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科目: 来源:2016届北京市海淀区九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I was the typical“I can't”child-whatever my mother told or asked me to do was immediately followed by my cry,“I can't.”As a result,very few tasks or goals that I set out to achieve were ever completed.

One evening,my mother called me into the family room.“I want you to read this article,”Mother began.“It's about Marlo Thomas.She tells how a simple poem that she was forced to learn by her father changed her life·She went from saying‘I can't’to‘I can’·According to this article,she was able to reorganize her life and her career by learning the principles(原则)in the poem.”

I took the small magazine from Mother and looked down at the pages.There was Marlo-my idol. Beside her photo was the poem my mother had spoken of,a simple poem entitled,“I Can”.“I want you to memorize that poem,”Mother said firmly.“Mama,”I belly-ached.“I can't learn that poem.It's too long.”

“It's not too long and you can learn it.1 want you to know it perfectly by this time tomorrow,”said my mother. Unwillingly,I went back to my bedroom with the magazine.With a heavy heart,I threw myself into the bed and began my task.

“Can't is a word that is the enemy to ambition,”I began.I repeated the line.I repeated it again and again.“An enemy ambush to shatter your will…”I continued the process until I proudly recited the poem the following evening. It has now become my principle.Marlo 1 homas did not know me,but her story forever changed my life.

Saying “I can” helped me to get through the worst moments of my life: Saying “I can” encouraged me to complete things I would have otherwise seen as out of my reach. A simple poem learned at seven is a poem that will support me to seventy-seven,maybe even longer.

1.One evening my mother asked me to

A .read an article B.meet Marlo

C .write a poem D. take photos

2.The underlined part“I belly-ached”in Paragraph 3 probably means“ ”.

A. I was hungry B.I was relaxed

C. I felt unhappy D. I ate too much

3.On the following evening,I

A. repeated the lines on TV

B.read more stories about Marlo

C. proudly recited the poem

D. had a long talk with my mother

4.What can we learn from the passage'?

A.Marlo is very popular among teenagers.

B.I become interested in poems all my life.

C.Marlo always encourages me to work hard.

D.Saying“I can”has helped me get over difficulties.


科目: 来源:2016届北京市海淀区九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Films provide more than just entertainment.Watching foreign language films is a way to develop language skills.While watching a film,you are immersed(沉浸)in the language and can pick up new expressions that you might not find in a textbook.Some difficulties can arise when watching foreign language films-for example,unfamiliar colloquial language or strong regional accents.With this in mind,here are my tips to help you make progress in English learning while enjoying the films.

Choose a film type that you enjoy.

If you like action films,watch an action film-for example Indiana Jones.If you prefer comedies,watch a comedy-anything with Hugh Grant in always provides a laugh!It's simple enough,but if you choose something you enjoy watching in your native language,you're more likely to enjoy it in English.

Choose something that you are familiar with.

It's best to start off with something simple because in this way you have a higher chance of understanding the film.Disney films such as The Lion King,or the more recently released Tangled,are classic examples.Other cartoons such as Rango and The Lego Movie are also worth a watch.If you need to,use subtitles(字幕).Subtitles are very helpful for beginners.using subtitles in your own language is the easiest choice,but for more advanced learners why not consider using English subtitles?This way,you can match the written subtitles to the words spoken on screen.It helps you to develop your language further.

I hope you find these tips useful-if you want to recommend a film to other users,feel free to use the comments section!

1.Is watching foreign language films a way to develop language skills?

2.What film type can we choose to learn English?

3.Why is it best to start off with something simple?

4.What are helpful for beginners while watching English films?

5.What is the passage mainly about?


科目: 来源:2016届广东肇庆端州西区三校九年级上期中英语A试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I _______ here since I was five years old.

A.lived B. have lived C.live D. was living


科目: 来源:2016届广东肇庆端州西区三校九年级上期中英语A试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

This is the most beautiful park I have _____ visited.

A.ever B.yet C.never D.already


科目: 来源:2016届广东肇庆端州西区三校九年级上期中英语A试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The propgram also provide them _____ job training so that they can live a normal life.

A. of B.with C.for D. To


科目: 来源:2016届广东肇庆端州西区三校九年级上期中英语A试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


1.Sara likes to make friends with popular people, because she finds it easier to communicate with them.

2.When Jane is happy, she likes to talk to everyone in her class. But when she feels sad, she doesn’t even say “hi” to anyone.

3..Paul is poor in his study, and he always feels shy to talk with others, so he has very few friends.

4.When Peter feels uncomfortable talking with someone, he often look here and there.

5.Susan is a good student, but she is never sure what to talk about when she stays with others.

A. Be confident in yourself. Everyone has its good qualities. People who have

self-confidence are more attractive.

B. It is not polite to look around when talking with people. Try to look people in the eye even you are not interested in the conversation. Then people will find it easier to talk to you.

C. Try to make friends with kinds of people, not just with those who are easy to communicate. Then you will find there are greater chances for making friends.

D. Once you get to know a person, find more chances to meet. For example, you can play soccer together or have a short travel. Then you will each other well.

E. Try to help others. For instance, look after people who are ill or help people take care of their pets. Be kind to others and you will be treated kindly.

F. Other will think you are strange if you are friendly one day and don’t talk the next day. Learn to share your feelings with others. Share your sadness with your others, and you will be happy again.

G. Care about what’s happening in the world. Read more newspapers, listen to the top CDs, and find out something about new sports or movie stars. Then talk about things that a person may interested in.


科目: 来源:2016届广东肇庆端州西区三校九年级上期中英语A试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达










Act now to save water

Water is very important to us. _____________________________________________________________________




科目: 来源:2016届贵州省都匀市九年级上学期期中统考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Reading is my best way to learn English .

A .loud B .louder C. loudly D. aloud


科目: 来源:2016届贵州省都匀市九年级上学期期中统考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I must you that my patience is almost at an end .

A. warn B. warms C. warn to D. warning


科目: 来源:2016届贵州省都匀市九年级上学期期中统考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Does the child need any help? No.She is to dress herself.

A.enough old B.young enough

C. old enough D.enough young

