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科目: 来源: 题型:

   Becki and Bonsa are such close friends that people often mistake them for sisters. Becki and Bonsa live in Adukrom,a small village,in Ghana,an English-speaking West African country. Adukrom has no running water,electricity or television.

   At 6:45 am,Bonsa and Becki walk to school carrying chairs on their heads. The school has only desks. It also has no bus,so some children have to walk many miles to get there.

   Outside the school,a woman sells gravy rice. Most children buy the breakfast because their mothers have left their homes so early. A child walks around the playground ringing a bell to announce the start of classes,which begin at 7:15 am sharp. Like every student,Becki and Bonsa will ring the bell for a week. All the students know that being on time is important.

   Becki and Bonsa and the other students gather in rows,one class in each row,in front of a senior teacher. Any late students are sent into the nearby forest to gather firewood.

   After school,the girls wash their hands and use their fingers to eat out of a common bowl. The girls take their evening meal with their own mothers and aunts. The fathers eat with their male relatives at their fathers’ houses. Ashanti men and women do not eat together.

   When there is work to do after school,the girls do it first. Once their work is done,they are free to play. Sometimes they pick oranges,jump rope,dance,or play a board game.

   After sunset,the villagers take chairs outside and join their neighbors to talk about the day. No one is rich. But everyone seems happy.

1. From the passage,we know that Adukrom is a village.

   A. crowded

   B. poor

   C. dirty

   D. polluted

2. When Bonsa and Becki go to school,they always.

   A. take their chairs to school

   B. walk many miles every day

   C. buy some bread at the school gate

   D. carry a bell in the schoolbag

3. If Becki is late for school,she has to .

   A. sit in the last row in the classroom

   B. ring the bell for a week

   C. run around the playground for 10 minutes

   D. collect firewood in the forest

4. After school,Becki and Bonsa first.

   A. pick oranges

   B. jump rope

   C. dance

   D. play a board game

5. The passage mainly tells us about two girls’.

   A. team spirit

   B. favourite school

   C. everyday life

   D. close friendship


科目: 来源: 题型:

   There was once a teacher who gave his pupils some seeds. So they could 1 and look after their very own sunflowers. One boy in the class,who loved sunflower seeds,was so 2 that he planted the seed and looked after it with great care for many days.

   When the first shoot (嫩芽) 3 appeared,the boy went to see his teacher. “Can I uproot (拔起) it yet?” he asked. The teacher answered that he would still have to take care of the plant for quite some time 4 he would be able to collect many seeds from just one sunflower. The boy was unhappy,but he 5 looking after his sunflower.

   Some days later,the boy saw the sunflower's first 6,and he cut the plant so he could eat them. But the plant was still green,and of course the seeds couldn’t be 7.

   The boy had put so much effort into caring for the sunflower,but in the end he had 8 it all for his impatience (不耐烦) .And he was even angrier when he saw his 9 sunflowers grow so well. Luckily,his friends were 10 enough to share their delicious sunflower seeds with him.

1. A. refuse   B. leave   C. stay   D. plant

2. A. excited   B. tired   C. naughty   D. active

3. A. recently   B. finally   C. carefully   D. quietly

4. A. before   B. after   C. if   D. though

5. A. was afraid   B. couldn’t help   C. gave up   D. kept on

6. A. flowers   B. leaves   C. shoots   D. seeds

7. A. sold   B. eaten   C. picked   D. washed

8. A. polluted   B. protected   C. wasted   D. disliked

9. A. teacher's   B. classmates’   C. parents’   D. pupils’

10. A. crazy   B. poor   C. strong   D. good


科目: 来源: 题型:

  阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选 项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

   There was a big tree more than a hundred years old living in the middle of a dry land. It gave rest and shelter to hundreds and thousands of travelers. 1 It acted as a connection point of all towns and villages in the nearby area. However,except the big old tree,there was no other tree that can offer rest to the people. The tree has a huge trunk with lots of branches which spread the shadow covering a wide space.

   One day,two travelers were traveling from a distant place and tried to reach a town at the east of the tree. 2 They started their journey from early morning and it was almost mid noon. The sun was too hot and they could not walk anymore due to the heat. Fortunately,they reached the tree. They were very happy to see such a big tree with breezing wind. They decided to take a rest under the tree. 3 

   They felt hungry and one of the travelers decided to climb the branches to see whether the tree had any fruit. 4 He started cursing (咒骂) the tree owing to his hunger. “Oh,this is just a useless tree and it has nothing to feed us,not even a fruit or even nuts!It is of no use! ”

   The tree said in a sad yet strong voice, “You can't be so ungrateful to me. Just look back at the condition when you reached here in the hot and dry sun!I offered you cool and comfortable place to rest.5 I saved your life from the hot sun,but you humiliate me! ”

   The traveler realized his mistake and apologized to the tree.

   A. They were walking for several miles on a hot and sunny day.

   B. If Fm not here when you are very tired you would have died now!

   C. The tree was at the centre of four different towns.

   D. And they slept for some time happily.

   E. Since it is not a fruit-bearing tree,the traveler was disappointed.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


科目: 来源: 题型:

                  Do You Need to “Edit Your Friends”?

   Is your mobile phone directory full of phone numbers of people you don't really want to talk to? Do you go out with people from work or school more often than with your real friends? Do you say yes to invitations because you think you should,not because you want to? If you answer yes to at least two of these questions,then perhaps you need to “edit your friends”.

   Nowadays people like to spend a lot of time with people at work or classmates at school. The result is that we don't have enough time to see our real,close friends. As our lives get busier,it becomes more important to spend the little free time we have with people we really want to see,people we love and who really love us.

   Who are the friends you need to edit? A few years ago I read a book about how to get rid of unnecessary possessions (物品) . It said you should ask yourself about each thing you have: Is it useful? Do I really like it? Do I feel better every time I look at it? If the answer is no to any one of those questions,you should throw it away. Maybe we should ask similar questions about our friends. What kind of friends will you probably need to edit? Sometimes it's an old friend. Somebody who you used to have a lot in common with,but who,when you meet now,you have very little or nothing to say to. Or it might be a new friend who you get on quite well with,but who is taking up too much of your time. Next time one of these people calls you and suggests a meeting,think “Do I really want to see this person?” and if the answer is no,say no,and make an excuse. That way you’ll have more time to spend with your real friends.

1. People need to edit their friends when.

   A. they have moved to a different area

   B. they have no time with their real fiends

   C. some of their friends don't talk very much

   D. their friends are people from work or school

2. What does the word “edit” in the passage mean?

   A. Examine and choose.

   B. Believe and help.

   C. Miss and see.

   D. Call and meet.

3. People don't need to edit their .

   A. real friends

   B. old friends

   C. young friends

   D. new friends

4. What does the writer want to tell us in Paragraph 3 ?

   A. We should often throw some possessions.

   B. Most of our friends are not necessary at all.

   C. We shouldn’t treat our friends as possessions.

   D. We should ask ourselves who our real friends are.


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Steve was bom in a poor amily with alcoholic (酗酒的) parents,and didn't like studying at school. He was often late for a class and could not get on well with his desk mate,Jim.

   That new term,Miss White,a new teacher worked as the head teacher for him. Her classes were very interesting and she was kind to the students,so they loved her very much.

   One day,Steve went to school without having breakfast,he was very hungry. He stole the money in Jim's pencil case and bought something to eat. The next morning,Jim told Miss White it was Steve that stole his money in class. Hearing this,Steve dared (敢 于) not look up at Miss White's eyes with the red face. However,Miss White said, “I don't believe Steve has done that,because he's a good student. ” After a while,she took the same number of money from her pocket and said, “A student in Class Two picked it up beside the gate of our classroom just now and gave it to me,and it is yours,Jim?” Jim said “yes”,with “sorry” to Steve. The poor boy could say nothing to his dear teacher with tears in both eyes.

   After that,Steve did his best to study hard and got good grades. Later,he became a famous doctor. He would never forget the kind head teacher in his middle school.

1. Steve's parents liked very much.

   A. playing games

   B. drinking wine

   C. playing sports with him

   D. cooking meals

2. Miss White the students and they all liked her very much.

   A. was friendly to   B. was tired of

   C. was strict with   D. was bad for

3. Steve was very hungry and he .

   A. ate a lot of food

   B. stole Jim's money

   C. bought lots of things with Jim

   D. borrowed some food from Miss White

4. Miss White gave some money to Jim, because.

   A. she wanted to help Jim

   B. it was actually Jim's money

   C. she wanted to give Steve some self-esteem

   D. Jim lost his money

5. What's the best title for this passage?

   A. A Lazy Boy Called Steve

   B. Steve and His Classmates

   C. A Kind Head Teacher,Miss White

   D. A Meaningful Lesson at School


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Even in the animal kingdom,the loss of a loved one is quite a sad thing,and this upset dog in the picture,near a village in Russia's Perm area,gives us a real model in our life.

   His mate (配偶) was hit to die by a car while she was trying to cross the road over seven days ago,but now he's still standing guard (站岗) over her body,hoping she will wake up one day. People who passed by the dog said the dog dragged his mate from the road right after she was hit and hadn’t left her side since then. He kept trying to move her with his paws and keep her warm with his own body,and the local people knew the story of his loyalty (忠诚) just in a few days. When children and adults passed the dog and heard his heartbreaking (令人心碎的) cry,and saw him standing guard over her body they often broke into tears. “It's very sad. He won’t let anyone walk near to her and he keeps trying to warm her up with his own body”,a local farmer said.

   What a loyal dog it is!

1. The dog's mate was killed by .

   A. a child   B. a car

   C. a hunter   D. an adult

2. The dog is standing guard over his mate's body because .

   A. his mate is dead

   B. he has no home to go back

   C. he hopes she will wake up

   D. his mate is too cold

3. The underlined word “dragged” means “”.

   A. treated   B. washed

   C. sent   D. pulled

4. The dog kept his mate warm with .

   A. his paws   B. his body

   C. his heartbreaking cry   D. his loyalty

5. From the passage,we know if an animal loses a loved one,he will be .

   A. usual   B. honest

   C. boring   D. sad


科目: 来源: 题型:

   On a fine summer day a grasshopper (蝗虫) was singing and dancing happily in a field. At that time the grasshopper saw a little ant busy gathering 1 from the field.

   The grasshopper asked the ant, “Why are you working so hard? Come and chat with me. ” The ant replied to the 2 grasshopper, “ I am collecting foods for the winter season. Why can't you also store some food 3 the winter season?” And the ant 4 the work. The grasshopper laughed at the ant by saying “winter is so long to come” and continued to 5 .

   When the winter came the ant was 6 in his home using the food he saved during the summer time. The grasshopper was not able to 7 any food. When the grasshopper was about to cross the ant's house,he saw the ant happily enjoying the winter.

   The grasshopper asked the ant to give some food to eat. The ant laughed at the grasshopper and said, “You laughed at me 8 I was collecting food,and now you are coming and asking me for the food. Please 9 and have some food. ”

   The grasshopper felt ashamed of 10 .He went into the ant's house and had enough food for its stomach. And at the request of the ant,the grasshopper sang and danced.

1. A. corns   B. leaves   C. rubbish   D. stones

2. A. busy   B. smart   C. lazy   D. brave

3. A. in   B. for   C. on   D. to

4. A. finished   B. forgot   C. refused   D. continued

5. A. work   B. dance   C. sleep   D. jump

6. A. cold   B. difficult   C. happy   D. hungry

7. A. find   B. store   C. make   D. cook

8. A. unless   B. before   C. when   D. though

9. A. go away   B. take off   C. stay up   D. come in

10. A. herself   B. itself   C. myself   D. himself


科目: 来源: 题型:

   I am Tom Hanks. During my past thirty-eight years,my parents played an important role (角色) in my life. As many of you know,my father introduced  me to the world of cycling.Because yesterday was his sixty-fifth birthday,I wrote the passage to him.

   My father was not bom to be a bike rider like me. When he was in Vietnam and lived with a roommate,he liked riding the bike,too,so my father began to cycle.

   On my seventh birthday,my father gave me a red bike as a gift and I was glad to get it. Then my father began to teach me to ride it. I learned to ride it for about ten hours every day. With the time going on,my skills of cycling got better and better and my father took pride in me. Then when I was twelve years old,I took part in a cycle competition in my school;it was lucky that I won the first prize.

   Later,I joined the national cycle team. During the last few years,I took part in many tests in the world. And in July,2012,I also took part in the Olympic Games in London. Though I could not get a gold metal,I felt very lucky and happy. Dear father,give my many thanks to you.


1. Who taught Tom Hanks to cycle?

2. When did Tom get the red bike?

3. How long did Tom learn to ride every day when he was young?

4. When did Tom take part in a cycle competition in his school?

5. What did Tom do in July,2012?


科目: 来源: 题型:

   Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up,my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together,my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always told me, “You should have goals like climbing the mountain. ” Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed,we couldn’t have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. I really got a lot from mountain-climbing. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience (耐力) .

   Once we climbed a very high mountain. It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing,I enjoyed the flowers and trees,and the birds’ singing,but as time passed,I got a pain in both of my legs. I wanted to quit climbing. In fact,I hated it at that moment,but my father said to me, “You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain,but you can't see it before you reach the top. Only there at the top,can you see all of the nice things,just like in life. ”

   At that time,I was too young to understand his words. But later after that,I got new hope and confidence. I found myself standing at the top of the sky,which was as clear as crystal (水晶) .

1. The passage tells us that mountain-climbing was for father and son.

   A. hard   B. enjoyable

   C. painful   D. comfortable

2. The word “quit” in the passage means “”.

   A. carry on   B. put off

   C. give up   D. pick up

3. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the father's words in the second paragraph?

   A. You will get all you need at the top of the mountain.

   B. The sky is always as clear as crystal.

   C. You can find life is full of nice things.

   D. Never give up half-way.

4. We can infer from the last paragraph that .

   A. the writer was very successful in his life

   B. the writer didn't reach the top of the mountain

   C. though the writer was young,he could understand his father

   D. the writer used to stop half-way when he climbed the mountain

5. The best title for the passage is .

   A. Reaching the Top of the Mountain

   B. Enjoy the Beautiful Views

   C. Conversations Between Father and Son

   D. Father and I


科目: 来源: 题型:

   One Christmas Eve,Santa landed his sleigh (雪橇) on a house,grabbed his bag of toys and slid down the chimney. Once he was inside the house,he quickly went to work setting out two toys he had brought for the Reilly twins,Erin and Pat.

   When he was done,Santa noticed a plate of cookies and a glass of milk setting with a note that read: For Santa. Santa sat down in a big chair and soon he had eaten the whole plate of cookies and had drunk the whole glass of milk. As he got up to leave,he noticed another plate of fudge (软糖) . Before long,Santa had eaten everything on this plate,too.

   When he finished,he grabbed his toy bag and started to climb up out of the chimney. The only problem was,he had eaten too much and now he and his bag did not fit in the chimney. Santa went back to the Christmas tree and placed a few more toys under the tree from his bag and again he tried going up the chimney. Again,he did not fit. So back he went to the tree and this time,he placed every gift in his ba^ under the tree. At last,Santa was able to climb up the chimney to the roof.

   In the morning when the children came downstairs,there were toys everywhere.

1. This story happened .

   A. on Thanksgiving Day

   B. on April Fool's Day

   C. on Christmas Eve

   D. on Spring Festival

2. Santa brought for the Reilly twins,Erin and Pat.

   A. two toys

   B. a plate of cookies

   C. a glass of milk

   D. a bag of toys

3. Santa ate in Erin and Pat's house.

   A. only cookies

   B. only milk

   C. only fudge

   D. some cookies,milk and fudge

4. Santa couldn’t climb out of the chimney because.

   A. he was very tired

   B. he was very full

   C. he was very hungry

   D. he was very afraid

5. According to the passage,Santa's bag was when he left.

   A. heavy   B. full

   C. empty   D. old

