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科目: 来源:湖北省宜昌市2017年中考英语模拟试卷 题型:单项填空

---I wonder ___________ you know about the 29th Olympic torch(火炬).

--It is 72 centimeters high, weighs 980 grams.

A. how heavy B. how high C. how much D. how old


科目: 来源:湖北省宜昌市2017年中考英语模拟试卷 题型:单项填空

—What do you think of the book A Haw Tree written by a woman writer?

—It reminds me of the days ________ I spent in the countryside.

A. when B. that C. who D. where


科目: 来源:湖北省宜昌市2017年中考英语模拟试卷 题型:完形填空

I can't believe the homework my seven-year-old son brings home! I have to sit with him every afternoon in order to see all the homework __________ There is so much work and he is very __________ after school. I have to give him a little time-out, so he can swim __________ just get relaxed in front of the TV. Then we continued and it __________ a few hours at least to finish all the homework. I don't remember having so much work when I was at this __________ and I don't remember it being so hard!

It seems to me as if I am paying the school and they are sending my child __________ with so much work for me to __________ him do! Why don't they do all this work at school? I think these __________ are doing the students great harm(伤害)! They shouldn't be __________ to give the kids so much work to do on their __________.

Then the sport is pushed again and again! I have always been a __________ of sports, but I can see that my son is not as interested as I __________ to be. I can see that he would rather read or do something __________ like drama or art. I would love him to be a sportsman, but if that isn't __________ he wants, then I would rather he was happy. Kids should __________ their own interests and not be made to do what other people want them to do!

1.A. compared B. followed C. corrected D. done

2.A. tired B. influenced C. surprised D. pleased

3.A. but B. or C. and D. then

4.A. collects B. affords C. takes D. writes

5.A. relation B. time C. moment D. age

6.A. knowledge B. experiment C. home D. example

7.A. direct B. check C. encourage D. help

8.A. schools B. brains C. choices D. differences

9.A. regarded B. suggested C. allowed D. managed

10.A. service B. own C. energy D. shame

11.A. stranger B. discoverer C. member D. lover

12.A. happened B. used C. agreed D. wished

13.A. strict B. nervous C. else D. usual

14.A. what B. which C. who D. whose

15.A. receive B. miss C. develop D. achieve


科目: 来源:湖北省宜昌市2017年中考英语模拟试卷 题型:阅读理解

Bargaining is the rule here in Beijing. At least, it is so in most markets and back-street clothes shops. Bargaining is an art and if you are unfamiliar(不熟悉) with it, we'd like to offer you some advice. The tips(窍门) here are often used in Beijing but may help you at any place in the world where bargaining is practiced.

DO NOT say how much you want to pay for an item(物品) unless it’s near the end of the bargaining. Always try and drop the seller's offering price as much as possible before opening your mouth with a price.

DO throw out really low prices like 10 RMB with a big smile.

DO keep smiling from the beginning to the end. The seller usually continues bargaining with a happy smiling face. Getting angry hardly gets you the price you want.

KEEP in mind the price offered by the seller at the beginning is usually at least 40% over the generally reasonable price. It can be up to 500% over.

DO have an idea of what the item costs. You can ask your friends, people in the hotel or others you know, or look at the list below. This is very general and is based(根据) on a market like Xiu Shui. You may not be able to get the lowest prices at Xiu Shui, especially on a weekend when there are lots of tourists around.

1.Who is this passage written for?

A. Owners of back-street shops. B. Businessmen in Beijing.

C. Those who are good at bargaining. D. Those who travel in Beijing.

2.What is the topic the writer is mainly talking about in this passage?

A. Beijing markets. B. Bargaining tips.

C. Lowest price D. Seller’s offer.

3.What is the most important thing to do in bargaining with the seller?

A. Keep smiling. B. Be patient.

C. Don’t get angry. D. Don’t say anything.

4.What is NOT included in the tips often used to bargain in Beijing?

A. Find out the true price and go to the markets with friends.

B. Don’t offer your price until the end of the bargaining with a smile.

C. Drop the seller’s offering price four or five times(倍)until he agrees.

D. Don’t go to markets at the time when there are too many tourists.

5.Which of the following can help you get an item you want at the lowest price?

A. Whenever you go shopping, take a price list with you.

B. You can bargain for anything at the price of 10 RMB.

C. The price range(范围) for you to bargain is usually between 40% and 500%.

D. Xiu Shui Market is the biggest shopping center where prices are always reasonable.


科目: 来源:湖北省宜昌市2017年中考英语模拟试卷 题型:阅读理解

Height is just one of the thousands of features your genes decide. In fact, because you have two parents, your genes provide you a height that usually lands somewhere between the height of each parent. If both your parents are tall, then most probably you will be tall, too, but if you have questions about how tall you’re going to be, ask your doctor if he or she can help you find it out.

But genes don’t decide everything. For example, eating an unhealthy diet can keep you from growing to your full potential(潜力). Getting plenty of sleep and enough exercise will help you grow to the expected height.

No doubt you’re wondering how fast you should grow. It depends. There’s no perfect or right answer. Generally speaking, kids grow about 2 inches (6 centimeters) a year between age 3 and the time when they start puberty (when your body starts changing and becoming more grown up).

Your doctor will know how your growth has been going over the years. Two centimeters here and 2 inches there are not nearly as important as the height you’re at now, how you’ve been growing up to this point, and what other changes your body may be going through.

Don’t be scared if you seem to have grown a lot in a very short time. Everyone has a growth spurt(高峰)during____The age for starting puberty is about 10 for girls and about 11 for boys. But it can be earlier or later ----between 7 and 13 for girls and 9 and 15 for boys.

You’ll usually begin to notice that you’re growing faster about a year or so after your body starts to show the first changes of puberty.

1.. The Chinese for the word “puberty” is         .

A. 童年时期 B. 婴幼儿时期 C. 习惯养成期 D. 生长发育期

2.If you want to know how fast and how tall you should grow, _____.

A. you should have enough exercise B. you can ask doctors for help

C. you should save the environment D. You can record your growth during puberty

3.This passage is mainly about         .

A. how the genes work in your body B. when is the time you grow fast

C. why you look like your parents D. how you grow to a certain height

4.After reading this passage, we can explain         .

A. how good it is to be a doctor B. how much sleep time we need

C. why genes can’t decide everything D. what healthy diet is

5.Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Your height most probably depends on how high your parents are.

B. Girls’ age for starting puberty is usually earlier than that for boys’.

C. The time showing the first changes of puberty is never noticed.

D. You may be scared sometimes when you grow too fast.


科目: 来源:湖北省宜昌市2017年中考英语模拟试卷 题型:七选五

A. running away is anything B. they often find them in risky situations

C. it may be natural D. these kids are more easy to get affected(感染)

E. no one cares about them F. you probably imagine

When you think about running away, 1. that there will be no more rules, no parent to tell you what to do, no more fights. Sounds great and exciting, right? In fact, 2. but fun. Kids who run away face new problems like not having any money, food to eat, a safe place to sleep, or anyone to take care of them.

People with no home and no money become ready to do anything just to meet their everyday needs. Because of this, 3. that would be terrible even for adults. Runaway kids join in dangerous crimes(犯罪) much more often than kids who live at home.

Kids who live on the streets often have to steal(偷) for a living. Many take drugs to get through the day because they become so sad and feel that 4.. Some are forced(被迫) to do things they wouldn't normally do to make money. The number of kids with HIV or AIDS and other diseases is higher on streets, too, because 5.. This problem is attracting more and more attention.


科目: 来源:湖北省宜昌市2017年中考英语模拟试卷 题型:翻译


Some children prefer to sleep ___________________________________________________.


Can you tell me_______________________________________________________________?


She was so excited ____________________________________________________________


He looks sad. ________________________________________________________________!


At times an advertisement can lead you to buy something _____________________________.


科目: 来源:湖北省宜昌市2017年中考英语模拟试卷 题型:书面表达

Sandra: I was almost asleep when I felt the bed rocking. Suddenly I noticed our blinds(百页窗) moving. So I quickly looked around to see what was happening. I found my ceiling fan was moving although I had turned it off a moment ago. I quickly woke up my children and we left the building as quickly as possible.

feel my chair moving and see the computer shaking hear noises coming from the shaking window

see what is going on shake as if it is going to fall wake up my housemates

Benny: I was in my office ___________________________________________________________



科目: 来源:湖北省宜昌市2017年中考英语模拟试卷 题型:书面表达

下面是汶川地震中的一张照片。它记录了一个叫郎铮的三岁男孩在地震十小时后被解放军从废墟(debris)中救出(rescue)。躺在担架(stretcher)上的他慢慢地举起右手向救他的人敬礼(salute to)。请你以“感动”为题,用英语简单描述这个故事并写出你的感想。



At 14:28 on May 12, an earthquake broke out in Wenchuan. Soon people all over China went to the rescue. _______________







科目: 来源:山东省淄博市桓台县2017届中考一模英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Lisa works very hard and spends _______ in the library.

A. many time B. many times C. much time D. a lot of times

