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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I thought I might die. It was the first term of my third year in college, and my boyfriend had just broken up with me. I was __31____, unable to eat or sleep. My roommate was worried, but  __32____ after failing to cheer me up.

I began to call home almost every day to find comfort from my mom. My mother was supportive and __33____ through my tears, but after weeks had ___34___ by, she finally told me that I was silly continuing to be sick and weak. I knew she was right, so I tried to heal(治愈 ) my ___35___ heart by studying much harder than before. I even __36___ a few more college organizations. During the time, Dad stayed away from the __37__ completely. I knew that he felt bad as I did, but he generally left emotional rescue (援救 ) to my mother.

One afternoon when I returned to my dormitory, I found my roommate sitting at her desk,  ___38__ at me. A basket of beautiful __39___ sat on the table in the middle of the room. ___40___ his mistake and wanted me back? I approached slowly and lifted the basket, opening the little __41___ . Written there was simply: From the only man who has loved you for twenty years. Tears __42___ my eyes. My roommate looked at me with confusion.

“These are from my dad, I said.

“Who? What for?” My roommate crossed the room and sat down next to me. I handed her the card. She smiled ___43___ . “Your dad’s so sweet.”

“I know,” I said. Right there something changed in me. I became positive and __44___ .I learnt my mom’s advice had worked in my slow recovery, but this was the action that I needed to heal completely. Whatever happened, Dad was always __45___with me.

31. A. injured      B. hurt          C. wounded    D. beaten

32. A. gave up      B. put up        C. used up     D. ran up

33. A. interested     B. excited       C. angry       D. patient

34. A. walked       B. moved        C. gone       D. run 

35. A. broken       B. annoyed       C. frightened    D. discarded

36. A. asked        B. joined        C. took        D. became

37. A. subject       B. title          C. took        D. became

38. A. shouting     B. nodding       C. pointing     D. smiling

39. A. flowers       B. presents       C. books       D. vegetables

40. A. realized        B. accepted       C. made      D. done

41. A. book          B. email         C. post        D. card

42. A. ran           B. flew          C. filled        D. came

43. A. always        B. often         C. again        D. never

44. A. successful      B. confident      C. proud       D. smart 

45. A. staying        B. working       C. studying     D. playing 


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Well, my son takes great interest in most of the food in the menu.

---Thanks. ____?

---Yes, fried fish, beef, chips and cola, please. 

A. Can I do for you?  B. At your service C. What to follow D. Shall I take your order?


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Do you think Class 1 will beat Class 2 in the next match?

---Yes, they have better players, so I ___ them to win. 

A. hope  B. except  C. expect  D. prefer


科目: 来源: 题型:

The girls in the higher grades ___ I met in the party are my good friends now.

A. when  B. which  C. who  D. what 


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Do you know ____?

---Sorry, I don’t have a watch. 

A. whose watch this is B. whose watch is this 

C. what time it is D. what time is it 


科目: 来源: 题型:

 _____ disappointed he is! Let’s help him, _____? 

A. How, will you  B. What, shall we    C. How, shall we    D. How, don’t you


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Where is your brother now, John?

---I saw him ____ in the park just now and I told him ______. 

A. playing, don’t do so  B. playing, not to do so  

C. play, to do so D. play, don’t to do so


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I called you, but nobody answered. Where ___ you? 

A. is           B. are          C. was         D. were


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Would you come to my birthday party tomorrow evening?

---I’m afraid I _____. I have to look after my sister.

A. wouldn’t   B. can’t    C. won’t    D. mustn’t


科目: 来源: 题型:

---There used to be lots of fish in the lake. 

---Yes, but there are very ____ now.

A. few    B. fewer    C. little     D. less

