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科目: 来源: 题型:

-Hi, Tom. Is this your dog?

-No, it’s Cathy’s. _________ is at home now.

A. Mine       B. My      C. Hers         D. Her


科目: 来源: 题型:

Students should drink milk _______ breakfast every day.

     A. at                    B. in          C. for               D. on


科目: 来源: 题型:

  He is ______ outstanding student from ______ university in America.

        A. a; a               B. a; an                 C. an; a                 D. an; an


科目: 来源: 题型:

Julie是光明中学的优等生,但由于压力她有一些心理问题。她向我求助后,我给她提了一些建议。假如你是Sigmund Friend,请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇80字左右的回信。开头和结尾已给出(不包含在词数内)。









要求:1.书写要认真,语言要流畅。 2.所写短文需包含以上内容并适当发挥。

Dear Julie,

You say you worry about the Maths test because                                 




                                       I hope my suggestions are worth taking.

Yours faithfully

Sigmund Friend


科目: 来源: 题型:


1. At ______________ (周末), my mother often goes shopping.

2. The idea ______________ (听起来) very funny.

3. Excuse me, can I ______________ (借) your ruler.

4. The old man likes reading ____________ (报纸)。

5. My sister ___________ (学习)  hard at school.

6.Tom is a ____________ (礼貌) boy.

7. The _____________ (活动)is very interesting.

8.They are from _____________. They are _______________ (英国)。

9. Sometimes, we eat at my _________________ (祖父母) home.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Taking away a city’s rubbish is a big job. Every day trucks come into a city to collect it. Most rubbish is made up of things we can’t eat or use. If we kept these things we would soon have a mountain of rubbish.

In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside of the city to a dump(垃圾站). Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big hole. The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage system. The sewage system takes away the used water from toilets, bathtubs(澡盆) and other places.

To keep mice and flies away, some earth is used to cover the newly dumped rubbish. Later, grass may be planted on the rubbish-filled land. Finally, a house or a school may be built there, and then you’d never know that this had once been an old rubbish dump.

In other cities the rubbish is burnt in special places. The fire burns everything but the metal. Sometimes the metal can be used again in factories where things are made of metal. The food parts of rubbish are put in special piles where they slowly change into something called humus(腐殖土), which looks like black earth. It is rich with kinds of things that feed plants and help make them grow.

1.You can most probably read the passage in _______.

A. a history book              B. a TV guide        

C. a science book             D. a telephone book

2.The underlined word “sewage” in the passage means_______.

A. 排污                           B. 染色                C. 洗涤                       D. 吸尘

3.According to the passage, the food parts of rubbish can be used again_______.

A. to feed animals            

B. to feed plants 

C. to build a house         

D. to make machines

4.How should we take care of a used metal box according to the passage?

A. By burning it off.                                     

B. By putting it in water.

C. By throwing it away.                                

D. By reusing and recycling it.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sometimes people call ours a “throwaway society”. That means that we’re always throwing away old things and buying new ones. Many times, you no longer need something, but someone else may just need to buy one. For example, if your baby doesn’t like his toy car any longer, why not give it to a nearly family who has a little kid? That’s one less plastic toy car that they need to buy. It’s also one less plastic toy that needs to be produced, packaged and shipped to the toy store.

Here are some other ways to help save resources (资源)for the society:

★Use the other side of the paper.

★Use rechargeable (可再充电的) batteries for your electric toys, MP3 players, cell phones, and cameras.

★ Choose reusable travel cups instead of disposable (一次性的) paper or plastic cups.

★Take your own cloth shopping bags when you go shopping.

★ Drink tap water instead of buying bottled water.

And there are some things you can exchange with your friends, for example, books, toys, even clothes. It's a way for everyone to get something new without spending any money and without throwing many things away.

1.The underlined word "ours" in the passage refers to (指代) _______.

A. our society                      B. our old things

C. our life                         D. our throwaway things

2.According to the writer, if we give a second - hand toy car to a neighbor kid, we can____.

A. buy another new one              B. help toy business develop

C. make the family very thankful to us  D. help save resources for the society

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. We should buy things that can be reused in our daily life.

B. We can exchange some things with others for further use.

C. It's good for us to throw away old things and buy new ones.

D. We are supposed to give the things we no longer need to our neighbors.

4.What should we do in our daily life after reading the passage?

A. Try to throw as few old things as we can.

B. Use as many disposable things as possible.

C. Drink bottled water even though there is tap water around.

D. Buy everything we need instead of exchanging them with others.


科目: 来源: 题型:

This is a picture of a classroom. The classroom is big and clean. You can see a teacher's desk, five desks and six chairs. You can see a girl and a boy, too.

     Three books are on the teacher's desk. A pencil case is on the desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil case. A school bag is behind a chair. A ball is on the floor.

     The girl is Lucy, and she is eleven. The boy is Mike, and he is twelve. They are in Class Two, Grade Seven. They are friends. Their teacher is Miss Green. She is not here.


1.It's a picture of a school.

2.You can see a girl and a boy in the picture.

3.Two books are on the teacher's desk.

4.Lucy is twelve years old.

5.Lucy and Mike are in Class Two, Grade Eight.


科目: 来源: 题型:

This is a song millions of Americans will hear this New Year’s Eve. It is called Auld Lang Syne (《友谊地久天长》)。 It is the traditional music played during the New Year’s celebration. Auld Lang Syne is an old Scottish poem. It tells about the need to remember old friends.

   The words “Auld Lang Syne” mean “old long since”. No one knows who wrote the poem first. However, a version (版本) by Scottish poet Robert Burns was published(出版)in 1796. The words and the music we know today first appeared in a songbook three years later.

   The song is played in the United States mainly on New Year’s Eve. The version you are hearing today is by the Washington Saxophone Quartet. As we end our program with Auld Lang Syne, I would like to wish all our radio friends a very Happy New Year! This is Buddy Thomas.

1.This passage is from ___________.

A. a newspaper      B. a magazine     C. a TV program    D. a radio program

2.Who is introducing Auld Lang Syne to us ?

A. Robert Burns      B. the Washington Saxophone Quartet

C. Buddy Thomas     D. The passage doesn’t tell us.

3.The words and the music of Auld Lang Syne we know today first appeared _________.

A. in 1790    B. in 1793    C. in 1796    D. in 1799


科目: 来源: 题型:

Hello, everyone. My name is Jane Smith. I am  1  . Jane is my  2 name. In my family, there are 3  people------my parents, my sister, my brother and I.  4  a happy family. My mother is a manager  5 she works in a hotel. My father is 6 actor. He often has meals outside(在外面). So we can’t 7  him all day. My brother Jet is a  8  and he works in a police station. My  9  and I are both middle school students. We are in 10  school, but in different grades. We study hard.

1.     A. England       B. English           C. from English   D. Englishes

2.     A. first         B. last             C. family     D. full

3.     A. four         B. five             C. six       D. seven

4.     A.Its             B. It’s          C. it       D. This's

5.     A.and          B. but              C. or       D. then

6.     A. a           B.an               C. the       D. some

7.     A. see          B. look           C. listen      D.watch

8.     A. nurse        B. worker              C. policeman    D. doctor

9.     A. brother           B. sister           C. cousin     D. friend

10.   A. same       B.the same         C. different    D. the

