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科目: 来源: 题型:


74.  为了增强师生们的身体素质,你们学校每周坚持开展体育活动,取得了一定的效果。为此,区教委领导领着一个美国中学访问团到你校参观。你作为学生代表要向外国友人和领导表示欢迎,并要起草一份发言稿,内容包括: 

1. When do the students take part in the sports?

2. What sports do the students / teachers have every day?

3. What’s the importance of sports?


Dear foreign friends and leaders,

Welcome to our school.



科目: 来源: 题型:


69. 发生火灾时,要尽快离开建筑物。

Leave the building ______ you can when there is a fire.

70. 由于气候变化,大部分动物都死了。

   ______ the changes in climate, most of the animals have died.

71. 昨天晚上,直到十点钟,他才回来。

He ______ ten o’clock last night.

72. 我们花了一个星期的时间才完成并上交自己的网页。

   It ______ our own home page.

73. 事实上, 当天来的人太多了,以至于很难不践踏草坪。

______  the grass that day.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Who are these people rushing by you in the street?

More than 215 million now call America “home”, but most of them can trace their families back to other parts of the world.

If you look at the names on shop windows, you will see that Americans come from many different lands. The idea that these people, who once were strangers to the United States, have lost the customs and cultures of their original countries and have  become “Americans” is really not true. In fact, what exists in America is more often a kind of “side by side” living in which groups of people from other countries often have kept many of their customs and habits. They join the general American society only in certain areas of their lives ----such as in schools, business, and sports--- but they keep many of their own native customs and manners socially and at home.

This living “side by side” has both advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it may cause disagreements to develop between groups whose ways of life are very different from one another. However, there are also great advantages that come from the variety of cultures brought by settlers from other lands. There is great freedom of choice among ideas and dress, food, and social customs in America. Everyone can find some part of his or her familiar world in the United States, in churches, music, food, national groups, or newspaper.

64. How many people call America “home”?

65. What will you see if you look at the names on shop windows?

66. How do the strangers join American society?

67. What are the disadvantages of the “side by side” living?

68. What does the passage mainly tell us about?


科目: 来源: 题型:

The 1960 Winter Olympic Games were held in Squaw Valley , USA. How this happened is a story that will be told for years.

60.______. That day Alexander Cushing saw an article in the San Francisco Daily saying that Reno, NV, and Anchorage, AK, had applied to hold the 1960 Winter Olympics. The idea of holding such a great event in Squaw Valley sounded funny at first. 61.______. He and Curly Grieves, the sports editor for the San Francisco Examiner, soon planned that Squaw Valley also applied for the Games.

Cushing met the IOC (International Olympic Committee) with the help of famous people, including Pulitzer Prize winner, George Weller, and French war hero Joe Marillac.62______, so that the members would treat him seriously.

On a cold spring day in 1955, in Paris, France, Alexander Cushing watched as the IOC chose Squaw Valley to host the VIII Olympic Winter Games. 63.______, and with only a fifty-room hotel, could have held such a great event.

A. Cushing even built a model of Squaw Valley

B. But Cushing didn’t give it up

C. Today people still wonder how a town with no ski hill

D. It all began on December 26th, 1954

E. Winter Olympic Games was held in Squaw Valley


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Amy was a dear little girl, but she was too ready to waste time in getting ready to do her tasks, instead of doing them at once as she ought to.

In the village in which she lived, Mr. Thornton kept a store where he sold fruit of all kinds, including berries in their season. One day he said to Amy, whose parents were quite poor, “Would you like to earn some money?”

“Oh, yes, ” replied she, “for I want some new shoes, and papa has no money to buy them with.”

“Well, Amy,” said Mr. Thornton, “I noticed some fine, ripe blackberries in Mr. Green’s field today, and he said that anybody was welcome to them. I will pay you thirteen cents a quart(度量单位) for all you will pick for me.”

Amy was delighted at the thought of earning some money; so she ran home to get a basket, intending to go immediately to pick the berries.

Then she thought she would like to know how much money she would get if she picked five quarts. With the help of her slate(书写板) and pencil, she found out that she would get sixty-five cents.

“But supposing I should pick a dozen quarts,” thought she, “how much should I earn then?” “Dear me!” she said, after figuring(测算) a while, “I should earn a dollar and fifty-six cents.”

Amy then found out what Mr. Thornton would pay her for fifty, a hundred, and two hundred quarts. It took her some time to do this, and then it was so near dinner time that she had to stay at home until afternoon.

As soon as dinner was over, she took her basket and hurried to the field. Some boys had been there before dinner, and all the ripe berries were picked. She could not find enough to fill a quarter of a quart.

As Amy went home, she thought of what her teacher had often told her---“Do your task at once; then think about it,” for “One doer is worth a hundred dreamers.”

56. How many times did Amy figure with her slate?

A. 3.              B. 4.              C. 5.            D. 6.

57. The underlined sentence may mean “______”.

A. she got ready to waste some time to do her tasks

B. she thought it was a waste of time to do her tasks

C. she liked to waste time when should do her tasks immediately

D. she was not ready to get her tasks ready, and it’s a waste of time

58. What can we infer from the story?

A. Amy’s family was very poor.

B. Amy was good at counting with a slate.

C. Mr. Thornton was the richest person in the village.

D. Amy would learn a better lesson from this affair than from school.       

59. The best title of the passage may be “_____”.

A. The Money Amy Did Not Earn       

B. The Girl Did Not Like To Waste Time  

C. Amy, A Good Student To her Teachers

D. A Poor Girl Wanted To Earn Some Money


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Once upon a time a woman found she was not easy to wake up in the morning as early as she wished. So she bought a beautiful alarm clock. These clocks are so made as to strike with loud whirring noise at any hour the owner pleases to set them.

The lady placed her clock at the head of the bed, and at the right time she found herself roused by the long, rattling sound.

She got up at once, and felt better all day for her early rising. This lasted for some weeks. The alarm clock faithfully did its duty, and was plainly heard so long as it was obeyed.

But, after a time, the lady grew tired of early rising. When she was waked by the noise, she merely turned over in bed, and slept again.

In a few days, the clock ceased to wake her from her sleep. It spoke just as loudly as ever; but she did not hear it, because she had been in the habit of not obeying it.

Finding that she might as well be without it, she made up her mind that when she heard the sound she would jump up.

Just so it is with conscience(自觉意识,诚意). If we will obey its voice, even in the least important things, we can always hear it, clear and strong.

But if we allow ourselves to do what we have some fears may not be quite right, we shall grow more and more sleepy, until the voice of conscience has no longer power to wake us.

53. Why did the clock failed to stop to get the woman up later?

A. Because she was tired of getting up early in the morning.

B. Because she could not hear the clock any more.

C. Because she was too tired to wake up at it.

D. Because the clock stopped to do its duty.

54. Both the underlined words “whirring” and “rattling” are kinds of ______.

A. colours                   B. sounds          C. actions                     D. feelings

55. The writer mainly wants to tell us that ______.

A. we should always obey our clocks

B. the clock sometimes can’t wake us up as we wish  

C. It is conscience that ensures early rising not the clock

D. The voice of conscience has no longer power to wake us.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Two weeks ago, Ruichang City in Jiangxi Province was hit by an earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale(里氏震级). It killed 18 people and left hundreds homeless.

   Earthquakes are one of the most deadly natural disasters(灾难) in the world. They happen more often than you would expect.

   In the 24 hours after you read this, 400 to 500 earthquakes will shake the earth. You won't notice most of them because you live in a relatively(相对地) safe area or the quake is too far away or because the quake will be too small to notice.

   Earthquakes are caused by sudden breaks in rock masses(群) deep in the earth. Rock masses are always under very high pressure. If the pressure in a certain area become too much and the rock masses break, an earthquake happens. But exactly when the rock masses reach the breaking point is a mystery(谜).

   China is on the Eurasia(欧亚) plate, where earthquakes happen very often due to the earth's plates knocking against each other. Up to 17,139 earthquakes have taken place in China in the past 44 years, according to scientific research.

50. What happened to the City of Ruichang?

A.18 people were killed in an earthquake.

B. Hundreds homeless people left the city.  

C. An earthquake ruined thousands of houses there.

D. An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale happened.       

51. How many earthquakes can happen in a day in the world?

A. 24.                   B. 44.                   C. 400 to 500.               D. 17139.

52. Why does the earth quake? Because ______.

A. we live in a relatively safe area                                                

B. the pressure in the earth is too big

C. the rock masses is reaching the breaking point

D. the rock masses break suddenly deep in the earth


科目: 来源: 题型:

                    Would you be our volunteers?

Are you ready to join psychological(心理的) experiment from the department of psychology as a volunteer next two weeks from Dec. 2 to Dec. 15?

We are going to do a psychological experiment on sound recognition(识别). Warmly welcome to join us and you will be paid 30 yuan after one-hour experiment.

Experiment time:  8:00-11:30 on Tuesday and Thursday.

                10:00-21:00 on Wednesday.

                18:00-21:00 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

                8:00-21:00 on Saturday.

Experiment place: Room 202, Round laboratory near the Liberal Arts building.

Requirements: You should come from Europe or America.

Please contact Dolphin: 18801919781

47. How much will you be paid after three hours’ experiment?

A. ¥30.               B. ¥60.                     C. ¥90.        D. ¥120.

D. You are going to do an experiment.

48. If you want to be a volunteer, you should ______.

A. come from Asian countries   

B. be able to get up early in the morning      

C. be free at certain time next two weeks      

D. call the office of the department of psychology

49. Which of the following is experiment time?

A. 8:00-22:00 on Saturday.                                 

B. 10:00-21:00 on Wednesday.     

C. 8:00-11:30 on Monday and Thursday.

D. 18:00-21:00 on Sunday, Monday, Thursday.                         


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The monkey is a very lovely little animal, and is found in many parts of the world.

A lady once had a monkey. It was a birthday present from her husband. This monkey,  35   all others, was very fond of making tricks and of doing whatever he   36   others do.

The lady found him one day sitting on the toilet table, holding in one hand a little china mug(杯) with water in it, and in the  37   her toothbrush, with which he was   38   his teeth, looking all the time in the glass.

Her little daughter, Maria, had a large   39   with a very handsome head and face. She one day   40   this doll in the small bed, and went out of the room. The monkey came in, took the doll in his   41  , and jumped upon the washstand, he began to wash its face. He first rubbed it all over with soap. Then seizing the towel, he dipped(蘸水) it in the washbowl, and rubbed it   42   hard that the doll’s face was entirely ruined, and the paint was all   43   off.

There have been many tales of monkeys. They are armed with sticks, and they have joined together and made   44   against their enemies successfully. These are not true, as it is known that in their  45   state(状态) monkeys have no idea of weapons. The sticks and other objects said to be thrown at travelers as they pass under the branches of trees, are usually the dead branches, etc., accidentally broken off, as the monkeys, with the natural curiosity(好奇心) of their tribe(种族), pass along the tops of trees to watch the   46   of the people below. They can, however, be taught to use a stick, and to us it well.

35. A. as              B. from                       C. like                          D. against

36. A.told                     B. saw                     C. asked                       D. heard

37. A.the mouth            B. the toilet                  C. the air              D. the other

38. A. cleaning              B. watching                C. pulling                    D. feeding         

39. A. doll                     B. box                        C. mirror                    D. toy

40. A. forgot                 B. made              C. left                         D. let

41. A. mouth                 B. face                       C. hands               D. arms

42. A. very                   B.so                     C. such                       D. really

43. A. broken         B. fallen                       C. washed                   D. dropped

44. A. war                    B. money              C. friends                     D. trouble  

45. A. normal         B. poor                        C. good                       D. native

46. A. noises         B. actions                    C. games             D. running



科目: 来源: 题型:

--I really hope to keep in touch with Miss Green, my junior English teacher.

--Sorry. I don’t know ______.

    A. what her number is B. what is her number

    C. what her number was        D. what was her number

