 0  8503  8511  8517  8521  8527  8529  8533  8539  8541  8547  8553  8557  8559  8563  8569  8571  8577  8581  8583  8587  8589  8593  8595  8597  8598  8599  8601  8602  8603  8605  8607  8611  8613  8617  8619  8623  8629  8631  8637  8641  8643  8647  8653  8659  8661  8667  8671  8673  8679  8683  8689  8697  159627 

科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

          Dou Kou, a Chinese boy, has written 3 books now. And he is called " the youngest writer in the
          Dou Kou was born in Jiangsu Province in 1994. When he was 7 months old, his parentsstarted
working in more than 30 different cities, such as Xi'an, Shenzhen. This kind of life gave him things to think
and write about.
         When Dou Kou was 9 months old, he could speak and at the age of one, he could say five to six
hundred words. At 3, he could look up words in the dictionary. At 4, his father taught him to learn
something. His parents like reading very much. So does he. At the age of 5, he began writing fairy tales.
         His fairy tales are all from his life. One day, he found many mice in the house. They not only ate
their food but also hurt his mother's hand. So he thought, "If we give mice the stomachs of cows, they'll
eat grass and it'll be helpful to people. " This was his first fairy tale "Change Stomachs for Mice". At 6,
he wrote a novel about his own life in different cities with his parents.
       Now, he studies well in middle school. He has written his third book, the novel called "Eyes of
Childhood". He says, "I am not different from other children. I just wrote several books.
1. At the age of____________, Dou Kou finished writing 3 books.
A. 5
B. 6
2. Because of___________ , Dou Kou could write his books.
A. his mother
B. his father
C. his school life
D. his life experience
3. Dou Kou began to use a dictionary ____________.
A. when he was 9 months old
B. when he wrote his fairy tales
C. before his father taught him to study
D. after he went to school
4.The underlined sentences at the end of the passage show us that .
A. Dou Kou is not clever
B. Dou Kou is not confident
C. Dou Kou is not proud
D. Dou Kou is not serious
5. Which is the best title of this passage?

A. Three Books by A Child
B. How to Write Fairy Tales
C. Dou Kou, the youngest writer
D. Change Stomachs for Mice


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

    Chinese basketball player Wang Zhizhi returned home from the United States on the morning of April
10th after he had been expelled(除名)from the national team for four years.
    "It has been a long time. I am so glad to be coming back home," Wang told a CCTV reporter.
    Wang, the first Chinese to play in the National Basketball Association (NBA) when he joined the Dallas  in 2001, was welcomed by the Chinese basketball officials at he Beijing International Airport that morning.
    "I realized I had made a big mistake (for refusing to return when he was needed). I want to say sorry to my fans and to the Bayi team which trained me and gave me the chance to play in this time and win back
my place in the national team." Wang went on.
    "Wang Zhizhi won't play in the final competition of the CBA (Chinese Basketball Association) Because  he didn't register(注册)," said Zhang Bing, who works with the Bayi team.
1. Wang Zhizhi hasn't been a member of the national team ___________ .
A. for four years
B. since April 10
C. since 2001
D. for 5 years
2. Wang Zhizhi says sorry to his fans and the Bayi team because _________ .
A. he refused to return when he was needed
B. he left the Bayi team for America
C. he didn't play well when he was in China
D. Dallas didn't want to keep him
3. In this passage, "make up my fault" means ___________ in Chinese.
A. 表现出色
B. 弥补过失
C. 珍惜机会
D. 得到谅解
4. From the passage we know that _________.
A. Wang Zhizhi was not welcomed in Beijing
B. Wang Zhizhi was a reporter on sports before
C. every player must register before he plays in the competition of the CBA
D. the Chinese basketball officials didn't want Wang Zhizhi to come back home
5. Which is the test title for this passage?
A. Wang Zhizhi Feels Sorry
B. Wang Zhizhi in the Bayi Team
C. Wang Zhizhi Returns Home
D. Wang Zhizhi in the United States


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

    During his life Dr James Naismith worked as a doctor, taught P.E and wrote several books. While he
never thought it very important, Dr Naismith is today best known for one thing. He was the inventor of
    Dr James Naismith was born in Canada in 1861 and his first job was at a special sports school in the
USA. One day the school principal told James he was having a problem with the students. Because of
heavy snow, the students could not go outside. He told James that they needed a sport the boys could
play indoors and gave the teacher two weeks to think of something.
    It was on the very last day that James came up with his idea. The "birth of basketball" is said to be on
December 21, 1891, when two teams from the school played the first game. It was quite different from
the basketball  games of  today. It  had 9  players on  each  team and  footballs were used  instead  of
basketballs. Soon after, the game changed to 5 players on each side, using special "basketballs" through
    Although Dr Naismith did not live to see basketball become the worldwide game it is today, in 1936,
just three years before his death, basketball became an Olympic sport at the games in Berlin.
1. Which of the following things did Dr James Naismith NOT do?
A. Teach P.E in school.
B. Write some books.
C. Work at hospital.
D. Take part in the Olympic Games.
2. In which season did Dr Naismith invent basketball?
A. Summer.
B. Winter.
C. Spring.
D. Autumn.
3. Why is December 21 thought to be the birthday of basketball?
A. It was on this day that Dr Naismith came up with his idea for basketball.
B. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was born.
C. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was asked by his boss to invent a new game.
D. It was on this day that the first game of basketball was played.
4. At the time of Dr Naismith's death, which of the following was true?
A. Basketball was already a worldwide game.
B. Basketball was played with 9 players on each side.
C. Basketball was an Olympic sport.
D. Basketball was still played using footballs.
5. What would be the best title for this story?
A. History of Basketball
B. How Basketball Has Changed
C. Father of Basketball
D. Happy Birthday, Basketball


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     (1)Da Shan, a Canadian, is  perhaps China's most famous foreigner.  He  speaks  Chinese well. He
was born in 1965. He (2)started to  learn  Chinese  when he studied at Toronto University. In order to
remember  more  Chinese words,   (3) wrote ,he, them ,often , on, cards, down , small .  But he would
only memorize words he met with while reading, listening or talking in the following two weeks. "There's
no use learning words that don't appear often,"he said. "And the best way to learn a foreign language is
to keep using it and understand the culture behind it, Or you'll forget everything quickly."
     Da Shan says it is important to get into the language environment. (4)has helped him learn not only
the words, but also the country and its people.
 What does Da Shan think is the best way to learn a foreign language? 


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     The youngest international player
     The youngest international player was an 8-year-old table tennis player from Jamaica. Her name was
 Joy  Forster. She wan the Jamaican table tennis champion in 1985 and she played in the Jamaican
  international  team that year.

     The most popular sport
     Yes, you guessed right! The most popular team game in the world is football. People play football in
  villages, streets and stadiums all over the world. The most famous football competition is the World Cup.
  It happens every four years. In the past, football was a game just for men, but now half the countries in
 the world have an international women's team, too. The first Women's World Cup was in 1991.
1. Joy Forster was _____ table tennis player in the world.
    A. the youngest         
    B. the best        
    C. the most popular      
    D. the oldest
2. She played _____ .
    A. tennis                  
    B. for her country
    C. against Jamaica              
    D. football
3. People play football in _____ .
    A. villages        
    B. streets          
    C. stadiums        
    D. A, B and C  
4. The World Cup _____ .
    A. is held every year
    B. is well-known all over the world
    C. is a game just for men now          
    D. is a game just for students
5. There was no World Cup for women players _____  1991.
    A. before     
    B. in          
    C. after    
    D. to


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, Jeff had cancer (癌症). Doctors had to cut off
  most of his right leg.
     Every day Jeff puts on an artificial leg (假腿). With the plastic artificial leg Jeff can ride a bicycle, swim,
  and play soccer. He can also run.
     Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs, too. They decided to run across America.
     When he was 22 years old, Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west. He
 started running in Boston. Seven months later, he stopped running in Los Angeles. He ran 3,200 miles.
 Jeff stopped in cities on the way to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money. The money was
  not for Jeff, but for the American Cancer Society.
     Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things. He is studying to be a lawyer (律师). Jeff says, "People can
  do anything they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran not only for disabled people. I ran for
1. Jeff's right leg was cut off because he had _____.
    A. TB(肺结核)          
    B. an accident
    C. cancer             
    D. a serious injury
2. From the passage we know that Boston is _____.
    A. in the west              
    B. half between the east and west
    C. near Los Angeles           
    D. in the east
3. It took Jeff _____ to run from Boston to Los Angeles.
    A. about four and a half months    
    B. over two hundred days
    C. almost twenty-five weeks      
    D. less than half a year
4. The underlined word "disabled" means _____.
    A. 优秀的                  
    B. 劳累的
    C. 残疾的                  
    D. 无能为力的
5. The fifth passage tells us that _____.
    A. people should give him more money
    B. people can do anything they want to do
    C. some disabled men will become lawyers  
    D. disabled people also can run


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     Confucius _1_ (be) born on September 28, 551BC. Chinese regard Confucius as the greatest thinker
and also the _2__ (great) teacher. He __3____ (have) about 3,000 students. For more than 2,000 years,
Confucius' ideas __4___   (be) around in people's everyday life.  Now they __5__ (go) far into east and
south Asia. People can still hear __6___ (they) today.
     Why _7__ (be) his ideas so popular?  Because they help a lot in everyday life.  Confucius _8___(say)
young people _9__(take)care of the old. People should give up _10____ (think) of __11____ (they) and
work for others. As a great teacher, Confucius said all should go to school if they _12_ (can).
1. __________ 2. _________ 3. __________ 4. __________5. __________
6. __________7. __________ 8. __________9. __________10. __________
11. __________ 12. __________


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Thomas Edison made more than 1,000 inventions in his life. (A) 他的许多发明已经改变了世界.  
His first invention was a vote recorder (投票记录器) in 1869. This machine allowed people to place a
vote by pressing a button instead of saying "Yes" or "No" . (B)H_____,American  government  officials
did not like Edison' s invention because they preferred to call out their votes.
     Then Edison started  a  company   with  his friend,  Franklin Pope.  (C) was , morning , night , busy ,
until , Edison , from , early , late.
As a result of hard work, he invented telegraph to print the price of gold
and silver . He sold it to Western Union Company for $ 15,000.
     With some of the money Edison started his own company. Next he invented a stock ticker. (D) This
machine   was   used  to record   the   price of stocks (股票)in New York .
Western Union paid Edison
$ 40,000 for this invention.
     Edison used this money to open a shop in Newark in the state of New Jersey. In 1875, Edison and
his family moved to Menlo Park in the same state. There he built his own laboratory.
5.:Which state of America does Menlo Park belong to(属于) ?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       Yao Ming was born in China in 1980. In his last season with the Shanghai Sharks, he scored 32.4
points per game. Now the big man from China is helping the Houston Rockets in the NBA. He is the
son of two great basketball players and learnt how to play basketball when he was young. Now, as one
of the stars in the NBA, he is working hard to make his dream come true and show the world that Chinese basketball players love this game too

       Pele was a football player that everyone knew. He was born in Brazil (巴西)in 1940. He started
playing for Santos when he was only 16 and he didn’t stop playing until 1977, He played for Brazil
111 times and he scored 97 international goals. Pele came from a poor family. He started playing football
in the street, like many people around the world do. He was soon picked to play for Santos and quickly
became an international figure.

       Steffi Graf was born in Germany in 1969. She won the tennis semi-final (半决赛) at Wimbledon in
1985 when she was only 16, but she lost the final to another great tennis player, Martina Navratilova.
People were surprised by the strength and power of her game. She soon became a famous tennis player
and she has won most of the main matches several times.
1. In the passage, ______ is the youngest player.
A. Pele    
B. Yao Ming      
C. Steffi Graf    
D. Martina Navratilova
2. ______ comes from South America.
A. Pele      
B. Yao Ming    
C. Steffi Graf    
D. No one
3. Which of the following is RIGHT?
A. Yao Ming is a table tennis player.
B. Yao Ming is on the Houston Rockets now.
C. Yao Ming’s parents are not basketball players.
D. Yao Ming is playing for the Chinese Football Team.
4. Which of the following is WRONG?
A. Pele was born in a poor family.
B. Pele was a great football player.
C. Pele played football in the street all his life.
D. Pele became famous soon after he was picked to play for Santos.
5. From the passage, we know that ______.
A. Steffi Graf was born in Wimbledon in 1985.
B. Martina Navratilova was also a tennis player
C. Steffi Graf won the tennis final when she was only 16
D. Steffi Graf has won few of the main matches since 1985.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Who is the most popular actor in China today? Many people would say Zhu Yuchen. When he was
just young, he showed that he had artistic talent by playing the piano, singing, dancing and so on. He first
appeared on the screen in 1994.  At the age of 23 ,  he graduated from the Department of Acting in the
Central Academy of Drama.
     Zhu Yuchen became popular after he acted in the TV series Starting From Scratch, ( as Hua Zi) , and
quickly became far more famous in another TV series Who To Decide My Youth, ( as Fang Yu).  Zhu
Yuchen is really a very outstanding talent among young actors. He's 1.79 meters tall, and was born on
February 27, 1979. Do you believe that handsome Zhu Yuchen can also play the piano and sing very
well? If he weren't so busy with the performance work, he might have been an excellent singer. Go and
search on the Internet yourself, and then you will find that he has already released over 10 albums. In
short, Zhu Yuchen's music talent and strong character have impressed or will impress us a lot.
(     )l. Zhu Yuchen showed his artistic talent by playing the guitar, singing, dancing and so on.
(     )2. He graduated from the Department of Acting in the Central Academy of Drama in 2003.
(     )3. Zhu Yuchen acted the young man named Hua Zi in the TV series Starting From Scratch.
(     )4. He has already released less than 10 albums.
(     )5. The writer doesn't think Zhu Yuchen's music talent and strong character have impressed or will
impress him a lot.

