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科目: 来源:2015-2016学年湖南耒阳冠湘中学八年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-----______ do you go to the park? -----Once a week.

A. How long B. How often

C. How soon D. How much


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年湖南耒阳冠湘中学八年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Mike was the best table tennis player in his school and always won the games. He was afraid of losing ____. When he won, he would feel really good. If he lost, he would feel ____. Mike thought losing was the worst(最坏的) thing in the world.

A new kid, Albert, came to Peter’s school. He also does well ____ table tennis. Soon there would be a game ____ Mike and Albert. Mike worked hard to prepare for the game, but Albert didn’t think much of it. When the game began, Albert was a real ____. There was always a smile(微笑) on his face, while Mike looked serious(严肃的) all the time. Mike thought it was so important to win the game ____ he even(甚至) wanted to cheat(舞弊),but he lost in the end.

“You played very well, Mike. I think we can play again sometime,” said Albert. But Mike didn’t feel happy and couldn’t ____that night.

One day, Mike saw Albert ____ basketball. He lost again and again, but the happy smile never _____ his face.

Whether Albert won or lost the game, he enjoyed it. Mike came to know that ____ a game was much more important than winning or losing it. He felt happier than anytime.

1.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

2.A. angry B. excited C. happy D. sorry

3.A. in B. at C. with D. for

4.A. around B. against C. between D. through

5.A. teacher B. student C. pilot D. player

6.A. this B. that C. than D. until

7.A. relax B. skate C. sleep D. pass

8.A. feel B. feeling C. play D. playing

9.A. left B. won C. hit D. grew

10.A. looking B. enjoying C. kicking D. keeping


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年湖南耒阳冠湘中学八年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Should friends be different or the same? Different people have different ideas. The following(下列) is what four of my classmates say.

My name is Susan. I like to have friends who are similar(相似的) to me. Both my best friend Linda and I like traveling. We went to Italy with our family last summer holiday. We stayed there for two weeks.

My name is Mary. I like to have friends who are different from me. I am quiet and I like reading very much. But my best friend Betty likes sports. She plays table tennis well.

I’m Peter. I like to have friends who are like me. I’m a little quite and my good friend Rick is quiet, too. Sometimes I don’t know what to do with my problems and he can tell me what I should do, because he knows about me better than people who are different from me.

I’m Bill. I have both kinds of friends. I think it is important. That makes my life more interesting.

1.How long did Susan stay in Italy?


2.What sport is Betty good at?


3.Who is Peter’s good friend?


4.Why does Bill think it’s important to have both kinds of friends?


5.How many of the four students like friends who are like them?



科目: 来源:2015-2016学年湖南耒阳冠湘中学八年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达






To buy a football and some school things


To do exercise in the gym


To play computer games and watch a football game on TV

Tomorrow is Sunday.





科目: 来源:2015-2016学年江苏射阳外国语学校七年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Li Na is favourite tennis player.

A. my parents B. my parents’s

C. my parents’ D. my parent’


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年江苏射阳外国语学校七年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Jim often walks _____ school and walks _____ home every day.

A. to; to B. to; / C. /; to D. /; /


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年江苏射阳外国语学校七年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--Is his name Jack? -- _______. His name is John.

A. Yes, it is B. Yes, he is

C. No, he isn’t D. No, it isn’t


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年江苏射阳外国语学校七年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I am good at_______ ball games and .

A. playing, swimming B. playing, swiming

C. play, swim D. playing, swim


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年江苏射阳外国语学校七年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“Basketball is not only for young people,” my grandpa often says.

Grandpa is a retired (退休的) teacher. He likes basketball. He isn’t tall or strong. And he can not run fast. But he is a member of a basketball team.

“I play for 15 minutes in every game,” says Grandpa. “I can score 10 points (得十分) for my team.” He is right. He is really good at basketball. I learn a lot from him.

Grandpa plays basketball with his friends. They play for about an hour every time. Sometimes their team comes to our school. And they play with our school team. Then the young students and the old people can have fun together.

“What is sport? Sport is a game to make people healthy and happy,” Grandpa tells me.

1.My grandpa was a in the past (以前).

A. teacher B. worker C. doctor D. driver

2.How does my grandpa look?

A. He is tall. B. He is fat.

C. He is short. D. He is strong.

3. Grandpa plays basketball for in every game.

A. fifteen minutes

B. about an hour

C. ten minutes

D. two hours

4.Young students and the old people sometimes play basketball .

A. in our school B. in the park

C. at home D. in the club

5.What’s the best title (标题) of the passage?

A. I have a kind grandpa B. My happy family

C. How to keep healthy D. My grandpa loves sports


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年江苏扬州宝应西片八年级上第一次纠错练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

When something _______you, I will always help you, so don’t _______it.

A. worry about; worry B. worry; worry about

C. worries; worry about D. worries; worry

