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科目: 来源:河北省石家庄市42中2012届九年级第一次模拟考试英语试题 题型:051


  Now cities are full of cars.Some families even have two or more cars.Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in around the cities.Something will have to be done to change it.What will the cars of tomorrow be like?

  Little cars may some day take the place of today's big cars.If everyone drives little cars in the future there will be less pollution in the air.There will also be more space for parking cars in cities, and the streets will be less crowded.Three little cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size.

  The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive.Driving will be safer, too.What is more, these little cars can go about 65 kilometers per hour.

  Little cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city, but they will not be useful for long trips.If big cars are still used along with the small ones, two sets of roads will be needed in the future.Some roads will be used for the big, fast cars, and other roads will be needed for the slower small ones.

1.判断正误(T/F)There are two or more cars in all families.(  )


What is the big problem for those people who have cars?


3.The little car's size may be ________ today's car's size.

A.one third of

B.two thirds of

C.as big as

D.as small as

4.根据短文回答问题.Are the little cars as useful as the big cars for long trips?





科目: 来源:湖北省黄冈市2012届九年级2月中考摸底考试英语试题 题型:051


  Are the lives of city kids the same as those in villages? In lots of ways, they are very different.But what are the differences?

  Hu Peng and his four friends decided to find them out.Earlier this month, they went to live for a week at Huagui Village near Xishui.They went door to door there and asked kids there lots of questions.They wanted to learn more about village kids' everyday lives, so they asked questions like these:Do your parents teach you how to do housework? How much money do you usually spend on dinner? What would you do if a thief comes into your houses? They also asked 150 city kids the same question.

  On April 12, the team gave a report to their class.They told about lots of differences between children's lives in cities and those in villages.The biggest difference is independence.Hu's team say that more than 60 percent of city kids can't do much housework, but more than 80 percent of village kids can care for themselves.

  City kids told Hu they cared about school a lot, and they had no time to wash clothes or make their beds.Village kids said they helped their parents with a lot:they cook, clean houses and feed farm animals, Hu's team also saw that village kids had less pocket money.Many never use computers.They play in rivers or on mountains.Some don't really like to make new friends.

  Hu's team said their trip gave them more self-confidence(自信心)because they were doing something by them-selves.But it also worried them a bit because they saw they still had a lot to learn.“When we grow up, our parents can't take care of us,” Hu said.“We have to learn to take care of ourselves.”



科目: 来源:湖北省黄冈市2012届九年级2月中考摸底考试英语试题 题型:051


  Our earth is in trouble.Our drinking water is becoming dirtier, and the air is not as clean as before.People and factories are polluting the air, rivers and lakes and seas.You may think that there is mothing you can do to help.That's not true.There are many things you can do to help the earth.

  Cars burn gasoline.This will produce a lot of CO2 into the air.Some people believe that too much CO2 is making the earth warmer than ever.They think CO2 thins the clouds above us.The clouds keep us away from the strongest sunlight.So try to walk, ride a bike or take a bus.And if you drive a car, drive at a steady speed.This can save some gasoline.

  The biggest energy use at home is for keeping warm and cool.So turn the air conditioner off when you don't need to use it.Use lights that save energy.

  Use fewer things that cannot be used again.When you buy something, consider those made from things that can be used again first.

  (1)要用大量的水来洗澡沐浴.In one week an American family uses as much water for showers as a person drinks in three years! Buy a waterworks that uses less water, or take shorter showers.This can cut the use of water.



2.找出 If there is too much CO2 in the air, the earth will become warmer 的同义句.





科目: 来源:河北省石家庄外国语学校2011-2012学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:051


  Many things can cause(导致)stress(压力)in a child’s life, but you must remember that some kinds of stress are good and some are bad.The good kinds of stress can help you to do things better.For example, you may do a better job on your book report because the worry makes you prepare(准备)it well before you read it to the class.

  Some stress is bad if(如果)the stressful(有压力的)feelings keep going for a long time.You will have stress when your parents are fighting, when a family member is sick or even when you are having problems at school.This kind of stress isn’t going to help you, and it can make you sick.

  If you find that you are stressed out, you can try talking about it with your parents or teachers.They may have some good ideas and tell you how to solve your problems.


1.Not all stress is bad.(True or False)________

2.Why does the writer believe some kinds of stress are good?


3.How does bad stress make people feel?


4.Why should you talk to your parents or teachers when you are stressed out?





科目: 来源:江苏省镇江市部分学校2011-2012学年七年级上学期联考英语试题 题型:051



科目: 来源:江苏省姜堰市2011-2012学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:051


  Life in the future will be different from life today.Between then and now many changes will take place, but what will the changes be?

  The population is growing fast.There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.

  Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home.And Computer Studies lessons will be one of the most important subjects in schools then.

  People will work _________ hours than they do now and they will have _________ free time for sports, watching TV and travel.Traveling will be much cheaper and easier.And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.

  There will be changes in our food, too.More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people.Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive.Maybe no one will eat it every day.Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables.Maybe people will be healthier.

  Work in the future will be different, too.Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots.Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do.This will be a problem.


_________ _________



3.找出同义句:Every family will have one computer or more.


4.回答问题:What will be one of the most important subjects?





科目: 来源:江苏省姜堰市2011-2012学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:051


Hi! Let me tell you something about our computer room.In my school, there is a big computer room.It is bright and clean.(1)There is a teacher and forty-eight students in it now.There are fifty desks in it.(2)Two desks _________ big and _________ desks are small.The big desks are for our computer teachers.The small desks are for us students.There are fifty computers in the room.There are some signs on the wall.They tell us some rules(规则)in the computer room.Our teachers here are very friendly to us.We like our computer room very much.



_________; _________

3.回答问题:What’s on the wall?


4.在文章中找出“Our computer teachers are very polite.”的同义句。





科目: 来源:江苏省如皋市教育共同体2012届九年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:051


  We need to be responsible for our environment.Being a frugal consumer(节俭的消费者)is one way to help.But, what exactly does that mean?

  Use It Up.You can use things up instead of wasting them.Squeeze that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube.Use the last little piece of soap.Don't throw away any bits of the biscuit at the bottom of the box.

  Wear It Out.You do not always need to have new things.Suppose your sneakers have broken laces, but they still fit you.Repair them and wear them longer.You don't have the latest iPhone until the old one doesn't work any more.Then you can get a new one.Think twice before replacing something that still works.

  Make It Do.When something you want is not on hand, look for something else that you already have to take its place.Suppose you are packing your lunch for tomorrow and want a butter sandwich.You are out of butter.Have a cheese sandwich instead so that you can use all of the cheese.Learn to fix broken toys instead of just throwing them away.With a little thought, you can make something do,instead of buying something new.

  Do Without.Think about all those things that you would like to have.Do you really need them? How long will you really play with that new toy you saw on TV? Making the things that we want uses up your world's resources(资源).And, getting rid of the things we don't want any more takes up even more resources and space.

1.What do we need to be responsible for?

2.How do we deal with the last little piece of soap?

3.When do we need to get a new iPhone?

4.What should we do when something we want is not on hand?

5.What does the writer want to tell us?


科目: 来源:2011年四川省宽展攀枝花高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试英语试卷 题型:051


Eat what you like

  Do you usually want to avoid eating any spicy(辛辣的)food? Do you always regret drinking much fizzy(起泡的)drink? Well, now it 's time for you to hold a chance to change the things.You'd better try taking our Gasgo and begin to feel the difference.

24 hours to success

  Do you regret not working hard at school? Do you want to improve your languages? With Polyglot 's system, you can learn to speak any language in 24 hours! Try following our system and see how different it is from the rest.Why not make an early start in a class today?

You’re never too old to surf

  Do you want to surf the Internet but think you're too old to start learning new skills? If so, why not take a course at Compu Wiz? We promise to make you master a computer whatever your age.Don't forget to call us before July lst at 28190818, and receive a 50 % lower price on lessons.

Click and Shop

  Do you always go shopping at the supermarket and often forget to buy something? If you do forget something, we believe you never want to go back for it.But with Webshop, our new Internet shopping service, you won't have to.Also avoid standing so long to pay for what you get.Start shopping online now.


If you don't like to eat something spicy or drink something fizzy,you may try _________ to see how different it is.

[  ]










Try to _________ and you will learn any language in a very short time.

[  ]


click on the web shop


take the Gasgo


follow Polyglot's system


call at 28190818


If you _________ before July lst, you can save 50% of your money.

[  ]


do shopping with Webshop


hold a chance to try Gasgo


start early with Polyglot's system


learn surfing the Internet at Compu Wiz


With Webshop, you _________.

[  ]


often forget to buy what you need


have to stand to pay for the things


don't have to stand in line to pay for your things


can't go back to buy what you forget


According to the passage, one can _________.

[  ]


take a surfing course at Webshop in a class


possibly learn to speak English in 24 hours


try taking Gasgo food or drinks when he is old


do shopping on line without paying for his things


科目: 来源:山西省临汾一中2012届九年级10月月考英语试题 题型:051


  Two hundred years ago, people in the West did not know coffee or tea.They were afraid to drink them because they thought coffee or tea could kill a person.Once the king of England wanted to find out whether it was true or not.At that time, there were two brothers in prison.They would be killed in a few days because they did something wrong.The king said, ”I shall let them live but they must drink coffee or tea till the end of their lives, coffee must be drunk every day by one of them, and tea by the other.” And they followed the king’s word.

  They both lived many years.At last, the elder brother died when he was eighty-three years old.The younger one died a few years later.After that people knew that coffee and tea were not bad for man.


1.Why didn’t people drink coffee or tea at first?


2.Who wanted to know the truth?


3.What did the king let the brothers do?


4.Did they die quickly?


5.How old did the elder brother live?


