 0  19765  19773  19779  19783  19789  19791  19795  19801  19803  19809  19815  19819  19821  19825  19831  19833  19839  19843  19845  19849  19851  19855  19857  19859  19860  19861  19863  19864  19865  19867  19869  19873  19875  19879  19881  19885  19891  19893  19899  19903  19905  19909  19915  19921  19923  19929  19933  19935  19941  19945  19951  19959  159627 

科目: 来源: 题型:

--How many people went to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008?

--It's hard to say.________ people,I think.

A.Million of                           B.Millions of

C.Two millions of                      D.Two million of


科目: 来源: 题型:

--Do you know Danny?

--Yes,I first met him two years ago.He ________ at a book store at that time.

A.had worked            B.worked          C.has worked           D.was working


科目: 来源: 题型:

Why not ________ Alice ________ her English?

A.help,improve                                   B.to help,improve

C.help,improving                                 D.to help,improving


科目: 来源: 题型:

You had a good time yesterday,________ you?

A.hadn't         B.didn't         C.haven't            D.don't


科目: 来源: 题型:

--Ann has made great progress recently.

-- ________ and ________.

A.So has she,so have you                             B.So has she,so you have

C.So she has,so you have                             D.So she has,so have you


科目: 来源: 题型:

--Excuse me,could you tell me ________ tomorrow?

--Well,it will start at 7:30.

A.When the concert will start                          B.When will the concert start

C.When does the concert start                        D.When the concert started


科目: 来源: 题型:

--Good luck and have a nice weekend.

-- ________.Bye -bye.

A.The same to you                     B.You have it too

C.You are too                         D.The same as you


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

SINA _____ In order to let people go out more easily during the 2008 Olympic Games,Beijing is going to start a special bus line and seven more night bus line.40%of the taxis will

be in service for 24 hours.The subway will run longer hours,too.(December 27,2007)

YAHOO _____ An old man called Shen Yuanyan made five Fuwa toys with 6,000 pieces of paper.It took him a few months to finish them.Mr. Shen will make another five bigger Fuwa toys and send them to Beijing.(January 7,2008)

BAIDU _____ The Olympic Flame(圣火)has arrived in Beijing,showing that the O1ympic Games in China will soon begin.From today,the torch(火炬)will carry the Flame across the word.(March 31,2008)

XINHUA——Yang Yang,a famous Chinese skater,received the Beijing Olympic torch from a leader in Sanya,May 4,2008.Yang ran the first 200 meters during the torch re1ay(接力)in Sanya,the first leg in the Chinese mainland(大陆).(May 4,2008)

1.________ isn't mentioned in the news above.

A.The bus               B.The taxi               C.The subway           D.The plane

2.The old man's Fuwa toys were made of ________.

A.glass                     B.paper                   C.cotton                    D.silk

3.The torch has carried the Flame across the word since ________.

A.December 27,2007                                B.January 7,2008

C.March 31,2008                                       D.May 4,2008

4.In the Chinese mainland,the first leg of the torch rely started in ________.

A.Beijing                 B.Chongqing             C.Shanghai                D.Sanya

5.There ________of news about the Olympic torch rely here.

A.is only one piece                                      B.are two pieces

C.are three pieces                                          D.are four pieces


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Some people say that laughter is the best medicine.Scientists arc studying laughter carefully and finding it really good for us.

What happen when we laugh? We use fifteen different muscles in our face,and laughing is good for our body.When we laugh,we breath quickly and exercise the face,shoulders and chest.Our blood pressure goes down,and our circulation gets better.Our heart beat is lower.Our brain makes a rural painkiller.

Every minute we laugh is the same as forty-five minutes relaxation.Many doctors around the world believe that laughter helps us get better when we are sick.

Of course,there are many kinds of laughters.Different people have different laughters.We may change the way we laugh in different situations,But everyone has his own way to laugh.How do you usually laugh?

1.Laughter is good for us because ________.

A.everybody thinks so                         B.doctors say so

C.scientists are studying                               D.everyone likes laughing

2.When we laugh,we exercise ________.

A.fifteen muscles of the face                     B.fifteen muscles of the chest

C.every place of our body                      D.fifteen organs of our body

3.Laughter makes a natural painkiller ________.

A.in our shoulders      B.in our heart           C.in our brain          D.in our blood

4.One minute laugh equals forty-five minutes ________.

A.exercise            B.rest                C.thinking             D.sports

5.According to the passage,________.

A.people laugh in the same way

B.one should learn different ways of laughing

C.we need to laugh forty-five minutes each day

D.everyone has his own way of laughing


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Oxfam Trailwalker has been one of Hong Kong's biggest fund raising(资金筹集)events since 1981.It was known as trail walker before.It is organized(组织)by Oxfam Hong Kong to get money to help the poor people in Hong Kong and other part of Asia and Africa.Trailwalker is held in November every year.People over eighteen can group themselves into a team of four people and join the activity.

Oxfam Trail walker is a difficult hike because you have to finish walking a 100-kilometer trail within 48 hours.It means that you may have to walk two days and nights without sleep.The trailwalkers have to walk through eight country parks and over twenty hills and mountains.

It is an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.All the team members need to plan everything together before the event.They have to walk together to finish the hike because only in this way the team's finishing time will be kept down.It is necessary for them to help each other both before and during the event.You should plan what you are going to carry during the walk.You can not carry everything with you,so it is useful to have your own team bring you food and drinks.Warm and dry clothes are also necessary to keep you comfortable during the walk.Each team must raise at least HK $ 6,000.

1.According to the passage,Oxfam Trailwalker is ________.

A.a man              B.a long walk           C.a building             D.a place

2.Which group is allowed to join Oxfam Trailwalker?

A.Boys of 16 in a team of three.                    B.Girls of 17 in a team of 17.

C.Young men of 18 in a team three 18              D.Young women of 19 in a team of four

3.According to the writer,which of the following is the most important in Oxfam Trailwalker?

A.Teamwork.                                 B.Food and drinks.

C.Warm and dry clothes.                        D.A good plan.

4.Whom does Oxfam Trailwalker raise the money for?

A.Old people in Asia and Africa.                    B.Children only in Asia and Africa

C.Poor people in Asia and Africa.                  D.Women only in Asia and Africa

5.The writer mainly wants to ________.

A.raise money for poor people                         B.introduce Oxfam Trailwalker

C.organize a long walk                                   D.make money for himself

