 0  24006  24014  24020  24024  24030  24032  24036  24042  24044  24050  24056  24060  24062  24066  24072  24074  24080  24084  24086  24090  24092  24096  24098  24100  24101  24102  24104  24105  24106  24108  24110  24114  24116  24120  24122  24126  24132  24134  24140  24144  24146  24150  24156  24162  24164  24170  24174  24176  24182  24186  24192  24200  159627 

科目: 来源: 题型:

––Now the air in our hometown is even_______ than it was before.

––So we must do something to stop it.

A. better           B. more dirty       C. more better      D.  worse


科目: 来源: 题型:

--Would you like some coffee?        

--Yes, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I prefer coffee _______ milk.

A. from      B. with      C. to        D. for


科目: 来源: 题型:

        people the shop has at this time! 

A. How many     B. What many      C. How much        D. What much


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What did you do with your car?

—I lost my key so I had to _____________it in the zoo.

A. lock      B. leave      C. repair      D. pass


科目: 来源: 题型:

The new piano ______well. I like it very much.

A. play                 B. is played         C. plays           D. played


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The underlined part in the word “watches” is pronounced as _______.

A. ∕is∕           B. ∕z∕          C. ∕s∕           D. ∕iz∕


科目: 来源: 题型:


现在请你以Should teenagers go out with their friends on weekends? 为题,参照表内所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文.

Your parents’ ideas

Your ideas

1.go over lessons

1. -----

2.have a good sleep

2. -----

3.help parents do housework

3. -----

注意: 1.开头部分已写好,你只需接着写.



Should teenagers go out with their friends on weekends?

       Recently I’ve had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should go out with their friends on weekends.                                                                               












科目: 来源: 题型:


71.They live in a big house with a beautiful g      .

72. Hangzhou is the c_______ of Zhejiang .

73. He saves money a______ old age.

74. M_______ is the third month the year.

75. Eating too much salty food makes you t_______ .

76.John , you have to wear s     shoes for P.E class.

77.I heard it was an e     film, so I must go to see it.

78.My hobby is reading comic books. What about y    ?

79.Keys are used for l            the doors.

80.They made a d         to have a meeting in memory of “5.12 Earthquake” at school a week ago.


科目: 来源: 题型:


by   give   find  just   finally  pull  into  pass  never   bad 

There was a little boy with a bad temper(脾气)。His father(61)_________ him some nails to drive into the back fence(栅栏) when he lost his temper. The first day the boy drove 37 nails(62)________ the fence. Then it began to become less. He (63)_________it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

 (64)__________the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at a11.He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy should now(65)_________ out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days (66)__________and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

The father took his son (67)___________the hand and led him to the fence. He said,“You have done well. my son, but look at the fence. It will (68)__________be the same. When you say things in anger,they leave a scar(痕迹)(69)___________ like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry. the wound(伤口) is still there. A verbal(言语)wound is as (70)____________as a physical(肉体)one.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Viv , Rudolph, Custin ,Rodney ,Pupert 是好朋友,周末他们一起去上网。因为各自的兴趣不同,他们想上的网站不同,你可以在第56-60小题中找到他们各自的爱好.看下面A,B,C,D,E五个网站,然后选出符合个人要求的最佳选项.(根据英语总复习检测:中考模拟试卷三改编)

56. Viv who comes from Canada is studying in Peking University, but he is into the Chinese poems, especially the Tang Poems.

57. Rudolph is a super basketball fan and he is eager to know something about the famous star-Michael Jordan.

58. Custin is tired of his study and he hopes to be relaxed for a moment.

He doesn’t think music is a good way of relaxation.

59. Rodney is an engineer working in a large American company who wants to catch a glimpse of the largest development of technology.

60. Rupert is fond of something new and strange. Now he wants to find some information about a new sport.

Looking for websites




www.rongshuxia.com This is a website for the literature lovers. The people who are fond of literature can read other’s works and they can also write what they want to write. There are many different kinds of literature forms such as poems, novels, and so on.


www.google.com  This website is very useful because it can help you search for different websites. You can type the names in it and then the website you hope to find will be shown at once. It is said that it contains more information than other search engines.


www.games.sina.com.cn In this website you can find a lot of games to play. You can play the games by yourself or with others through the net. Anyone who is fond of computer games will be fond of the website. He is sure to have a good time.


www.nba.com This is a website about American National Basketball Association, where you can find all the information about the NBA teams and the scores of basketball matches. If you are interested in basketball stars you can also find a lot of introduction about them.


www.ample.technology.com The website represents many leading American and European makers distributing the world’s most advanced devices, equipments and biochemical supplies into China. We specialize in the fields of biological engineering.

