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科目: 来源:山东省临清市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

These days, few 11-year-olds are allowed to walk to school by themselves. However, 11-year-old Rosalie Atkins is traveling the world alone.

Rosalie Atkins lives in England. Her parents decided to let her travel alone. This summer Rosalie’s mother put her on a plane to Paris with a host family.

Rosalie spent a week visiting Paris. She visited the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame, as well as several museums, markets, and parks. “If I had visited with my parents, we would have seen only the touristy parts of Paris,” said Rosalie. “But because I was staying with a French family I saw more.” Traveling to different countries, Rosalie also expressed the confidence. “I am quite confident when I have to talk to new people, which is a useful social skill, ” Rosalie said.

Rosalie is glad that her parents allow her to go on adventure() that other kids could only dream of. Rosalie said, “Your parents aren’t going to travel with you forever. You have to learn to be independent some day, and in my opinion the sooner the better.”

1.Rosalie went to Paris by this summer.

A. train B. bus C. ship D. plane

2.How long did Rosalie stay in Paris?

A. Three days. B. Five days. C. Seven days. D. A month.

3.Which place Didn’t Rosalie visit in France ?

A. The Eiffel Tower. B. Notre-Dame. C. The Arc de Triomphe. D. Markets.

4.How does Rosalie feel about her traveling abroad alone?

A. Confidence. B. Nervous. C. Worried. D. Upset

5.The last paragraph mainly tells us .

A. Rosalie is thankful for her parents’ decision

B. Rosalie likes traveling very much

C. Rosalie wants to travel with her family

D. it’s not good for a 11-year-old girl to travel alone


科目: 来源:山东省临清市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The golden rule: Watch the other people. Do as they do!


1.What time do western people usually have dinner?

A. About midday.

B. At 5:00 in the afternoon.

C. Around 7 p.m. or even later.

D. Before 7:00 in the afternoon.

2.Most food in the West is eaten with ______________.

A. spoons B. chopsticks

C. fingers D. knives and forks

3.What will a host probably say to a guest at the start of a meal?

A. “Can I help you?” B. “Eat slowly!”

C. “Help yourself!” D. “Could you serve me?”

4.When might people want to say, “I’m sorry, I can’t eat this.”?

A. If they’ve been given something they don’t like.

B. If they are full.

C. If the hosts keep offering a lot of food to them.

D. If they are not hungry.

5.Which of the following is helpful when you’re in the West according to the poster?

A. You can leave as soon as you’ve finished eating.

B. If you don’t know what to do, just watch the others and do as they do.

C. You can’t eat chicken legs with your fingers.

D. The fork is held in your right hand and the knife in your left.


科目: 来源:山东省临清市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


Canada Day

Since 1982, July 1st has been officially known as Canada Day. Canadians of all ages take part in this festival across the country.

Canada Day is the year’s biggest national party. In many towns and cities, the government organizes a lot of events, often outdoors. These include parades(游行), concerts, festivals,

firework displays and ceremonies for new Canadian citizens(公民).The celebrations often have apatrioticmood. Canada’s national flag, a symbol for Canada Day, can be seen everywhere and a lot of people paint their faces red and white, which are Canada’s national colors. The celebrations in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city, are especially grand and exciting.

In the province of Quebec, many home rentals(租赁)start on July 1st and last for exactly one year, and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another. So in Quebec, Canada Day is also known as Moving Day.

Many organizations, businesses and stores are closed this day. Only some bookstores, hospitals and gas stations may be open. Post offices are closed, too. As Canada Day falls in the Canadian summer holiday period, all schools are closed as well. In some areas, special services are provided for large events. The concerts, parades and festivals may cause some traffic jams.

1.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Canada Day falls on the first day of June.

B. Canada Day was celebrated before 1982.

C. Canada Day is celebrated throughout Canada.

D. Canadians except new citizens celebrate Canada Day.

2.The underlined word “patriotic” means _____ in Chinese.

A. 温馨的 B. 爱国的

C. 肃穆的 D. 紧张的

3.Canada Day is known as Moving Day in Quebec because on this day _____.

A. people think it lucky to move to new houses

B. people look for houses from one place to another

C. people like moving from house to house to visit friends

D. people move home when new home rentals go into effect

4.From Paragraph 4, we know that on Canada Day _____.

A. no student goes to school

B. traffic jams happen everywhere

C. all Canadians stop working

D. few businesses and stores are closed

5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Canada Day?

A. Background B. Symbol.

C. Public life. D. Events and activities.


科目: 来源:山东省临清市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:补全对话

A:Hello, Jim. 1.?

B:I have a pain in my hand, doctor.

A: 2.?

B:Since Sunday. It's very painful.


B:I was playing basketball with another team.

A:4.? Did you have a fall?

B:No. Nothing special happened.

A:Well, Let me check you. OK, You don't have a serious problem with your hand. You just need to have a rest.

B: I'd like to have a rest. But I will have exams tomorrow. My hand is so painful that I'm afraid I can't go to school.5.?

A:Here is your medicine, but you'd better ask for leave.

B:Thanks for your advice, doctor. The exams are quite important for me, so I have to.

A:Well, I hope you can do well in your exams, Jim.

B:Thank you, doctor.


科目: 来源:山东省临清市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

A big company wanted to find someone to work for them. Lots of young college 1. (student) came to ask for the job, but only a small part of them were 2. (leave). And this time, the company didn't plan to choose the right person as usual.

Here came the day when they took the final interview. A big box full of papers was placed on the way 3. (介词) the interview room, and a few papers were lying around the box.

The 4. (one) student came. He hurried along the way to take the interview. “Who put this box in the middle of the road?” the student said to himself, but he did not try to move the box away. Instead, he passed around the box and continued his way.

The second student came along and did the same thing. Then another came, and another. All of them complained(抱怨)about the box 5. (连词) none of them tried to move it. What's 6. (bad), someone even stepped(踩)on the papers and left without 7. (have) a look at the things on the ground.

Half an hour later, a thin young man with glasses came. He was also among those who were left to take the interview. He saw the box and the papers around it. Without thinking 8. (two), he stopped and began to pick up the papers and put them into the box. Then he managed to move the box to the side. To his great surprise,he found9. (冠词)invitation under the box. On it were the following words, “Congratulations, young man! You are the right person we are looking for! Would you like to join us?”

Sometimes, you see, helping others is helping 10. (you).


科目: 来源:山东省临清市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

1.Can I tale a ___________(信息,口信)?

2.Who is the winner in the English ___________(比赛).

3.Zhang Qian is a ___________(模特) in a company.

4.Luckily the old lady is in excellent ___________(状况).

5.Zhang Liang is a ___________(英俊的) man. Everyone likes him.

6.Don’t be ___________/'n??v?s /. Take it easy.

7.The book was from ___________/ ?e?n??nt / China.

8.How often do you take ___________/ 'eks?sa?z /?

9.Columbus___________/ d?'sk?v?d /America in 1492.

10.This is a ___________/ ?pra?v?t / talk.


科目: 来源:山东省临清市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:任务型阅读

How much do you know about Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein, born on March 14, 1879 in Germany, was a great scientist in the world. ①He was strange because he hated haircuts and new clothes. He believed in peace. All his life, he hated war. However, his most famous idea, E = mc², helped create the world’s most dangerous weapon (武器). Many people think he was the smartest person in the world. But Einstein said that he thought like a child with many questions and unusual ideas.

What did he like?

Einstein liked learning sailing (帆船运动). He sailed in small boats all his life. He once joked, “Sailing is the sport that takes the least energy!” When Einstein was a child, his mother made him take violin lessons. At first, he didn’t like the violin. But then he learned to love music and became a good violinist.

Later, he said, “②热爱是最好的老师。”

Why is the sky blue?

In 1910, Einstein asked a question which many children often ask, “Why is the sky blue?” After his careful research, he answered the question like this: “It’s because light is made up of many colors including blue. When light travels to Earth, gas particles (气体微粒) spread the blue light all over the sky.” His answer is true in physics.




Einstein ___________learning sailing and playing the violin.


Einstein’s parent made him take violin lessons when he was young.

5.How was the answer to the question why the sky is blue?


科目: 来源:山东省临清市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达

请根据以下提示以The Monkey King为题写一篇短文,来介绍齐天大圣。

1.美猴王是名叫《大闹天宫》(Havoc in heaven)的故事里的英雄。

2.美猴王是一块石头变来(be born from)的。他想长生不老。他聪明、勇敢和幽默(humorous)。他能把自己变成(change)72种不同的东西,像树、鸟等等。他用云在天空中环游!

3.他带领一群猴子反对玉皇大帝(the Emperor of Heaven)和他的士兵。猴王把天宫弄得乱七八糟。最后, 玉皇大帝求助于如来佛祖(Buddha).如来佛祖搬来(move)一座山压在他的身上。500年之后,一个和尚(monk)把他从山下面解救出来(get out from).


科目: 来源:2017年初中毕业升学考试(安徽卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---I’m afraid I can’t do well in the game.

---_____. It’s just for fun.

A. Sounds good B. What a pity C. Thank you D. Take it easy


科目: 来源:2017年初中毕业升学考试(安徽卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Is this iPad yours?

---Yes. My parents bought _____ for my language learning.

A. one B. it C. other D. another

