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科目: 来源: 题型:

   It was a windy day. I had kept an empty,washed glass bottle on the patio (露台) for drying,which I intended to use for some craft (工艺品) project. Because of the wind,the bottle rolled,fell and broke on my downstairs neighbor's patio.

   My neighbor uses his patio frequently,so I immediately went down to warn him about the broken glass. However,he was not at home. I took a broom (扫帚) and cleaned up most of the mess (脏乱的东西) around his patio from outside,but there was still some broken glass left inside his patio. I didn't want to intrude (闯入) into his property (财产) ,so I left him a note that explained what happened and asked him to contact (耳关系) me,so I could clean up the mess.

   After an hour,he called me,and asked if I could help clean up inside,because he didn't have a broom.I went to his place and happily swept off his patio,clearing the broken glass.

   While I was leaving,he thanked me. He remarked that,normally,his neighbors wouldn’t even have bothered to inform (通知) him that the glass had broken,and he would have probably hurt his feet.

   I was glad to have connected with him,and extra glad that his feet were safe. And I returned home with a reason to smile for the rest of the day!

1. What did the writer plan to use the glass bottle to do?

   A. To protect himself.

   B. To hold water.

   C. To make into a craft.

   D. To attack his neighbor.

2. The underlined word “frequently”in the second paragraph may mean“”.

   A. usually   B. quickly   C. hardly   D. freely

3. Why did the writer clean up the broken bottle on the neighbor's patio? Because .

   A. he was afraid his neighbor would be angry about it

   B. he was worried about it would hurt his neighbor's feet

   C. the broken bottle was very important for him

   D. he was worried the police would catch him

4. Which one is RIGHT according to the passage?

   A. The neighbor was too busy to clean his patio.

   B. The neighbor is hard to get along with.

   C. The writer was angry in cleaning the mess a second time.

   D. The writer's good behavior brings him good moods.

5. The best title for the passage is .

   A. A Good-heart Neighbor

   B. Smile over Broken Glass

   C. A Broken Glass Bottle

   D. How to Reduce Injuries


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Sand cats come from deserts like the Sahara (撒哈拉沙漠) .They have wide faces and big eyes. If you are lucky enough to see 1 in person,you will find it is one of the cutest animals.

   In the deserts of Africa and Asia,sand cats like living 2 lives. They usually live in holes made by other 3 animals. At their largest,they are a little less than two feet long. Their wide heads are what give them their young,lovely faces. They 4 food at night,feeding on small animals like snakes.

   There are not many sand cats in the world,so it's important to keep them  5 . However,it is difficult to keep them in zoos. Sand cats in zoos easily get kinds of common diseases,so, in order to successfully 6 sand cats,zoos have to create very special environment just for them. This means that,if sand cats are in danger,it's 7 to save them. It wasn’t until 2010 that a sand cat baby was successfully 8 in the zoo for the first time. Luckily,people have done something to 9 the sand cats from being in danger. Outside their native living places,there are not many opportunities to see sand cats. In the United States,there are only 26 sand cats in 10 . Most of us will just have to look at pictures and videos of these lovely wild animals online.

1. A. it   B. this   C. that   D. one

2. A. alone   B. noisy   C. loud   D. lonely

3. A. small   B. big   C. cute   D. dangerous

4. A. look at   B. wait for   C. take out   D. look for

5. A. free   B. busy   C. safe   D. dangerous

6. A. keep   B. stay   C. live   D. take

7. A. easy   B. interesting   C. boring   D. difficult

8. A. sold   B. bought   C. raised   D. brought

9. A. finish   B. stop   C. have   D. fight

10. A. zoos   B. parks   C. homes   D. houses


科目: 来源: 题型:

  根据短文内容,在空白处填上一个恰当的词, 使短文更完整、通顺。

   We all help others in one or A another way. But,I appreciate(欣赏) the way of 1 other people by one of my new friends, Hari.

   Yesterday,we were going by bus to a program. It was the rush hour and traffic was so 2 that we were almost going to be late. Road was too busy. On about half way of our travel,I noticed an old woman 3 was trying to cross the road. But,she couldn’t cross because of too much traffic. I showed Hari that woman.

   He was thinking something 4 saying anything. Suddenly he told the driver to open the door of the bus. I was surprised and asked why he was 5 the bus. He answered, “Nothing. Only for thirty seconds. ” He then 6 off the bus,went near the old woman,caught her hand,and helped her to 7 the road. He then returned into the bus and kept silent. All the passengers on the bus were surprised and many of them thanked him. We arrived late for the program,but when the program manager 8 the reason,he thanked Hari for his help.

   Later I asked him if he 9 to help people in this way before as well. He replied, “Yes. I don't have money to give them. But I think I have a kind heart. I want to help people by giving love and courage etc. By helping in this way,I feel 10 and satisfied with my life. ”

   What a great man!So,it is not only money that can help others.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.


科目: 来源: 题型:

   What do you know about Michael Ha? Because of his story of success,he has become an example of many young people.

   Michael Ha was bom into a poor home over twenty years ago. His father worked as a factory welder (焊接工) in Vietnam before moving to Britain in 1980 with his wife. Michael Ha grew up in Hackney,a poor area in East London,with his Chinese parents who spoke little English. Just because of this,his father could not find work in Britain. And the family had to live on benefits (救济金) .Life was not easy for Michael,but he never gave up.

   Michael Ha went to an inner-city state school which was once called “the worst in Britain ”. However,young Michael made up his mind to try his best,no matter what kind of school he was studying at. Michael studied very hard and did well in all subjects at school. Once he made a bet with his friends to learn further math. After teaching himself from a textbook in just four months,Michael got an A in AS-level further math.

   When,at the age of ten,Michael set his heart on going to Cambridge University,he decided no difficulties were going to stop him. Finally his dream came true. Now,after becoming an A-grade A-level pupil,he is the star medical student of St John's College,Cambridge,and has just won an award for good grades.

   Telling of his rise to success yesterday,he said he hoped he could be an inspiration for other young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

1. Michael Ha grew up in .

   A. Vietnam   B. Britain

   C. China   D. America

2. Michael's father couldn’t find work in Britain because .

   A. he wasn’t good at English

   B. factory welders weren’t wanted

   C. Hackney was a rich area

   D. he wanted to live on benefits

3. What made Michael learn further math?

   A. His parents’ advice.

   B. An interesting textbook from his teacher.

   C. The hard life in Britain.

   D. Just a bet with his friends.

4. At St John's College,Michael Ha was .

   A. the worst student in Britain

   B. able to learn further math

   C. a top student

   D. an excellent teacher

5. What did Michael want to do for young people like him?

   A. He stopped them from facing difficulties in life.

   B. He wanted to encourage them to be successful.

   C. He asked them not to study medicine.

   D. He wished them to move to Britain with their parents.


科目: 来源: 题型:

   The Bank of England plans to change the £5 and £10 notes from paper to plastic in three years. Do you know the news? And what else do you know about money?

   Nine thousand years ago,people did not have money. They traded animals for things they wanted. They traded crops for what they wanted.

   In China,in about 1200B. C. , people traded shells for the things they wanted. Chinese people also traded metal tools for the things they wanted. For example,they traded metal knives and shovels for the things they wanted. Later in China,people made metal money. In about 100B. C. , the Chinese made money of animal skin. The first paper money was made from white colored deer skin. It came from China about 900 years later.

   In about 700B. C. , people made the first round metal coins. The coins were made of gold and silver. They looked very similar to the coins we use today. These coins came from Lydia. Lydia was located where the country called Turkey is located today. After people made coins in Lydia,people in Rome,Iran,and Greece also began making coins. Coins were very durable —they were strong and could last a long time without becoming damaged.

   Wampum are necklaces made from beads and seashells. The beads had holes in them. People put beads on strings. American Indians used wampum for money in the 1500’s.

   Money changes with time. No matter what it looks like,money is an idea. It is the thought that people can trade something they have for something they want. Money makes trading easier.

1. Before people had money,they traded for what they wanted.

   A. ①②④   B. ①②③

   C. ①③④   D. ②③④

2. What was the first paper money made of?

   A. Crops. B. Tree leaves.

   C. Animal skin. D. White shells.

3. The first metal coins came from .

   A. Iran   B. Lydia

   C. Rome   D. Greece

4. If something is durable,it .

   A. is soft and weak

   B. is made of metal

   C. can be used as money

   D. is strong and can last a long time

5. All money is based on the idea that .

   A. gold and silver are good money

   B. people can trade what they have for what they want

   C. people can trade things for animals

   D. coins are the best kind of money


科目: 来源: 题型:

   One day when I was younger,a dog chased (追赶) me down the street and bit me. Ever since that day,I have feared and hated dogs. If a dog was close to me,I would move away as fast as possible,or go to the other side of the street because I was afraid.

   But,recently,my sister bought a puppy (小狗) called Cathy,and I was forced to live with a dog in my house. My sister told me to pet the dog. It is small,and it looks nice and lovely so I wasn’t that scared,and I did it. The puppy did not attack me. That was when I realized I really liked this puppy!

   I started to take care of the puppy,feeding it,taking it out on walks,and taking it to the veterinarian (兽医) for check-ups. Slowly I started to fall in love. Now,I love it so much,and I would do anything for it.

   My friends are still surprised that I am no longer afraid of dogs. It was a long process,but I did it. I set my mind to stop being afraid. I face my fear,accept the challenge and I overcome it. You can too!Is there anything you are afraid of? You have the power to conquer it!Think about it and see if you can come up with a way to face your fear. Take a chance!It could change your life.

1. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. How to Pet the Puppy

   B. How to Overcome Fear

   C. How to Protect Yourself

   D. Humans and Pets

2. Why did the writer always stay away from the dogs?

   A. Because he was afraid the dogs bit him.

   B. Because he didn't like playing with the dogs.

   C. Because he didn't want to make the dogs scared.

   D. Because he was afraid all the animals.

3. The writer really liked Cathy for.

   A. its good looking

   B. it was a puppy

   C. it didn't attack him

   D. his sister's encouragement

4. Which is the right order for the writer to get over the fear?

① challenge the fear

② stop being afraid in mind

③ face the fear

④ get over the fear

   A. ①②③④   B. ①③②④

   C. ②③①④   D. ②①④③

5. The underlined world “conquer” means “”in Chinese.

   A. 逃避   B. 克服

   C. 实现   D. 回应


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Keane Everton is a 6-year-old British boy. He looks just like any other boy of his age,1 he has done an unusual thing. He has gone on a bike ride to 2 money for research on PNH (血红蛋白尿) ,a disease that his grandfather died of last year.

   His mother,the 43-year-old Gail Everton,said,“3 Keane's grandfather's birthday came this year,I talked with my husband about last year's birthday. Keane heard it and asked what we were going to do for his grandfather's birthday this year,4 he had gone. I explicated (阐明) that we couldn’t really do anything for people's birthdays after they had gone. He was so 5 about this. Finally,we decided to do the ride to celebrate a( n) 6 birthday for his grandfather. ”

   “I think it will be good to 7 him to raise money for the research on PNH,” said Gail.

   A person from the PNH research team at St. James’ University Hospital said ,“We’re 8 to hear about Keane's fantastic story. This is clearly a wonderful thing and we should be 9 proud of him. ”

   “ We are also pleased to see he and his family make this endowment to our 10 . Every little effort really makes a difference ,” he added.

1. A. and   B. or   C. but   D. so

2. A. raise   B. make   C. get   D. find

3. A. Before   B. After   C. When   D. While

4. A. but   B. although   C. if   D. when

5. A. pleased   B. lonely   C. upset   D. surprised

6. A. unforgettable   B. interesting   C. lovely   D. special

7. A. ask   B. suggest   C. order   D. encourage

8. A. lucky   B. surprised   C. sad   D. pleased

9. A. only   B. certainly   C. mostly   D. hardly

10. A. idea   B. research   C. plan   D. topic


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Once in a small village,a farmer borrowed a large sum of money from a moneylender. The moneylender,old and ugly,liked the farmer's beautiful daughter very much. So he said he would give up the farmer's debt if he could marry his daughter. Both the farmer and his daughter were frightened.

   The moneylender told them that he would put a black pebble (鹅卵石) and a white pebble into an empty money bag. Then the girl would have to pick one pebble from the bag. If she picked the black pebble,she would become his wife. If she picked the white pebble she wouldn’t need to marry him and the moneylender would lose both the girl and the money. But if she refused to pick a pebble,her father would be put into prison.

   On that day,all the villagers were standing on a pebble path. As they talked,the moneylender picked up two pebbles. After putting them into the bag,he asked the girl to pick a pebble. But the girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag.

   Thinking for a moment,the girl put her hand into the money bag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it'she let it fall onto the pebble path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles. The girl said, “Let's look into the bag for the pebble left,and we will be able to tell which pebble it was that I picked. ” All the villagers laughed and the moneylender went away quietly.


1. What was the moneylender like?

2. If the girl didn't want to marry the moneylender,which pebble should she pick?

3. The moneylender put two black pebbles into the bag. Did the girl refuse to pick a pebble?

4. After choosing a pebble from the bag,what did the girl do?

5. What do you think of the girl?


科目: 来源: 题型:

Dear Lucy,

   In your last letter,you asked me how to show love to your parents. Here is my advice.

   ★ Make a picture for them. Whether with pencils or paints,it will be a treasure (财富) to them forever.

   ★ Write a letter to them. Take your time to put your thoughts in it.

   ★ Keep your room clean!Though it's a kind of the chore,it shows mom and dad that you care.

   ★ Cook them a dinner!It can be some rice,some cheese or some hot dogs;it can give them a break.

   ★ Tell them that you love them very often. Your love can make them feel warm and proud.

   ★ Never tell a lie (谎言) to them. Probably the biggest way to show them you love them is,never to lie. This shows them that you not only love them,but also believe in and respect (尊敬) them.

   ★ Create time to be with them. Watch a film with your mom once in a while,or go to a sports match with your dad once in a while just to show them how much you care and want to be closer with them.

   ★ If you do something wrong,apologize (道歉) and explain it!They will know you are sorry. You could do something for them to show you want to make it up to them. Just saying sorry can really show how much you love them.


Agony Aunt

1. The underlined word “it” refers to “”.

   A. the picture

   B. the letter

   C. the room

   D. the treasure

2. can give your parents a break.

   A. Studying for a test

   B. Drawing a picture

   C. Cooking a dinner

   D. Telling your love to your parents

3. What's the best way to show your love to your parents?

   A. Believing in them.

   B. Respecting them.

   C. Making friends with them.

   D. Never telling a lie.

4. Watching a film with your mom can .

   A. show you want to be closer with her

   B. make her feel proud

   C. cost her a lot of money

   D. make both of you healthy

5. Please apologize to your parents if you .

   A. don't love them

   B. go to a sports match with your dad

   C. do a wrong event

   D. say you are sorry to them


科目: 来源: 题型:

   There are different houses at my school in Australia. These houses are student groups. You will understand what I mean if you are a Harry Potter fan. The Hogwarts School is divided (分成) into four houses.

   We have six houses at my school,St Paul's Grammar School. My teacher put new students in different houses in the first week of this term.

   I am in Cornwallis. The logo of our house is a dragon on a yellow background. Unlike in Hogwarts,students of the same house at St Paul's do not live on campus,but we do activities together.

   Each house is divided into several tutor groups. Since different houses and different tutor groups are made up of students from different grades,I can make friends with students in different grades.

   Every morning we go to our tutor groups to register (登记) .We have a nice chat together for about half an hour before classes begin. We talk about the most boring teachers and the most popular students in the school.

   Sometimes we sell and buy cakes for charity events. This month our tutor group decided to make a short film. So far we still do not know what kind of film we are going to make,but we will discuss that later.

   Last week,they celebrated my birthday and bought a birthday cake for me. We also play handball together. I am not good at it now. But I am still learning. I like the house system. It is interesting and helps me fit into school life in Australia.

1. We can infer (推断) from the passage that .

   A. the writer learns in the Hogwarts School

   B. Harry Potter lived in the Hogwarts School

   C. Cornwallis is one house of the Hogwarts School

   D. The Hogwarts School is in Australia

2. How many student groups are there in the writer's school?

   A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Six.

3. Which of the following about the writer's house is NOT true?

   A. His house is named Cornwallis,with a dragon as its logo.

   B. His house is quite similar to the one in Hog warts.

   C. There are students from different grades in his house.

   D. There are different tutor groups in his house.

4. What activities did the writer's tutor group do?

① Raised money for charity events.

② Made a film by themselves.

③ Chatted happily before classes.

④ Celebrated the writer's birthday.

Played a ball game together.

   A. ①②③④   B. ④⑤

   C. ①③④⑤   D. ②③④⑤

5. What does the writer think of the house system in his school?

   A. It is boring and not helpful to his study.

   B. It takes up too much time for him to fit into it.

   C. It helps him get used to life in Australia.

   D. It isn’t easy to get along with students in other grades.

