 0  19711  19719  19725  19729  19735  19737  19741  19747  19749  19755  19761  19765  19767  19771  19777  19779  19785  19789  19791  19795  19797  19801  19803  19805  19806  19807  19809  19810  19811  19813  19815  19819  19821  19825  19827  19831  19837  19839  19845  19849  19851  19855  19861  19867  19869  19875  19879  19881  19887  19891  19897  19905  159627 

科目: 来源: 题型:

Lesson Ten isn't as _______ as Lesson Nine. It's hard to read.

A.easy          B.difficult            C.new          D.easier


科目: 来源: 题型:

Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes reading stories about dogs. I have a friend. The friend has a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Police dogs are often very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.

     One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention(没注意). He continued talking. Finally Jack couldn't stand it. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, then he held the visitor's hat in his mouth and ran out of the room.

(   )1.The visitor paid no attention to the dog because ______.

A.he wanted to play a joke on Jack              B.he kept on talking

      C.he was afraid of the dog                   D.he didn't understand what the dog meant

(   )2.The dog held the visitor's hat in his mouth to show that

      A.he liked the hat very much

      B.he wanted the visitor to leave immediately (立刻)

      C.he wanted to throw the hat away

      D.he wanted to put on the hat


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Health is very important. How can we stay healthy? Look at the three children. They'll tell you what helps them stay healthy.

    Xiao Ping: Well, I like eating vegetables and fruit. I never eat unhealthy snacks(快餐). I drink a glass of milk before I go to bed and I get up on time every morning, I also join a dance club. I practice dancing a lot after school. My good lifestyle helps me keep healthy.

    Katrina: My room helps me stay healthy. She always makes me go to bed early on weekdays. She tells me not to eat too much junk food. My morn also gives mc a lot of work around the house. Sometimes I don't like that, but I do it all. This work keeps me busy, and it is like exercise. And I like any kind of exercise.

    Zhao Gang: Well, I like sports. I go swimming in summer and running or skating in winter. I don't watch TV too much, but I read a lot of books. I learn a lot from the books. I also drink a lot of milk and eat lots of fruit. They help me become strong and keep me healthy and happy.

(   )1.What's the passage about?

A.How to eat things every day.                B.How to keep healthy.

      C.How to exercise every day.                  D.How to study well.

(   )2.Xiao Ping ________.

A.eats a lot of snacks every week       B.drinks some milk for breakfast every day

      C.gets up late every morning               D.practices dancing a lot after school

(   )3.Katrina's morn helps her ________.

      A.study hard                                 B.eat lots If junk food

      C.work around the house                    D.have a good lifestyle

(   )4.ZhaoGang gets a lot of knowledge (知识) by_______.

      A.doing sports                              B.watching TV

      C.reading books                            D.listening to the radio


科目: 来源: 题型:

John is a middle school student. He is sixteen years old now. One day he had a terrible cold and a fever. He felt bad and couldn't eat anything. So he went to see a doctor. The doctor gave him a bottle of medicine. These are the words on the bottle of the medicine.

Cold medicine

You must shake(摇晃) it before you take it. Take it three times a day after meals.

Dose (剂量):

Age: over 15    2 teaspoons(茶匙) a day

        8-14   1 teaspoon a day

        5-7    1/2 teaspoon a day

The children under 4 years old can't take this medicine.

Please put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st,2008.

(   )1.John should take _________a day.

      A.1 teaspoon         B.2 teaspoons          C.1/2 teaspoon        D.4 teaspoons

(   )2.John should keep the medicine in ________.

A.any place          B.hot water            C.a cold place          D.the sun

(   )3.When children are ________years old, they can't take this medicine.

A.eight               B.thirteen              C.twelve             D.two

(   )4.John will ________ the rest of the medicine after December ls, 2008.

A.have to throw away                     B.begin to take

      C.take two times a day                     D.take three times more


科目: 来源: 题型:

Coaches Wanted!

The Children’s Palace of Yong Long City needs two swimming coaches(教练)for elementary school students during the summer vacation.

One is male(男性),and the other is female.

You must:

--be kind and warmhearted

--be good with kids

--be good at teaching

--be over 25 years old

--spend much time with kids every day

--be able to do the backstroke, sidestroke and breaststroke

All the kids will learn to swim for free. And you are volunteers. You won't get any pay. The time is 7:00---12:00 am, 1:00---6:00 pm.

(   )1.The Children's Palace wants _________swimming coaches.

A.one                 B.two                C.three                 D.four

 (   )2._______ can go to the Children's Palace to learn to swim.

A.The kids                                 B.The adult

      C.Teenagers                             D.People over 25 years old

(   )3.The Chinese for "backstroke" is ________.

    A.侧泳                   B.仰泳                    C.自由泳                   D.蛙泳

(   )4.The coaches need to work _________hours a day.

    A.eight                    B.nine                     C.ten                      D.eleven


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Peter and Jenny were walking home from school along the street.Suddenly they heard a loud noise.

"Come on! That sounds like an accident (事故) . Let's see what has happened."

     They ran to where the noise come from and saw a small car knock into the side of a truck. The accident happened in a quiet street with only four houses in it. Peter and Jenny were the first ones to reach the scene. No other people came. They found that both the car driver and the track driver were hurt.

"Peter," said Jenny, "run back down the street to Mrs. Jones' house. Let her call the police and the ambulance (救护车) . Hurry, Peter. I'll stay here."

     Peter ran as fast as he could. There was nothing Jenny could do but(除了) wait. She knew that when one was hurt in an accident, he or she shouldn't be moved.

     It was not long before the police car and the ambulance arrived. The policemen got the car door open and they carried the man out. Then they got the truck driver oat. The men weren't seriously hurt. But they were both taken to the hospital. The policemen thanked Peter and Jenny; "'You were very good children to act so quickly when you saw the accident. Thank you for all your help."

(   )1.The accident happened_________

A.in a quiet street on a school day               B.in a busy street on a school day

C.in a quiet street on Sunday                   D.in a busy street one Sunday

(   )2.______ called the police.

A.Jenny              B.The drivers       C.Mrs. Jones         D.Peter

(   )3.Jenny did nothing before the police arrived because ______

      A.she was too frightened (害怕) to do anything

      B.she was alone after Peter left

     C.she wanted to protect (保护) the scene

     D.she knew she shouldn't move the two drivers

(   )4.Why did the policemen thank Peter and Jenny?

A.Because they acted quickly after they saw the accident.

      B.Because they were the first ones to reach the scene.

      C.Because they helped to take the drive to the hospital.

      D.Because they helped the car driver get out of the car.


科目: 来源: 题型:

In England,nobody under the age of l8 is allowed(允许)to drink in a public(公共的)bar.Mr. Thompson used to(过去常常)go to a bar near his house quite often,but he never took his son Tom,because he was too young.Then when Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr. Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first time.They drank for half an hour, and then Mr. Thompson said to his son.“Now Tom.I want to teach you a useful lesson.You must be always careful not to drink too much.And how to know when you’ve had enough? Well.I’ll tell you.Do you see those two lights at the end of that bar? When they seem(看起来)to become four, you’ve had enough and should go home” “But, sir.”Said a waiter nearby “There is only one light at the end of the bar.”

(   )1.In England,anybody can’t drink in a public bar until he is ______years old.

    A.sixteen                 B.seventeen             C.eighteen

(   )2.Were there four lights at the end of the bar? _______.

    A.Yes.there were.  B.No.there weren’t.C.I don’t know


科目: 来源: 题型:


Some friends (1)________ (have) opposite views and (2)______(interest), and some like the same things. What (3)______(be) your opinion? Should friends (4)________(be) different or the same?  Sam Green (5)________(like) to have friends who are like (6)______(he). He is (7)_______(quiet) than most of the kids in his class, and his best friend Tom is quiet, too. There (8)_______(be) some differences, though.. He is shorter than Tom, and Tom is (9)__________(athletic). Jenny says it's not necessary (10)__________(be) the same. Her best friend Marry is(11)__________ (outgoing) than her, and Marry always (12)_______(beat) her in tennis.


科目: 来源: 题型:

    Many people like to travel by plane, but I don't like it because an airport is usually far from the city, you have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. (A)You can't choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to go out of the airport and into the city.

     I like traveling by train, 1 think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you arc late for the train, you can catch another out.(B) You can walk around in the train and open the windows.(C) You can see many interesting things on your way, I know it takes a little more time.

     I also like cars.(D) You can start your journey when you want to, and you don't need to get to a railway station or a bus stop, also you can carry many things with you in a car, but sometimes there are too many cars on the road.

1.Why do many people like to travel by plane?


2.If you want to take a lot of things with you.what do you take to go out?




4.You can’t open the window.这个句子应该放回何处?从A.B.C.D处选择。



科目: 来源: 题型:



    We are _____________ ____________Hangzhou tomorrow.


    I try __________ ____________ a lot of vegetables and fruit.


    This time I want to do ___________ _____________.


     __________ you ___________to my party?


I’m not _________ ________.

