 0  19644  19652  19658  19662  19668  19670  19674  19680  19682  19688  19694  19698  19700  19704  19710  19712  19718  19722  19724  19728  19730  19734  19736  19738  19739  19740  19742  19743  19744  19746  19748  19752  19754  19758  19760  19764  19770  19772  19778  19782  19784  19788  19794  19800  19802  19808  19812  19814  19820  19824  19830  19838  159627 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Bill was fourteen years old and in the ninth grade.He had a part time job which got him up at five o'clock.He was a newspaper boy.

Each morning,Bill left the house at five fifteen to go to the center.The newspapers were delivered there by a truck at midnight.He carried them on his bike.

In the winter it was still dark when he got up.But during the rest of the year it was bright.Bill had to deliver the newspapers to his customers(订户) houses in all kinds of weather.He tried to put each paper in the box where it was safe from wind,rain and snow. His customers thought he did a good job. Sometimes they gave him tips (小费).

Bill made about $70 each month and he was saving some of the money to go to college.He spent the rest on tapes and clothes. Once a month he had to collect money from his customers.Since many o{ them worked during the day,Bill had to get the money al night.Sometimes when Bill was ill,his elder brother had to deliver the newspapers.Once his father had to help him.

Bill has 70 customers now,but he hopes to get more soon.Some day,when he bas many more customers, perhaps Bill will win a prize for being a very good newspaper boy.He wants to win a visit to Europe (欧洲),but he would be happy enough if he won a new bike.


1.Bill did part time job as_____.

A.a waiter               B.a driver                C.a newspaper boy     D.a salesman

2. In the passage,the underlined word “delivered” means_____.

A.收集                   B.印制                    C.分发                   D.制造

3.How often did Bill have to collect money from his customers?

A. Once a month                B.Once a week.      C.Once a year.       D.Once a day.

4.From the story we know the Customers like_____ people.

A.clever                  B.hard working         C.young                    D.poor

5.According to the passage,if Bill worked really hard, he could possibly win _____.

A.more friends                            B.more money

C.more newspaper                         D.a visit to Europe or a new bike


科目: 来源: 题型:

Being safe at school and in your everyday life needs knowledge.If you remember the following information,your life will be much safer.

●Always notice the environment around you. You shouldn't walk alone outside.  1  If anything dangerous happens,you can find them quickly.

●Don’t use earphones (耳机) when running in the schoolyard or on the street.  2 

●School bags should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting them on your hack.  3 

●If you are followed by a stranger (陌生人),cross the street and go in the other direction (方向),let the stranger know that you know he or she is there.Next,go and get help from others if it is necessary.You are safer on the street than you are in your home or in a lift.

●If you bare to take a bus to a place far away,try to get to the bus stop a few minutes before the buses leave.  5  On buses,don't sit alone,sit behind the driver or with friends.Don't sleep.


A.Don’t go home directly.

B.You will keep yourself From the outside world and can be dangerous.

C.Make sure where the public phones are.

D.This stops a stranger from following you.

E.When buses are crowded,it is easy enough for thieves to steal the things in your bags on your back.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Most Chinese hotels often provide people with things like disposable(一次性的)toothbrushes,toothpaste,shampoo and so on.Many people like the idea because they don’t have to bring their own.But,if you travel to Beijing,remember to bring your own things.Starting from June,some hotels’ in Beijing no longer provide people with these disposables.They want to ask people to use fewer disposable things。

Many disposable things are made of plastic(塑料).People throw them away after only using them once.It is a waste of natural resources(资源)and is very bad for the environment.Do you know,one Chinese person makes as much as 400 kg of waste a year! Most of that waste comes from disposable things.In Beijing,people throw away about 19 000 000 kg of plastic bags and l 320 000 kg of plastic lunch bowls every year! Plastic can take between 100 and 400 years to break down(腐烂).So the less plastic we throw out,the better.Wherever you travel,bring your own things and use them again and again.


1.Many people like disposable things because they don’t have to_______ _____ _____

2. Starting from June,some hotels in Beijing no longer_____ people_____ these disposables.

3.It is a _____of natural resources and is very bad for the_____.

4.How much waste does one Chinese person make one year?


5.What should we do to protect our environment?



科目: 来源: 题型:


Wang Tao:Hello.Li Lei.Nice to meet you!

Li Lei:Nice to meet you,too!

Wang Tao:  1 

Li Lei:I will go to Beijing with my parents.

Wang Tao:Really? Are you going to watch the Olympic Games?

Li Lei:Yes,we have got tickets to the basketball games.

Wang Tao:  2 

Li Lei:Yes,I'm lucky enough,

Wang Tao:I am going hiking with some of my friends.

Li Lei:That sounds great. How long will it take?

Wang Tao:   4  Then I'll he back home to watch the Olympic Games.

Li Lei:Have a happy summer vacation!

Wang Tao:  5 

A.How lucky you are!

B.The same to you.

C.It doesn't matter.

D.What's your plan for the summer vacation?

E.What about you?

F.I will do my best.

G.Two weeks.


A:Good morning!   6  

B:I'd like lo buy an MP4 for my English study.

A:We have many here.Which one do you like?

B:This one looks nice.

A:It's made in Guangzhou.


A:It's 2 000 yuan.

B:  9   too expensive.Have you got a cheaper one?

A:Sure.This red one costs only 300 yuan

B:OK.I'll take it.  10  is the money.



科目: 来源: 题型:

今天早晨你妹妹Maria不在家,你接到她的好友Alice打来的电话。她说明天上午人民公园(the People’s Park)有花展,她已经买好了两张票,邀请Maria一起去看。明天早晨9:30她在公园门口等Maria,请Maria不要迟到。请你根据以上信息写一篇50词左右的留言。



Your sister,



科目: 来源: 题型:

请你以“My favorite sports”为题写一篇80~100词的短文。







参考用语:be good for…

build up one’s body strength 

Exercise one hour a day,keep illness away.


科目: 来源: 题型:

My aunt likes playing_________ violin at _________ night.

A./;/           B.the;/          C./;the              D.the;the


科目: 来源: 题型:

More than twenty _________ students are having an important exam at the moment.

A.thousands          B.thousands of           C.thousand             D.thousand of


科目: 来源: 题型:

--Whose tennis racket is this?

--Look! Jerry's name is on it! It _________ be his.

A.may           B.must            C.can't           D.mustn't


科目: 来源: 题型:

How much did you _________ for this trip?

A.take            B.spend                C.cost                D.pay

