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科目: 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都七中实验学校八年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



Are you looking for something interesting? Would you like to help other people when you're free? Then join us to be a volunteer (志愿者)! You can enjoy yourself and help others at the same time!

Driver :You must be between 20 and 40 years old. You should take the sick (生病的) children to school every day. After school, you should drive them home.

Teacher: If you're a lady, you can become a teacher. You should be good at singing and drawing. You should look after children after school, give them some classes or wait with them for their parents. Your age must be between 20 and 30.

Animals' friend: Do you love animals? You can become animals' friend by looking after dogs and cats with no homes. Animals' friend can be a man or a woman, but he or she should be between 25 and 30 years old.

1.It is fun and helpful to be a volunteer.

2.The driver should drive the sick children to and from school.

3.The teacher must be good at singing and dancing.

4.Animals' friend should look after sick animals.

5.Each man and each woman can be animals' friend.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都七中实验学校八年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mr Smith just opened a small restaurant. To attract (吸引)People, he put up a notice (通知) in front of the restaurant. It said, "Meals on the house for three days."

The next day, a foreign student passed by the restaurant. He didn't know much English. It was lunch time and he felt very hungry. He walked to the restaurant and saw the notice. "American people are really funny; They even have dinners on the house! But how can I get up to the top of the house?" He said to himself.

He looked around and found a ladder (梯子). But when he reached the top, he heard someone shouting at him, "Hey! What are you doing up there?"

"Doesn't your notice say 'Meals on the house for three days'? Is it just a joke?" the foreign student asked.

When people heard this, they all laughed, "Do you know what that means? It means all the food here is free these days."

1.Mr Smith put a notice in front of the restaurant, because .

A. he wanted to make a joke on people

B. he wanted more people to have meals there

C. he wanted to make the restaurant more beautiful

2.What did the foreign student think of American people?

A. Friendly. B. Funny. C. Outgoing.

3.The foreign student climbed to the top of the house in order to .

A. make a joke B. have lunch C. use the ladder

4.How did the foreign student get to the top of the house?

A. He used a ladder.

B. He used the notice.

C. He jumped.

5."Meals on the house" in the passage probably means .

A. serving meals only on the house

B. eating something special on the top of the house

C. you can eat meals but pay nothing for them


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都七中实验学校八年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Americans love cars. They have more than 250 million (百万) cars ---about one car for every 1.2 people. But these cars cause (引起) too much air pollution. Even children know that cars need gas (汽油) to run. If there is no gas, today's cars will become tomorrow's about the cars in the future, they usually think of hydrogen (氢气) cars, electric (电的) cars and flying cars.

Hydrogen cars might be the cars of the future. They don't cause pollution and the hydrogen turns into water after it is used. The first hydrogen car was made by Honda. It was very expensive and didn't run very far.

There are some electric cars on the market, but they can't run very far or very fast. In the future, there will be a lot of electric cars on the road. When the batteries (电池) are better and cheaper, electric cars will become more popular.

There will be another kind of car --- flying cars. They will be able to run in the air. But now there is only one company, MDI, making this kind of car.

1.We can know from the text that there are about _ people in American.

A. 250 million B. 300 million C. 208 million

2. Hydrogen turns into after it is used.

A. water B. air C. gas

3.Which of the following is TRUE about electric cars?

A. They can run fast but not very far.

B. They are very popular with people now.

C. They are still too expensive for people to buy.

4.How many kinds of cars are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two B. Three C. Four

5. What is the best title for the text?

A. Cars in the future.

B. Americans and cars.

C. Air pollution.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都七中实验学校八年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


A: Peter, what are you going to be when you 1. up?

B: I want to be a cook.

A: It sounds interesting. Can you tell me the 2. why you want to be a cook?

B: Because I like delicious food. If I am a cook, I will enjoy more nice food.

A: 3. are you going to do that?

B: I am going to take a cooking class after high school.

A: But to be a cook is very 4. , because you have to work for long hours a day.

B: I don't need to 5. about that.

A: Why not?

B: I will buy a robot to 6. me with cooking. They will never get bored.

A: That's a good idea. I wonder 7. you can cook now.

B: Yes, but not too many. I can just make some 8. meals, like dumplings and noodles.

A: Dumplings? It's my 9. . I like them so much.

B: Really? Can you come to my house 10. dinner this evening? I will make some dumplings for you.

A: It's so great. I must come to enjoy them.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都七中实验学校八年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空


It’s necessary for parents to teach your kids to cook from an early age. I believe you will 1. with what I say. However, you also need to 2. that part of teaching your kids to cook is teaching them about the ingredients (材料).

One of the best ways you teach them about ingredients is to take them to go shopping with you. I know it won't always be 3. to do so. Maybe you have to spend some money 4. your crying kids the big model car, because you don't want 5. people to look at you.

For one thing, it's great to let your kids see what food looks like in its 6. state (状态). I don't mean seeing cows and chickens 7. around (though that is good, too). I mean that they can see fruit, meat and vegetables before you 8. them up or make them become dishes.

In fact, if you live near a farmers' market, you can take your kids shopping with you there. At the farmers' market, your kids can talk to the people who grow the food. At 9. , it will make your kids see whole (整个的) pineapples (菠萝), but not 10. yellow rings with the hole in the middle.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都七中实验学校八年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


Hello, my name is Peter. I am a 14--year--old boy. 1. I want to write down my ideas and feelings to my life.

I want to be a writer, as a free professional (专职的) writer. 2. I just want to interest myself and enjoy doing itself.

I want to be a writer, but I don't have enough knowledge. I know little about everything, which is the key of becoming a writer. 3. And I also have got some experience (经验) from the reading. How I wish I could spend more time in reading and teaching by myself. 4.

I like those great writers. They always went into their own inside world to make people love their life or the outside world. 5. I will study hard and read more books so that I can become a writer like them.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都七中实验学校八年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Robots are coming into every aspect (方面 ) of our lives. There are mainly three kinds of robots.

There are factory robots, like the robots that put together parts in the car factory. Then there are the service robots that do jobs for humans, like Roomba, the robot household cleaner that is popular in the US now. The third kind is field (领域) robots, for example, some robots are made to work in some hard environments and many robots are already servicing our mines (矿藏) and farms.

"Many people think that robots should look like human, but that's wrong. Most robots are built into machines. Anything that can move by itself is a robot." says a robot specialist (专家) Jonathon Roberts.

Already we have tractors (拖拉机) that can drive themselves, underground trucks that can work by themselves for mining, and robots that can work underwater. Starbug, an underwater robot, is widely used (广泛使用 ) now. It can go into water on its own and come back after collecting information, and it has cameras to take pictures. It only weighs about 25kg, so one person can take it and put it in a suitcase.

Claude Sammut is a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of New South Wales. He says the future for field robots is great. For example, people are making 'smarter' cars. Some car factories are trying to make special cars that can drive itself when the driver falls asleep.

Types of robots

● 1. --- robots work in factories.

●2. ---robots do jobs for human at home.

● Field robots--- robots work in different fields, for example, in 3.

like mines and under water.

4. robots

● 5. a household cleaner

●Starbug -- a(n) 6. with cameras on it; can go off and 7. on

its own; only weighs about 25kg

8. of some specialists

●Jonathon Roberts -- It's wrong to think that robots should 9. .

Robots are 10. and anything that can move by itself is a robot.

● Claude Sammut -- The future for field robots is great. Cars can drive

itself in the future.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都七中实验学校八年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


改革开放后,我们的生活正在发生日新月异的变化,请你以“My life in 20 years”为题,写一篇80词左右的文章,大胆设想你20年后的学习生活情况。文章开头已经给出,但不计入总数。

My life in 20 years

Now our life is different every day. I think life will be much better in 20 years.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻王卜庄镇初级中学八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


1.Mum asked me (not play)near the train station.

2.Look!There is a monkey (sit)in the tree.

3.I think English is as (important)as match..

4.Jane (fall)off the tree last week.

5.One (five)of the girls are in red.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻王卜庄镇初级中学八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

How about_________out for a walk,mum?

A.go B.going C.to go D.goes

