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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】书面表达 (共1题,满分15分)


What problems do the teenagers probably have?Here is a survey showing their main problems.




Feeling stressed

Too much homework

Getting short-sighted(近视的)

Bad reading and writing habits

Fighting with each other

Don’t know how to get on well with classmates

Feeling tired of study

Computer games’ bad influence

According to our survey, many teenagers have problems as grown-ups, but if they can solve the problem properly, they can develop better.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1His (情绪) suddenly changed and he became calm.

2The football game was covered (直播) yesterday.

3Learning a language require time and (努力).

4The new student is a little slow on the study, so you have to be (耐心的).

5Her hard work made a name for herself as one of the best (演员).


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】There was once a little orphan (孤儿) girl who had no family and no one to love her. She felt sad and lonely.

One day, while she was walking in a garden, she noticed a small butterfly caught in a thornbush (荆棘丛). The more the butterfly tried to free itself, the deeper the thorn cut into its body. The girl carefully helped the butterfly out. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy (仙女).

“For your wonderful kindness,” said the fairy, “I will grant (保证) you any wish you like.”

The little girl thought for a while and replied: “I want to be happy!”

“Very well!” The fairy leaned toward her and whispered (耳语) in her ear. Then the good fairy disappeared.

As the little girl grew up, she stayed happy. Everyone asked her the secret of her happiness. She would only smile and answer: “The secret of happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl.”

When she was very old and on her deathbed, her neighbors were afraid that her secret of happiness would die “Tell us, please,” they begged. “Tell us what the good fairy said.”with her.

The lovely old woman simply smiled and said: “She told me that everyone, no matter how secure (安稳的) they seemed, how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me.”

1What happened when the butterfly tried to free itself from the thornbush?

A. It saved itself. B. It got cut deeper.

C. It got tired. D. It was killed.

2Why did the fairy grant the little girl a wish?

A. Because the girl begged her to do so.

B. Because it was the fairy’s job.

C. Because the girl helped her out.

D. Because the girl was too poor.

3How did the fairy grant the little girl’s wish?

A. By giving her a lot of money.

B. By giving her a big house.

C. By helping her find her parents.

D. By telling her how to stay happy.

4According to the passage, what is the secret of happiness?

A. Being needed by others.

B. Being rich.

C. Being helped by a fairy.

D. Being loved by others.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】--- What did Mike say?

---- He said ______.

A. if you are free the next week

B. what color was it

C. the weather is fine

D. he was late for school yesterday.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】I didnt know .

A. when would the bus arrive

B. what has been done

C. who left the message

D. where did he fix up the bike


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Could you tell me _______?
A. which team won the first prize in the NBA finals last year
B. how long has Obama been the President of the USA
C. when did the terrible earthquake happen in Sichuan
D. why can't so many college students find jobs


科目: 来源: 题型:


Beijing Library

To Susan Chan,

Just to remind you that you have to return 4 books.

Books Writer Be returned before

Rose Meets Mr. Winter Garden Bob Graham 22/1

My Friend Whale Simon James 23/1

Edward the Emu Sheena Knowles 24/1

Imagine Alison Lester 25/1

Please return the books tomorrow. Other people may be waiting to borrow them.

Librarian Mrs. Josie Jones Date 3/2/2005

Note: You may not borrow any new books until these books have been returned.

1This note was sent to .

A. the librarian B. Josie Jones

C. Alison Lester D. Susan Chan

2The book Imagine was written by .

A. Alison Lester B. Bob Graham

C. Simon James D. Sheena Knowles

3On what date should My Friend Whale be returned to the library?

A. 22nd, January. B. 23rd, January.

C. 24th, January. D. 25th, February.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】People in Yancheng are proud of ________ they have achieved in the past thirty years.

A. how B. which

C. what D. when


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Hot pot (火锅) is many Chinese people’s favorite food, including mine. After having three days of hamburgers, sandwiches and potatoes in the UK, you can imagine how excited I was when I got to know that there was going to be a free meal of hotpot to welcome new students. On the way to the canteen, I could smell hot pot in the air.

To my surprise, when I stepped into the room, in front of me were still potatoes and bread. Where is the hot pot?

With many questions in my head, I sat down to have the free meal. After chatting with a French girl, I got to know that hot pot is completely different from hotpot. Chinese hot pot is written in two words and hotpot, one word, is a traditional English dish.

Hotpot is made from mutton (羊肉) and onion. On the top there are sliced (切成片的) potatoes. People put it in the oven (烤箱) all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat (低温加热). It takes very little effort to prepare. You can often see it at parties in the UK because it’s easy to prepare for a large number of people and is not expensive.

Hotpot doesn’t taste bad. However, I still miss hot pot, two words!

1The writer felt when she learnt that she would have her favourite food.

2Hotpot is a traditional English dish. It’s from hot pot.

3Hotpot is often prepared for parties because it is not to prepare.

4The writer had mutton, onion/span> and in the end.

5The writer is a student in UK.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Could you tell me ?

A. what time is it

B. that if the earth goes around the sun

C. where he lives in

D. whether it will rain tomorrow

