Skin-diving is not only interesting but useful.
5. Skin-diving is a interesting sport because ______.
[     ]
A. you can catch fish with your hands
B. you can clean the ship in the water
C. you can get many things from the deep sea
D. all of the above


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

     We have a radio station in our school. It is great because it 1.______ (run) by the students for the school.
It 2._______ (start) two years ago. And I 3_______ (be) a student member of the radio station for two
     Every morning we tell the students about the weather and latest news, plus some special messages that
the teachers want us to mention.
     During exam time we have a special program that 4______(tell) the students the things they should or
shouldn't 5_______ (do) for preparation. At the end of the school year, many students 6_______ (leave) our
school. They use our station to give messages to their close friends and teachers.
     When parents come 7_______ (visit) the school and talk to the teachers in the evening, we always play
songs. The songs 8_______ (sing) by the students. And we also report the events to the parents, such as
outings and school plays.
     I'm graduating (毕业) soon. I 9_______ (miss) the radio station, and I 10_______ (hope) that it shall
live on forever.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

    Some things can carry messages, for example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to
take. Signs on the door tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs
around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?
    People can communicate on many other ways. An artist can use his drawing to tell about beautiful
mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful
things in the world and also about people and their ideas.
    Books, magazines, TVs, radios and films all help us to communicate with others. They all help us to
know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.
1. What can help you if you want to know which bus to take?
2. What do the signs on the door do?
3. People can communicate in many other ways, can't they?
4. What can help us to communicate with others?
5. What do they help us to do?


科目: 来源:广东省竞赛题 题型:阅读理解

假设你是餐馆的经理Mr Price,读了顾客Raymond Yuen 写给你的投诉信。现给他回一封email,
An e-mail to complain
Here is an e-mail with a complaint from
An unhappy customer in Canada.
To:                           manager@tastytreat.com.ca
Date:                        Monday, 7 October, 3.34p.m.
From:                       raymondyuen@canada.net
Subject:                    Complaint
Dear Mr Price,
     I have eaten in your restaurant many times and have always been happy with the food and service. This
makes what happened last Saturday even more disappointing.
     It was my son's birthday so we booked a no-smoking table at your restaurant for 7.30p.m. We arrived
on time but were told that our table was not yet ready. At 8.00p.m.,we were given a table in the smoking
section. I asked to move but I was told that there were no other tables. A lot of people were smoking so it
was uncomfortable and unhealthy.
     Our first waitress, Janet, was very polite and helpful. She gave us free drinks for waiting so long. Our
food also came quickly and looked fresh and tasty. When my wife had eaten most of her meal, she found
a dead cockroach (蟑螂) in her vegetables. She was shocked and wanted to leave. At first, the waitress
told us it was a piece of garlic (蒜). When we told her that garlic does not have legs, she apologized (道歉)
and took the food away. We asked for the bill, expecting not to pay for my wife's meal. Nobody came.
After 15 minutes, I asked to see the manager. The head waiter told us that you were on holiday. I
complained again about the horrible cockroach. He told me Janet had finished work. He didn't believe my
story and gave me a bill for three meals. I argued with him but was made to pay.
     The waitress, Janet, was always friendly, but I would like an apology (道歉) from your impolite head
waiter and a full refund (退款) for our meal. It cost $68. Until then, I will not be eating at your restaurant
or recommending (推荐) it to anyone.
     You can contact me at 742-3254 or through e-mail if you want more information.
     Thank you for your attention. 
                                                                                                                                Yours sincerely 
                                                                                                                                 Raymond Yuen
Dear Mr Yuen,
     I have received and read your complaining letter. First of all, I would like to (1)              to you. I'm
sorry we have brought you so much unpleasure.In fact I wasn't at my restaurant when you last came to
have dinner here. I believe (2)              in the email is true. I think my head waiter (3)             . He shouldn't
treat you like that. I have decided to invite your family to have a dinner for free at my restaurant as soon as
possible. I will give you back the (4)             . I'll also tell the head waiter to say sorry to you when you
come. I will give a nice present to your son as his birthday present although his birthday has passed. I hope
you will eat at my restaurant as usual and (5)             your friends. 
     Please contact me if you have time. I'm looking forward to meeting you and your family at my restaurant.
Thank you for your support.
                                                                                                                                   Yours Sincerely
                                                                                                                                   Alp Price


科目: 来源:广东省竞赛题 题型:阅读理解

1. After reading the form, we know this is            .
[     ]
A. a study plan of Jim Green
B. a teaching report of Sue Read
C. a school report about Jim Green
D. a working plan of Andrew Robinson
2. From this form, we know that Jim's best subject is            .
[     ]

A. science
B. French
C. geography
D. English

3. From this form, we know Jim is not so good at             .
[     ]
A. science and geography
B. maths and history
C. history and French
D. music and English
4. According to the form, which of the following is NOT true?
[     ]
A. Jim doesn't like pop music at all.
B. Jim doesn't do well in science.
C. Jim can do better if he works harder next term.
D. Jim learns two languages in school.


科目: 来源:广东省竞赛题 题型:完形填空

     When you are invited to a meal in Thailand, the wards of the invitation    1    "come and eat rice". In
fact    2   all Thai dishes are eaten with rice, which grows there easily    3   the climate is warm and there
is much    4  . The food that is served is    5   cut into pieces, so there is no need to use knives and forks
    6  , instead, special spoons and forks are used. The Thais    7   to eat with their hands and now there
are still some people who eat this    8  . There is a special way of doing it. First they wash their    9   hands
in a bowl of water, they only eat with their right hands. They are careful not to let the food   10   the palms
of their hands. After the meal, the   11  are again carefully washed.
     The meal usually has several different   12  . They are all hot. They are served in bowls which everyone
shares,   13   each person has their own bowl of rice.   14   Thailand has a long coastline, it is not surprising
   15  fish and shellfish play an important part in Thai cooking.
(     )1.A. says     
(     )2.A. nearly   
(     )3.A. when     
(     )4.A. wind     
(     )5.A. never   
(     )6.A. when     
(     )7.A. went     
(     )8.A. way      
(     )9.A. left             
(     )10.A. touch    
(     )11.A. forks    
(     )12.A. kinds    
(     )13.A. because  
(     )14.A. As       
(     )15.A. the    
B. means         
B. not            
B. if              
B. rain          
B. always       
B. so             
B. used           
B. rice            
B. right          
B. catch           
B. spoons        
B. dishes       
B. though         
B. Where          
B. which        
C. mean        
C. never         
C. because          
C. water          
C. hardly      
C. but           
C. wanted         
C. dish           
C. dirty                                           
C. feel             
C. hands           
C. bowls      
C. since         
C. When          
C. that       


科目: 来源:广东省竞赛题 题型:填空题

     Swimming is very popular in summer. People like swimming in summer because water (1) ________
(make) people feel cool. If you like swimming and swim in a wrong place, it may not be safe. Last summer,
more than ten people died while they (2) ________ (enjoy) themselves in the water, and (3) ________ (many)
of them were students. But some people are still not careful in swimming. They often think they swim so well
that nothing can happen to them in water. Summer is here again. If you go swimming in summer, don't forget
that better (4) ________ (swim) have died in water. They died only because they were not careful, not
because they could not swim. So don't get into water when you go swimming yourself, go with your teachers
or your parents. If there are"No swimming" signs, don't get into water, either. If you remember these,
swimming will be (5) _______ (safe).

