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科目: 来源:2013-2014学年陕西宝鸡市金台区九年级英语(上)期末质量检测试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It was near Christmas during my first term teaching at a new school. I loved my small special class more than any group I had taught in the past. They were hungry for knowledge and I was enjoying teaching.

? Other teachers had told me that our children were from poor families and not to expect any child to bring a Christmas gift. In fact, I wasn’t expecting any gifts.

? Imagine my surprise when every child brought me a gift on the day before our holiday break. First, I got a much-loved toy monkey from a shy girl. I was told, “He is my favorite, but I love you and I want him to be with you, Miss Taylor.” How thrilled I was!

? Next came a new set of Christmas tree lights that was “missing” from a mother’s cupboard(碗橱).

? Finally, I came to one little boy’s gift which I had never received. It was an old, dirty and broken Christmas storybook. Just when I wanted to show my happiness, I was interrupted(打断) by the giver, “And see, it is new! It still has the price tag(标签).”

?? When other children laughed at him, I stopped them and said, “Oh, books are good in that way. The story is always new if you have not read it before. Now, Let’s read one together.” Everyone listened quietly as I read the most wonderful Christmas story of my life.

?? I still keep those Christmas gifts. They always remind me of my lovely kids.

1.Miss Taylor loved her small special class so much because______________.

A. this was her first term teaching at a new school

B. these little kids were from rich families

C. the students studied very hard and she enjoyed teaching them

D. she didn’t get any Christmas gifts

2. ____________ brought Miss Taylor a Christmas gift.

A. Every child????????????? B. Most of the children????????????? ? C. Only three children????????????? ? D. No one

3.Miss Taylor felt __________ when she got the gifts from the children.

A. sad????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. scared????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. thrilled????????????? ? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. tired

4.Many gifts were mentioned (被提及) in the article except____________.

A. a toy monkey?????????? ????????????? B. an old storybook?????????????

C. a set of Christmas tree lights????????????? D. a Christmas card



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年陕西宝鸡市金台区九年级英语(上)期末质量检测试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子

完成句子 根据所给中文意思,完成下面各句。(每题2分,共10)

1. My father can even read newspapers and magazines in his late_____??????? ??????? (九十多岁).

2.There is a good TV show tonight but it’s at 1:00 am. I don’t want to _____(熬夜)? that late.

3.Don't make yourself get into bad ?????? (习惯)of doing things.

4.Our government __________ (提供) food and clothes for poor children and lets them go to school.

5.Mr Tan makes the best noodles in town. They are ________(美味的)



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年陕西宝鸡市金台区九年级英语(上)期末质量检测试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空

短文填空 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空只填一个单词。每题1分,共10分)

? way,? good,? eat,?? knowledge,? read ,

always , when , interest, find out, something

Food is very important. Everyone needs to? ?? 1.?? well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is ?? 2.?? We begin to get knowledge even 3.?? we are very young. Small children are ?? 4.? in everything around them. They learn 5.? while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to? 6.?? story books, science books…, anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and try ?? 7.?? the answers. What is the best ? 8.?? to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get the most knowledge . If we are ?? 9.? getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand ? 10.?? .



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年陕西宝鸡市金台区九年级英语(上)期末质量检测试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


A. How do you like it ?

B. Of course.

C. Glad to meet you.

D. Is this the first time you have been in Chongqing ?

E. I haven’t been to Chongqing before.

F. And where are you from , Zhang Yu ?

G. But the traffic here is too heavy.

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Jiefangbei , Lin Yun ?

B: 1.??? _________ . It’s on the right side of Bayi Road. I’m going there, too. Let’s go together.

A: That’s great.

B: 2.___________________________ ?

A: I’m from Xiamen .

B: I’ve been to Xiamen before.

A: 3.?????? _____________________________________?

B: It’s a beautiful city, but a little hot in summer.

A: Yeah, especially in July.

B: 4.?????? ______________________________________?

A: No. I’ve been here twice .

B: Chongqing is a lovely city , isn’t it ?

A: Yes . It’s more beautiful than Xiamen. 5.??? ____________________ .

B: I agree . But the government (政府)of Chongqing is trying to make every road much wider than before. I think the traffic problem will be solved in a short time.



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年陕西宝鸡市金台区九年级英语(上)期末质量检测试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


A: Excuse me , 1.________________________________________________?

B; Sorry , I don’t know .

A: 2._____________________________________ .(Then A walks to C)

A: Excuse me , could you tell me where the Yinhe cinema is ?

C: Of course . It’s the fifth floor of the Jiangzhou Mansion (大厦) .

A: 3.____________________________________________?

C: Walk along the street to the first crossing , then you will see a ten-floor building on your left . It’s the Jiangzhou Mansion . You can take the elevator to the fifth floor. And you will find the Yinhe cinema on it.

A: 4.____________________________________________?

C: About fifteen minutes .

A: 5._________________ . Good-bye !

C: Bye-bye .



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年陕西宝鸡市金台区九年级英语(上)期末质量检测试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


??? Name??????????????

??????? What

??? Why

Bobbie (UK)

??? movie star

1. popular

2. love acting

Mark? ( U.S.A)

professional basketball player

make much money

play basketball very well

Xiao Ming

????? ...



注意:1. 内容必须包括表格中的信息;

2. 开头已经为你写好,请续写并完成此汇报;

?????? 3. 词数:70个左右。开头部分不计入短文词汇的总数。

Dear classmates,

?? I am reporting to tell you about our dreams. ______________________________???????????????????????









科目: 来源:2013-2014学年陕西省咸阳学大教育西安分公司咸阳校区九年级1月模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空


1.A. stool    B. choose   C. spoon   D. flood

2.A. courage  B. operate  C. package  D. orange

3.A. success   B. accident C. according  D. accept?

4.A.  country    B. courage ?  C. touch  ??  D. mouth

5.A.  partner   B. farmer   C. warm   D. harm



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年陕西省咸阳学大教育西安分公司咸阳校区九年级1月模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空


1.Mum has a bad headache. We have to send for the doctor at once.

A. ask the doctor to come     B. find the doctor by ourselves

C. send the doctor away      D. go to the doctor's

2.I have just come across a beautiful poem in this book.

A. read aloud???? B. written down???? C. discovered????? D. went through

3.The fire broke out at 5 o’clock early in the morning.

A. stopped?????? ????????????? B. started?????????? C. opened???? ????????????? D. closed

4.They’ll be here in ten minutes. Meanwhile, we’ll have some coffee.

A. after all???????? B. at the same time?? C. for a minute?? ????????????? D. before long

5.You will find a basket filled with flowers in your room.

A. had?? ??????? B. covered??????????? C. was full????? D. full of



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年陕西省咸阳学大教育西安分公司咸阳校区九年级1月模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I have some _________ in working out the problem.

A. difficulty????????????? B. difficulties????????????? C. troubles????????????? D. difficult



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年陕西省咸阳学大教育西安分公司咸阳校区九年级1月模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There is a wire pole along the road _________ meter.

A.? about fifty????????????? B. every fiftieth????????????? C. each fifty????????????? D. every 50


