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科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— Xi’an is such a beautiful city. What about ______ here for two more days?

— Good idea. And we can go to visit the Terracotta Army.

A. moving B. leaving

C. remaining D. reaching



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Old Tom is unhappy because ______ has visited him since he moved to town.

A. everybody B. somebody

C. anybody D. nobody



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

More than ______ people visited the ______ car exhibition.

A. two million; eight-day B. two millions; eight days’

C. two millions; eight-day D. two million; eight day’s



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Celia, you’d better ______ the TV now. It’s time to go to bed.

Oh, Mum, the talk show will be over soon. Please give me ten more minutes.

A. turn on B. turn up

C. turn off D. turn down



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— Please ______, or you will have to get out of the reading room.

— Oh, sorry.

A. stop shouting B. stop to shout

C. stopping shouting D.stopping to shout



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mr Green asks us to hand in our reports ______ we finish them.

A. before B. as soon as

C. though D. because



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— I’ve decided to go to Las Vegas to spend my summer holiday.

— ______. What about going there together?

A. So do I B. So have I

C. So did I D. So will I



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— I came first in the long jump.

— ______. I’m so proud of you.

A. Good luck B. Have fun

C. Well done D. You’re joking



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

Mr Oliver was the richest man in town. He didn’t have to . All day long the only thing he did was to sit at his window and watch everyone else work hard for a living.

Every Mr Oliver sat at his window and waited for people to come home from work. after a busy day, they rested and looked out at the stars and the moon at night. But soon all went to bed, fell asleep and dreamed. After a while, Mr Oliver went to bed, too, he didn’t fall fast asleep.

One night, Mr Oliver heard a at his window. He found a little injured bird on his windowsill (窗台).

“Poor little thing,” Mr Oliver said . “The city is no place for birds.”

He carried the little bird inside and took care of its injured wing (翅膀).

Mr Oliver worked and worked. , he fell asleep with the little bird in his hands. And then he dreamed about a for birds.

The next morning, Mr Oliver hurried outdoors and to work. He wanted to build a beautiful park for birds with trees and beautiful flowers in it.

From that day on, Mr Oliver never had difficulty falling asleep and he became a happy and busy man.

1.A. wait B. worry C. work D. drive

2.A. morning B. noon C. evening D. night

3.A. Hungry B. Tired C. Happy D. Excited

4.A. you B. he C. we D. they

5.A. because B. but C. so D. if

6.A. voice B. knock C. song D. noise

7.A. angrily B. sadly C. proudly D. nervously

8.A. At last B. First of all C. In fact D. Above all

9.A. park B. hospital C. home D. square

10.A. forgot B. offered C. began D. agreed



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

October is getting closer and it also means that the year of 2014 is coming to an end. “Hooray! It’s a holiday!” While you are thinking of putting textbooks aside and playing video games, let’s take a look at what children in other continents usually do during their holidays.

Children in America don’t have much homework to do. They keep themselves busy by playing camp games. A parent says, “My daughter Shirley usually attends different camps. We don’t ask her to spend plenty of time on maths problems or spelling tests.”

Children in Australia take partin activities on over twenty different themes (主题). They learn painting, dancing, singing, history, culture and so on. Parents can accompany their kids to enjoy the learning process and to build a closer relationship with them.

These are what African kids do: build a boat, have a camel race, make a drum and make a rag (碎布) football. Don’t you think it is interesting that kids in other places have no idea how to make a drum, but kids in Africa do?

Plan your holiday well and try what you want to try. Make a good plan and you will have a lot of fun.

1.Where does Shirley come from?

A. Asia. B. America.

C. Australia. D. Africa.

2. What does the underlined word “accompany” mean in Chinese?

A. 提醒 B. 监视 C. 陪伴 D. 排斥

3.According to the passage, only kids in Africa know how to ______.

A. play camp games B. do spelling testsC. build a boat D. make a drum

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The passage was written before October.

B. Kids in America are good at maths.

C. Kids in Australia spend much time on homework.

D. Kids in Africa don’t play football.

5.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To advise kids to make holiday plans.

B. To introduce some good holiday camps.

C. To encourage kids to make friends with parents.

D. To show the importance of doing homework during holidays.


