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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     School education is important and useful (有用的). Yet no one can learn everything at school and
a teacher can't teach his students everything they want to know. His job is to show his students how to
learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So much more is to be learned (被学) outside
school by (被) the students themselves.
      It is always more important to know how to study by oneself  (自学). It is quite easy to learn
something, but it's difficult to use it to solve (解决) problems. Great inventors (发明家) do not get
everything from school, but they can still invent (发明) many things and change the world a lot.
      How can the inventors do all of this? One of the answers is : they know how to study. A lot of things
are not learnt in the classroom. They get a lot of knowledge (知识) by reading outside school. They
work hard and never give up (放弃) all their lives.
1. It's the most important for us _______ at school.
A. to learn how to learn      
B  to learn everything
C. to learn to read          
D. to learn to write
3. To learn something is _______ than to use it to solve (解决) problems.
A. easy      
B. easier      
C. more difficult    
D. not easy
3. Which of the following statements is true?
A. School education is not very useful.
B. Teachers can teach us everything.
C. Teacher's job is to show the students how to learn.
D. Teachers can teach us nothing.
4. What can you learn from this passage?
A. At school we should study hard and learn how to learn.
B. At school we needn't study hard because we get a lot of knowledge outside school.
C. School education isn't very important.  
D. We don't need any teachers.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       Do you know Venus (金星)? Of the eight planets Venus is the nearest one to us. Venus was the
Roman goddess of love and beauty. In Greek her name was Aphrodite. Venus and the Earth are almost
the same size, and you would weigh almost the same on both planets. If you were 70 pounds on Earth
you would be 63 pounds on Venus.
     Venus is an "unfriendly" planet. Because of its thick cloud, you can't see the surface (表面). In many
ways Venus is like the Earth. It has active volcanoes (火山), mountains and valleys, too. But Venus is
too hot for life. It has the hottest temperature of the planets in our solar system, about 480?Besides,
the Earth lets heat out through volcanoes, hot springs, but Venus lets heat out in a different way. Venus
has no moons. Scientists call Venus the Earth's sister planet because Venus and the Earth are almost the
same size. For a long time most scientists thought that Venus probably had plants, animals, and possibly
even human beings. However, because Venus is so hot, it is impossible for anything to live there.
1. Aphrodite is the goddess of ____ in Greek.
A. danger and thought
B. love and beauty  
C. beauty and danger
D. love and thought
2. If you are 60kg on Earth, you will be about _____ on Venus.
A. 20kg  
B. 54kg
C. 63kg  
D. 70kg
3. Why is Venus an "unfriendly" planet?
A. It's the nearest planet to us.
B. It's almost the same size as the Earth.
C. People can't see it clearly from the outside.
D. Anything can't live there.
4. Which one is NOT right according to the passage?
A. The Earth and Venus are similar in size.
B. Both the Earth and Venus have active volcanoes.
C. The surface of Venus is much hotter than that of the Earth.
D. Venus has the same way to let heat out as the Earth.
5. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. Planets Around Us
B. Life on Other Planets
C. The Story of Venus
D. The Introduction to Venus


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

      We have two new students    l   our class. Their   2   are Lucy and Lily. They are twins (双胞胎).
They look the same (一样). They   3   American. They are    4   the same row. This is a picture   5   our
classroom. This is   6   desk and that is    7   chair.  Where are   8  _ bags? They are behind the chairs.
Look!    9   that under the chair. Is it a hat?   10   , it's a cat.
(     )1. A. at    
(     )2. A. name  
(     )3. A. are  
(     )4. A. at    
(     )5. A. in    
(     )6. A. Lily  
(     )7. A. Lucy  
(     )8. A. their
(     )9. A. What's
(     )10. A. Yes  
B. in    
B. names
B. is    
B. in    
B. of    
B. Lily's
B. Lucy's
B. your  
B. What  
B. No    
C. of    
C. name's
C. do    
C. on    
C. for    
C. Lucy  
C. Lily  
C. her    
C. Where's
C. yes    
D. on    
D. names'
D. can  
D. of    
D. on    
D. Lucys                                       
D. Lucys
D. my    
D. Where
D. no    


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:完形填空

     Wild animals are important to us. They  1  together with us on the earth. If there are no   2  on the
earth, we   3  will not live on. So we should take good care of them. But some people  4  don't know
the importance of protecting them. They kill wild animals for  5 and other things. Every day many wild
animals are killed. So lots of them have died out. We can't see   6  any more. Today wild animals are
becoming fewer and   7 . If people don't protect them, they will die out. If this   8  , there will be no
animals left on the earth.
       9  , many children have begun to know the importance of protecting wild animals. They ask   10  to
stop killing them. They also teach others about the importance of protecting them. Now many countries
  11   some laws to protect them   12   stop people from killing them. Protecting wild animals is the 
 13  of each of us. We should do our best   14  them, because protecting them is protecting  15  .
(     )1.A. play    
(     )2.A. animals  
(     )3.A. as well as
(     )4.A. real    
(     )5.A. water    
(     )6.A. it      
(     )7.A. less    
(     )8.A. goes on  
(     )9.A. Lucky    
(     )10.A. the other
(     )11.A. have made
(     )12.A. but    
(     )13.A. rule    
(     )14.A. to feed
(     )15.A. myself  
B. come        
B. plants      
B. always      
B. very much    
B. food        
B. they        
B. fewest      
B. comes on    
B. Luckily      
B. another      
B. had made    
B. or          
B. life        
B. looking after
B. ourselves    
C. live      
C. people    
C. also      
C. hardly    
C. fruit      
C. them      
C. more      
C. moves on       
C. Unlucky    
C. others    
C. make      
C. and       
C. work      
C. to take care
C. yourselves
D. go          
D. trees      
D. either      
D. still      
D. vegetables  
D. its        
D. fewer      
D. lives on    
D. Unluckily         
D. other      
D. makes      
D. so          
D. duty        
D. to protect  
D. themselves  


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

    New China received a great gift on September 29,2011—the successful launch (发射) of Tiangong-I.
Scientists sent the country's first space lab module (太空实验舱) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch
Center in Gansu into space at 9:16 pm on Thursday.
     The Tiangong-I is a new spacecraft made by China. It's bigger and heavier than Shenzhou
spaceships, about 8 tons. It is 10.4 meters tall, as high as a 3-story building.
     The Tiangong-I spacecraft will stay 350km above the Earth for two years. It will join with three
spaceships, Shenzhou VIII, Shenzhou IX and Shenzhou X. The Shenzhou VIII spaceship, also
unmanned, was launched in early November. Scientists will launch Shenzhou IX and Shenzhou X in
2012. Astronauts will enter Tiangong-I after successsfully joining their ships with the module. The
Shenzhou X will be China's 6th manned spacecraft. It may carry the first woman astronaut into space.
     The launch of the Shenzhou spaceships and the Tiangong-I are all in preparation for building China's
space station. The space lab and future space station are for experiments that can't be done on Earth.
The main purpose of China's manned space station is to peacefully explore space, and through it, serve
man," One of the scientists said.
1. When did the scientists send the Tiangong-I into space?
A. On September 29, 2012.
B. On Octobert 3, 2011.
C. On September 29, 2011.
D. On Octobert 3, 2011.
2. How many spaceships will the Tiangong-I join?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.
3. What is the Chinese meaning for the underlined word "preparation"?
A. 探测
B. 项目
C. 计划
D. 准备
4. What's the main purpose (目的) of China's manned space station?  
A. To explore space and serve man.  
B. To join with three spaceships.  
C. To do experiments in the Tiangong-I in the future.  
D. To carry the first woman astronaut into space.


科目: 来源:山东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Do you like English? Do you think it's easy to learn English well? It's not difficult for student to learn some
English words, but it's a little hard to speak English well and write good sentences and articles.
     When you speak English or write English sentences, it's important for you to follow the rules (规则) for
word order. If you put words in wrong order, others will not understand you. When you change (改变) the
order of the English words, the meaning of the sentence changes. But sometimes the meaning doesn't change.
For example.
     "I have already finished my work." means almost the same as"Already I have finished my work."
     But do you think the following two sentences have the same meaning?
     "I can only do this.""Only I can do this." So when you are studying a language you should try your best to
master its spirit. Then you can use it freely.
1. It's ________ to learn some English words.
A. easy
B. very easy
C. difficult
D. very difficult
2. It's ________ to speak good English.
A. easy
B. a little hard
C. too hard
D. interesting
3. If you want others to understand you correctly, you should ________.
A. speak more slowly
B. be proud of yourself
C. have confidence in yourself
D. speak good English
4. If you put the words in different orders,________.
A. the meaning of the sentences is sure different
B. nobody can understand you
C. the meaning of the sentences may be different
D. all people Call follow you without any misunderstanding(误解)
5. In the passage,"master the spirit of a language " means"________" in Chinese.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Do you know why different animals or pests(昆虫) have their colors? They have the colors mainly to protect
     Some birds like eating locusts(蝗虫),but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change
their colors together with the change of the colors of crops(庄稼).When crops are green, locusts look green. But
as the harvest(收获)time comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have.Some pests with different
colors from plants are usually in danger because others can easily find and eat them.So they have to hide themselves
for lives and appear only at night.
     (18)If you study the animal life,you'll find that the main use of colors for animals and pests is to protect themselves.
Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. Hunters cannot easily find them because they have the
colors much like the trees.
     Do you ever find an even more strange act? (19)A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid
(液体) when they are in danger.
While the liquid spreads over(散开),their enemies(敌人)cannot find them. And they
can swim away easily.
1. How can pests with different colors from plants protect themselves?
2. Why can bears and lions keep safe?
5. Which is the best title for this passage?
A. The Change of Colors for Animals and Pests
B. Colors of Different Animals and Pests
C. The Main Use of Colors for Animals and Pests
D. Some Animals and Pests


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

        (1) Some people want to be shot into space after their death, others want to lie deep under the sea. But most people want to go into the freezer (冷藏库).These are believers in cryogenics (低温冷冻学).
        (2) Now some diseases can't be cured, but they may be cured sometime in the future. So some people
hope that their bodies can be frozen after they die. When a cure is found, warm up his or her body, bring it back
to life and take the cure. (3) Once the body is frozen, it is kept in liquid nitrogen (液态氮) at a temperature of
degrees below zero.
        Now around a thousand people are going to take cryogenic treatment (处理), though most scientists say it
won't work. If we freeze huge creatures (生物) like humans, every one of their cells (细胞) will be broken. Can
they be brought back to life in the future?
1. 根据(1)处完成同义句(每空一词)。
    Some people want to be shot into space after ______  ______.
2. 根据(2)处完成下面句子(每空一词)。 
    Now              can't              some diseases
3. 将(3)处译成汉语。


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     These strategies(策略) will help you  learn how to take  tests and show what you know. MULTIPLE
     Mark the best answer from a list of choices for a multiple-choice test.
     1.Read  Test  Directions(说明) Carefully.  Directions  tell  what  you  need  to do. Words like best,
always, only, all, and never will help you find the correct answer. Sentences with those words are usually
not true.
     2.Plan Your Time. Pass over hard questions. If you have time, you can go back to them later.
     3.Read Items(题干)Again. If you are not sure about an answer,  read the item again. Think about
all the answer choices. Which one seems best?
     In a short-answer test, write a word, a group of words, or a sentence to answer a question. Look for
key words like who or what that tell you what to write in the answer.
     For a passage-writing test, write one or more paragraphs to answer one question.
     1.Study the Item and Key Words. Read the question twice or more. Look for key words that tell
you exactly what to do. You might see prompts(提示)like these:
     2.Plan Your Answer. Think about the key words and the topic. Write everything you know about
the topic on a piece of your own paper. This can help you organize(组织)your writing.
     3.Write the Passage. Use the words in the prompts to write a beginning. Then use what you know
about the topic to write your passage.
     Write a topic sentence for each paragraph.
     Write the important information in the body.
     Read your passage before you hand it in.
     You may try these strategies in today's test. We hope you'll have a great success. Good luck!
1.How many kinds of tests are talked about in the passage?
2.When you take a short-answer test, you should ________.
A.write words to answer a question
B.circle the best answer from choices
C.write some paragraphs for a question
D.underline right sentences in a passage
3.While you are taking any of the tests, you should think carefully about ________.
A.key words  
B.each paragraph
C.every choice  
D.topic sentences
4.In the passage, the writer mainly wants ________.
A.to show us the differences between the tests
B.to help us to learn how to do well in tests
C.to teach us how to find the key words in the items
D.to introduce the ways to choose the best answers


科目: 来源:0113 月考题 题型:阅读理解

Name           Personal Information
Fei Junlong ·Born in 1965 in Jiangsu, China
·An astronaut (宇航员)
·Traveled in Shenzhou VI in outer space with Nie Haisheng from October
   12th to October 17th , 2005
Yao Ming ·Born in Shanghai in 1980
·The son of two great basketball players
·Joined the Houston Rockets in November, 2002
Zhou Jielun ·Born in 1979 in Taiwan, China
·A popular singer
·Favorite music: Hip-Hop
Alfred Nobel
·Born in Sweden
·A scientist
·Known as the Nobel Prizes
Helen Keller
·Not able to see or hear
·Worked hard and became one of the famous women writers in America
·Wrote a lot, such as The Story of My Life
1.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng traveled in outer space for              days.
[     ]
2.Yao Ming's parents were great             players before.
[     ]
3.The             was born in 1833.
[     ]
4.The Story of My Life is the name of a            .
[     ]
5.Which of the following is true?
[     ]
A.Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in October, 2002.
B.Zhou Jielun is from Shanghai, China.
C.Alfred Nobel was famous for the Nobel Prizes.
D.Helen Keller could see and hear.

