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科目: 来源:江苏期末题 题型:阅读理解

    The 2.26-metre-tall Yao Ming made his NBA start on October 23,2002 and got 6 points for Houston Rockets
in the game. The next day, he won 13 points in another game.
    Yao Ming said, "When you watch it on TV, it is very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA, it is really
difficult. I hope that through very hard work I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more
games," he said.
    Yao Ming speaks some English. Both he and his teammates can understand each other. They don't think there
is language problem. While Yao Ming tries to face the new challenge, Houston has showed great interest in him
and they hope Yao Ming will bring new energy to the Rockets. The team has started lessons about China. Many
people who work for the Rockets have learned to speak some Chinese.
1. On October 23,2002, Yao Ming played his ________ game in the NBA.
[     ]
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
2. Yao Ming won _______ points in the first two games for Houston Rockets.
[     ]
A. 6
B. 13
C. 19
D. 23
3. Yao Ming thinks that ________.
[     ]
A. it is boring to play basketball
B. playing in the NBA is difficult
C. it is difficult to watch NBA games on TV
D. he is an NBA star
4. From the passage we can learn that ________.
[     ]
A. Yao Ming will work hard for his team
B. Yao Ming often watches TV
C. Yao Ming is the best player in the team
D. the Rockets has lost several games
5. What do you think the passage probably is?
[     ]
A. An advertisement (广告).
B. A notice.
C. An instruction.
D. A news report.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     A coal mine gas explosion (瓦斯爆炸) yesterday morning in Tongchuan, Shanxi Province in Northwest
China, killed five miners (矿工) and left  1  missing.
     The explosion took place in the Chenjiashan Coal Mine in Tongchuan at about 7:10 a.m. yesterday,  2  
293 miners were working underground. People above ground saw thick smoke  3  out of a mine at about
7:30 when communication underground was  4  . Shortly after the accident, President Hu Jintao gave
instructions urging (督促) the local government and departments   5  their best to save the  6   miners.
     It was about 8000 metres from  7  the workplace where the explosion took place. It was very difficult
to save those trapped miners. By 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, 127 out of the 293 workers working there when the
explosion took place were brought up. Five were dead, and another 166  8 . An officer said  9  there is no
air in the underground area where the missing miners are, it is  10  for them to have survived.
(     ) 1. A. 166 others    
(     ) 2. A. after         
(     ) 3. A. comes         
(     ) 4. A. got off       
(     ) 5. A. tried         
(     ) 6. A. trapping      
(     ) 7. A. the entrance of
(     ) 8. A. were missed   
(     ) 9. A. since         
(     ) 10. A. possible     
B. another 166   
B. before         
B. was coming    
B. put off       
B. to try        
B. were trapping 
B. the entrance to
B. missing       
B. while         
B. impossible    
C. 166 the other
C. when        
C. coming      
C. cut off     
C. to try to   
C. trapped     
C. the way to  
C. were missing
C. because of  
C. unpossible  
D. the other 166
D. since        
D. came         
D. taken off    
D. tried to     
D. were trapped 
D. the way of   
D. to miss      
D. as                                  
D. possiblely   


科目: 来源:北京模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     As many as one in five US teenagers have some degree of hearing loss (丧失), according to researchers.
They say the problem is growing.
     "Teenagers really don't pay attention to how much noise they are exposed to (接触)," Josef Shargorodsky
of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston told Reuters."Often people won't notice it, but even very little
hearing loss may influence language development," said Shargorodsky, one of the researchers.
     The study compared surveys from the early 1990s and the mid-2000s. Each included a few thousand
teenagers. In the first survey, about 15 percent of teenagers had some degree of hearing loss. Some 15 years
later, that number had risen by a third, to nearly 20 percent.
     "This certainly is big news," said Alison Grimes, an ear doctor."Hearing loss is very common in old people,"
Grimes said, but she added that it was worrying to see it happen in the younger age group.
     In babies and young children, hearing problems are known to slow language development. The science is
less clear for teenagers, but it is easy to imagine how being hard of hearing could influence learning, said
     The reasons for the rise are still unclear. When researchers asked teenagers about noise exposure on the
job, at school or from activities, for example—the teenagers didn't report any change. But Shargorodsky said
that might not be true."We know from before that it is difficult to ask this age group about noise exposure—
they underestimate it." Few people would call it noise when they listen to music on their MP3 player, for
example. "There is a difference between what we think is loud and what is harmful to the ear," said Grimes.
     Although it's not clear that the MP3 players cause teenagers' hearing loss, Grimes said it was still a good
idea to turn down the sound and take short breaks from listening.
1. The writer advises teenagers _____.
A. to turn the sound down
B. to stop using MP3 players
C. to be clear about the problem
D. to report the change in hearing loss
2. The underlined sentence "they underestimate it" means _____.
A. their love for music prevent them realizing the harm
B. their hearing loss is happening without being noticed
C. they think music can be taken as noise to some degree
D. they think it's harmful sometimes although it's not loud
3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Hearing loss may lead to slow language development.
B. Hearing loss in old people is as common as in young people.
C. Researchers have already found some causes of hearing loss.
D. Teenagers know MP3 is harmful, but they can't stop listening to it.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A. A word short and simple
B. A report by teenagers
C. A message loud and clear
D. A letter from MP3 users


科目: 来源:北京模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Recently, an Internet game has become popular among young office workers and students. On the
Internet people can "farm" on a piece of "land" and "grow", "sell" or even "steal" "vegetables","flowers" and
"fruits". They can make some e-money and buy more "seeds"," pets" and even "houses". Of course, all those
are not true, you know, they are on the net!
     I interviewed some young people. Here are their opinions.
     A parent says she doesn't quite understand why they are so mad about the childish games. Maybe they
are just not confident enough to face the real world.
     Many junior high school children say they enjoy putting some "bugs" in her friends "gardens" and they've
become closer because of the game. Having fun together is the most exciting thing.
     Most young office workers think their work is too much for them and wish to relax for a while. Besides,
it gives them the exciting experience of being a "thief".
     But almost all the teachers say it's just a waste of time. Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours
on it that they can not pay attention to their study.
1. Is it true that the Internet game has become popular?
2. Who enjoy the game better, young people or old people? 
3. Why do junior high school students like playing the game? 
4. Why do parents and teachers dislike the game? 
5. What is the writer's purpose of telling us that? 


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

                    Huang Xiaoming
     Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming visited the panda base (据点) in Sichuan province.
      During his visit, Huang put on a keeper's suit
and tried cutting bamboo, cleaning cages and feeding the pandas.
      Huang also adopted a pair of panda twins with
a gift of one million yuan.
                     Angelina Jolie
     Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie can do all
kinds of things on screen. It looks like she's good
at everything, shooting, fighting and killing. But
there's one thing she's afraid of-cooking. The
33-year-old actress says she was never able to
master cooking skills. "I don't cook-it's the one
thing I can't do!" she says.
                   Chen Luyu
     Chinese hostess Chen Luyu is famous for her
popular talk show. She set up an online version
(版本) of her show at Sina.com.
     People have grown tired of Chen's show,
especially her habit  of constantly (经常的) asking
guests, "really?".
     But the producer of the show supports Chen.
"She's one of the few Chinese hosts who knows
how to control (控制) her desire (愿望) to express
herself and let the guests speak freely in an
1. What kind of animals does Huang Xiaoming like?
A. Pandas.
B. Monkeys.
C. Tigers.
D. Lions.
2. Which is TRUE about Angelina Jolie?
A. She is good at everything.
B. She can't shoot well.
C. She can't cook by herself.
D. She can cook well.
3. Why have people grown tired of Chen Luyu's show according to the passage?
A. Because she isn't famous for her talk show.
B. Because she set up an online version of talk show.
C. Because she has the habit of constantly asking, "Really?".
D. Because she likes to express herself.
4. What does the underlined word "adopt" mean in the first paragraph?
A. 批准
B. 继承
C. 采纳
D. 收养
5. We can know from the passage that _______.
A. Angelina Jolie is a shy actress
B. Chen Luyu isn't famous any more
C. Huang Xiaoming is a kind man
D. All the three stars are Chinese


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

TOKYO—The biggest earthquake to hit Japan in 140 years struck the northeast coast on March
11, causing a 10-metre tsunami (海啸) that swept away everything in its path, including houses,
cars and farm buildings on fire, media and witnesses said.
BEIJING—The milk products made on the Chinese mainland are safe, Wei Chao'an, vice-minister
of agriculture, said on Saturday, March 12, trying to reduce worries of Chinese parents who buy
milk powder for babies overseas.
BEIJING—Premier Wen Jiabao said that it is not easy to achieve a high-quality and efficient
annual (年度的) growth rate of seven percent during the 2011-2015 period, while meeting the
press after the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing
on March 14.
1. What happened in the northeast of Japan?
A. The biggest earthquake happened there.
B. Media and witnesses fired farm buildings.
C. Japanese people bought milk powder overseas.
D. People held the 11th National People's Congress.
2. How does Wei Chao'an think of the milk products made on the Chinese mainland?
A. Unsafe.
B. Worried.
C. Safe.
D. Believable.
3. What did Premier Wen Jiabao say to the press?
A. It's easy to achieve 7% growth.
B. It's difficult to achieve 7% growth.
C. The milk products made in China is safe.
D. The tsunami swept away everything in Japan.


科目: 来源:0111 模拟题 题型:阅读理解

China Online
       First Road Tunnel* Opened
China's first road tunnel opened to traffic
in Hubei Province.Travel time between
Wuchang and Hankou is now seven minutes.
Fun Story
                 A Dog Surfer
Harvey is a good surfer. He began to
play in the water with his owners after
being born. He has become a star now.
Special Report
       Pleasant Goat And Big Big Wolf 
Chinese cartoon "Pleasant Goat And Big Big Wolf"
has been popular with children these days. It is a
home-made cartoon. …
Around the World
         Traveling Around The World
An Englishman named Sam Field finished
traveling around the earth. During the trip,
he rode through 23 countries. …
1. Where has the first road tunnel in China been built?
A. In Zhejiang.
B. In Hubei.
C. In Wuchang.
D. In Hankou.
2. Which of the report will I probably read if I'm planning to travel all over the world?
A. First Road Tunnel Opened
B. A Dog Surfer
C. Pleasant Goat And Big Big Wolf
D. Traveling Around The World
3. Where can we see the report above?
A. In a textbook.
B. In a cookbook.
C. In a newspaper.
D. In a sports magazine.


科目: 来源:广东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Sharks frighten most of us, but Daniel Weaver, a shark scientist, swims with them for a living! We
asked him some questions about this unusual job.
     So Daniel, what's it like to be a shark scientist?
     Well, it's a great job. I often travel to faraway places like South Africa and Fiji to study sharks. On the
other hand, a shark scientist sometimes does boring desk work, such as writing reports. Also, shark scientists
don't usually get paid a lot.
     What qualities (品质) do you need to become a shark scientist?
     Shark scientists need to be wise and strong. They enjoy working outdoors and they have to be cool and
patient (耐心). They also have to be quite brave!
      So do you think it's a dangerous job?
      Well, sharks have up to 15 rows of sharp teeth. However, sharks hardly attack (攻击) humans. There are
over 350 kinds of sharks in the world and only about 10 are dangerous to us. In fact, dogs kill more people
every year than sharks! Humans kill over 12 million sharks a year for food and sport!
      How do you become a shark scientist?
      A shark scientist usually studies Marine Science or Zoology at university. It's also good to get some work
experience in an aquarium (水族馆). In my opinion, I have the best job in the world!
1. _______ questions were asked about Daniel's unusual job.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
2. As a shark scientist, Daniel _______.
A. studies sharks in his neighbourhood
B. makes lots of money
C. swims with sharks for a living
D. only writes reports on sharks
3. In Daniel's opinion, one needs to be _______ to become a shark scientist.
A. ①②③④
B. ①③④⑤
C. ②③④⑤
D. ①②④⑤
3. The underlined "Marine Science" and "Zoology" must be two _______ at university.
A. subjects
B. books
C. scientists
D. prizes
4. From the passage we can know that _______.
A. sharks are likely to attack humans
B. dogs are as dangerous as sharks to humans
C. sharks are not dangerous to humans at all
D. humans do more harm to sharks than sharks do to humans


科目: 来源:江西省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Welcome to the Amazing kids Website! Here you can read about clever children all over the world.
     Gina, who is thirteen years old, got first prize in the "Young Cook of the Year" competition and is now
writing her own recipe (烹饪) book for kids. "I want it to be fun to read and easy enough for children to use,"
she says. Gina learned by observing (观察) her father, who's also good at cooking, in the kitchen. She wants
to encourage other children to cook because"everyone needs to eat, so it's a skill that will always be useful!"
     Fourteen-year-old Bren used to love running until he had a serious car accident three years ago. He lost part
of one leg and didn't even expect to walk again. Now he's an athlete who has recently completed a marathon.
"After my accident I wanted to give up," he says. "But now I'm happy to be alive and able to continue running."
    Helga has always been good at science, but she thought it was too difficult to become an inventor. Then
she heard about an accident that had happened when a car hit a train in her town. "That gave me an idea,"
says the clever sixteen-year-old girl. It took her over a year to invent a special machine that tells car drivers
when a train is coming. One company is already interested in selling it, so it may be in the shops soon!
1. How is Gina trying to encourage other children to cook?
A. By observing her father.
B. By writing a recipe book for kids.
C. By giving them delicious food to eat.
D. By getting first prize in the competition.
2. Why is it surprising that Bren is an athlete?
A. Because he can' t walk.
B. Because he lost part of one leg.
C. Because he gave up running.
D. Because he used to love running.
3. Which of the following is true about Helga?
A. She saw a car hit a train in her town.
B. She sold special machines to car drivers.
C. She invented a special machine for car drivers.
D. It is impossible for her to become an inventor.
4. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A. Amazing Kids, Special Abilities
B. How to Be a Good Student
C. Different People, Different Ideas
D. How to Get Living Skills


科目: 来源:浙江省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Welcome to our TV show On the Go. Today we are going to talk about an exciting sport-sailing. First
let's talk to Sue, an 18-year-old girl who loves sailing.
Host: When did you start sailing, Sue?
Sue: I started sailing when I was 15 years old.
Host: Is it a difficult sport to learn?
Sue: Yes, it is more difficult than any other sport. For example,you need to learn about the wind
       directions (方向) and how to move the sails in the right way.
Host: How often do you go sailing?
Sue: I go sailing with my father every weekend.
Host: How far do you go sailing?
Sue: It depends on the wind.
Host: OK. Thank you,Sue. Good luck with your sailing.
     Are you interested in sailing after hearing the interview?
     If you want to learn sailing, here is a chance for you.The Water Sports Center will organize sailing
lessons. Each lesson will cost you ¥20 and there are 5 lessons altogether (总共).
1. What does Sue think of learning sailing?
A. Easy.
B. Boring.
C. Difficult.
D. Dangerous.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Sue always sails very far.
B. Sue goes sailing every weekend.
C. Sue goes sailing with her friends.
D. Sue started sailing at the age of 18.
3. If you want to learn sailing at the Water Sports Center,how much will you pay?
A. ¥15.
B. ¥20.
C. ¥50.
D. ¥100.

