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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Puppy love(早恋)is common among students all over the world. In the west, people think puppy love is a harmless and healthy part of a teenager’s life—harmless, sure, like beers at family picnic!In China, parents and teachers think it is a problem:it can distract(转移)students from achieving success at school.

Well, puppy love is distracting! But then again, it gives the young a chance to learn about true love. It’s cool to love someone, or be loved by someone else instead of your mom and your dad. Puppy love is natural and beautiful;it can help you later in life when you meet your Mr.or Ms.Right. It can make you a better person so that you know how to use your love to help other people.

If you find yourself “in love”,it’s OK, but…wait! Right now, you have a lot of more important things to do. Think of these questions:Will you still love him or her in ten years? Do you have enough education to find a good job and live a happy life with your “crush”in the future? What would do if you found someone better than your crush? I bet you are not sure of the answers.

True love will come when you’re much older. Now, you should try to be the best person you can be, and do the very best you can do. That means doing well at school and being a good son or daughter first.

( ) 41.What do western people think of puppy love?

    A.They think it is strange.

    B.They think it is special.

C.They think it is harmful.

    D.They think it is common.

( ) 42.Why do Chinese parents worry about puppy love?

A.Because they think their son or daughter will be unhealthy.

B.Because they think their son or daughter will beers at family picnic.

C.Because they think their son or daughter will care less about their study.

D.Because they think it gives the young a chance to learn about true love.

( ) 43.What does the underlined word“crush”mean?

   A.迷恋   B.冲撞    C.对象    D.梦想

( ) 44.What should you do if you find yourself“in love”?

A.Tell it to the one you love.

B.Find someone better.

C.Decide that you will still love him or her in ten years.

D.Wait, try your best to do well at school and be a good son or daughter at home.

( ) 45.What’s the best title for the article?

A.Parents and Students      B.Puppy Love

C.True Love           D.Love and Study



科目: 来源: 题型:


A:What’s wrong,Linda? You look unhappy.

B:       36        

A:Really? What happened to you?

B:Well,I walked to school.

A:Why? Didn't you go to school by bike?

B:At first it was.     37       I couldn't repair it.

A:So you were late for school!

B:I’m not allowed to enter class late,and there was a big test today.

A:      38       

B:That’s right.     39        

A:Well, Linda,the school has to have rules, you know.

B:I know. But I should be allowed to take the test later. It’s not fair.

A:I agree.       40       

B:Yeah. Maybe if I explain what happened, she’ll understand.

A.Maybe you could talk to the teacher after school.

B.A car hit me and I fell down.

C.I think I have had a headache.

D.And you weren't allowed to take the test.

E.But I know I could pass the test.

F.I think I’m going to fail an English test,Mum.

G.But on my way to school my bike broke down.

36.      37.      38.       39.       40.       



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   What should you do when an American friend asks you to   26  his family? What should you do  27  him? Should you bring him a gift? What clothes should you wear?  28   should you arrive? What should you do when you get there? Your American friend just hopes that you will make yourself   29  .

   Should you bring a gift for your friend? It is not a “must”. In our life, some people like to bring a small gift when they visit their friends. If you don’t want to bring a gift, that is OK.

   Most American people will   30   you the best food they had at home when you go to their home for dinner. You may ask,“Can I bring something?” They usually say, “No, just bring yourself.”And please remember to be   31  .If you can’t, you should give your friend a call. When you are having dinner with your friends, say that the food is very   32   and say“thank you”to them. Eat lots of food and your friends will be happy.

   After eating up the food, you may help your friends clean the table or   33  . But your friends may not let you do that because you are a guest. Then you may talk for   34  . After about an hour, you should know that it’s time for you to go home.and  35   I want to tell you last is that please don’t go looking around the house.

(  )26.A.visited        B.visit             C.visiting          D.visited

(  )27.A.after visit    B.when visiting     C.before visiting   D.while visit

(  )28.A.Where          B.What              C.How               D.What time

(  )29.A.at home        B.at work           C.at school         D.at farm

(  )30.A.afford         B.offer             C.show              D.buy

(  )31.A.no time        B.at a time         C.in time           D.for a time

(  )32.A.good           B.had               C.terrible          D.ugly

(  )33.A.Go shopping     B.do the dishes       C.clean the house      D.wash the clothes

(  )34.A.some time      B.sometimes         C.sometime          D.some times

(  )35.A.how            B.when              C.what              D.That



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   What is the most beautiful flower in the world? Do you know? Peony,rose or violet?You may give me a list of the   16   of different flowers. I once asked my mother the same question.

   Looking at me with a big smile, she answered,“My child, as for the   17  ,children’s smiling faces are the most beautiful flowers in the world.”

   Our smiling faces are the most beautiful flowers in the world for our parents? Are we   18   to give the most beautiful flowers to them every day? In the morning we eat the food that mother   19  us, impatient to respond to her words. In the evening we   20   the broken bike to our father and think it is the most natural thing to find a repaired one the next morning. We pay   21   attention to the things of our own. We    22   what our parents do for us. We   23   forget to do the smallest thing to satisfy them. We said too many times “I will…”,but we forget that we are really able to do many things for our parents   24  .

   My friends, if you did not spend too much time   25   your parents, think about them now. You are sure to find how kind, how patient and how great they are. Next time when you see them, smile from your heart. That is the most precious(珍贵的)gift for them.

(   )16.A.kinds          B.sorts           C.colors          D.names

(   )17.A.friends        B.teachers        C.parents         D.mothers

(   )18.A.enough happy   B.so pity         C.sorry enough    D.generous enough

(   )19.A.cooks          B.prepares for    C.ready for       D.ready to

(   )20.A.take           B.give            C.send            D.leave

(   )21.A.too much       B.too many        C.many too        D.much too

(   )22.A.are used       B.used to         C.are used to     D.are using to

(   )23.A.even           B.just            C.never           D.always

(   )24.A.just now       B.right now       C.just then       D.at once

(   )25.A.thinking about B.to think about  C.to worry about  D.worrying about




科目: 来源: 题型:

We should         our studies than our clothes.

      A.concentrate on                     B.concentrate in 

      C.concentrate more on                D.concentrate more of



科目: 来源: 题型:

Our Chinese teacher has         daughter.

   A.a 8-year-old    B.a 8-years-old   C.an 8-years-old   D.an 8-year-old



科目: 来源: 题型:

Only then         that he had lost a chance of achieving his dream.

    A.he realized    B.did he realize  C.did he realized  D.he did realize    



科目: 来源: 题型:

The global financial crisis(金融危机)has made many people    their money.

   A.to care for  B.took care of  C.be careful with D.to be cared about


科目: 来源: 题型:

Our English teacher is very strict    us and he is strict     his teaching.

   A.with, in    B.with,with    C.at,at      D.in,with


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What do you think of the book Harry Potter ?

—I like it a lot. It’s    interesting    exciting.

   A.neither,nor   B.not,but     C.not only,but also D.either,or

