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科目: 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(湖南益阳卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned (禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.

Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for schools. Several children have got mobile phones from parents and friends as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.

Lucy Bluett, an expert, said mobile phone use was a distraction (分心的事) to students during school hours. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.

She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t call up their children.

Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office.

Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.

1.Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones ______.

A.when they are at home

B.when they are free

C.when they are at school

2.We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from .

A.the makers and sellers

B.the passers-by and strangers

C.their parents and friends

3.What does the underlined word “cheat” mean in the passage?

A.Behave dishonestly.

B.Behave honestly.

C.Behave correctly.

4.Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t ______ during school hours.

A.use their mobile phones

B.call up their children

C.help the teachers with their work

5.The passage tells us that ______.

A.students shouldn’t have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons

B.many people can’t understand why parents would want their children to have phones

C.all parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t use their phones at school


科目: 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(湖南益阳卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Liu Wei is very famous in China because he can play the piano with his toes(脚趾).

One day when Liu Wei was only 10 years old, he played a game with some friends. He lost both his arms because of electricity.

Liu Wei was very sad when both his arms were cut off after the accident. But soon he had to make a choice.

“For people like me, there were only two choices. One was to give up all the dreams, which would cause a quick death. The other was to work hard without arms to live an excellent life.”

says Liu Wei.

Liu Wei’s dream was to be a pianist. He learned to play the piano with his toes. And teaching himself to play the piano with his toes was very hard. Many times he wanted to give up, but his parents went on encouraging him and he wanted to make his parents proud.

Maybe you can not believe that Liu Wei is able to play well only with his toes. The audience(观众) were deeply moved and very excited when they watched his performance.

1.What can Liu Wei play the piano with?

2.How old was Liu Wei when he lost his arms?

3.Was Liu Wei very unhappy when both his arms were cut off?

4.Who encouraged Liu Wei to play the piano?

5.How did the audience feel when they watched Liu’s performance?


科目: 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(湖南益阳卷)英语(解析版) 题型:其他题

The 14-year-old girl Susan Davis is having a party. At this party, there are neither cakes nor candles. There is only a room full of art supplies(供应品)and many kids she never met. And all the kids are homeless.

Susan got the idea last year after her school. She worried that kids who could not afford their own supplies would give up drawing. So she started writing letters to big companies to ask for help. Then the girl received lots of donations(赠品)from some of the biggest art supply companies. Susan collected more than $3000 in supplies, enough to make a home for kids to paint their own watercolors.

By far she’s held three parties. What she did was encouraged by the White House. Susan received the President’s awards(奖赏). Now Susan does it for a different reason— to get the poor kids to enjoy art.


Susan Davis

Feature (特点) of the parties

●No cakes and no1. _______.

●Only a room filled with 2.____ supplies and many kids.

●Hold for homeless kids.

The reason of having the parties

Susan didn’t want the kids to 3._______ drawing.

The way to hold the parties

●She 4. ______ to big companies to ask for help.

●She collected over $ 3000 5. ______.


科目: 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(湖南益阳卷)英语(解析版) 题型:补充句子



A: Hello, Bob. I called you yesterday afternoon, but there was no reply.

B: Sorry, I didn’t take my phone with me.

A: 1.____________________________________?

B: I was in a bookstore.

A: 2._____________________________________?

B: I was choosing some books.

A: 3._____________________________________?

B: Yes, I did. I bought some books about folk stories.

A: Folk stories? I like them very much. 4._______________________________________?

B: Yes. You can borrow one or two from me. But why not buy some for yourself? I can go with you to the bookstore.

A: Good idea. Thank you very much.

B: 5.___________________________________.


科目: 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(湖南益阳卷)英语(解析版) 题型:书面表达


上周五,你们班举行了《我们的梦想》的主题班会,在班会上同学们踊跃发言:有的想成为老师;有的想成为一名警察;有的想当医生……。请你根据下面表格的提示以“Our Dreams”为题,写一篇英语短文,报告这次班会的情况,并谈谈你自己的梦想。



How to make dreams come true

Liu Wei

A teacher

Study education…

Li Ming

A policeman

Do sports every day…

Su Juan

A movie star

Take acting lessons…





Our Dreams

Last Friday, our class held a class meeting about our dreams. Here is my report.


科目: 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(江苏盐城卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

TFBOYS' songs ____ sweet and many of us like listening to them.

A. sound B. feel C. taste D. look


科目: 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(江苏盐城卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--Do you have any plans for this summer vacation?

--I'm not sure. I ___ take a trip to Taiwan.

A. must B. need C. may D. should


科目: 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(江苏盐城卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Daniel, ___ play with the mobile phone while you're walking in the street.

A. don't B. doesn't C. won't D. can't


科目: 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(江苏盐城卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

This photo reminded the old man ___ the days when he was young.

A. with B. for C. by D. of


科目: 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(江苏盐城卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

___ great fun we had in Yandu Park last Sunday!

A. How B. What C. What a D. How a

