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科目: 来源:【全国百强校】吉林省2017届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

__________ the girl is only ten years old, she can take care of her brother and cook meals every day.

A. If B. Because C. Although D. As


科目: 来源:【全国百强校】吉林省2017届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

--- Is the girl really that woman’s daughter? But she doesn’t __________ her at all.

---But sure she is. She takes after her father.

A. look like B. look for C. look up D. look after


科目: 来源:【全国百强校】吉林省2017届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

---Have you seen the movie Rush Hour?

---Yes. I__________ the movie with my friend last night.

A. watch B. watched C. watches D. have watched


科目: 来源:【全国百强校】吉林省2017届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

The young lady __________ we met yesterday is our new math teacher.

A. who B. where C. whose D. which


科目: 来源:【全国百强校】吉林省2017届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

---Excuse me, could you please tell me __________?

---Sure. He lives on Center Street.

A. where does Bob live B. where Bob lives

C. why Bob lives there D. what does Bob do


科目: 来源:【全国百强校】吉林省2017届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

---Would you like to go to a movie with me this afternoon?

---__________. Let’s meet at the movie theater.

A. It doesn’t matter B. Take it easy C. Lucky you. D. Sure, I’d love to


科目: 来源:【全国百强校】吉林省2017届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:七选五


Tony: Hello, Dave. Long time no see.

Dave: Hi, Tony. Yes. 1.

Tony: How long did you stay there?

Dave: For a week.

Tony: 2.

Dave: It was great. I visited many great places. And the most exciting place was Disneyland.


Dave: Yes. It was crowded. I saw many Disney characters walking around the park.

Tony: I guess you must have taken photos with them.

Dave:4. I took photos with Vinnie and Goofy, famous Disney characters.

Tony: Wow! Fantastic!5.

Dave: If you do, you’ll certainly enjoy yourself.

Tony: Really? I can’t wait!

A. Of course.

B. I hope to go there one day.

C. Were there many people in Disneyland?

D. When did you go there?

E. How was your trip?

F. I went to Shanghai on vacation for a few days.


科目: 来源:【全国百强校】吉林省2017届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空


Everybody has his own hero in mind and is always trying to copy his behaviors in life. As for me, my ______ is just that man. My grandfather had a small farm. He also worked in a ______.

One autumn, most of the farmers in the village were ______, so he promised to help his neighbor harvest(收割)the corn as he often did. ______, after harvesting his own corn, Grandpa’s little corn machine broke. What was ______, the factory where Grandpa worked made the workers have extra work. He had to ______ the farm early and didn’t get back until very late. It now seemed ______ to help out his neighbor because he really had no free time.

One night, Grandpa ______ that he wouldn’t let his neighbor’s harvest rot(腐烂)in the field. Without a ______, he’d harvest it by hand.

“I don’t think you’d have time to do it,” said my grandma. “______, it would be too dark to do anything at night.”

“I know of one night that I could do it!” he ______. “There’s still one more full moon in October. If the ______ is clear, I think I can do it.”

A few days later, after a long shift(轮班)at the factory, my grandpa went to the ______. The weather was cold but clear. He cut all the corn through the night to ______ his word.

Sometimes, when I want to put off responsibilities, I’d see my grandfather ______ corn in the light of the harvest moon. Behind him, row after row of corn stocks(玉米秸秆)stand at attention in respect for a man who keeps his word.

1.A. father B. mother C. grandfather D. grandmother

2.A. school B. factory C. shop D. cinema

3.A. happy B. free C. busy D. nervous

4.A. Anyway B. However C. Luckily D. Usually

5.A. worse B. better C. earlier D. later

6.A. sell B. leave C. clean D. return

7.A. relaxing B. impossible C. interesting D. dangerous

8.A. thought B. learned C. wondered D. guessed

9.A. friend B. hand C. machine D. farmer

10.A. Whenever B. Besides C. Although D. Because

11.A. lived B. refused C. explained D. nodded

12.A. weather B. air C. water D. day

13.A. factory B. field C. river D. house

14.A. keep B. talk C. eat D. say

15.A. eating B. growing C. pulling D. cutting


科目: 来源:【全国百强校】吉林省2017届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

MSG(monosodium glutamate谷氨酸单钠) is a food additive(食品添加剂),which has been widely used by many food factories all over the world since it appeared first in Japan in 1909.

MSG is a substance that is added to some food to improve its taste and color. It is used in foods around the world such as cakes, bread, frozen meat, fish and vegetables. In the beginning, people thought MSG was safe just like salt and sugar. However, in 1968 some people reported they seemed to have bad reactions(反应) to MSG after having had a meal at a restaurant. They included headaches and quick heartbeat . It was also reported that MSG excited a person’s brain and caused his death in Japan. Scientists think that MSG may lead to many neurological disorders(神经紊乱). In mice studies done by a university, the result showed the mice didn’t want to eat the food including MSG.

Today many food companies “hide” MSG on food labels(标签) by using different names. If you see “natural flavorings (调味品) ”,“hydrolyzed protein” and “spices” in a food label, you are probably seeing a hidden way to “report” MSG in a food label. Every time we have a meal in a restaurant, we always feel the food very delicious to taste, but sometimes it is dangerous for our health because some harmful food additives have been added to the food.

To protect people’s health, our governments, from central to local, are taking action to stop factories producing harmful food additives.


1.Monosodium Glutamate is ______ .

A. a food B. an additive C. a factory D. a country

2.MSG is often used in ______.

A. frozen meat B. cups C. clothes D. drinks

3.The examples in the second paragraph tell us ________.

A. the food including MSG is delicious

B. people like to eat in a restaurant

C. mice like eating the food including MSG

D. MSG is not safe sometimes

4.If you see “natural flavorings”, “hydrolyzed protein” and “spices” in a food label, you will

know _____________.

A. you must eat the food in a hidden way B. the food label must be hidden

C. MSG is probably added to the food D. you must report the food to your parents

5.The underlined word “substance” in the article means __________.

A. color B. material C. taste D. food


科目: 来源:【全国百强校】吉林省2017届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

If someone says to you: “give me five”, do not search your pocket to get five yuan! It will make others laugh! The person's not asking for your money, but your fingers.

  In the US, "give me five" or "give me the high five" is a popular gesture (动作). You can see it often in films or on TV. It means the clapping (拍) of each other's raised right hands together.

  People do it when they meet for the first time or something happy happens. For example, a student has good marks in exams or wins a lottery ticket (彩票).If a football team wins a game, the players will give high fives to everyone around to celebrate.

  This gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising the right arm for the emperor to show respect. This also showed that the person raising his arm did not have a sword (刀) in his hand.

  Why not try to give the high five to your friends?


1.“Give me five” is a gesture to _______.

A. make people laugh B. ask for money

C. celebrate success D. give me five yuan

2.The gesture “give me five” is the clapping of _______.

A. toes B. hands C. arms D. feet

3.When you ______, you give your friends high fives.

A. lose your money B. go back home

C. win a football game D. pick up some money

4.The gesture started in _______ according to the story.

A. Rome B. America C. China D. Britain

5.Why did the Romans raise the right arm for the emperor? Because ______.

A. they were proud of their emperor

B. they were happy to see the emperor

C. they wanted to show their respect to the emperor.

D. they wanted to show there were no swords in the emperor’s hands

