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科目: 来源: 题型:

_________ it is to go camping in ___________ weather!

A. How great fun; so fine weather

B. What great fun; such fine weather

C. How great fun; such fine weather

D. What a great fun; so fine weather


科目: 来源: 题型:

---_______ does harm to your health. 

--- I will ______ and live a healthy life.

A. Smoke; give up it                         B. Smoking; give up it  

C. Smoke; give up smoking               D. Smoking; give it up


科目: 来源: 题型:

 My father _______ in the morning, but now he ____________ after supper.

A. is used to run; is used to walking

B. used to run; is used to run

C. used to run; is used to walking

D. is used to running; used to walk


科目: 来源: 题型:

You’ll find _____ to use the computer. Even the elderly can learn it all by themselves.

A. it easy   B. that easily   C. it easily   D. it was easy


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Many people are grateful _______ ORBIS nurse _______ their help.

A. to, for              B. /, for                    C. at, of                D. toward, at


科目: 来源: 题型:

It’s generous _____ them to donate money to UNICEF.

They think it’s important _____ them to help poor children go to school.

A. to; for              B. for; of             C. of; to                    D. of; for


科目: 来源: 题型:


2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生了特大地震,数十万人伤亡,数百万人失去了家园,数万孩子失去了校园。在此危难之时,全国人民众志成城,抗震救灾,向灾区人民伸出了援助之手。假设你叫李伟(Li Wei),请你从学生的角度,以 A Letter to the Children in Wenchuan 为题,给灾区的孩子写一封英文短信,以表达你的同情、关心、支持与鼓励,让他们尽快从地震的阴霾中走出来。

提示:1. How did you feel when you heard the earthquake?

2. What did you do?

3. What do you wish them to do?




Dear little friends,

       May12,2008 was the most terrible day for you, for me and for all the Chinese.





                                                                                       Li Wei


科目: 来源: 题型:


86. that, a, is, of, keys, set__________________________________________________________________________?

87. mother, to, have, he, sick, of, take, doesn’t, care, his__________________________________________________.

88. delicious, chicken, the, fried, how, tastes___________________________________________________________!

89. is, homework, my, until, leave, won’t, I, finished_____________________________________________________.

90. is, what, job, his, you, do, know__________________________________________________________________?


科目: 来源: 题型:


81. ________________(二月) is the second month in a year.

82. How many __________________(科目) do you have at school?

83. Tomorrow is my father’s __________________(四十九岁) birthday.

84. He likes ___________________(做运动) after class in the afternoon.

85. Shanghai is one of_____________________(大城市) in the world.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Internet has become part of teenage life. A new report on 3,375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities found that 38 percent of them believe they use the Internet often.

While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in their studies, some are not using it in a good way. Many are playing online games too much.. A few even visit websites they shouldn’t look at. Hong Ying, a teacher from Beijing Yinghua Middle School warns that bag things can happen if young people spend too much time on the Internet. She had a student who used to be good at school. But then he started visiting sex websites. He went mad, cheated a girl and was taken away by the police.

In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior has started to be used in some Shanghai middle schools this term. The book uses real examples to teach students all about good ways of using the Internet.

The book gives useful advice such as it’s good to read news or to find helpful information to study. Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good idea.

Hong said the book will be a guide for teens using the Internet. She believes it will keep students away from bad websites.

判断正误、英译汉及回答问题。(76-77为判断(T or F),78为翻译,79-80为简略回答问题)

76. About 1282 among the 3375 students believe they use the Internet very often.  (     )

77. Not all children are using the computer in a good way.  (     )

78. 将文中划线句子翻译成汉语。


79. What’s the textbook about?


80. What’s the aim of the book?


