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科目: 来源:湖北省襄樊市2010年初中毕业生学业考试英语试题 题型:053


hungry   lunch  hospital  thirsty  miss  sad   asleep  come   see   quiet  think  leave  eye



  It was a hot day during the holiday.My mother and I got on the bus which would take us to my grandma's village.It was so hot that 1 felt very   1  .Then I began to think of the sweet watermelons and other fruits in Grandma's house.I could hardly wait to arrive there and   2   my grandma earlier.

  It took us one more hour to gel there.When we walked into the house, Grandma was busy preparing   3   in the kitchen.I knew from her smile face that she was very glad to see us, She brought out a big watermelon and cut it.It was so nice to eat the watermelon on such a hot day.

  After lunch my mother felt tired and went to bed to have a rest.I asked my grandma to tell me a fair tale.We sat on the bed and she began to tell it.I listened to her   4  , It was not long before I fell   5  .I was dreaming when a terrible sound woke me up.I saw Grandma was lying on the ground.I couldn't believe my   6  .How fearful a sight was!I hurried to wake my mother up.We took Grandma to the   7   in a hurry, But it was too late.My grandma's heart stopped beating(跳动)when we got there.You'll never imagine how   8   we felt then.

  Grandma was very well all the time.I had never imagine she would   9   us so soon.That evening I lay in bed alone.Tears ran down my face.I prayed(祈祷)and prayed, wishing my grandma would be able to   10   back.

  Now several years have passed.My dear grandma, where are you?I   11   you so much.


科目: 来源:2010年福建省龙岩市九年级学业(升学)质量检查英语试题 题型:053


  Four girls were at the same schoolThey were good friends, so they often studied and played together  1  

  One day one of the girls said,There is a test this morningLet's go to school lateThen we won't have to take the test.”“What can we tell the teacher?One of the girls said.“He'll be angry  2  

  The girls thought for several moments, then one of them said,Let's tell him that our taxi had a flat tire(爆胎).”“  3  the other girls said.“We'll tell him that.”  4   The test was finished

  “Why are you late?the teacher asked.“You miss the test.”“Our taxi had a flat tire,one of the girls said

The teacher thought for a moment, then he said,Sit down, one of you in each corner of the room.”The four girls did thisThen the teacher said,Write the answer to this question on a piece of paper  5  


科目: 来源:2010年福建省晋江市初中学业质量检查英语试题 题型:053

  Co-operation(合作)is always needed when you make a project that the teacher gives you.

  First, discuss all you would like to do with your classmates.Choose one of the members to write down what you're talking about.Then, with the ideas you get, list all you want.Everyone shares the duty for the project.You can collect information not only from books but also on the Internet.Making a survey and doing a research are also good ways.After that, all the members put what has been found together.Try to make the project more well-organized.In the end, you can give a report in front of your class to show the results of your hard work.



科目: 来源:2010年浙江省东阳初中毕业生学业水平考试英语试卷 题型:053


  Dear Mr.Green,

  I'm sorry to trouble you.You know there will be a/an   1   exam this term.But it seems that everything goes wrong with me.I can't fall   2   at night and I can't listen to the teachers carefully.I am always   3   about my grades.I know it is not good to do so, but I can't control myself.  4  ,(此空格不限字数)

Write to me soon.Best wishes to you!




科目: 来源:2010年浙江省东阳初中毕业生学业水平考试英语试卷 题型:053


  One night a hotel caught a fire, and people in it ran out in their night clothes.

    1  (幸运地), nobody was   2  (受伤).

  Two men stood outside and looked at the fire.

  “Before I came out,”said one,“I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money.People don't think of money when they're   3  (害怕的).When   4  (任何人)leaves paper money in a fire, the fire burns it.So I took all the bills that I   5  (能够)find.No one will be poor   6  (因为)I took them.”

  “You don't know my work,”said the   7  (另一个).

  “What is your work?”

  “I'm a policeman.”

  “Oh!”cried the   8  (第一)man.He thought   9  (迅速地)and said,“And do you know my work?”

  “No,”said the policeman.

  “I'm a writer.I'm always telling   10  (故事)about things that never happened.”


科目: 来源:重庆一中初2010级2009-2010学年度九年级下期第一次考前模拟英语试题 题型:053


  Fire is important in our lives but it can also be very dangerous sometimes.Here are some tips for you when a fire happens.

  When you smell smoke or see fire,   1  “Fire!”as loudly as you can.Get help from your parents or call 119.Tell 119   2   you are and what is on fire.Listen to 119's instructions.Never try to put out a fire by   3  , even if it's a small one.

  Get out of the room as   4   as possible.Don't try to take anything with you.A fire can become very dangerous in a few seconds.If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep your head and body close   5   the floor.There is less smoke lower down, so it's easier to breathe and see where you are going.Test the door   6   you open it.If it's too hot, do not open it.Try to find a different way out.  7   use the lift during a fire.Always use the stairs.A lift may stop working.Don't go back to the burning house for your pet or anything else you have left behind.The pet animals can often get out of the room on their own before you do.

  What if you can't get out of your room?Close the door and put a quilt(被子)at the foot of the door.It can stop the   8   from coming in.Open the window and shout for help.Let people know that you are still inside the building.Don't stay   9   the bed.It's hard for others to find you.So stay by the window on the floor.Keep these tips in mind, they will be   10   if you are caught in a fire.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


科目: 来源:重庆市开县中学2010届初三下学期“两考合一”模拟考试英语试题 题型:053


  We say that a person has good manners if he or she is kind and helpful to others.But what are good manners?Here are some examples.He never laughs   1   people when they are in trouble.  2  , he tries to help them.He never disturbs others when they are having a rest.When people are   3   for a bus or in a post office, he takes his   4   turn, and never pushes to the front of the line.On the bus he gives his   5   to an old person.And he doesn't sit down   6   the other person is seated.He doesn't talk too much of himself.He doesn't talk loudly or laugh loudly in public.When eating, he doesn't speak   7   his mouth full of food.

  However, different   8   have different manners.For example, in China, a guest never finishes his drink.He always leaves a little to show that he has enjoyed   9  .But in England, a guest always finishes his drink to   10   his satisfaction(满意).

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


科目: 来源:天津市东丽区2010届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题 题型:053


  One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the class on paper and leave a space b________ every two names.She told them to t________ of the nicest thing about each of their classmates and write it down.

  That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a piece of paper, and listed w________ everyone else had said about that student.On Monday she gave each student his or her list.B________ long, the whole class was smiling.“Really?”she heard.“I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!”

  Several years l________, one of the students c________ Mark was killed in Vietnam(越南).The teacher came to his funeral(葬礼).Mark's mother and father went up to the teacher.“We want to show you something,”his father said, t________ a piece of paper out of his pocket.“They found this on Mark when he was killed.It s________ that he was always paying attention to it so much.”W________ looking, the teacher knew what the paper was.She began to c________.

  Something small in our life isn't really small but quite important.


科目: 来源:天津市东丽区2010届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题 题型:053


How to make projects

  Are you interested in projects?Do you want to have a good one?Well, that doesn't come easily.You need to do the following tasks.

  TALK:You and your classmates discuss in detail all that you would like to do to make your project.

  WRITE:One of your classmates acts as a secretary.He or she keeps full notes as your group members discuss something.Later he or she will sort out your ideas.

  PLAN:With the secretary's notes, your group makes a list of everything you'll need and who will get, do or research what.

  DO:Each group members gets, does and researches something on the list.Your group puts together all you have found and tries to make the project more well-organized.You prepare to present it in class.

  SHOW:You and your classmates show the result of your hard work in class.

  Knowing all the above, you may want to try a project.Why not start with this:Do you know the history of your city?What did it look like in the past?Which famous people lived there?



科目: 来源:江苏省泰州市2010届九年级下学期六校联考英语试题 题型:053


  Are you having a nice time today?A famous thinker Francis Bacon told us:When you are h________, tell your friends, then the happiness will double(双倍)-b________ to you and to your friends; when you meet some p________ and feel lonely or helpless, also tell your friends, then your unhappiness will be h________, especially to you!Do you agree?

  When you smile to others, others can feel your k________.If he or she is facing a d________ time, the love perhaps will help them go through all the hard time.A smile r________ has great power.

  W________ will you do when someone smiles at you?Return a sweet smile.You also send your love through the smile.From it, you may get a t________ friend or a strong supporter.You are in great need of them today, t________ and forever!So just try it, and then you will find a new and happy world.

