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科目: 来源: 题型:050


  Radio,telephone and television are widely used in the world. When you switch on the radio, you can listen. But when you use telephone, not only can you listen to others but also you can chat with them;however, you cannot see anything at all. Television is much better than both of them. People can watch TV and listen to it, but they cannot take part in what they see.

  Today, some people are using a new type of telephone called visionphone. With it two pople who are talking can see each other.

  Visionphones can be of great use when you have something to show the person whom you are calling. It may also have other uses in the future. Some day you may be able to call up a library and ask to read a book right over your visionphone. You may be able to do the shopping through it, too. Perhaps in the near future.visionphones will come into wide use in our everyday life.


According to the passage we can guess that the ____ was invented last.

  A.radio  B.television C.telephone  D.visionphone

[  ]


Maybe the visionphone can take the place of ____ some day.

  A.the radio  B.the telephone  C.the television  D.all the above

[  ]


Through a visionphone we can ____ .

  A.take medicine B.order what we need  C.travel around the world  D.try on clothes

[  ]


In the future, you can use a visionphone to ____ .

  A.read a library book

B.ask a librarian to read a book for you

C.ask a librarian to bring you a book

D.ask a librarian to do some shopping for you

[  ]


Visionphones will be ____ in our daily life in the future.

  A.popular  B.wide C.strange  D.quick

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:050


  Every winter the Indians caught beavers(河狸或称为海狸). They sold these beaver furs to men from France. In the 1600s and 1700s, people in France wanted beaver furs for coats and hats. Other countries wanted these furs, too. Wearing a beaver fur hat became a sign.It said,“Look at this man! This mad is rich!”

  In the 1800s, men in this country began to wear beaver hats. They, too, wanted to wear the sign that said,“Look at those men! They are rich!”

  Soon it was hard to find beavers. To get more beaver furs, traders had to move West. Traders began to explore this new country. They came back with wonderful stories about the new land. Before long,many people wanted to go West to live.

  Where people go, towns grow. Soon there were new towns in the West. Men looking for beaver for fancy(珍贵的,昂贵的) hats helped the West grow.


Wearing a beaver hat was a sign that a man was _________.

  A. a hunter  B. rich  C. a trader  D. an Indian

[  ]


Which of the following does this story lead you to believe?

  A. Beavers began to wear fancy hats. B. The traders would not go West.

  C. The fur traders helped the country grow. D. The traders wore furs.

[  ]


What did the traders do when beavers were hard to find?

  A. To get more beaver furs,traders had to move West.


  B. The traders had to find rich men wearing signs.

  C. The traders had to wear beaver hats out West.


  D. They made friends with beavers.

[  ]


When did Indians begin to wear beaver hats?

  A. 1600s.  B. 1700s.  C. 1800s.  D. 1900s.

[  ]


The main idea of the whole story is that __________.

  A. traders carried signs for rich men


  B. the search for beavers helped the West to grow

  C. many wonderful stories were told about the West


  D. the beavers were very foolish

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:050


  In American school there is something called Homecoming Day(校友返校日). Many high schools and colleges with a football team have a homecoming game. This can be the most important thing of the year except Graduation of Commencement Day(毕业典礼日). Students plan Homecoming Day for many weeks in advance(预先).

  Several days before Homecoming, students start to decorate the school. There are signs to wish luck to the team, and many other signs to welcome all the graduates. Many people still come to Homecoming twenty or thirty years after their graduation.

The members of school clubs build booths(摊位) and sell lemonade, apples and sandwiches. Some clubs help to welcome the visitors.

  During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school.

  Everyone soon comes to watch the football game.When the game is half over, the band comes onto the field and plays school songs.

Another important moment is when the Homecoming Queen or King appears. All the students vote a most popular student Homecoming Queen or King. It is a great honour(荣誉) to be chosen.

  Homecoming is a happy day, but it is not perfect unless the football team wins the game.

  Even if the team loses,the students still enjoy Homecoming. Some stay at the school to dance, and others go to a party. For everyone it is a day worth remembering.


The most important thing of the year in a school is _________.

  A. winning the game

  B. homecoming


  C. selling lemonade,apples and sandwiches


  D. Graduation of Commencement Day

[  ]


(Students begin to make a plan of Homecoming _________.

  A. many weeks before the day


  B. three days before Homecoming


  C. the day before Homecoming

D. when the guests arrive

[  ]


Which of the following is NOT done on Homecoming Day?

  A. To call on teachers they remember.


  B. To watch the football game.


  C. To go home to see their family.


  D. To see old friends.

[  ]


The word“vote”in the passage means“_________”.

  A. to have a football game


  B. to have a celebration


  C. to elect or choose


  D. to attend a meeting

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:050


Wednesday Aug.21st

  Dear Dad,

  I'm writing to you from Beijing.You don't know how happy I am to be here.Mother and I arrived here on the night of the 10th.Auntie met us at the station.The next morning,we got up early.It was Sunday and Uncle took us out for a ride on the bus.Everything was so beautiful.I was so excited,so was Mother.That afternoon Auntie took us to Beihai Park.First we climbed the hill,and then we went boating on the lake.While we were there,we met some overseas Chinese(华侨).They come back to visit every year.They are proud of(以……为骄傲) China because it is becoming stronger and more beautiful every day.I haven't seen the Summer Palace yet,but Uncle has promised(允诺) to take me there and to the zoo this coming Sunday.Yester-day Uncle took me to see his factory.A week has passed.I've seen and heard a lot of interesting things.I've written down most in my diary.I'll tell you more next time.It's time for bed,so I'll stop here.Hope to hear from you soon.




Where did Hua write the letter? In ______.

  A. Beihai Park  B. the Summer Palace C. Beijing  D. Shanghai

[  ]


How many days have Hua and her mother stayed there before she wrote the letter?

  A. A week.  B. Eight days.  C. Ten days.  D. Twelve days.

[  ]


What day did Hua go and see her uncle's factory?

  A. Monday.  B. Tuesday.  C. Sunday. D. Saturday.

[  ]


Which day will Uncle take her to the zoo and Summer Palace?

  A. Aug.22nd.  B. Aug.23rd.  C. Aug.24th. D. Aug.25th.

[  ]


Which sentence is true?

  A.Hua comes from the USA.  B. Hua comes from England.

C. Hua's parents are in China now.  D. Hua may be an overseas Chinese.

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:050


It is the duty of every man to work.The lire of a lazy man is of no use to himself and to others.The man who is too lazy to work is the man who's generally most ready to beg or steal(偷窃).Every boy,when he is young,should learn some useful work.But it is not enough that a boy should learn some kind of work.He should put his heart and soul completely into his work,and not waste his free time.“Working while you work and playing while you play is as good rule for young people as for the old.”There is no better help to diligence(勤奋) than the habit of early rising,and this,just like all other good habits,is most easily formed in youth.There is an English saying“Lost time never returns.”This means that everybody must be diligent,and make good use of his time.One must study hard when one is young so that one may make great progress(进步),succeed(成功) in life and become useful to one's country.Therefore,we can say that diligence is the mother of success.


After reading the passage we know that those who are too lazy to work will become ________.

  A. beggars  B. thieves  C. beggars or thieves  D. useful men

[  ]


If a boy wants to be of any use to himself and to the other people,he should _______.

  A. learn to play

B. do something in his free time

C. not only learn some useful work,but also put his heart and soul into his work

  D. try hard to learn to do a certain kind of work

[  ]


In order to learn to be diligent,it's good for the young people to __________.

  A. form the habit of getting up early

B. learn some good subjects

C. work all the time without play

D. succeed in life

[  ]


One can't be successful in life unless(除非)he _______ when he is young.

  A. is diligent in his study

B. loves his school

C. spends some time learning something

D. makes up for his lost time

[  ]


Which of the following may be the best title(标题) for this passage?

  A. Lazy Boy Can Learn to Be Diligent

B. Young People Should Rise Early

C. Lost Time Never Returns

D. Diligence,the Mother of Success

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:050


English words don't stay the same.People need new words for new ideas and new inventions.Different words come into use,or older words are used in a new way.

  English can change by borrowing words from other languages.The word“tomato”was borrowed from Mexico and“tea”came from China and so on.Now new space and science words are being borrowed from other countries,too.New words are formed by adding two words together.“Countryside”and“earthquake”aremade up of two parts.Sometimes new words are shorter forms of older words.The word“photo”was made from“photograph”by cutting off the end of the longerword.“Plane”was made by cutting off the front part of“airplane”.The names of people and products(产品) can become new words,too.Our“sandwich”wasnamed after a man Sandwich and“sellotape”(透明胶带) was a name given by the company that first made the product.


New English words are needed beeause _____.

  A.people use old words in a new way

  B.people need a new way to explain things

  C. the old words are not enough

  D.new ideas and new inventions appear all the time

[  ]


Which of the following words was taken to England from another country?

  A.Plane.  B.Sandwich.  C.Tomato. D.Countryside.

[  ]


Which of the following words came from China?

  A.Tea.  B.Earthquake. C.Airplane. D.Sellotape.

[  ]


How many ways of developing English words does the passage tell us?

  A.Three.  B.Four.  C.Five. D.Six.

[  ]


The main idea of this passage is _____.

  A.that the English language is always changing  

  B.that there are new ideas in England today

  C.how people name new products and inventions  

  D.how people use old words in a new way

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:050


  Long, long ago, a donkey(驴) fell in a dry well(井). The animal cried for hours as the farmer tried to think out what to do. Finally, the farmer thought the animal was too old and the well needed to be covered up anyway, so he decided not to try to save the donkey.

  The farmer invited his neighbours(邻居) to help him. They began to shovel(铲) dirt into the well.The donkey cried harder.

  Then a few shovelfuls later, he became quiet. The farmer looked into the well, and was surprised by what he saw.

  While every shovelful of dirt hit his back,the donkey would shake(抖) it off and take a step(步) on the new layer(层) of dirt. As the farmer's neighbours continued(继续) to shovel dirt on top of the animal, the donkey would shake it off and take another step up.

  Soon the donkey stepped up out of the well and ran away, to the surprise of all the neighbours.

  The lesson we get from this story is that if life shovels some dirt on us. We must get out of the well and not let it cover us. We must learn to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone(踏脚石). We can get out of the deepest well by never giving up!


The donkey in the story is ____.

  A. hard working  B. strong C. dying  D. intelligent

[  ]


The farmer is ____.

  A. careless   B. kind to the donkey

C. ready to give up the donkey D. friendly

[  ]


When we arc in trouble,we have to learn from ____ in the story.

  A. the farmer B. the neighbours C. the donkey D. all of them

[  ]


There is no ____ in the well that the donkey fell into.

  A. water  B. stone C. animal  D. dirt

[  ]


The story tells us ____.

  A. never to give up even if we're in great trouble

B. the donkey is a clever animal  

  C. the man has to be kind to the animal

  D. the man is the most cruel(残酷)animal

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:050


  Ways to Fall Asleep


  How much sleep do we need? The answers are different. Some people need only three hours of sleep a night. Others need ten hours of sleep a night. Most Amexicans sleep for an average of seven to eight hours a night. After age fifty, the average sleep hours go down to 6.5 hours a night.

  Most people will have a bad night when they can't fall asleep. About one in three Americans has a problem with sleep. Many of these people cannot fall asleep. The name of this problem is called insomnia(失眠症).

  This is not a new problem. Many famous people in history had insomnia .Some of these people had their own ways to sleep well. Benjamin Franklin(本杰明·富兰克林), the famous inventor, had four beds.He moved from one to another to fall asleep. King Louis XIV (国王路易十四) of France had 413 beds and hoped to fall asleep in one of them. Mark Twain, the famous writer, had a different way: he hy on his side(侧卧) across the end of the bed!


Most Americans usually sleep for about _________ hours a night.

  A. 3  B. 5~6  C. 10  D. 7~8

[  ]


As people grow older,they need __________ at night.

  A. less sleeping time

  B. more sleeping time

  C. the same amount of sleeping time

D. a fixed time to sleep

[  ]


If there are 100 million people in the US hav-ing a problem with sleep,what's the popula-tion of it? About _______.

  A. 200 million  B. 300 million  C. 600 million  D. 900 million

[  ]


Franklin tried to go to sleep by __________.

  A. moving from one to another of his 413 beds  B. moving from one to another of his 4 beds

  C. inventing a bed for himself   D. lying on his side across the end of the bed

[  ]


It's not mentioned in the passage,but we know that Mark Twain was ___________.

  A. a Frenchman  B. an Englishman

  C. an American   D. a German

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:050


  In today's world many people seem to be hungry for money.Some of them even lose their lives for it.Money does have its most useful effect(影响) on the poor,but once a person has a rich life,a lot more money doesn't mean more happiness.If money was everything,all

million-aires(百万富翁) would have true love,true friendship,good health and a long life.However,this is not always true.Nothing else is more pleasant than the three words which are“I love you”.But can love be bought? I afraid not.Love means to give,not to take.To every person,health and long life are probably the most pre-cious(宝贵的) things.Well,can health and a long life be bought with money?The answer is“No”.Of all the longest living people in the world,few of them are millionaires.True friend-ship can't be bought either.In a word,where money is worshiped(崇拜),money can cause brothers quarrel,lovers to hate,strangers to fight and so on.No matter how much money you have,it is still not enough to make you a happy person if you have no one to laugh with,no one to cry for.


According to the passage.which of the following do you think is right?

  A. Money is everything.

B. Money isn't necessary.

C. Money is important,but not the most important.

D. With no money,with no success.

[  ]


What's the most important thing for every person according to the writer's ideas?

  A. Only money.  B. Health and a long life.

   C. Only friendship. D. A.B and C.

[  ]


Which sentence of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. If you haven't much money,you can't get more happiness.

  B. You may live a long life even if you are poor.

  C. Every year many people die in the world be-cause their family is poor.

  D. If you are rich,you will have less friend-ship.

[  ]


In fact,all millionaires ________.

  A. have much money  B. die earlier

C. love their money  D. have true love

[  ]


What does the sentence“Love means to give,not to take.”mean in the passage?

  A. 爱意味着给你,而不能带走。 B. 爱是可以得到的,不要走开。

  C. 爱意味着奉献,而不是索取。 D. 爱是可以索取的,而不必付出。

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:050


  Weddings in America

  Weddings in the United States vary as much as the people do.But many weddings,no matter where or how they are performed,include certain traditional customs.For instance,the bride and groom often exchange rings.The rings are usually worn on the fourth finger of the left hand.

Today,the rings symbolize the couple's commitment to one another.

  After the ceremony,the couple is often showered with handfuls of uncooked rice by friends and family.After the ceremony,there is often a party,where people may enjoy plentiful food.

  And a wedding cake sits in a corner waiting to be cut.Soon thereafter,the bride stands in the center of the room,often on a chair,and throws her bouquet of flowers to the assembled unmarried women at the reception.It is said that whoever catches the flowers will be the next bride.Some women eagerly attempt to catch the bouquet,others shy away.

  And then it is time for the bride and groom to set off.The tradition of a honeymoon,a trip after the wedding.The trip nowadays varies considerably dictated by wealth,time and preference.Sometimes the couple will spend a single night at a nearby hotel,sometimes they will spend two weeks at a remote vacation spot.


The bride and groom often exchange _________ at the wedding in the United States.

  A. flowers  B. rings  C. jewels  D. necklaces

[  ]


Today,the rings symbolize ________.

  A. their love to one another B. their health

  C. the happiness  D. their commitment to one another

[  ]


After the ceremony,there is often a ________.

  A. dinner  B. party  C. perforce   D. concert

[  ]


The bride throws her bouquet of flowers to the assembled unmarried women at the recep-tion. It is said that whoever catches the flow-ers will be ________.

  A. a luck woman B. the next groom  C. the next bride  D. dignity(尊贵的) guest

[  ]


The trip nowadays varies considerably dictated by _________.

  A. wealth  B. time   C. preference  D. all above

[  ]

