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科目: 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都宜陵中学九年级上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Is learning a foreign language ever easy? Yes. If you are five and move to another country, you will quickly pick up the language. But what about for the rest of us who are no longer five, and need to be polite when traveling for business or for pleasure? I think that answer is also yes. Language learning can be easy if you don’t want or need to learn too much.

The key to successful language learning in my mind is not to set the goal too high. It is rather like running. Even if you run twice a week, you don’t necessarily want to be able to run a marathon (马拉松). You might just want to keep a level of fitness. I think the same can be true for language learning.

Let’s get back to the goal. If you decide to learn ten words in a foreign language before visiting the country, you know that you will be sure to do this. However, if you decide to talk to people with great fluency (流利), unless you are quite a talented person, you will probably fail and give up in half-way.

It is also far easier to start learning a foreign language than to finish. In other words, the better you are, the slower it can be to improve, because you will not be able to move further because of grammar, making sentences, learning less common words, etc. If you are only trying to learn a few foreign words and sentences, you will enjoy faster progress, have more fun, and won’t have to spend too much time.

The idea of learning only a few hundred words in a language, and then stopping, isn’t the usual way to language learning, but it can be a very meaningful and enjoyable activity.

1. In the writer’s opinion, it is easy for adults to learn English if _______.

A. they are especially talented people

B. they don’t want or need to learn too much

C. they have to spend a lot of time on it

D. they have a chance to go abroad

2. The writer believes that if you want to be good at a foreign language, you will probably _______.

A. forget your own goal

B. become a talented language learner

C. get tired of learning it

D. reach your learning goal

3. The best title of this passage would be _______.

A. Easy Language Learning

B. Hard Language Learning

C. Fluency in a Foreign Language

D. A way of Language Learning



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都宜陵中学九年级上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The webs that spiders(蜘蛛) build to catch insects seem weak. However, the strength of spider thread is greater than steel. Webs can even stand up to very strong storms.

In each spider web, some threads are sticky(粘的), but some are not. When a spider is moving on the web, it will not step on the sticky threads. After a time the silk will lose its stickiness and become unable to catch insects. Then, spiders usually eat their own web.

Now a team of scientists has worked out why the spider web is so strong. It is not just the strength of the thread, but the clever design of the web. The key to a web’s success is its ability to keep its shape and strength even after some of the threads break, say scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The scientists found the thread itself has the ability to become softer or harder. So it can hold different types of heavy things.

In tests, scientists used three other strong materials(材料) made into the same webs. The spider thread was six times stronger than any other material. More surprisingly, when the scientists took away up to 10 percent of the threads from different places, the web didn’t become any weaker. Actually, it became up to 10 percent stronger.

The spider web’s clever design gives scientists many new ideas. The findings could help design safer buildings and even a new type of strong material. “It’s a really good chance,” said Markus Buehler, a professor at MIT. “It may give us some new ideas for engineering.”


1.According to the passage, the spider web is strong because .

a. the spider’s thread is sticky

b. the thread has a lot of strength

c. the web has a clever design

d. the web can keep the strength forever

A. ab B. ac C. bc D. bd

2.In paragraph 4, the scientists’ tests show that .

A. the spider’s thread is stronger than the other three materials

B. the spider’s thread is the strongest material in the world

C. the spider’s thread can be as soft or hard as it needs to be

D. taking away some spider thread makes the web weaker

3.From the last paragraph, we learn that .

A. people can use spider webs to build houses

B. the findings give people new ideas for buildings

C. there are many reasons why the spider web is so strong

D. Professor Buehler will make a new type of material

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.How spiders catch insects

B. How spiders design webs

C. Spiders are clever designers

D. Webs are stronger than steel



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都宜陵中学九年级上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.You must make a ____________(选择) from different kinds of ideas.

2.The dentist ___ ____ (建议) you to brush you teeth twice a day last week.

3.Was yellow once the colour of the rulers in ____________(古代的) China?

4.All the students are _____________(要求) to get to school on time.

5.Most teenagers think too much homework is one of the ____________(原因) of their stress.

6.Thanks for offering us so many ______________( value) suggestions.

7.It is much (health) to eat less and exercise more.

8.Think twice before you make important _____________(decide).

9.Beethove devoted all his lifetime to _______________(create) wonderful music.

10.Many accidents happened because of people’s ______________(care)



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都宜陵中学九年级上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Have you had a headache during a test? Have you ever been so worried about something that you have a headache or even can’t sleep at night? If so , then you know what stress is .

Stress is what you feel when you are worried about something . This worry is your mind can make your body feel bad . You may feel angry ,sad or afraid . All of these can give you a stomache or a headache .

However , there are different kinds of stress . Some kinds of stress are good and others are bad . Good stress might happen when you’re called to answer questions in class or when you have to give a speech . This kind of stress can help you to get things better done . For example , you may do a better job on your test if the stress pushes you to prepare better before the test .

On the other hand . bad stress can happen if the stress lasts too long . You may not feel well if your parents are fighting , if a family member is sick , if you’re having problems at school , or if anything else makes you unhappy every day . That kind of stress isn’t going to help you . And it can actually make you sick .

The best way to fight the stress is to have a balanced life . Make sure you keep yourself in mind : sleep ,exercise , leisure(休闲) and food . If you get enough sleep and eat properly , and if you exercise and leave time for fun , you’ll properly feel less stressed.

Face the stress

Meaning of stress

Stress is a ___1.__when you are worried about something.

Possible effect

You may feel uncomfortable in your__2.___and body.

Different kinds of stress

Good stress

★It might happen when you have to___3.___in public.

★It will be more__4.___ for you to do the job successfully

★It makes you__5.___better before doing the job

Bad stress

★It might happen if your stress__6.too long

★You may not feel well with the __7.___of a family member, problems at school or something that worries you every day

★It might stop you from getting your work well done

How to keep stress ____8._____

★Have a balanced life

★Have enough __9.____and have proper food

★Take exercise and have time to__10.____.




科目: 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都宜陵中学九年级上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. A boy, who had l 1. his left arm in a car accident, began his lessons with a Judo master(柔道大师). But after three months of hard t 2. , the master had taught him only one move. To know why, the boy asked, ‘Teacher, shouldn’t I be good enough to learn more moves besides this one only?’ ‘But this is the only one you’ll ever need to have.’ was the teacher’s a__3.____. Not quite understanding b 4. believing in his teacher, the boy continued.

Several months later, the master took the boy to his first c 5. . The boy easily won his first two matches. The third match seemed to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent(对手) became nervous and w 6. , the boy deftly(熟练地) used his one move to win the match.

This time his opponent was s 7. and more experienced. For a while the boy seemed weaker. The judge was about to stop the match. ‘ No .’ the teacher refused firmly (坚定地). The match went on. Just at this moment his opponent made a deadly m 8. . He dropped his guard when the boy gave him a sudden turnover: The boy was the final w 9. !

On the way home he was told why he could win: the only one known defense (防卫) for that most difficult move in Judo was for his opponent to take hold of his l 10. arm!



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都宜陵中学九年级上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达









科目: 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都宜陵中学九年级上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

你校学生会正在选举学生会(Students’ Union)主席。假设你是Li Ming,你觉得Daniel是合适人选。



Dear Mr Wang:

I’m writing to recommend Daniel as




In a word, he has all the qualities to be a good chairperson. We hope that you agree with us.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都宜陵中学八年级上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

People in Britain say “football” while people in the USA say ____.

A. American football B. soccer

C. rubber D. eraser



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都宜陵中学八年级上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The radio is broken. I don’t know ________next .

A.what to do B. how to do

C. what to do it D. why to do it



科目: 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州江都宜陵中学八年级上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Our teacher tells us ________ in the street.

A. not play B. not to play

C. to not play D. don't play


